The Shaved Tuna Award For Best AH List: Introduction and Nominations

Two questions: Can the date be more flexible as this is the first one, and can we nominate lists authored by multiple writers as in the British PMs 1945-2010 thread (and does the "you can't nominate yourself" rule still apply in those circumstances)?

I did wonder if date flexibility would be a good idea, given that many good lists happened more than a year ago.

Perhaps a 'Best Collaborative List' category?


Two questions: Can the date be more flexible as this is the first one, and can we nominate lists authored by multiple writers as in the British PMs 1945-2010 thread (and does the "you can't nominate yourself" rule still apply in those circumstances)?

I imagine that yes, we should probably expand it so that the folks in that thread have a chance too. I'll scratch off the rule. Lets nominate from there too.

I'd also like to hear general thoughts on the date thing.

(At this point should we just restart the whole process?


Oof, I ended up putting this off, and now everything is up in the air.

And I jumped though graduation and a flight halfway across the country over the past few days. Don't worry if they're interest, I'm going to quietly take this out back, put the thread out of its misery, and start over (With Self Nominations?).