radical reconstruction

  1. Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The World the War Made

    RECONSTRUCTION: THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid By: Red_Galiray "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's...
  2. Democratic Party without Solid South by 40 acres and mule implemented

    What if Radical Republicans got what they wanted and gave 40 acres and mule to former slaves along with capital and equipment to farm. Andrew Johnson never becomes President. Radical Republicans successfully redistribute planter lands among former slaves. This prevents the Solid South from...
  3. True Faith and Allegiance: A Reconstruction Timeline
    Threadmarks: True Faith and Allegiance

    “He that troubleth his own house, shall inherit the winds” The years following the Civil War are often seen as one of the great missed opportunities of American history. In the popular imagination, Reconstruction was a chance to rectify the sins of our national past that eventually collapsed...
  4. Oba Cahokia

    What if Reconstruction was a success in a few states in the South?

    It might be implausible for Reconstruction to succeed in 11 former Confederate States but what it succeeded in at least some of the States. Let's go with: - Florida - Louisiana - Mississippi - South Carolina With the possible additions of: - Virginia - North Carolina Success will be defined...
  5. Oba Cahokia

    Hard Times Come Again No More: A Civil War and Reconstruction TL

  6. Oba Cahokia

    WI: Mass Confederate Immigration to Cuba

    A lot of Confederates after the Civil War left the South to go West, Brazil and even Mexico. However what if with a harsher Reconstruction with a clear sign of not backing down there was mass migration leaving to Cuba instead of the mentioned places? How would the United States, Spain and the...
  7. Triple Calamity: What if the Three Most Important Men in the Executive Branch Died in One Night?
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    I have never written a timeline on this site. I've read a lot of other people's timelines and I have greatly enjoyed american political history, but I never thought my knowledge base was large enough or my writing skills good enough to try my hand at writing a timeline. That said on my own in a...
  8. Oba Cahokia

    WI: Reconstruction was successful in Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina but still fails in the rest of the South?

    Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina saw the most success with Reconstruction IOTL out of the rest of the South. So if these 3 states had avoided Jim Crow, Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests and solidfying Black Enfranchisesment while the rest of the South fall to white Supremacy the same as OTL...
  9. Oba Cahokia

    How would Native Americans be affected in a Successful Reconstruction?

    Assuming in a TL where the US successfully and permanently enfranchises African Americans, establishes common ground for poor whites and freedman with 40 acres and mule, prevents Voting restrictions (No Poll Taxes or Literacy Tests for anyone) and completely prevents Jim Crow Laws from...
  10. Oba Cahokia

    WI: The State of Lincoln and the State of Sequoyah

    What if half of the Indian Territory was divided into Freedman's Territory and eventually became a state in 1910 with Sequoyah?
  11. ACB3C0_

    Alternative Black Homelands to Liberia?

    I asked here earlier about the Cozumel proposal in the US as an effort by Abraham Lincoln to settle freed slaves after the Civil War. As I sort of researched this topic, I stumbled upon various resettlement and colonization projects for African-Americans proposed by the United States and became...
  12. A New Dominion - Virginia under the Readjuster Party
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    A New Dominion - Virginia under the Readjuster Party Chapter 1 “Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.” -Thomas Jefferson April 2nd, 1865 – Richmond, Virginia The burning of Columbia, South Carolina; A fate Richmond could have shared Lt. General Richard Ewell was...
  13. Sean McKnight

    Grant Shot at Ford's Theater
    Threadmarks: The Grant Assassination

    On the evening of April 14th, 1865 President Lincoln and the First Lady attended the play Our American Cousin, just five days after Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. Also in attendance was General Ulysses S. Grant, who went ahead with his plan to join the President despite a desire to...
  14. The American Civil War: The Rule of the Radical Republicans
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: The Weight of the Presidency

    Long time lurker, first time TL poster. For a quick description of what I'm hoping to accomplish is a TL where Reconstruction is truly radical and led by two generals in the White House. While I'm no expert in the Civil War, I've been sure to research at the very least the basics of the...
  15. loneranger

    Radical! A Reconstruction WI

    POD: On April 15, 1865, John Wilkes Booth shoots and kills President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater. George Atzerodt shoots and kills Vice President Andrew Johnson at the Kirkwood House. Under the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, President pro tempore Senator Lafayette Foster is then...