The New Order: Last Days of Europe - An Axis Victory Cold War Mod for HoIIV

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Has anyone else had China consistently doing terribly in the war against Long Yun lately? In three games in a row for me theyve stalemated and in one game Long Yun even needed Japan to squash him.
So I tried playing as Brittany and..... I'm conflicted on how I feel about it. On the one hand, I can easily see how some would really enjoy effectively running the global black market and strategically influencing various international conflicts, making a pretty penny while doing so. On the other hand, once it became clear how often I was going to need to be interacting with the Decisions Tab to manage purchases and sales of military equipment, my desire to play Brittany to completion nosedived. In all honesty I wish that Arms Trading, particularly the purchasing aspect, worked similarly to how the Luxury Goods Trade works where I don't have to manually purchase equipment constantly to keep up with the orders.
I like the concept of Brittany, but in practice its style just isn't for me.
Earlier I had managed a full campaign as Omsk and was disappointed that I couldn't go to War against Germany; I had thought I could have triggered the conflict early in the same way Long Yun can technically trigger the Great Asian War, but no. Still, the writing as with just about all the Russian factions is superb, though the preparations for the Great Trial and the lengths the Black League goes are..... disquieting.
On a note regarding that playthrough, is there any particular reason why you wouldn't use Elite Infantry over Regular Infantry? I realize that they require more AT equipment and take longer to train, but otherwise they seem to be a better long-term investment.

Has anyone else had China consistently doing terribly in the war against Long Yun lately? In three games in a row for me theyve stalemated and in one game Long Yun even needed Japan to squash him.
Long Yun has seemed to hold his own a lot lately, yes, though I've never seen the Japanese being called in.


Ok, so what I am about to say will likely sound like a really, really stupid question, but I need to ask since I am completely stuck....

I was playing as Speer's Germany, and the Slave Revolt happened, I was about to prevent Schörner from violently putting down the Reichsbanner just in time.... But how exactly am I suppose to invade Moskowien, with the Reichsbanner in the way? I have tried invading though Brauchitschstadt, but since the that fall stretch of land doesn't have a port, any units that landed there cannot be supplied, making them unable to fight against Schörner's forces.

Also, how do I reach Weidinger's mercenaries in Baku?

I could really use some help here. Thanks!
........I have tried invading though Brauchitschstadt, but since the that fall stretch of land doesn't have a port.......
But Brauchitschstadt does have a port, that's how I was able to put down Schorner........
Anyway, by the time you put down Schorner you don't need to worry about the Mercs, they collapse shortly after Schorner or tend to be put down by Wolgast.
Ok, so what I am about to say will likely sound like a really, really stupid question, but I need to ask since I am completely stuck....

I was playing as Speer's Germany, and the Slave Revolt happened, I was about to prevent Schörner from violently putting down the Reichsbanner just in time.... But how exactly am I suppose to invade Moskowien, with the Reichsbanner in the way? I have tried invading though Brauchitschstadt, but since the that fall stretch of land doesn't have a port, any units that landed there cannot be supplied, making them unable to fight against Schörner's forces.

Also, how do I reach Weidinger's mercenaries in Baku?

I could really use some help here. Thanks!
When Schörner revolted in my last Speer run, I was quick enough to send reinforcments to Brauchitschstadt (8x40 width APCs with 4x SPART). Was enough to hold the harbour with the forces the AI has there. I launched several small offensives to capture more supply zones and sent a couple of 40 width armored divisions up there. I wasn't sure how strong Schörner's forces were initially; the intel screen gave me something between 80-110 units. Most of them infantry, of course. After securing a large enough beachhead, it was just a walkover that lasted not even six weeks. Schörner suffered some 900k casualties, I had less than 15k to bury. The key I think here is indeed speed: secure the AI-Brauchitschstadt-nation and funnel your army through that single port. The supply situation CAN be really fucking bad, but if you're fast enough you will not suffer too much from attrition.

The issue with Brandt's slave revolt can be solved diplomatically through letting Schmidt deal with it. That is the much more productive avenue to take there, because Schmidt and Brandt reach an agreement that set up collaborationist governments/puppets. Additional bonus: they all remain in the Zollverein.
When Schörner revolted in my last Speer run, I was quick enough to send reinforcments to Brauchitschstadt (8x40 width APCs with 4x SPART). Was enough to hold the harbour with the forces the AI has there. I launched several small offensives to capture more supply zones and sent a couple of 40 width armored divisions up there. I wasn't sure how strong Schörner's forces were initially; the intel screen gave me something between 80-110 units. Most of them infantry, of course. After securing a large enough beachhead, it was just a walkover that lasted not even six weeks. Schörner suffered some 900k casualties, I had less than 15k to bury. The key I think here is indeed speed: secure the AI-Brauchitschstadt-nation and funnel your army through that single port. The supply situation CAN be really fucking bad, but if you're fast enough you will not suffer too much from attrition.

The issue with Brandt's slave revolt can be solved diplomatically through letting Schmidt deal with it. That is the much more productive avenue to take there, because Schmidt and Brandt reach an agreement that set up collaborationist governments/puppets. Additional bonus: they all remain in the Zollverein.

The psychological stress from defeating Schörner would be apocalyptical...

Like, you have some records about battles on civil wars with commanders and soldiers getting absolutely soul crushed for killing their own countryman, now imagine the pressure of shooting hundreds of thousands of Germans just after the german civil war... Maybe Schörner revolt would be as traumatical as the burguerkrieg.
The psychological stress from defeating Schörner would be apocalyptical...

Like, you have some records about battles on civil wars with commanders and soldiers getting absolutely soul crushed for killing their own countryman, now imagine the pressure of shooting hundreds of thousands of Germans just after the german civil war... Maybe Schörner revolt would be as traumatical as the burguerkrieg.
Weeeeell, it is not like the veterans of the Anti-Schörner campaign weren't rewarded with a living standard that's higher than the Average Joe has in the US. Or with the prospect of taking part in the democratic future of the Reich. Or having contributed to removing one of the biggest threats to the security of the Reich.
So I took a brief break from another run as England to look at some economic data, specifically where critical key resources were produced over the years in this period and if their locations might alter global strategies. It also felt odd that all resources tended to be smattered all over the map, even those that are supposed to be a fair bit more limited. Chromium in particular has proven to be interesting.
While one should take historical data with a grain of salt given the setup for TNO, the major producers of Chromium by the end of 1960 were as follows:
  1. Soviet Union (mainly Kazakhstan): 1,010,000 tons / (~20.74%) Market
  2. South Africa: 850,916 tons / (~17.47%) Market
  3. Philippines: 809,579 tons / (~16.62%) Market
  4. Rhodesia (North + South): 668,401 tons / (~13.72%) Market
  5. Turkey: 530,676 tons / (~10.90%) Market
  6. Albania: 315,300 tons / (~6.47%) Market
  7. Yugoslavia: 110,873 tons / (~2.28%) Market
  8. India: 110,354 tons / (2.27%) Market
  9. United States: 107,000 tons / (2.20%) Market
First, one has to keep in mind that the price of Chromite was rather volatile as nations and companies would both stockpile it, meaning one year it may be a hot item with the mines making massive profits, whereas the next year those same mines could end up struggling to sell above cost. Still, it showcases the major regions where Chromium production held throughout the Cold War period, and also area of major strategic interest to the various Pacts to whom Chromite was invaluable. Southern Africa in particular can be highlighted, as the overwhelming majority of both the Pakt's and OFN's reserves would then be at risk of seizure.
I wouldn't really expect this to be implemented, it is fairly difficult to get any sort of data that is lower than the national level that far back, and it could potentially cripple some of the major powers really badly; Germany comes to mind, especially as Afrika inevitably collapses at the moment, though I think they may be able to trade with the Boers.
Weeeeell, it is not like the veterans of the Anti-Schörner campaign weren't rewarded with a living standard that's higher than the Average Joe has in the US. Or with the prospect of taking part in the democratic future of the Reich. Or having contributed to removing one of the biggest threats to the security of the Reich.

They are not killing Schörner, they are killing his troops, hundreds of thousands of german conscripts
Schörner shouldn't have started shit with the Reich then. He easily could have retired or started to teach at a war college or something.

I mean, the problem is not Schörner being killed, I'm just saying that the soldiers and officers would be terribly mentally affected by killing so much of their men

I can imagine the elder Rommel saying something on the lines of "We don't need the russians or the americans to kill us, we do that ourselves"
I mean, the problem is not Schörner being killed, I'm just saying that the soldiers and officers would be terribly mentally affected by killing so much of their men

I can imagine the elder Rommel saying something on the lines of "We don't need the russians or the americans to kill us, we do that ourselves"
While that is very true, the generals serving under Schörner have a choice. They can simply call quits and remove him before they send their men into actions. If they're unable to make a stand against such outright criminal orders given by Schörner, they should have remained battallion commanders or even privates.
Leak for the Yockey and Hall Presidencies:


America: You're gonna love this, trust me. This is my Canon State( Conservative Democracy or Liberal Democracy)
America: This is a National Progressive Administration (Social Democracy or Authoritarian Democracy). And this...
America: This is what is known as a National Progressive Administration that has Ascended past the level of a National Progressive Administration(Libertarian Socialism or Fascism). Or you can just call this a National Progressive Adminstration 2.
Rest of the World: What a useless transition between forms of government, you changed your ideology, so what?
America becomes Authoritarian Socialist or National Socialist*
Actually I just realized, why are filibusters not a thing when trying to pass particularly divisive legislation in the United States? Or rather, why do they only take (50) votes to pass rather than (67) as was typical until the end of the sixties?
America becomes Authoritarian Socialist or National Socialist*

A nightmare? YOU ARE AWAKE!
I think that since military coup is out of the question, here's what I think will happen regarding Yockey and Hall in TNO2.

Yockey will destroy the world. His VP, H Keith Thompson is a Burgundian agent, he would maneuver Yockey to go to war with Japan as soon as possible and Yockey will agree with every move. Essentially American Heydrich. That said, I think the game would end in the 2nd term with Yockey and the R-D 1976 guy will be a hail mary pass for the US to attempt to revert the slide to total dictatorship

I think Hall will start with a Honeymoon period where his policies even look plesant in some cases, but soon he will run into trouble. If the Hail Mary pass fails in 1976. It will result in.....
  • Hall will gradually go more and more authoritarian as the reactionaries rear their head and the CIA tries to remove him. Yockeyites will start some sort of "day of the rope" or rampant far-right terrorism. If Hall survives in 1976, and the USSR isn't restored, then Hall, fully tankie, will make the US a giant nuclear armed backwater pariah state with very few diplomatic connections.
  • If a strong Soviet Union, they eventually establish diplomatic ties with America and America in an ironic twist of fate becomes a backwater dependent on the newly industralizing USSR.
I also think the hail-mary pass for US if Hall is in charge will be a broad base right leaning populist, while the hail-mary pass for US if Yockey is in charge will be a broad base progressive with strong anti-fascist credentials
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Leak for the Yockey and Hall Presidencies:

I think what I love the most about this leak is that out of all of Yockey's cabinet, Thompson is the only one that makes an attempt to hide his power level while everybody else just goes full mask-off. I'm now imagining him just sitting in the audience really awkwardly during one of Yockey's speeches, silently begging Yockey to stop being so upfront about their rhetoric and to get back to using the dogwhistles they spent the last decade working on.
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