Who would be leader of a monarchist Estonia?

If Estonian Indepdence Moviment choosed Monarchy(ignoring the republican fellings at population) or if some country enforced it

Who would be the most Legitimate or possible to be King/Queen of Estonia

Info:UDB doesn't Count as Estonia
I think a pre 1900 POD is needed. None of the new states formed after WW1 in Europe was a monarchy, and as far as am I aware no party in the newly independent Estonia was interested in establishing one.
I think a pre 1900 POD is needed. None of the new states formed after WW1 in Europe was a monarchy, and as far as am I aware no party in the newly independent Estonia was interested in establishing one.
Lets ignore this part and talk about the monarch,what monarch would be likely to be choosen/legitimate?
I think a pre 1900 POD is needed. None of the new states formed after WW1 in Europe was a monarchy
I mean, Yugoslavia was a monarchy, as was Hungary, technically, but you're right that OP is struggling against the current. The only way I can really think of to do this with a post-WWI POD would be to go the interwar Albania route and have Konstantin Pats or some other dictator declare himself king. I dunno how long it would last, though, even if you managed to prevent Molotov-Ribbentrop and Soviet annexation more generally.
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Given this is an extremely unlikely scenario, let's have som fun with it.

Now, the only people who've called themselves Dukes of Estonia the last 200 years or so by 1900 are the Romanovs, since Estonia is probably getting independence from Russia, it's unlikely they choose a Romanov prince. Could perhaps work if they are content with being a vassal state of Russia, but unlikely.

Now, except for the Russian Tsars, only two European royal families have claimed the title "Duke of Estonia", Sweden and Denmark. Sweden officially abolished the title in the 17th century, and they have since changed ruling dynasty completely. Denmark never technically gave up their claim to the Duchy and sporadically used the title even after they lost all of Estonia in 1346. So maybe a Danish prince?

How about Prince Valdemar?


Not only a smashing good looking fellow, but also the only of Christian IX's children that isn't/has been either the ruler or consort of a foreign country. He is also named Valdemar, which is the same name as the Danish King which conquered Estonia in the 13th century, receiving the Dannebrog flag near modern Tallin, where it's also the city's symbol. Why not make him King/Duke?

Again, not at all realistic, but perhaps a bit fun.


Gone Fishin'
Had the Central Powers won, would Germany annex Estonia or create a German backed puppet state, and could said puppet state have a German Monarch?
If Estonian Indepdence Moviment choosed Monarchy(ignoring the republican fellings at population) or if some country enforced it

Who would be the most Legitimate or possible to be King/Queen of Estonia

Info:UDB doesn't Count as Estonia
If a monarchal restoration is achieved, the option for a king is two-fold: a native Estonian monarchy or a foreign monarch (perhaps the House of Windsor or Hohenzollern?). The native option is highly unlikely (outside of a hereditary dictatorship), but the foreign option may be more palatable to outside royalty, especially once the War of Independence ended and the Soviet Union recognized Estonian independence. The foreign option could have some consequences down the line; if the Windsor option is taken, then the British may be less inclined to let the Soviets annex Estonia, but there is very little the British could do at that point on account of the current war against the Third Reich—save for some noisier diplomatic protests.
The Estonian "folk memory" tended to look back on Swedish rule with a bit more fondness than they did Danish rule... though admittedly by the 20th Cent there's a lack of a good Swedish candidate. I'm leaning toward the Prince Valdemar - Danish option above...
Had the Central Powers won, would Germany annex Estonia or create a German backed puppet state, and could said puppet state have a German Monarch?
Don't think in 1918 they ever considered Estonia separately from the UBD... maybe if Estonian unity with the UBD proved umm.. problematic, they'd hand it over to Friedrich Karl's Kingdom of Finland? I'm sure that would cause the Bolsheviks no worries at all :)
The Estonian "folk memory" tended to look back on Swedish rule with a bit more fondness than they did Danish rule... though admittedly by the 20th Cent there's a lack of a good Swedish candidate. I'm leaning toward the Prince Valdemar - Danish option above...
The Estonians look back at the Grand Duchy of Estonia which was a part of the Swedish Empire as their golden era. The Swedes cut the local German elite ruthlessly and instead did encourage Estonian literature and culture.
What about this guy. Otl third in line for the Swedish crown.
View attachment 604870
Seems like a possibility... about a good age for it (34-ish...)... Would he have wanted the job though? Estonia was/is in a rather precarious position, strategically speaking... Also, how would the neutral Swedes (or the Danes, for that matter) feel about sending one of their own into such a situation?
Best chance would be with CP victory and on some reason Germans decides form kingdoms of Estonia and Latvia instead United Baltics Duchy. But this seems bit unlikely. There is not historic reasons do that when Estonia and Latvia hadn't any historic reason to be independent kingdoms. But on such case monarch would be from Germany.

I don't know how strong monarchist movement was there after WW1. But after WW1 monarch probably would come from Sweden. Entente is not going allow German king.

Probably implausible if not ASB but could leader of Estonia Konstantin Päts declare himself as king? Altough that probably still would end withing Soviet occupation.

After Estonia re-gained independence in 1991, there was some talks about Swidhs king but it is almost ASB.
If Estonian Indepdence Moviment choosed Monarchy(ignoring the republican fellings at population) or if some country enforced it

Who would be the most Legitimate or possible to be King/Queen of Estonia

Info:UDB doesn't Count as Estonia

Lets say after the collapse of the Tsar in 1917, Estonia declares independence. They quickly want to integrate into Scandinavia, the logical thing to do would be to select a king from a neighbouring royal house. That is exactly what Norway did in 1905. Norwegians were not overtly monarchist but they saw the value in their country being tied to its neighbours and maintaining good relations, which was symbolised by selecting a King who was half Danish and half Swedish.
Estonia's desire has always been to be part of Scandinavia (albeit as an independent country), rather than as a vassal of Russia, so choosing a Swedish or Danish prince would have been helpful in solidifying those ties with its preferred neighbours.
There were plenty of Danish and Swedish princes around at the time. An obvious candidate would be Harald of Denmark, son of Frederik VIII of Denmark. He was half Swedish (his mother would have been Queen Regnant of Sweden had it allowed female succession) and was also the brother of Haakon VII of Norway (and Christian X of Denmark).
Had the Finns chosen a Swedish or Danish prince rather than a German prince in 1918, Finland would be a monarchy today.
Since im from estonia but was to young to know much about 91 , but the important people in politics were republicans.

For ww1 end pod , as said there were two choices , the central powers create a independent freindly kingdom from a minor royalist member as condition seems the most realistic pod .
I think we wouldnt have maybe minded a swedish prince cause we remember the swedish rule alot more fondly than the russian rule back then for international relations maybe . And i do agree that we try to be a scandinavian country rather former ussr country that most of east europe got labeled as so thats why i think a swedish prince seems most likely and if not them being interested with slight interest in the denmark option . Also we didnt like germans and actually had a war of sorts to drive out the german minority when we gained independence .

He would basicly fulfill the role the president does currently i guess ? Wich isnt big at all , its mostly diplomacy and cultural stuff only and barely any politics otherwise outside the election cycle more or less .
Since im from estonia but was to young to know much about 91 , but the important people in politics were republicans.

For ww1 end pod , as said there were two choices , the central powers create a independent freindly kingdom from a minor royalist member as condition seems the most realistic pod .
I think we wouldnt have maybe minded a swedish prince cause we remember the swedish rule alot more fondly than the russian rule back then for international relations maybe . And i do agree that we try to be a scandinavian country rather former ussr country that most of east europe got labeled as so thats why i think a swedish prince seems most likely and if not them being interested with slight interest in the denmark option . Also we didnt like germans and actually had a war of sorts to drive out the german minority when we gained independence .

He would basicly fulfill the role the president does currently i guess ? Wich isnt big at all , its mostly diplomacy and cultural stuff only and barely any politics otherwise outside the election cycle more or less .
I Think "former ussr" label as more sense and less insultic,snice intermarium/former ussr = more conservative and eurosceptic and nordics = socialism/social democracy and islamic invasion(this includes european men that convert to islam to flee from western progessism)
I Think "former ussr" label as more sense and less insultic,snice intermarium/former ussr = more conservative and eurosceptic and nordics = socialism/social democracy and islamic invasion(this includes european men that convert to islam to flee from western progessism)
And Estonia should label uralic if this is the problem


Monthly Donor
I Think "former ussr" label as more sense and less insultic,snice intermarium/former ussr = more conservative and eurosceptic and nordics = socialism/social democracy and islamic invasion(this includes european men that convert to islam to flee from western progessism)
You REALLY need to clarify the second half of this post.

Like right away.