TL-191: After the End

It might be interesting if the Pinkard kids (when grown up) have the same conflict as the Rodriguez kids did in this timeline. I.E., one wants to continue fighting and one decides to let it go.

That would be interesting, maybe having Raymond become the troublesome one (he never experienced the war itself, he was only a few months old when it ended, and so chances are he won't remember the worst of the U.S.A.'s wrath and would be more inclined to fight back) while both Willie and Frank (who would remember the war, specifically the deaths of both their father and step-father) to just accept the facts and make due...

By the way, did HT keep Edith and her sons in Texas or did they move...if not what do you guys think they'd do?
That would be interesting, maybe having Raymond become the troublesome one (he never experienced the war itself, he was only a few months old when it ended, and so chances are he won't remember the worst of the U.S.A.'s wrath and would be more inclined to fight back) while both Willie and Frank (who would remember the war, specifically the deaths of both their father and step-father) to just accept the facts and make due...

By the way, did HT keep Edith and her sons in Texas or did they move...if not what do you guys think they'd do?

Might there be a chance it could be the other way around? I mean Willie and Frank were basically personally indoctrinated by Jeff and liked him personally. Raymond on the other hand never really got a chance to personally know Jeff and will likely grow up in a school system that demonizes what Jeff and people like him did (or at least casts it in a negative light).
I'm sure this has been brought up before...

I came onto the site earlier today looking for this exact thread! Hurrah, I found it, but I couldn't remember where I left off on reading it and had to wade through quite a lot of well-done maps, questions and feedback before finding the place on the timeline I was last at.

Would it be possible to maintain this as a comments thread and spin-off a new thread that's nothing but the timelines? It might make it a little more reader-friendly.


I came onto the site earlier today looking for this exact thread! Hurrah, I found it, but I couldn't remember where I left off on reading it and had to wade through quite a lot of well-done maps, questions and feedback before finding the place on the timeline I was last at.

Would it be possible to maintain this as a comments thread and spin-off a new thread that's nothing but the timelines? It might make it a little more reader-friendly.
I totally agree
Well since this is after the TL191 After the End I figured I would do this for some laughs.

Over the space of Tatosonora a small ship flees. But it is no match for the power Space Destroyer. Its engines are cut and it is boarded.
The doors are blown down, soldiers clad in butternut arm from head to toe come storming in, firing blaster bolts. Soldiers in Blue-Green respond with a hail of fire, but as they are slowly overwhelmed they are forced to fall back down the hallways. In one hallway they try to make a stand but are cut down as two robot looking things run across.
As the Lightning Troopers clear out the entry of the ship and check their dead a large imposing figure comes walking in. Covered with an imposing mask you hear deep dark breaths, his armor is the color of a deathly Dark Gray, he has a long cape of the same color. He looks around as the soldiers come to attention. Choking a prisoner he demands to know who is on the ship, but the prisoner dies before he can get a response.
“I want you to search this ship and bring me anyone you find. I want them alive!” The figure says in a strangely voice that sounds like a black man.

Meanwhile a beautiful young woman puts a message into one of the the droids. “Help me
Theo-Wan-Kenobi you're my only hope.”
“There you are R2-B(arrel)2 I've been looking everywhere for you.” He is then forced into one of the escape pods.

The imposing figure in gray looked and saw his Lightning Soldiers bring forth one of they people they found.
“Lord Determination, how dear you fire on a us.”
“I want to know what you did with those plan.” The man said to Princess Flora.
“We are a diplomatic shuttle from the planet Alderburg-”
“You are a spy for the Rebel Union and a traitor to the Galactic Confederacy. Take her away.” With that out of the way Darth Determination ordered for every inch of the ship be searched. While an officer in khaki walked up to him.
“Keeping her is dangerous. If the Confederate Senate find out-”
“Send out a distress call, then send out a report that we searched the ship and found everyone dead.”
“Yes my lord.”
“Good.” Darth Determination. He turned back to send a message back to Grand Moff Kimball.
Lets not descend into a pack of ravenous dogs, if there hasn't been an update it's pretty obvious David is busy with some RL issues. Until he tells us otherwise, we should just wait patiently...
Hehe, will Nintendo be as popular eventually in the US what with Japan being a longer term enemy? :p
Hehe, will Nintendo be as popular eventually in the US what with Japan being a longer term enemy? :p

Heh, I had actually kicked around the idea of writing a Timeline for the second half of the 20th. century for TL-191 where France & Britain, left in much the same state as postwar Japan in the OTL-defeated, demilitarized, and traumatized-become the major manufacturers/creators of video games & other new technology and end up as economic powerhouses without any military/colonial clout. I even had the French, having now been humiliatingly defeated three times by Germany and having had their hearts cut out with the destruction of Paris, specializing in dark, existential animated series which gained a cult following in the English-speaking world, where they were known as "anime."