Wake up babe, new Meat Mountain Ranch trailer just dropped.

In all seriousness, I CRAVE to write about MMR now. I have to bitterly control myself from just writing random tangents. lmao

We were asked some time ago what our favorite quote from these stories were. I gave much more long-winded, high-minded answer then, but I think

takes the cake.

I have many favorite lines I have created, but I was laughing thinking about this one from the Masonic Purge chapter in The Union Forever:

"When you know the jimmy-joe you're beatin' is a no-good Un-American barrel boarder, I think you just let Jesus take the wheel."
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"All Hail and Welcome Patriot Comrades to your new home. Whether you are here for business, pleasure or settlement, the Southern Hemisphere Development Corporation thanks you in advance for coming. Before and during your trip you might have heard many stories regarding the Development Zone, therefore the SHDC, in cooperation with ORRA, NUSANG, the Army, Navy and Aeroforce have published this magazine of useful tips and information free for your use. We have included several empty pages at the back of the magazine for your notes. Keep this magazine with you for assistance.


Before you landed you may have been briefed about the Safety Light System and seen it in multiple places. This system was developed by ORRA, NUSANG and the Military for the safety of the public. Make sure to pay attention to any Emergency broadcasts on your local Talkiebox or Televizor stations along with the Emergency Siren. When you have time, locate your local Shelter in your neighborhood, Church and workplace and have plans ready for you and your family in case of an Natural Disaster or Emergency. These Shelters will have weapons, medical supplies and food for up to several hundred people. If you have military experience, first aid and weapons experience it is important for you to be ready. Plan Ahead!


These areas are similar to the towns, cities and states you left up North but with some minor differences. One is the Safety Signal system, the other is that you will see more Guard and heavily armed military patrols. This is for your safety. If stopped by Guard or a military patrol make sure to have your ID Card ready and to follow all directions. Keep your hands away from any firearms to prevent accidents.


These areas are currently under development and are more sparsely populated. People with a more independent streak live here and are more brusque than what you may be used to. However, many people in the Yellow Zones are helpful to their neighbors and total strangers in Emergencies and tough times. Many friendships and relationships began under these circumstances. It is important to keep your Talkiebox and Videovizer on at all times and in good repair for important information. You also need to make sure any firearms are also in good working order. Your local Guard office will conduct twice yearly inspections to assist you. Failure to keep maintenance of communication equipment or weapons can lead to fines, jail or expulsion.


These areas have been slated for future development. Due to their untamed nature and population entry is prohibited unless cleared by ORRA or a Military Branch and must include a Licensed Guide. Before hiring a guide make sure to check all necessary paperwork and licenses. Before entry you may be required to take a mandatory training course provided by ORRA. Failure to follow these guidelines can lead to death, prison or expulsion.

While this is just a few tips, remember that Knowledge is Half the Battle. Good Luck!

Welcome Wagon Magazine is trademarked by the Southern Hemisphere Development Corporation (1960) and cannot be used without permission. Please use responsibly.
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Well, NUSAMP makes sense and is pronounceable, but it just doesn't have the lowbrow humor value of RUMP. Perhaps that's why Oswald ordered them to keep the old name.
IIRC NUSANG (NUSA National Guard) existed, (either in expanded universe or 1.0). Oswald, however, may have thought of "RUMP" as a funny name and kept it (with NUSANG as a separate organization).
I loveeeeee that. Man I can't wait to get to that era.

Minimal spoilers but RUMP will once again become NUSANG, although under somewhat different circumstances.
I'm rereading After the End of the World and a cult sacrifice is giving me super strong Madness vibes, they all just seem so bored with their human sacrifices and they're so desensitized it comes off as a tedious but necessary chore
I'm rereading After the End of the World and a cult sacrifice is giving me super strong Madness vibes, they all just seem so bored with their human sacrifices and they're so desensitized it comes off as a tedious but necessary chore
It's book two in Jonathan Howard's Carter & Lovecraft series if anybody's interested, the first one was a Mythos detective story but this one is an espionage thriller set in an alternate history.
I recommend reading my series in the extended universe thread, it covers the BU in the Pinnacle Future era, however, it doesn’t switch the situations of OTL Britain and Ireland.

Will do.

What Madness is This, Volume III: The Pinnacle Thatcher

You kid, but seriously, coked up cyberfunk Pinnie BU being forced by the iron will of Director Thatcher into the modern age with a purge of the crumbling jackboot-and-monocle-era NatPar party infrastructure would be a sight to behold. Also, has a surprising amount of parallels to OTL developments elsewhere in American-influenced regimes - South Korea, for one - and I can't be the only thinking the BU blaring Pinnacle-ised 80s power pop over the Irish border at all times would be both hilariously petty and in character. :D
Sorry LOOMIES, PAPISTS, AND FUNDIES, but THIS is what Corea (and Carolina) wants!





Would Santa still wear red and white without Coca Cola?
In Murica1776’s contributions on Carolina in the expanded universe thread, I believe that the Cokie equivalent of Santa Father Abe is Jolly Joshua, who wore green and Scottish tartan. That said, not hard to imagine Corea putting their own local spin on Jolly Joshua. Maybe one year green material was hard to come by so they improvised with reds and thus Coreamas was born
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Sorry LOOMIES, PAPISTS, AND FUNDIES, but THIS is what Corea (and Carolina) wants!






Well, now I have to give a proper Britannic answer. :D

From the Britannic Broadcasting Corporation, a new documentary - A Very Britannic Holiday: Festive Celebrations of Cromwellsmas Throughout The Decades (Purespeak Translation Forthcoming).


As you can see from the low quality of the photograph, dear viewer, this picture was taken in the late 1800s - after the Revolution that brought the truths of Fundamentalism to our island home and scoured it of the usurping monarchist running-dogs, but before Director Churchill and Patriot-Saint Ramsay restored the unity of the home of our Anglo-Saxon race. In it, a proud functionary of our proletarian fascist democracy stands in gentle embrace with his wife and solidarity with his children before a Victory Shrub, commemorating both the fluids of Britannic heroes past and the National Purification brought forth by the Revolution - sponsored, of course, by our generous American benefactors over the pond. The tradition of the Victory Shrub, naturally, hearkens back to ancient Pinnacle celebrations of midwinter by our Germanic ancestors, and was revived in the days following the Revolution when our glorious forebearers discovered a fine spruce fir in the palace of the Traitor-Queen, which they took as a totem of our victory over the Bonapartist efforts to sap our fluids and transmogrify us into a servant race - an effort doomed to failure both by our own wills, and by the forces of our Pinnacle brothers-in-arms, who rendered aid to their Britannic kinfolk and in so doing hastened our liberation from Irish-Europan-type genetic sabotage. Now, every Cromwellsmas, we rally around the Shrub as our forebearers did the flag and our fathers did NatPar in the glorious unification of the Pinnacle peoples of our Union, channelling the essence of that most glorious of Britons as the Americans do with their own forefathers.


Here we see a colour-restored photograph of two recently orphaned converts from the defunct creed of Anglicanism to the Church of Britannia in the Great War, praying before the Victory Shrub of their local Sin Reduction Zone so as to maximise the worth of their prayers in the eyes of Jehovah Almighty. Beneath it, as was custom at the time before the invention of the Penitence Sales that transfer such useless apparatuses and the sin they contain to NatPar families equipped to withstand their spiritual torments, they leave their most frivolous possessions behind as tribute to Jehovah. It is believed that such acts of soul-cleansing piety - in addition to the generosity of our American allies - did much to fortify the fluids of our sceptred isles and aid in the reclamation of Ulster, as Jehovah rewarded our communal sacrifice with the restoration of Ulster to our Anglo-Saxon fatherland and the Pinnacle Race as a whole. The doll, and all other effects deposited, were duly burned, and while the children did cry in the moment, their immortal souls were surely saved by their hard but necessary sacrifice that day.


While it is always important to focus on the family - that miniscule yet all-important organelle of the Pinnacle Race - at this time of year, we would be doing our viewers a disservice if we neglected the romantic side of Cromwellmas tradition. Here we see two settler lovers, properly masked as was regulation at the time, in gentle embrace at the height of the chemical warfare campaign employed by the ruthless papist bastards of Ireland following the eviction and purification of a previously paddy household, dancing the night away in quiet defiance of the Infee Tyrant doing his best to stamp out the presence of our freedom loving Pinnacle race in Ulster. Truly a scene to warm the fluids, eh?

Well, that's all for tonight - tune in next week for another segment of A Very Britannic Holiday, and a merry Cromwellsmas to you from all of us here at the BBC!

Thought For The Day: An open mind is like an open wound - the closed mind is like a healthy body. Where one goes, so shall the other with all due swiftness.
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The Bonapartes always ride their high horse, which is mighty funny, as I've never seen a jackass ride a horse unless he was trying to stick his pecker somewhere it didn't belong.
This is peak Cokie right here.
Sin Reduction Zone
I'd like to hear a little more about what that is. I guess it's different from a church?
Thought For The Day: An open mind is like an open wound - the closed mind is like a healthy body. Where one goes, so shall the other with all due swiftness.
I see the BU is feeling particularly Oceanian today.