WI: Justinian Focuses on Italian Reintegration

Justinian and Bellesarius(?) Are famous for reconquering vast swathes of the old empire, namely italy and north africa, but it bankrupted the empire to do and left them open to Persian and Islamic rushes in relatively short succession.

What if instead, Justinian conquered italy (tbh bringing it back into the fold would easily cement him the glory of augustus) and spent his time and money rebuilding its development, commercial ties to the rest of the empire, etc.

This isnt to imply he didnt work on the economics of the empire otl, but it wasn't his focus. But what if it was?
-maybe no great schism? The pope wouldn't exactly be the strongest italian power ttl
-not bankrupted for the perisans or muslims
-does this localize Islam to arabia or do the camel warriors take to the boats?
-would this keep western polities more cohesive with this massive empire holding land in the dead center of europe and some of the richest parts of it?
Justinius died in 565 at the latest the great shism happened at 1054. So this would have little influence.
What Justinian could have done differently (ignoring any other easy victories (I imagen if italy would have fallen as easy as northern africa, he would have invaded france and if that to fell he would have invaded iberia and if that to fell… You get the picture he was either going to be the greatest ever or he was going to fail at one point or a other.

Honesty trying diplomacy would have been a good option. Italy was rules by Theodahad who famously loved greek philosophy (neoplaonic philosophy). Justinius could have suggested trade, the current (roman) pope would have been saint Celestine 1 who is also revered by the orthodox church for a reason. They could have groomed a next pope and the nobility and yes if Theodahad get's murdered they could have used the pretence to reconquer Italy, but I doubt anyone would have done so if he kept the byzantines at bay. Then it's yust using the larger byzantine economy and Theodahad Philhellenism to dominate italy. This way Justinius or succesors could have hired Gothic warriors to either conquer persia or defend their holdings.
In short Byzantium would dominate western meditaranean culture trough trade (remember faulty communication is a mayor reason why the empire collapsed) Meaning it's probably better if they do not rule it directly. Then it depends if communication technology evolves fasther or if a new center evolves closer probably around the low countries and england and later around the rus baltic. Suggestion better communication technology seems far fetched they would have needed something like Optical telegraph to govern a empire as big as it is. But the byzantine beacon system evolved naturally in the 9th century. So it's a cast of the die. If they also somehow managed the make a suez connection (they do not necesairly need to dig a canal they could have done like the spanish did between Acapulco and veracruz) a well organised panama not-cannal. This would also have promoted standardization. Followed with the conquest of persia they could start colonizing the eastern african coast (Zanzibar and all other muslim provinces). When it's time for the great shism technology could have advanced enough to retake italy and iberia allowing for a other pope in Avignon (france) Byzantium had sort of popes in byzanbtium, antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem (it's sort of a orthodox thing).
Following this imagen them influencing the region of pakistan and going up central asia when the Mongols are gone. India will probably never invade the himalayas will cut them of from China and the winter colds keep everyone away from Siberia (in this time period).
Muscow being a vazzal from the golden horde might become a byzantine vazzal or remain sepperate that colonizes the north and will eventually break free but with even larger orthodox (byzantine) influences.
The break up will probably still be in the 16th century afther the invention of the printing press.
That's my take on it
What if instead, Justinian conquered italy (tbh bringing it back into the fold would easily cement him the glory of augustus) and spent his time and money rebuilding its development, commercial ties to the rest of the empire, etc.

You need to change how the Gothic Wars happen ITTL because Justinian had neither time nor resources for doing that before his death in 565, and the Lombards started to invade Italy only three years later.

Justinian would have needed to conquer Ostrogothic Italy in less time and spending less resources in order to have been able to have enough time and money for an effective rebuilding which had prevented later invasions.