WI Harry Truman assassinated in 1950?

On November 1st 1950, there was an attempt on then-president Harry Truman's life by two Puerto Rican nationalists. It was prevented by poor planning and the heroic action of White House policeman Leslie W. Coffelt.

But what if this assassination was successful? What would the presidency of then-VP Alben William Barkley have been like? Would the Truman administration's corruption scandal still have been uncovered? Would this allow for Adlai Stevenson to become president afterwards, as OTL this was in part what lost him the 1952 election?

IDK too too much about Barkley, but in the end, the Republicans would win the White House in 1952, if not by a closer margin. Ike would probably still choose to run, and the Democrats had controlled the White House for twenty years, so people were ready for a change. I think Democratic fatigue helped lead to Ike's victory in addition to his popularity, the corruption scandals, etc.