What Should Be the Ideal Size of Germany?


My answer: Nazi German borders before the annexation of czechia + Danzig + elsab lothringen (Alsace Lorraine) + germa. Switzerland + Lichtenstein + Netherlands + German Belgium and Luxembourg.

Basically all German speaking areas as well as the polish corridor.
My answer: Nazi German borders before the annexation of czechia + Danzig + elsab lothringen (Alsace Lorraine) + germa. Switzerland + Lichtenstein + Netherlands + German Belgium and Luxembourg.

Basically all German speaking areas as well as the polish corridor.

What about Austria? You included Liechtenstein...


What about Austria? You included Liechtenstein...

Austria was annexed by Nazi germany before the sudentland crisis never mind Danzig/polish war.

EDIT: maybe I can try getting the Czechs to fully germanize too. Or is that too Nazi :p

Germany in this timeline is also a loose federation ideally.


I'm confused, you want all of the German speaking parts of Europe outside of those in Transylvania, Russia and the Sudetenland united? :confused:

I want sudentland as part of Germany as well actually. The other stuff is true though no Volga Germans in my Reich :p
Either a Holy Roman Empire that never breaks up after Charlemagne, in which he has only one son, and is very effective at teaching him to be a great leader. Thus, no animosity between the Franks and Saxons, as the Germanics are united. Eventually they conquer OTL Prussia (1871), Northern Poland, the Baltic Republic's, the Netherlands Scnadinavia. Eventually Italy is conquered, but the Caliphate holds Spain, and Sardinia. This leads the Pope to re-declare the West Roman Empire, causing a lot of friction with Byzantium, as they view themselves as the TRUE Roman Empire now after the West fell.

An 1848 German Empire, that absorbs Austria-Tyrol, Schleiswig-Holstein, Elsace-Lorraine, Eastern France, and allies with Russia during WW1, because they give Russia a free hand in the Balkans, resulting in German victory. The other one I would like to consider, is when Prussia first revolted against the Poles, to have them in Personal Union with Russia, and conquer OTL 1914 Germany-Poland 1938-and Russia 1914 with Alaska. Do not know how I would do that of course.

For the furthest extent of a Germanic kingdom, I would say 1914 Germany, West Poland, Austria-Tyrol, East and North France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Lichenstein, Kievian Rus, Archangelsk, Karelia Peninsula, Scandinavis, and North Italy. This would be the uber German Empire.
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pre WWI borders at least... the Slavs have way too much territory in Europe in my opinion. We need more Germans! :)

P.S. what do the Slavs call themselves? I'm guessing that they don't like that name very much for obvious reasons
pre WWI borders at least... the Slavs have way too much territory in Europe in my opinion. We need more Germans! :)

P.S. what do the Slavs call themselves? I'm guessing that they don't like that name very much for obvious reasons

Slavi Peoples:confused::confused::confused: I dunno:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Te stuff in Italics is strongly seconded. The Russians have way to much land. Germany needs more!:D
Germany after WWI IMHO. It looks nice, still large but also small at the same time, and held all the native Germans who really wanted to remain in Germany. :)
The borders of the German empire after Bismark+Luxembourg+ethnically German parts of Switzerland, the Netherlands and Austria Hungary(except for those ethnically German parts that would not be contiguous with the core).


I do 't get why some people here think that german is spoken in the netherlands and belgium:confused:
For me it`s the pre-WWI borders and maybe Luxemburg in the west and post-Munich borders (Austria, the Sudetenland) with Danzig, South Tyrol and Odenburg in the east and south. Perhaps a few minor adjustments here and there, but the Corridor stays in Polish hands and Northern Schlesvig (sp?) stays in Danish hands.
I love countries that correspond to their (at least contiguous) ethnic borders. But Swiss Germans have had an identity for a long time and Austrians don't want to be German anymore so the current borders are fine.

Wanking it a tad:
With a PoD after 1945: present-day Germany + Austria + South Tyrol + German-speaking bits of Belgium. I'm not saying it's easy to achieve.
With a PoD after 1918: Weimar Germany + Austria + South Tyrol + German-speaking bits annexed by Belgium + Danzig. Sudetenland optional, I'd prefer to see them well integrated in Czechoslovakia because I wouldn't like a rump Czechia.
With a PoD in the 19th century: loose federation of states that includes the above + Luxembourg, Alsace, a bit more of West Prussia, German cantons of Switzerland (double federal membership anyone? :D), Bohemia-Moravia and perhaps even Slovenia (the last two with special statuses).
Slav is a Slavic word. I think the root is sl-w, and it is an ethnonym in many Slavic languages. It's the Western Europeans that have the problem.

Of course... it's because of all those centuries of slave trade to the Arabic word through vikings and kingdoms in western Europe that the name of the people slowly became a synonym for slaves, there is no way it'd happen the other way around

I know it came out wrong, but what I'm really thinking is whether they adopted/had a different name for themselves, since large ethnic groups typically have several, although one is the most used and common.
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United States of America friend? (Louisiana, Oregon, Alaska)

The original thirteen except maybe Pennsylvania (and even there, probably somewhat), California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas - yes I count this as "one degree or another" even without the Texas Revolution counting for "the USA", the Great American Desert (Kansas, Nebraska...)...
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