Viva Kennedy: Rise of the Modern Democratic Party

Camelot Returns? (p. 20)
  • After a contentious Primary for the Republicans, they sprint across the country to campaign. President Buckley made a statement that if the Republicans outmaneuver the Democrats, the issue of policy will not effect the election. However the nation disagreed, the nation saw a renewed sense of spirit seeing another Kennedy on the campaign trail. After learning how to effectively create a Get Out to Vote campaign, Kennedy's Campaign utilized those skills here but on a new level. Working with state and local Democratic leaders, their outreach was massive, many people claimed that it was the most effective campaign the US has ever seen.

    But as November arrived Democrats were happy with their progress nationwide, but the Republicans had not been that far behind in the grand scheme of things. Although no where near the organization of the Democrats, the Republicans had an effective campaign, as the night settled the nerves began to set in and people gathered around their T.V.s

    1976 Presidential Election

    Robert F. Kennedy - 333 EV/ 54% PV
    James L. Buckley - 204 EV/ 46% PV

    1976 Senatorial Elections

    Democratic Party - 61 (+4)
    Republican Party - 39 (-4)

    1976 House Elections

    Democratic Party - 260 (+20)
    Republican Party - 175 (-20)
    Camelot has returned! On election night cheers can be heard across in almost every American city. Bobby Kennedy is now President-elect! His victory marks possibly the biggest shift in American liberalism and politics as a whole. Him and Vice President-elect William Proxmire make their way through Milwaukee where they're staying and cheers can be heard. Signs are painted that read 'Kennedy's Our Guy' and 'Beat 'em Back Jack' although of course the second one is a little weird... as he's not the Jack Kennedy.

    After riding around Milwaukee, the two men step out and make their way through a crowd of supporters, cheering is heard, people screaming from excitement. Bobby Kennedy gets up on a makeshift stage and the crowd dims their noise... Bobby's voice breaks the silence... "I thank Ameri-"

    Two shots... or was it three... ring out, screaming erupts and panic ensues....
  • So after a couple weeks, I've decided that this TL has run its course. I will writing this as a conclusion though...

    Bobby Kennedy was shot, however he did survive. He would be kept in the hospital for a few weeks, after his inauguration he would continue his brothers footsteps. His Presidency would see the rise of the 'Democratic-Socialist' movement. He would implement things like universal healthcare, campaign contribution limits (thanks to Proxmire), and other broadly liberal ideas. He would secure a second term, in 1980 serving until '84. In '84 a moderate Republican, likely John B. Anderson would become President and serve a 8 year Presidency.

    His Presidency would see moderate liberalism when it comes to social issues, but economically he would veer away from the Keynesian Economics that the Kennedy's had. Likely seen as a new 'family based' Presidency focusing on the individual (when it comes to tax cuts and etc.). His Presidency would be probably very similar to Bill Clinton? However due to the nature of American politics in TTL, there would actually not be as much partisanship as OTL.

    In 1992 there would likely be another Kennedyite President, who serves 2 full terms, 2000 would see another Anderson-like Republican President who serves as President until 2008. In 2008, after the DSA worked itself into the more welcoming Democratic Party, would allow someone like Bernie Sanders to be elected President until 2016. After 2016, who knows what really happens, the US would just be more closely linked to the 'Nordic Model.'

    Another thing I wanna point out, the Supreme Court would be much more liberal but not superrrrr liberal, however most irl decisions would still happen ith more conservative decisions being retconned.