And who will approve of that? After all, she's still got a claim to Brittany...
Francis is dead here. Louise is the Regent and she would need only to get Renee to recognize who her rights on Brittany are junior to that of Claude for resolving the problem (as Claude left three sons and two daughters who are ahead of Renee in the Breton succession once she accepted who her sister was the legitimate heiress of their mother instead of claiming who Brittany belong to her).
I wonder if she can't use Anne's will here to say otherwise?
For what reason? Here France is NOT in a good situation and the young King is her nephew and the Duke of Brittany. She would be still unable to get Brittany and would only be branded as rebel and traitor. Brittany at this point is too tied to France, whatever Renee want and she is likely smart enough to understand it
Finding a common ground - Marguerite
Marguerite d’Angoulême, now Duchess of Bourbon, knew who she had been lucky to find quickly some common ground with her new husband, as Charles of Bourbon also had lost a wife for which he had deeply cared and had been truly sorry for the fate of Alençon (less for that of King François but Marguerite could understood that as her brother and mother had not been correct toward him). Still the first private conversation with her husband-to-be, shortly after the Duke’s arrival in Paris as securing a private chat with her had been among her fiancé’s priorities, had given a lot of relief to Marguerite as Charles of Bourbon had been quite blunt in saying who they both were victims of her mother and her intrigues, and who their love for France and their duties to the young King were the only reasons for which they had accepted that wedding. Louise would be regent, but Marguerite had the job and duty to prevent who her nephew would become a puppet of anyone: luckily the Portuguese princess to which little Francis was engaged was some years younger than him, only four years old, and hopefully would take both appearance and character from her mother as Eleanor of Austria, now engaged to the Duke of Milan, was beautiful, kind and pious. Maybe that had been only her imagination but Marguerite had understood who Bourbon had also believed his former betrothed to be boring (or maybe far too meek and dutiful? She had heard rumors about the Dowager Queen of Portugal being extremely unwilling to remarry to Bourbon, but she had accepted her brother’s will). Still Marguerite was glad to know who her new husband had no regret about the loss of the match with the sister of the Emperor and had few doubts about the fact who Charles, now who had back his lands and was the First Prince of Blood, was fully loyal to her young nephew and so was able to ignore her mother‘s constant requests of keeping her husband under control for securing his loyalty. Marguerite had been irritated at the beginning but her husband, who respected Louise‘s role as regent but continued to dislike her, had guessed what she wanted and laugh over it, making clear who he would not blame Marguerite for her mother’s intrigues…
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Ooh interesting, the young King will have a seemingly sound government. Bourbon has little reason to rebel anymore, but it'll be a team of rivals of sorts, where he and Louise compete to serve the King best.
Ooh interesting, the young King will have a seemingly sound government. Bourbon has little reason to rebel anymore, but it'll be a team of rivals of sorts, where he and Louise compete to serve the King best.
Sort of. Louise is the one in charge, with Bourbon and Marguerite behind her but Louise do not trust Bourbon and he pretty much hate her. Still the French government is pretty much secure and stable right now
Love and politics - Charles V
The departures of both Eleanor and Catalina had left Charles alone, without any of his siblings near for the first time ever, but the Emperor knew who he would have not much time for feeling lonely as the men who were escorting Catalina to the borders with Portugal would soon return with Isabel of Portugal, his new bride, and they would marry in Seville in around 15 days and he hoped who Eleanor‘s praises of their cousin had not been too exaggerated as he could not believe who his sister had been fully truthful about her stepdaughter, to which she was clearly close. Still Eleanor was the sibling to which he was closest and likely the most loyal so he could not believe who she would willingly tell lies to him. Charles really hoped who Eleanor would be able to find happiness in Milan, but he had not a great opinion of the Duke Francis II, who was far too meek and manipulable for his liking. Hopefully having Eleanor as Duchess would keep him loyal to the Habsburg and Eleanor would be able to influence him and his rule. At least he now had nothing more to fear from France as the Regent Louise of Savoy had signed the peace accepting all his territorial requests in exchange of paying lower reparations (and on his side he had agreed who France could detract a substantial sum as dowry for Eleanor’s little daughter).
Charles had been quite anxious all the time ahead his first meeting with his bride-to-be so was understandably nervous, specially as they would practically meet at the altar and when the dreaded moment had arrived his anxiety dissolved completely leaving him stunned and enchanted by the beauty of his bride and her kind and hopeful smile: a week after the wedding, while they were honeymooning in Granada at the Alhambra, the question who was more often in his mind was for what reason he had waited so long to marry Isabel, who was clearly the perfect wife for him and the besotted Emperor ordered the seeds of a Persian flower, never seen before in Spain, for her. When eventually that flower grew in the red carnation, Isabel was delighted and so Charles ordered to plant thousands of that flowers in all the country in honor of his wife.
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I hope Charles and Isabella have more children than they did OTL.
We will see… they would surely spend more time together than OTL and her OTL fate is far from being guaranteed… right now they a re extremely happy together and they would stay in full marital bliss for all their honeymoon long many months…
We will see… they would surely spend more time together than OTL and her OTL fate is far from being guaranteed… right now they a re extremely happy together and they would stay in full marital bliss for all their honeymoon long many months…
And with more sons, Charles will probably leave Hungary and Bohemia for Ferdinand....
And with more sons, Charles will probably leave Hungary and Bohemia for Ferdinand....
I can not understand what you mean. Ferdinand received Austria (as his share of the inheritance) at the time of his marriage to Anna (so before the POD) and then ”inherited” Bohemia and Hungary after the childless death of Anna‘s brother who is not yet happened here (as that battle is a year and half after the POD)
I can not understand what you mean. Ferdinand received Austria (as his share of the inheritance) at the time of his marriage to Anna (so before the POD) and then ”inherited” Bohemia and Hungary after the childless death of Anna‘s brother who is not yet happened here (as that battle is a year and half after the POD)
Oh yeah. So Charles will probably split Spain and Hungary between his sons.
Oh yeah. So Charles will probably split Spain and Hungary between his sons.
Charles has NO RIGHT to Hungary or Bohemia, who would go only to children of Louis or Anna (as OTL)… Maybe you mean who Charles will split Spain and Burgundy between his sons? That is guaranteed, if Charles had at least two surviving sons (who is NOT guaranteed) * NO SPOILER MODE ON*
Charles has NO RIGHT to Hungary or Bohemia, who would go only to children of Louis or Anna (as OTL)… Maybe you mean who Charles will split Spain and Burgundy between his sons? That is guaranteed, if Charles had at least two surviving sons (who is NOT guaranteed) * NO SPOILER MODE ON*
Yeah, I meant to say Burgundy.
Fighting a lost battle - Catherine of Aragon
Catherine of Aragorn would keep her conviction to be the only legitimate wife of Henry VIII, and the rightful Queen of England until her last breath, in the far away Castile, her native country, but she would be the only one to see things in that way. The Pope, undoubtedly pressed by Cardinal Wolsey, had given to Henry his most desired annulment, leaving Catherine without anything: at least her Mary had kept her legitimacy and rank as princess, but she would be soon replaced as heiress by the children of whatever stupid girl Henry choose to put in her place, as Catherine, who had tried everything for keeping her rank and Crown had been unable to persuade the Papal legate and the majority of the jurors to pronounce their verdict in her favour. Catherine would continue to send curses towards Wolsey, who had destroyed her life and persuaded her Henry to betray her and their marriage for his own political interest, for the rest of her life, hoping who the damned Cardinal would take soon his place in the hell...
Henry had offered her a good deal but she had rejected it refusing to accept the title and rank of Dowager Princess of Wales and leave her rightful place to Henry’s new bride (and she had the sensation who Henry would announce soon his new engagement to whatever bride Wolsey had found him, who surely would not be comparable to her in any way). Leaving Mary behind would be hard, but the Spanish ambassador had given her a letter from the new Empress Isabel in which she had said who while she hoped who every thing would go for the best for Catherine, if things would go against her and she do not wanted remain in England she would be most welcome to return in Castile and Catherine had decided who accepting the offer made by Maria’s daughter and Juana’s son would be better for her than playing second fiddle to Henry’s next bride…
Henry had won and would have his freedom but she had her pride and would keep it intact leaving England forever.
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Catherine of Aragorn would keep her conviction to be the only legitimate wife of Henry VIII, and the rightful Queen of England until her last breath, in the far away Castile, her native country, but she would be the only one to see things in that way. The Pope, undoubtedly pressed by Cardinal Wolsey, had given to Henry his most desired annulment, leaving Catherine without anything: at least her Mary had kept her legitimacy and rank as princess, but she would be soon replaced as heiress by the children of whatever stupid girl Henry choose to put in her place, as Catherine, who had tried everything for keeping her rank and Crown had been unable to persuade the Papal legate and the majority of the jurors to pronounce their verdict in her favour. Catherine would continue to send curses towards Wolsey, who had destroyed her life and persuaded her Henry to betray her and their marriage for his own political interest, for the rest of her life, hoping who the damned Cardinal would take soon his place in the hell...
Henry had offered her a good deal but she had rejected it refusing to accept the title and rank of Dowager Princess of Wales and leave her rightful place to Henry’s new bride (and she had the sensation who Henry would announce soon his new engagement to whatever bride Wolsey had found him, who surely would not be comparable to her in any way. Leaving Mary behind would be hard, but the Spanish ambassador had given her a letter from the new Empress Isabella in which she had said who while she hoped who every thing would go for the best for Catherine, if things would go against her and she do not wanted remain in England she would be most welcome to return in Castile and Catherine had decided who accepting the offer made by Maria’s daughter and Juana’s son would be better for her than playing second fiddle to Henry’s next bride…
Henry had won and would have his freedom but she had her pride and would keep it intact leaving England forever.
Poor catherine! but at least she can rest easy here knowing that mary is still a legitimate princess and has not lost her father's love