WI Cavour had lived another ten years?

Camillo Benso, count of Cavour was the architect of Italian unification. [So I was taught at school in the 1960s, where 19th century Eurpean history was all Bismark and Cavour] Yet he died in 1861 within three months of the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy. Suppose Cavour had lived until, say, 1871? Would he have retained power? How if at all, might Italy have developed differently? Implications for the rest of Europe?
Camillo Benso, count of Cavour was the architect of Italian unification. [So I was taught at school in the 1960s, where 19th century Eurpean history was all Bismark and Cavour] Yet he died in 1861 within three months of the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy. Suppose Cavour had lived until, say, 1871? Would he have retained power? How if at all, might Italy have developed differently? Implications for the rest of Europe?
Pretty unlikely who Cavour living would have caused any difference in developement of Italy...
Well, why did the Italian economy stagnate in the first couple of decades after unification? What would Cavour have done differently that would have lead to a different outcome?