What if Reconstruction was a success in a few states in the South?

It might be implausible for Reconstruction to succeed in 11 former Confederate States but what it succeeded in at least some of the States. Let's go with:

- Florida
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- South Carolina

With the possible additions of:

- Virginia
- North Carolina

Success will be defined as no Poll Taxes, New Constitutions and no Literacy Tests in the states. How different would this affect life and politics in the south?


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Given the population numbers, I always wondered if the GOP could have held on to the South Carolina governors mansion in 1876. It was a pretty close election in OTL. A more muscular/competent Republican party might be able to essentially stave off Democratic attempts at "Redemption." Couple that with the arrival of black refugees from other states and the flight of some whites, and there's a good chance that South Carolina could end up a firmly majority black state.

The presence of South Carolina and/or other surviving "Reconstructed" states, likely gives the Democrats in the south some additional unity. I wonder if South Carolina in TTL becomes a "Bleeding Kansas" as Northern Republicans funnel in resources to fund Black militias fighting off white attempts to destabilize the state.
North Carolina may be the easiest to do do this with. Its got a lot of things going in its favour and historically was the first state to get rid of poll taxes and was one of the states in the south with a strong GOP and a large urbanized population. In 1896 a combined GOP-Populist ticket swept the election and implemented an extended franchise, but a massive violent reaction by the Democrats including the removal of the elected city government of Wilmington led to the implementation of Jim Crow and the end of the last hope of the Reconstruction era in the South. If they rolled out the franchise slowly they probably could have remained in power, the NC GOP could reliably aim for 1-3 house seats from NC so they were always a threat afterwards to get abiut 45% of the vote.
It might be implausible for Reconstruction to succeed in 11 former Confederate States but what it succeeded in at least some of the States. Let's go with:

- Florida
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- South Carolina

With the possible additions of:

- Virginia
- North Carolina

Success will be defined as no Poll Taxes, New Constitutions and no Literacy Tests in the states. How different would this affect life and politics in the south?
VA, seems plausibel if Readjusters go win and dominate.

I propose Andrew Johnson procedes with his plan for a radical reconstruction, instead of backing off OTL. The man wants to hang Jeff davis and co. So we dont see the ones who wanted to "redeem" the south go to power or gain power and influence early