The Q-BAM Improvement and Core Thread

That would just cause undo confusion and really the point is every tiny lake does not need to be shown, just the ones big enough to actually be seen at the Q-BAM level, it's similar to the Worlda, some people use one that has lake Balaton shown when in reality it would not properly show-up at that level.

To be specific, my threshold for showing a lake at all is that the pixel's area should account for at least 25% water. In essence:

Tile is: Draw as
0-25% land (75-100% water): Draw as coast if this is required to visually separate two land masses. Otherwise, draw as water.
25-75% land: Default to draw as coast, then as a second pass edit, change as many as possible to either land or water while still maintaining a continuous line of coast pixels. Inland lakes that contain no 'water' pixels change to river pixels.
75-100% land: Always draw as land.


Hey. Does anyone have an updated historical Q-BAMs (updated to the current version), especially the 1914 and 1936 versions?
Took a shot at showing Canada's CMA's on the QBAM. Not sure if I should add CAs.

Left the US in as adding their metros would probably be easy (they use counties don't they?).

Qazaq-2007 South Sudan 2016

Qazaq 2007 just sent me an South Sudan update, so there you go

Key: the blue line in the SE of South Sudan is the boundary claimed by Kenya, and the green line in the NW of South Sudan is the boundary claimed by Sudan.

South Sudan 2016.png
so. i'm looking for world maps or at least European and the Americas maps from the 1840's to 1860's. If anyone knows where i could find some or has some that'd be one hell of a birthday present