Union and Liberty: An American TL

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So, just to help create more interest and debate for this TL, I've decided to post what I think TTL's 2010's North America could* look like.

*Still, we can't be completely sure, since a nuclear war could blow things up to kingdom come.

**Also, the map I used is just a modified version of Wilcoxchar's North America in 1860 Map

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Now starting from North to South.

Canada, Alaska, and the Artic are left blank simply for the fact that the possibilities have left me clueless. Still, I highly doubt we will see this entire region annexed by the U.S. in this timeline. Especially since the Author stated he wanted a more Hispanic U.S. Still, it wouldn't surprise me if everything west of Mormon Manitoba was divided between Russia or the U.S., or was annexed completely by the U.S.

As for the U.S., I ignored any Pacific or African possibilites for Hispanola and Puerto Rico. In OTL, the U.S. was close to annexing both the Dominican Republic and Cuba. Now that TTL's U.S. has already annexed Cuba, it just seems likely that the Dominican Republic would be next, followed by Haiti, and Puerto Rico. Haiti is just a natural choice if Eastern Hispanola is annexed, and sooner or later, Spain is going to get over it's imperial past. At that point, Spain would most likely let go of Puerto Rico, so why not sell it to the U.S.?

Still, I doubt the U.S. will ever annex the Bahammas or Jamaica. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they remained territories of the U.K. Still, if they do become independent commonwealths, we could see the Lesser Antilles Island uniting into something like the "Commonwealth of the West Indies."

Now for California. Now, I will admit I was part of the crowd that wanted the U.S. to annex the Hell out of it, but luckily a very loyal fan of TTL named jycee showed me the light, and allowed me to see the Awesome of an independent California. Now for this Map's California...Well, it has a somewhat bitter history.

So I figured sometime after the ACW, the Hispanic Califonian populace has a movement that, while not exactly like Fascism, wants a California that's Hispanic and Catholic in culture. As a result, a referendum is hold in the Anglo States (States dominate by Americans, Brits, etc.) of Espejo, Gran Cuenca, Sacramento, and Trujillo. The subject of the Referendum is whether these states should remain a part of California, or join the U.S. Since the districts/states are dominated by Pro-U.S. Anglos, they all vote to join the United States. This leads to the Treaty of Yuerba Buena.

The Treaty of Yuerba Buena essentially states this. The U.S. gets all of Sacramento, Trujillo, almost all of Gran Cuenca, Espejo, and a northern portion of the Yuerba Buena District. For California, it gets a hefty sum for it's lost districts, international recognition of it's current boundries(which means the U.S. is technically forbidden from annexing or promoting the annexation of all or parts of remaning California), and California is given the right to not have it's domestic or foreign affairs "controlled" by the U.S.

Eventually, the Hispanic Californian Political Movement reaches its peak, and starts a war to annex the "failed" nation-state of Sonora...with the blessing of the U.S. of course. Thus California get's its current borders after giving Chihuahua some of the Sonoran left overs.

Now we turn to my favorite region of TTL a.k.a. Central America. In any case, the last 150 years have been worrisome for Central America, whether if it's American annexation in the Caribbean, the Californian Conquest of Sonora, the revival of Gran Columbia (Maybe renamed the United Republic/Kingom of Columbia-Venezuala?), and the general actions of Europe have done much to stress the many nations of Central America.

Still, four important events triggered what would become the Central American Union.
(The first three are mentioned in the above.)

#1. The American annexation of Hispanola after a bloody Civil War.
#2. The Californian conquest of Sonora
#3. The Revival of Gran Columbia
#4. The threats/problems that wars between individual Central American Nations could cause, with an example I made up being when Mexico(Rump) and Zacatecas(Queretaro) invade Jalisico for land and won.

As a result, various states signed Military defense treaties (Such as Chihuahua and Rio Bravo). Eventually, these military alliances evolved into economic alliances, etc. Sometime between 1960-1990, all of Central America was united into the Central American Union.

(Essentially the same as the E.U., but in Central America...Duh.)

Now for some notes about the C.A.U.

#1. There are officially 15 nations in the C.A.U. Veracruz isn't a nation but is an international territory that is equally owned by all C.A.U. members after the city-state gave up its independence during the C.A.U.'s formation.

#2. Veracruz also functions as the C.A.U.'s "Capital." Much in the same style as Brussels does for the E.U.

#3. The Central American Canal (C.A.C.,...Used to be called the Costa Rican Canal/C.R.C., but was renamed during the Union's formation.) is also an international territory owned by all C.A.U. members equally. Also, it forms the modern border of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. (Which is not shown in the above map.)

#4. For whatever reason, whether if it was a virus, or the fact that Guatemalan immigrants overtook the territory, the U.K. sells Guatemala the British Honduras Territory...So yeah...Guatemala Wank.

#5. And Finally, the currency of the C.A.U. is the C.A.P. (Central American Peso)

So, opinions, debates, etc?

P.S. I'm not trying to steal the timeline in any way, shape, or form. I'm just using my ideas as a way to encourage people to become more involved and to enjoy this wonderful AH.

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Central American Union.png

A Hopefully better view of the map.

Central American Union.png
I've been wondering how Veracruz will effect the proposed Central American Union as I see it if America keeps it it would possible cause for the CAU to be formed earlier as people see America moving towards there territory if the CSA forms a government in exile there then I don't see America stopping them as a lot of the northerners simply didn't want sates seceding and didn't care about slavery that much at least in OTL it would be a sort of Switzerland or Belarus
Hmmm, some good and interesting analysis there. Still plenty of possibilities for what will happen to Veracruz. :D

Funny you should mention that, since I was also pondering Veracruz's effects on the CAU. (If Wilcoxchar does decide to create the CAU, but since the Idea seems popular enough, maybe we will get as a form of Fan Service.;))

Now back to what your where saying, no matter how the war goes, I personally see Veracruz going back to Free City-State Status (Which could be used as a model for other such states like Hong Kong, etc.). As for it's relationship with the CAU, it could possibly be the capital of it, as Brussels is the "capital" of the European Union.

Still, this could only work if the surrounding Mexican Nations decide to join the CAU. Then again, the Successor states really don't have a reason to not join. I mean if Costa Rica, Guatemala, and the rest do create such a Union, they don't have to worry about a United Mexico dominating them, and the other Mexican Nations will need all the international (a.k.a. Central American) support they can get to prevent the U.S. from swallowing them up.

In any case, Veracruz and Central America's fate is still ultimately in Wil's hands.
Yeah, Veracruz will probably return to free city status if the USA wins. If the CSA wins though, I'd think that they would want to keep the city to strengthen their hold over the Gulf of Mexico.

And nice projection. Seems plausible. :)
And now I bring you, a new section in the great man series!

Great Men, Section 2: Samuel Houston

Houston was born in Virginia in 1793. After moving to Tennessee with his family, Houston ran away from home in 1809. For the next three years, Houston lived with the Cherokee tribe and was adopted into the tribe. After returning home in 1812, Houston participated in the War of 1812 in which he was injured at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. After the war, Houston went into politics. In Tennessee, Houston served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1823 to 1827 and as the governor of the state from 1827 to 1829. In these years, Houston was a loyal follower of Andrew Jackson's policies. However, during the early 1830s, a rift grew between the two over the Indian Removal Act. Because of this rift, Houston left Tennessee for Texas in 1832.

In Texas, Sam Houston rose quickly through the army ranks to become a Major General in 1835, and then was voted as the first President of Texas at the beginning of 1836. He served as the Texan president for one and a half years, until mid-1837 when he resigned to take up a full time command of the Texan army. As commander of the Texan army, Houston led the Texan forces to their victory at the Battle of the Sabine River[1] which brought the United States into the war. After the war with Mexico was won, Houston reran for the Texan presidency, defeating Stephen Austin in 1840. Houston served this second term for three years. Upon the annexation of Texas into the United States in 1846, Houston became governor of the state of Tejas. Houston served as governor for eight years. Houston left public life in 1854 to live with a Cherokee tribe in northern Houston, but returned in 1856 when he was nominated for Democratic candidate for President of the United States. Houston won the election defeating William Seward, Joseph Brown, and Stephen Douglas, becoming President on March 4, 1857.

During his time as President, Houston's main focus was to try to bring the Union back together and avoid a civil war. His main action to reduce tensions between the northern and southern states was the passage of the Kearny Statehood Act, which resolved the conflict in Kearny Territory created by popular sovereignty and divided the territory into two states, one free and one slave. Houston also presided over the majority of the Colorado Gold Rush, which brought tens of thousands of Americans west to the Rocky Mountains. Houston was reelected for a second term in 1860, but he would not serve it fully. In 1862, Houston was shot after a speech in Raleigh by Wyatt Longfellow, a North Carolina native. Unfortunately, Longfellow was beaten to death by a mob before the authorities could restrain them, so it is unknown why Longfellow killed the president.

Some evidence has surfaced over the years, but it is all very dubious. The most commonly accepted view is that Longfellow was simply insane, similar to Jackson's assassin. Sources for this come from accounts shortly after the event in which Longfellow's alleged last words were "Santa Anna will have his revenge!" as he shot Houston. There are other theories however. In 2016[2], a series of letters were discovered in a North Carolina home between Longfellow and former Ohio Congressman William Stanbery. While the authenticity of this evidence has been called into question, some theorize that Longfellow was working with Stanbery to get revenge after the House dismissed Stanbery's accusations of fraud against Houston in 1832 and ruined his future political career[3].

[1] The battle near Beaumont mentioned in Part Four.
[2] This timeline will run until around 2025, maybe 2028 to make it two centuries.
[3] Other conspiracy theories welcome. ;)
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In the most recent post, you have "He served as the Texan president for one and a half years, until mid-1937…"

I think you mean mid-1837 :)
Sweet update

What US dollar bill is Sam Houston going to be on? Does he replace Lincoln on the 5 or Jackson on the 20? "Sammies" coming out of the ATM would be sweet.

[3] Other conspiracy theories welcome. ;)

TTL's National Treasure (you know am movie of its kind has to come up at some point) will link Houston's assassination to the lost treasure of Montezuma, which somehow has something to do with the Templars. The young adventurer, the descendant of an illegitimate child of Houston with a Cherokee woman, will figure out the mystery behind Longfellow the Templars and Queen Victorias letter to the Emperor of China. Finally finding the treasure in Greenland, where its been carried by Mormon immigrants from Manitoba.
TTL's National Treasure (you know am movie of its kind has to come up at some point) will link Houston's assassination to the lost treasure of Montezuma, which somehow has something to do with the Templars. The young adventurer, the descendant of an illegitimate child of Houston with a Cherokee woman, will figure out the mystery behind Longfellow the Templars and Queen Victorias letter to the Emperor of China. Finally finding the treasure in Greenland, where its been carried by Mormon immigrants from Manitoba.

OMG, that was hilarious.:D
Aww... and I was hoping Sam Houston travelled to the future to restore the Republic of Texas. :(
I'm sure many Texans want to believe that. :p

Sweet update

What US dollar bill is Sam Houston going to be on? Does he replace Lincoln on the 5 or Jackson on the 20? "Sammies" coming out of the ATM would be sweet.
Hmmm, I suppose I do need to start thinking about who or what will be on the currency. Houston will probably get a spot.

TTL's National Treasure (you know am movie of its kind has to come up at some point) will link Houston's assassination to the lost treasure of Montezuma, which somehow has something to do with the Templars. The young adventurer, the descendant of an illegitimate child of Houston with a Cherokee woman, will figure out the mystery behind Longfellow the Templars and Queen Victorias letter to the Emperor of China. Finally finding the treasure in Greenland, where its been carried by Mormon immigrants from Manitoba.
Sounds like an awesome plot! :D
TTL's National Treasure (you know am movie of its kind has to come up at some point) will link Houston's assassination to the lost treasure of Montezuma, which somehow has something to do with the Templars. The young adventurer, the descendant of an illegitimate child of Houston with a Cherokee woman, will figure out the mystery behind Longfellow the Templars and Queen Victorias letter to the Emperor of China. Finally finding the treasure in Greenland, where its been carried by Mormon immigrants from Manitoba.
which clive cussler book is that, again?
You know, you could've killed two birds with one stone if you had Joshua Abraham Norton assassinate Sam Houston on account of trying to become emperor that way.
You know, you could've killed two birds with one stone if you had Joshua Abraham Norton assassinate Sam Houston on account of trying to become emperor that way.

Norton really wasn't a bad guy. Certainly not an assassin. Deluded as all heck, but magnaminous with his "rule"

I liked how he pardoned a police officer who tried locking him in a mental institution.
Norton really wasn't a bad guy. Certainly not an assassin. Deluded as all heck, but magnaminous with his "rule"

I liked how he pardoned a police officer who tried locking him in a mental institution.
And anyway, Norton probably never even came to America ITTL. He's probably obscure, but he might be a footnote somewhere. :p
And anyway, Norton probably never even came to America ITTL. He's probably obscure, but he might be a footnote somewhere. :p

All I was saying is, it wasn't in his character. Calhoun's just as likely to be an abolishonist as Norton is an assassin. :p

The Emperor of South Africa's reign continues unimpeded in this TL. :p
All I was saying is, it wasn't in his character. Calhoun's just as likely to be an abolishonist as Norton is an assassin. :p

The Emperor of South Africa's reign continues unimpeded in this TL. :p
Well, my post was meant more as a response to Strategos and just adding on to what you said. :p

And Norton probably won't go so far as to making him Emperor of South Africa, but he may get a city of Nortonia named after him.
Bah, schoolwork and writer's block are sadly delaying the update of the timeline. Hopefully I can get something up this week, but things aren't looking good.
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