The Silver Knight, a Lithuania Timeline

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What are church attendance rates like in modern Lithuania?
A "Vilniaus diena" poll on 2004 shows that 11% of respondents visit their religious establishment of choice at least once a week. The percentage is the smallest in large cities like Vilnius, Riga, Karaliaučius, and highest among Jewish and Catholic respondents.
What about my question on the Netherlands and Stadtholder Hoevers' rule over it?
Netherlands is still doing it's thing, counting profits from their sole remaining colony and being a reluctant part of the European project. Though some reform has been taking place to sweep away some of the most authoritarian parts of the Dutch political system, the country remains firmly dedicated to Functionalism and would, at best, count as "partially free" on the Democracy Index, and that is being generous. Friesland is now firmly German and the Netherlands have lost hope of retaking it, though still rattle their saber every once in a while. Any discussion of decolonization is ignored by almost all Dutch politicians - nobody wants to be the Stadtholder whose term saw the fall of the last piece of the Dutch colonial empire.

Harrie Hoevers was the Stadtholder from the 1970s to 1994. His reign over the Dutch State is a mixed bag. Though coinciding with a period of high postwar economic growth, it also did not feature much rocking the boat in the Netherlands' authoritarian nature (which the West still hopes will happen some day). Not to mention that the man himself was fairly unpopular, what with being the person responsible for millions of Indian deaths during the Great Asian War, when are least a large fraction of them could have been avoided.
Hey, could whoever made the image for the hoi4 mod for the Silver Knight timeline actually make the mod? I’d love to play it!
That was Augenis who did it (he also did the Lithuania focus tree for KR), and he called it off since it turns out (surprise surprise!) that running a total conversion mod by oneself is somewhat of an overwhelming task.
That was Augenis who did it (he also did the Lithuania focus tree for KR), and he called it off since it turns out (surprise surprise!) that running a total conversion mod by oneself is somewhat of an overwhelming task.
Darn. Welp, if he ever decides to make it I’ll be happy to try it out. Could he give a map at least of the world in the mod?
If people are interested, I can release the unfinished build of the TSK mod. It has the map and localization covered, so it is playable, but it wouldn't pass as a legitimate mod.

How is indochina faring in post-war era?
Somewhere between alright and shellshocked. The Great Asian War resulted in a heavy price for Indochina - lots of deaths, many cities destroyed, plenty of repression, especially against what used to be the region's class of intellectuals. Ayutthaya failed to regain its former splendor and wealth, many of the foreign businesses and casinos established there moved north, to China, Korea, Japan, as few tourists would want to arrive to a country so deep in the shitter. However, the rest of EASA extended a helping hand to Indochina during the postwar reconstruction, so the situation soon started getting better.

Because of this, the Indochinese nations are some of the most anti-Indian countries around, and right now, in the Choraghad era, they are vehemently in favor of higher sanctions and intervention on India to make sure that history cannot repeat itself.
Oh did Lithuania keep using light tanks after the Russo-Lithuanian War? The idea of a european country with an armoured force more like that of Argentina would be interesting.

On that note does the Bludgeon Doctrine still have clout in military academies?