Who would become the first astronaut if Britain launch the first man in space

British plan to send in man in space with a converted V-2 rocket could happen as early as 1951 if it was approved, so who would become the first astronaut in that program?
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When I did it, the first man in space was Vickers' chief test pilot at the time- one Brian Trubshaw. Happening earlier as it did, you're looking at a different generation of pilots and engineers; the first Russian in space would have been Lavochkin's test pilot Mark Gallai.
Both the Soviet Union and the USA concluded that the best persons available for that job were aircraft test pilots because they were allready facing the expected challenges - it was expected that astronauts improvise should anything go wrong, that they keep a cool head in face of stress and during physically taxing tasks, that they are very fit and healthy and that they know and accept the danger and possibility that they're not coming back.
When I did it, the first man in space was Vickers' chief test pilot at the time- one Brian Trubshaw. Happening earlier as it did, you're looking at a different generation of pilots and engineers; the first Russian in space would have been Lavochkin's test pilot Mark Gallai.

Stalin's rocket consist of 2 crews so who's the other pilot?
This guy has my vote, so he has flown everything but an Eagle of Manwë!

And he is little - he puts part of the reason for his surviving on being very small and able to tuck himself into a small ball during an unplanned return to earth

Another option De Havilland does not die ditto Valentine Baker - he survives the MB3 crash (although this might snuff Ejector seat development)
And he is little - he puts part of the reason for his surviving on being very small and able to tuck himself into a small ball during an unplanned return to earth
A very useful attribute.

A little OT but in my EDC the first human to exit the atmosphere using purely human tech[1] in a contraption similar to Megaroc[2] was a small Polish woman test-pilot.

[1] As opposed to via passing aliens, time travellers or scavenged/reverse-engineered alien tech. It Was based on Doctor Who so there was a surprising amount of this going on...

[2] A Polish development based on captured Russian rocketry that happened in 1948 (after the Eurasian War) this kick started the exploration of space by severely annoying the triumphant Germans. But then poking Germany was the function of Poland.


Surely Dan Dare and Digby were the first British astronauts.



Professor Joseph Cavor, Arnold Bedford and Kate Callender in 1899

Professor Joseph Cavor, Arnold Bedford and Kate Callender in 1899

The 1899 Moon landings were faked, you cant see any stars when your on the Moon plus that flag is flapping. It was filmed inside an Icelandic Volcano called Eenamatogroppidufutturskigolfigolfisakksakksakkasakulaadurkiscombsrakksakulahopdudopsdottiafakalakagaakaaaaakkdudoptirrrr using an Edison Electrocinématogravitater machine which Edison stole off Nikola Tesla.