When the Tudor Roses are plentiful

10. Epiphany 1534
Francis I, King of France leaned back into his comfortable chair with a satisfied smirk on his lips.

The Trouble in England was developing rather excellent and the involvement of the English King's first wife and the Spanish ambassador in the attack upon the Boleyn family had also made sure that the damn emperor would also be involved now in the English trouble.

For one short moment Francis thought about the really intelligent and quite promising Italian Priest who he had sent to England many months ago and who had sadly fallen to the Tudor's revenge. Oh well, thought the King of France to himself, without this Priest he wouldn't have managed to get Chapuys involved and without Chapuys, Catherine of Aragorn would not have become involved into this quite entertaining pandemonium.
This all was really worth to let die one excellent and promising Italian Priest and his Irish companion under the English torture.

Chapuys was now imprisoned in the Tower, how that must anger the damn arrogant Spaniards.

And the holier-than-thou former Queen was now under arrest and watched by the Duke of Richmond, who had lost his own wife during the attack.

Francis would have loved to see her arrogant face now, being the prisoner of the bastard of her Husband.

She wouldn't be as haughty now, as she once had been at the Field of Gold.

All in all, thought the King of France to himself, it all went better than he had hoped for many months ago, when he had planned this all with his oldest son, as a way to get back at the damn Spaniards for all they had done to him and his sons and also to make the damn English less arrogant.
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That is not too much for Francis? Revenge on the Spanish is one thing but attacking the English another...

Nobody knows that Francis is behind Catherine's and Chapuys's helpers though.

He had just wanted to get back at the Spanish and stick a bit treason to them, he hadn't known what Catalina would do with some new possibilities and helpers and that she then thought that her husband must be freed from devils and witches to come back to her, but he is absolutely satisfied with how it all had turned out to his favor in the end, at least how he sees it.
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:eek: Who? Me?? Nooooo..

:pensive:Henry might sadly not agree though....
The thing with elaborate plans like this is that they have a habit of exploding in peoples' faces, so Francis shouldn't be overly self-congratulatory right now. If Henry finds out, Francis could very well end up toast...
11. Richmond II
For three weeks now, he had watched the woman who had once been Queen and wife of his father, till said father declared their marriage for wrong and had undone it and then married his second wife, the current Queen Anne, who had given him his longed for heirs.

For three weeks now this woman, this first wife of his father was in his custody.

He wanted to hate her so much and he did hate her for what happened to his wife and how she had always openly dismissed him as his father's, her husband's bastard who was treated better than he deserved, but his hate was not as burning or complete as it should be.

For he felt pity for her too. Not much of course, but this tiny bit of pity for how she had fallen, was there in his mind and his heart.

His father had loved this woman once, had loved their daughter, his half-sister once and even before this woman had become Queen of England, she had been of royal blood, the daughter of two Royal Houses.

And now, now she had fallen so low, even though she was still holding herself up like a Queen and behaved as it had been good, as if she had been in the right to let murderers fulfill her plans.

Henry Fitzroy watched her telling the Lord Cromwell that all the deaths had been necessary to free her beloved husband from the witchery of the Boleyns, who were all devil worshippers. Catherine of Aragorn was holding herself up, was behaving herself as if she was at Court like once and as if Cromwell would do well to heed her words as Queen.

The Duke of Richmond forced himself to stay quiet as he was watching Cromwell leading the former Queen ever deeper into her selfmade Trap.

She was such an intelligent and wellspoken woman, always had been, way more than the King was and Richmond loved his father dearly but he could admit that easily, at least to himself.

But as intelligent the former Queen was, Cromwell was it too and he was sharper, crueler and without pity. He was like a Bloodhound, he found every little mistake the Aragonese made and where there were none, he had been asking in such a cruel and nearly rude way, that the former Queen had finally shown cracks in her smooth and noble behavior.

And now she was talking about witchery and devil worshippers and while there were serious accusations, her reasoning about the Boleyns having been such, were clearly wishful or spiteful thinking, spoken so because of Anne Boleyn having become the new wife of Henry Tudor and thus Queen and then have given birth to the blessed four babes.

The way Cromwell was spurning Catherine of Aragorn on in her rambling, the way he was carefully but tireless leading her into her own complete downfall, it was, well it was really unbelievable.

Henry Fitzroy was watching with a bit sadness, a tiny bit pity but also with immense satisfaction, how the proud former Queen Catherine was as good as freely admitting full treachery against her former husband and her wish that the new Queen and her babes had died with the rest of the Boleyns.

And Cromwell was still without pity. He gave Catherine of Aragorn still no rest till she signed her words.

It was madness, thought Henry Fitzroy to himself. Pure madness which had let her to confess and admit such horrible things. Of course he wasn't doubting her plans against father's second wife and the babes, but that she said so, was telling it so openly now, let Fitzroy believe that she maybe had the same sickness of her mind as her oldest sister was rumored to have.

This would be the former Queen's complete downfall and Henry Fitzroy knew that his father would see it as his absolute right to end his former wife's life.
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Loved how Fitzroy, she don't hate her, just pity a former shell of a person, dead is even mercy
Well, a lot of hate is still there of course, he lost his wife after all and he had really liked her. It is just that he is surprised by himself that he also feels pity for Catherine.
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Hmm...would the French attack the Boleyns though? François knew Anne, her sister, and her father. They could be his biggest advocates in England now, forget about getting back at the Spanish.
Hmm...would the French attack the Boleyns though? François knew Anne, her sister, and her father. They could be his biggest advocates in England now, forget about getting back at the Spanish.
Francis didn't know that Catherine would use the helpers for such a thing though.

He had sent the Italian Priest and with him the Irish one too, to stir up a bit of trouble between Carlos and Henry and wanted to do that by the use of his two priests as escape helper for Catherine. That would have brought trouble for the former Queen and thus stired the shit between Spain and England.

The priests were not meant to help Catherine to hire assassins. At least Francis hadn't planned such a thing. And he hadn't known that Catherine had snapped after the birth of the quadruplets and saw herself as the one who had to free Henry VIII from devils and witches.

Just because it went more crazy than he had hoped and planned for though, it doesn't mean that Francis can't enjoy the madness which now follows, right?
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This is going to break Mary's heart. Saddest thing, if she wants to live, she's going to have to repudiate her mother...
Francis didn't know that Catherine would use the helpers for such a thing though.

He had sent the Italian Priest and with him the Irish one too, to stir up a bit of trouble between Carlos and Henry and wanted to do that, by the use of his two priests as escape helper for Catherine. That would have brought trouble for the former Queen and thus stired the shit between Spain and England.

The priests were not meant to help Catherine to hire assassins. At least Francis hadn't planned such a thing. And he hadn't known that Catherine had snapped after the birth of the quadruplets and saw herself as the one who had to free Henry VIII from devils and witches.

Just because it went more crazy than he had hoped and planned for though, it doesn't mean that Francis can't enjoy the madness which now follows, right?
Ah, so François did not not plan to attack the Boleyns. Good, that would be a poor move on his part. But gosh...poor Mary. Hope she makes it out of this with her life and her sanity.
Francis didn't know that Catherine would use the helpers for such a thing though.

He had sent the Italian Priest and with him the Irish one too, to stir up a bit of trouble between Carlos and Henry and wanted to do that, by the use of his two priests as escape helper for Catherine. That would have brought trouble for the former Queen and thus stired the shit between Spain and England.

The priests were not meant to help Catherine to hire assassins. At least Francis hadn't planned such a thing. And he hadn't known that Catherine had snapped after the birth of the quadruplets and saw herself as the one who had to free Henry VIII from devils and witches.

Just because it went more crazy than he had hoped and planned for though, it doesn't mean that Francis can't enjoy the madness which now follows, right?
Oh, fine then... Francis can not be held responsible of what Catalina has done with the rope he had sent her for hanging herself... He had just chosen the wrong people for the job...
Yes, best wishes and hopes for poor Mary.:closedtongue:

I am sure her father will be fair to her though, right?
I honestly don't think so. Like I said above, Mary is old enough that her involvement could easily be suspected. Plus, Anne is always going to view Mary as a threat to her children and there's no way that Henry isn't drinking that poison ITTL.

I don't think Henry would go so far as to have his own daughter executed (though Anne would surely want it), but I could see Mary being confined (either in the Tower or elsewhere) for the rest of her life.
Dear heavens, do you think of Henry as such a bad father that he would punish Mary for something that her mother had done ? :eek::eek:
At this point, in regards to Mary, yes...she's 16 years old, for all Henry knows she could've been involved in the plot herself.

Yes, best wishes and hopes for poor Mary.:closedtongue:

I am sure her father will be fair to her though, right?
As soon Mary will start to talk she will force her father to reclude her rover in the Tower, unless she do not change mind overnight and destroyed all the letters of her mother, and the only things she said were her acceptance of Anne as Queen, her half-siblings as the legitimate heirs of Henry and herself as bastard, followed by signing the Oath...