top tv shows NEVER MADE...

Throwdown with Bobby Flay...America's Favorite Mixed Martial Artist goes around the country challenging the toughest he can find to step inside the octagon week after week. Among those he takes on are Emeril Lagasse, Mario Batali, and the bloodiest encounter with Wolfgang Puck. Kimbo Slice guest-stars as Flay's personal chef.

24...Sesame Street spinoff starring Count Jack Bauer in his never-ending race against time to get things counted.

Everybody Loves Raymond...The hilarious antics and day-to-day experiences of everyone's favorite dictator Raymond Cocteau as he struggles to build the perfect society in San Angeles.
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The daily show with John Stuart Mills
New age news show where psychics channel the dead philosopers discussing the topics of the day.


Angel: A theological documentary show about the celestial beings depicted in the Bible to their depiction today.

Firefly: a biology documentary about this little insect commonly known as the firefly.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The dark horror documentory about California's most deranged serial killer, who killed hundreds in the belief that they were creatures of the night. This documentary not only shows her actions, but that of her fellow killers, ranging from fellow Californians to Irish and English demagogues.

Dollhouse: a cutesy show about dolls who come to life and live out real-life issues after their owner goes to bed.
A Commissar and a Gentlemen: Long running satire of the armed forces set during the Indian peacekeeping wars but a direct satire of the war in the Congo, the show portrays the antics and friendly rivalry between disillusioned but committed Army officer John Francis Xavier "Trapper" McIntyre (Wayne Rogers) and his snarky, irreverant but conflicted political commissar, Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce (Alan Alda). The show was well received in the USSA, but only found limited audiences elsewhere.


Ben 10: The Return of Vilgax.

4 years after Benjamin Tennyson discovered the Omnitrix, he's forced to take it up again when his old foe Vilgax returns to Earth with a powerful fleet, a final attempt to regain the Omnitrix.

Earth's various militaries battle bravely against Vilgax's hordes, but all eventually surrender. Resistance groups immediately form, and among them are the re-activated and rebuilt Plumbers and the Forever Knights.

Making matters worse is the lack of contact with his entire family, the incredibly large bounty on his head drawing in hunters from across the galaxy and the well-publicised declaration from Vilgax that all he wants is Benjamin Tennyson has made him a very paranoid and distrusting person...
An intense psychological drama set around Judas Iscariot's time as a disciple to Jesus Christ, his eventual decision to betray his teacher to the Romans and ultimate suicide.

In the high pressure modern world, how far can one man be pushed before he snaps? In the darkened streets of a near-future Tokyo mild-mannered salaryman Hanataro is pushed across the line and descends into the secretive cyberpunk underworld to wage a bloody campaign against the corporation that once employed him.

In the Chinese Theatre of the Pacific War, the most hated man in the Japanese Army is Toshiro Yamagoto. But despite the fact that the only people who loath him more than his Chinese adversaries are his own soldiers, the cruel and manipulative Toshiro thrives as only his twisted mind can extricate his disloyal troops from the snares of their enemies.

Twisted comedy set in an American High School. Three students unwittingly bring firearms onto campus intending to do away with their respective tormentors, only to each lose track of their weapons. The story follows each gun as the three students desperately try to reclaim them without letting teachers, fellow students - or each other - know that the weapons even exist.

Cowboy Bebop
In the Wild Wild West that never was, there are two forms of music: Country and Western. Until, that is, the day when a man rode out of the east to bring with him a new form of music, a strange style all his own... and a whole raft of troubles.

El Hazard
Crime drama following the cases of the titular Mexican Private Investigator, who fights crime in the spectacular scenery of Hokkaido.

Tenchi Muyo!
Three rebellious sisters sent to live with their slacker uncle Tenchi declare that they have 'no need' for him. Family drama, with the good natured Tenchi providing secret assistance and anonymous advice to his nieces to keep them out of trouble.

Highly distorted medieval saga based heavily on Xenophon's March to the Sea. With Ninja, Pirates and magic.

Fist of the North Star
Magical Girl show where high school girl Yuria must prevent the Six Stars of the Southern Cross from raising a Ghost Army to conquer the world.

Magical Lyrical Girl Nanoha
Nanoha Takamichi is a broken down songwriter who used to write for all the best idol singers before becoming disillusioned with the industry. Inspired by her daughter, she decides to become a singer herself and beat the music companies at their own game. Gritty, and sometimes sad, the show pulls no punches in showing the darker side of show business.

Super Robot Wars
Created to fight kaiju monsters, the 'super robot army' has fallen under the control of a villainous supercomputer and wages brutal war against humanity. A new generation of young heroes and a new generation of robots must reclaim the Earth for humanity.
A spinoff of Deep Space Nine, follows the adventures of Quark after the end of that series and he gets his own starship.


Neighbours: A soap opera set in central Australia following the lives of several neighbouring cattle station owners and their families. The stations average 10,000 sq. km, (the size of Cyprus for Europeans, Maryland for Americans) and the neighbours keep in touch by HF radio.
Everybody Loves Raymond...The hilarious antics and day-to-day experiences of everyone's favorite dictator Raymond Cocteau as he struggles to build the perfect society in San Angeles.


Family Matters
A widower with three sons marries a widow with three distillery licences. Hilarity ensues.

Ein Echter Wiener Geht Nicht Unter (A Real Viennese
Won't Go Down)
That's what happens when "Rock Me Amadeus" becomes a full-fledged series.

Kodomo No Jikan (Childhood Time)

Underage drinkers talking about their NSFW life details in a Shibuya speakeasy.

How I Met Your Mother

A coming-of-age and going-native story about a wholesome orphan stranding in her deceased mother's hometown to learn daily anew that he descended from the scum of the earth. Will Elly ever cope with the truth?

Berlin, Berlin!
(episode 7x11) "Friedrichshain is no longer what it used to be!" says Lolle who moved to another apartment in a cheaper and less snobby neighborhood, end tells the story on how F'hain "degenerated" in the first place.

The Price is Right

This week: Old Master Kinki shows you what to take care of when purchasing life fish!
ER: Hospital comedy that acuratley depicts the occasional slow days in the Emergency room, depicts the Hilarious esscepades of DR. Green whos quirkiness managed to save the show from cancelation at least four times
(So OTL's scrubs)

This actually kind of happened in our timeline. Prior to the more well known ER, there was a sitcom called E/R that lasted for one season...

I watched it when it was on at the time.

Coincidentally, it was also set in Chicago, and George Clooney was in the cast...
A Bear Behind: Sequel to the popular "Bear With Me" in which contestants have to guess which of three doors holds the prize and which has a large, angry grizzly behind it :D
Lost The passengers of oceanic 815 land safely in los angeles but the world they return to is not the one they left, wispers haunt the streets, a black smoke haunts the former passengers, Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Sayid, Hurly and the rest of the "Survivors" have to find out what has happend and what is causeing this.
Not having the time or inclination to trawl through 16 pages of posts, so apologies if this has already been done:

Dad's Resistance - BBC sitcom. The hilarious adventures of the British Resistance in the small south coast seaside town of Walmington-on-Sea after a successful unmentionable sea-mammal. The final episode obviously being about the liberation of the town.


animorphs- 1998-2003 Acclaimed animated adaptation of the young adult book that brought science fiction to a wider audience. (I can dream right?)