The Gallic League

What's up with the Byzantines. Maybe I need to go back and look at the TL again, but it appeared they came out of nowhere some time in the middle ages. I thought they were greek, but they have Turkish names? What religion are they?
The seas mundane? :( I’ve spent a number of happy years fishing around down there (excuse the pun). Oh well, to each their own. :)

China just had a bit of a tiff between the Confucius minority and the Buddhist majority (more or less wanting less contact with the world vs maintaining an international presence). In the end the Buddhist majority won out though China has stepped back from global involvements over the last hundred years.

The Ogedei Khanate is also mostly Buddhist.

Though there has been some Buddhist influence in Kamiharou they are mostly a pantheotic culture (a mesh of Shinto and various other Polynesian deities).

The Byzantines are a bunch of angry people (or at least that’s how I see them). Conquered, reconquered, and abandoned as they have been by several other empires they’ve got a mixture of names and customs (I’ve used a Gallic-Hun Persian-Turkish Egyptian-Gallic combinations and so forth when it comes to coming up with names for them). When they gained their independence the last time from the Caliphate their leaders made a vow to be the conquers from now on – to that end they began trading heavily with the Lusitanians (which later on would bring them the “mechanical revolution†soon after the inception) and began picking fights with surrounding nations that were already weakened by war. Recently their political philosophy has changed slightly. They believe in the purity of the self sufficient nomad and the separation of the tribes so that each has its own purpose (some areas work factories while others sole function is to raise crops and never the twine shall meet). The nation is run by The Committee and headed by the Chairman – their sole purpose is to keep the nation safe from the oppressive institutions of the world (i.e. religion, kings, etc.). As for religion there isn’t much of any – though some still worship to this spirit or that spirit for your average Byzantine there is no higher power (or at least if there is one he/she/it/they don’t give a damn about what’s going on in the mortal world).

How’s that?
Just re-read the installment and I came across this:

1735AD: The High Council begins removing Gallic soldiers from the Ute, Cree, and Pawnee Chiefdoms – ending the 5 year occupation of those lands (a move that brings much opposition in the Oghma).

So with the High Council not being aligned with much popular support, what happens to that government body?

Who will be the replacement of the League in North America?

Is there some effort on making the borders with Dacia and the Dominion (any Jem'Hadar making a feature there? :p=-> DS9) stronger from invasion?
The druids have immense influence in the Gallic League and none are more respected and influential than the High Council (just as a reminder, 9 of the wisest druids in the land appointed/elected from within the druidic order – only druids may have a voice in which of them is sent to sit on the High Council). During a Regency the High Council (the judicial branch of the government if you will) has the final say on all League affairs. Even if they piss off the Oghma with their decisions (as in the case during this last century) it would still take the better part of a majority to undermine their authority. Which is what happens in 1738, the Oghma had enough and unanimously demanded the appointment of a High Monarch. Once Heuan took the crown the High Council reverts back to their advisory/judicial position.

Hmmm, perhaps I should have put something more in there about what happened after the League pulled out of the Chiefdoms. You could assume that the Cree, Ute, and Pawnee probably had some unrest (maybe even a few years of problems) while they reconstituted their governments but would more or less be just like they were before the Chiefdom Wars.

All along the Dacian-Gallic border there is a series of walls and forts however many of these have been abandoned or guarded with a minimum garrison. After centuries of fighting with each other, with little to show for it, a mutual “I’ll ignore you if you ignore me†unspoken agreement between the two of them has developed. Although Dacia has tried to maintain a similar accord with the Christian Kingdoms it has not been easy – this is due in no small part to a particularly annoying part of Christianity, evangelisms. With Novgorod and Khazar, and to a smaller extent the Mongol Empire, keeping pace with the tech advancements it makes keeping a secure border difficult.

As for the Byzantine Dominion (no allusion to Trek was intended :eek: ), defense really isn’t part of their national identity. They have fortifications in key areas but their military is mainly built up around a good offence.

I may have rambled a bit but I think that answers your questions.
The 19th century brings into the world something that scholars have been longing for since the dawn of intelligence – the Universal Library. This amazing device will link nations in a way never before thought of. Not all advancement is met with such enthusiasm, for at least within the Gallic League the spread of the atomic theory and the development of nuclear technologies is met with much uncertainty.

Though war will rage across the world and almost continuously in North Alrikia (involving a number of Chiefdoms, Scanza, the Mongol Empire, and Kamiharou) no war was more noteworthy than the Siberian War and the first use of a nuclear bomb. But more so than the A-Bomb, it was the unfettered use of chemical and biological agents on both sides that brought a new level of devastation to the term War.

For the Gallic League it is also the century where the first use of our modern army is employed. The change had been hard for many in the League – watching as age old techniques and weapons were replaced was as difficult for the average soldier as it must have been for the Weigh Station Riders to watch their livelihood be closed down. By the start of the century though we were a military might to be reckoned with once more. We were changed for sure, the art of the latter part of the 18th century up to the first 10 years of the 19th century showed a warrior devoid of a fighting spirit – this was plainly seen, if by no other means, in how the sword had gone from a prominent figure in portraits to sheathed and in the background (though the sword will remain part of the Gallic soldier its importance will never be the same – over the coming decades the longsword will even be replaced by the shorter gladious, a sword largely indigenous to the Celtiberian region). The fighting spirit will return however with the help of a weapon known playfully has Little MACs (armored wagon tracks with a cannon turret designed in the latter half of the 18th century – Mobile Armored Cannons).

1800AD: The discovery of plastics in the last century has led to many positive developments but it has also led to some unsavory discoveries. I speak of the poison gas industry and the instant interest the world’s militaries had in the area. Over the next 10 years a variety of “agents†are developed – one of the most popular is Chlorine gas (developed in 1804).

Archbishop Imre and General Sandor of Khazar refuse to relinquish control of the kingdom to the heir, Prince Bodi Lotanar. The country had been under a regency since the sudden and unexplained death of the king 10 years ago. Fearing for his life Bodi flees Khazar for Novgorod but he is no more welcomed there than in his own country so after a year moves again to Neos Syracuse. Over the past 10 years the regents had slowly gained sole control over the press, food production, and manufacturing sighting one Church reason or another. For the most part the regents’ actions went overlooked by the average Khazarian as they lived in a theocracy and so were used to the Church providing for them.

1802AD: Archbishop Imre and General Sandor move to further solidify their positions. Since the departure of the Prince there has been growing unrest in how they have handled the government. Their response is to call the army into the streets of every major city and disband the ruling council (taking a page from early Christian history Archbishop Imre had disbanded the old army and allowed only those devoted to him and the scriptures to take the oath of loyalty).

Archbishop Imre believed that God should be the sole provider and protector of the people and since he was the hand of God it was his duty to act in the best interest of the people (and with the loyalty of people such as General Sandor this was possible).

1803AD: Despite archbishop Imre’s statements that he remained loyal to the Church and the Patriarch he was adamant that he knew what was best for the people of Khazar. When word reached the royal and church loyalists that the archbishop had ignored the Patriarch massive revolts erupted. It was into this madness that Prince Bodi returned to reclaim the throne.

1804AD: The 3rd Byzantine War (1804-1808).

In Marta the Ogedei Khanate and Byzantine Dominion begin taking what remained of the Tabibid Caliphate Sultan Fahd Al-Asil signs a treaty with Egypt ensuring that if the Sultanate were to be attacked that Egypt would come to its aide.

In Aibrean the annexing of the Farees Sultanate began. King Alexander X of Egypt orders Byzantium to withdraw from the Sultanate. The following day the Sinai is invaded.

High King Micheil having no provocation to attack Byzantium takes his request to the Oghma and the High Council. After 2 months of arguing and watching Egyptian soldiers die the High Council concedes and allowed for a vote to go to war. On the 14th of Meitheamh Gallic war ships began attacking Byzantine ships and costal defenses while the garrisons at Ilium (accompanied by 14 MACs) and Mezek (accompanied by 34 MACs) began the assault by land.

By Lunasa (August) Byzantium had been captured and so had much of the Byzantine coast. However, with the Horn of Egypt being invaded by Ogedei marines and stiff fighting along the Grand Canal and the Sinai it was far too soon to announce victory.

1805AD: Just days after the New Year the Byzantine Dominion and Ogedei Khanate begin using a new devastating weapon – Chlorine gas filled artillery shells. By Nollog large sections of the Byzantine Capital had been regained by the Dominion and the front lines along the rest of Anatolia oscillated on a daily basis.

Coire Tain develops the first motion picture camera. His first subject was to film the opening of a night blooming plant (as an amateur botanists he was making a record of plants in his home town of Nor Tor in central Gaul). His motion film gains immediate popularity – promising a continued development of this new device.

1806AD: Eanair the 20, this marks the high water mark for the Byzantine/Ogedei invasion: much of the Caliphate and the entire Sultanate were under their control as well as large portions of the Horn of Egypt and a few towns along the coast and in Madagascar. Although about half of the Capital remained in League hands the battle lines in Anatolia had been pushed back Ilium.

It was on the 21st of Eanair though the scales would begin to shift. General Armilda (garrison commander for Ilium) was struck with the brilliance that accompanies idiots and prophets. With the city being bombarded and supplies short because of a recent Byzantine victory in the Med. She ordered her remaining 7 MACs to assemble together (going against the popular assessment for these mobile artillery which was to spread them out along the line to maximize your coverage). Ridding atop the center behemoth General Armilda ordered the Macs to charge with her 500 soldiers to support the assault. So, at noon of the 21st of Eanair General Armilda rode out into the lines of the Byzantine force (there were an estimated 2000 Byzantine soldiers that were in fact awaiting orders to commence their own assault on the city). The attack wedge formation broke through the frontlines of the Byzantine army and into their reserves, the Gallic troops that followed in the wake of the Little Macs added to the confusion and were able to force the Byzantine army into a withdraw. News of this great victory spread to quickly throughout the Gallic echelons (who were quick to adopt the Armilda’s attack style as it was reminiscent of the cavalry charge that had been done away with when the army was modernized).

Even though Prince Bodi had the majority of the population behind him the army was loyal to archbishop Imre and General Sandor. Better supplied and better trained the army of Prince Bodi could not hold out and were defeated. He and many of his followers were hung and crucified along the streets of the capital (an action that gained international disapproval).

1808AD: On the 9th of Bealtaine (May) the Byzantine Dominion offers peace to the Egyptian Empire and the Gallic League (the Ogedei Khanate would fight on until the 3rd of Mean Fomhair – September). Unlike the last encounter with the League the Byzantine Dominion would not be saved by Egyptian negotiation this time. The major points of The Treaty of Damascus: 1) The Byzantine military was to be abolished – no Macs, no artillery, no war ships, etc. (though they are able to maintain a small police force for internal peace). 2) The Farees Sultanate and the Tabibid Caliphate will be granted their lands back. 3) War reparations to be paid out over the next 20 years (damage for the war was estimated to be about 800 million ingots). 4) The position of the Chairman and the Committee were likewise to be abolished (Byzantium would be jointly administered by the League and Egypt for the next 50 years). 5) Over the next 50 years a Tribal Assembly will be established.

This treaty for the most part was applied to the Ogedei Khante excepting that they were allowed to maintain a minimal military force and their government was not abolished.

Coire Tain shows his latest film to a small audience in a Paris theater – this time his subject is a ritual fight held at a local Teutates Temple in Nor Tor. The film is so successful that the following month Coire is showing his film to a new audience, the High Monarch, High Council, and the Oghma in Alesia.

The Regents of Khazar declare war on the Tabibid Caliph (1808-1812).

Amazonia emerges from civil war, Benate is elected dictator for life (Benate is the grandson of general Demaga).

1811AD: Although motion film had been taken up by others their films were more along the same line as Tain’s early work, that being in the form of documentaries. In this year Tain takes the new industry another step by filming and producing his first full length movie. His subject is one of Angus Og’s most well known plays, Teague and Kyna (a story of forbidden love during the height of the Venetii and Nervii clashes).

1818AD: Motion film has spread like wild fire across the face of the Gallic League. The only thing lacking in the industry is a viable way to record sound and picture at the same time. This problem is solved in this year by the Tain Motion Picture Company. These “talkies†quickly replace the silent and sound aided films (sound aided are silent films where the sound was recorded on a separate device and played back in sync with the film).

Lusitanias Central Alrikian holdings begin revolting against the Triumvirate. The Triumvirate answers with the bulk of their military as loosing the Isthmus Canal would mean losing the last major source of income. The rebel armies quickly find aide with the Gallic League who secretly supplies arms and occasional refuge across the border.

1820AD: Gallic Scientist begin to routinely explore the oceans (the discoveries of mineral deposits, undersea volcanoes, as well all manner of undersea life will fill the Gallic newspapers and scientific journals for decades to come).

Engineers at the Cheng Wei Munitions and Ballistics Factory create the multi barreled machine gun. Reaching into the Hindu subculture the device is nicknamed Shiva or the Shiva Cannon. The Shiva is still using the standard gunpowder and paper cartridges so its popularity is undermined by its frequent jams. In fact the only nations that show any interest were Khazar, Ghana, and the Mongol Empire.

Dictator Benate begins expanding into New Lusitania. Cries for aide to Lusitania go largely unanswered as the Triumvirate is locked in combat with the rebels in Central Alrikia.

Skirmishes are reported between Abequa, Kongo, and S. African settlers/explorers. Although negotiations began between these three nations it was obvious from the start that they weren’t putting much faith in the talks as even before the first meeting each of them had ordered troops into the disputed area.

1821AD: Tain Motion Pictures moves from Paris to Cartagena, where land for making the films as well as studio expansion is far cheaper. This move, based solely on where Tain could make the Gallic ingot stretch the farthest, would mark the beginning of the separation between stage and film. From this point on the center for theater will remain in Paris but the holy city for those interested in the screen will be Cartagena.

1822AD: Governor Ander of Amazonia is expelled. When he arrives in New Lusitania he and Governor Iker form their own army to combat Dictator Benate’s aggression, sparking a 15 year war (1822-1837).

1823AD: Since the invention of the Belenus Lamp the Gallic League has been using a variety of heating sources to bring light to the nation (hydro, oil, gas, coal – most of which was imported giving an economic boom to Scanza, Egypt, and what was now occupied by Byzantium and Ogedei). A new fuel source is developed in this year at the Etan University, the Geothermal power plant. Unfortunately, the power source is area specific and there are many regions of the League that are unable to benefit from this resource at this time (these power plants however do become particularly popular in Kamiharou). The opening of the plant overshadows for a time other major research going on at Etan, namely investigation into atomic energy.

Since the invention of the radio and especially since the development of the motion picture there has been an effort to bring voice and picture to the homes of the average citizen. Siusan Enzo is the first to develop practical display devices based on the same principles as the radio and the motion picture. She presents her new invention in Egypt at the Memphis Scientific Associations annual faire. The audience, as well as several vendors, is amazed.

1824AD: The first television sets begin coming off the assembly lines a month after the first television studios opened up in Memphis and Cartagena.

Though war does not breakout at this time, Kongo and S. African survey engineers clash – the following day local soldiers are brought are called in to enforce each others claim. 2 days of fighting would ensue but uncertainty over which side Abequa would choose led to a mutual truce on the matter.

1825AD: Over the eons knowledge has been stored in either the minds of a select few or in the easily lost pages of books. Over the last 2 centuries there has been a collaborative effort by a group of Gallic, Egyptian, and Chinese scientists to make sure that knowledge and discoveries were stored in more that one mind, place, or book. Work has also been in progress to develop a “universal libraryâ€. Research into this began in 1750 with the first vacuum and cathode ray tubes and although there were already mechanical calculators (based on gears and levers) science demanded more. In this year a major advancement in this technology is made, the world’s first binary digital computer (developed by Unas Yafeu, Choi Zhung, and Selma Tadhchai). Though large enough that it required its own warehouse “Library I†is only the first of its kind – others will follow each smaller, smarter, and swifter than the last.

1830AD: After years of skirting the issue and dozens of skirmishes within the disputed area war finally is declared by Abequa, the Kingdom of the Kongo, and the Republic of South Africa (1830-1842). Though throughout most of the war the three sides fought each other there were times were temporary deals and truces were created where 2 of the 3 would conduct joint efforts (eventually falling on each other when the task that brought them together was completed).

1835AD: High King Micheil dies and passes the Gallic League to his son Ryan (1835-1856).

The Cheng Wei Munitions and Ballistics Factory develop the metallic cartridge.

1836AD: Dictator Benate declares war on the Incan Empire (1836-1842).

1840AD: Television is quickly replacing radio as the primary source of news and entertainment.

After a 2 year pause in the conflict in Central Alrikia the war there is on once more.

New Lusitania vies for independence from Lusitania. The Triumvirate grants the independence (though relations between the two nations will remain very close).

1846AD: The remaining Lusitanian forces take up the defensive as the bulk of the army is air lifted and flees by ship after a series of crushing defeats. The Central Alrikian rebels, acting under the leadership of general Zolin (reportedly the ancestor of a Mayan king) proclaim their independence – which is quickly recognized by the Gallic League. When Lusitania returns a year later to reopen the war they are given a stern warning by High King Ryan that continued war with General Zolin meant war with the League.

1847AD: General Zolin reestablishes the Mayan Empire (granting the Gallic League for its help in bringing about independence toll free access to the Isthmus Canal for 50 years).

1856AD: High King Ryan dies. His only daughter Blair ascends to the Gallic throne (1856-1888).

The first color television broadcast is made, although this new development will not immediately catch on due to the cost of upgrading to a color TV.

Since “Library I†there has been continuous research and development into computer science with nearly each year bringing a new advancement. In this year the first computers utilizing the circuit board, floppy drive, and mouse are developed in China, the Gallic League, and Egypt.

1858AD: Egypt officially withdraws from the administration of the Byzantine Dominion. High Queen Blair fearing a destabilization that could once again threaten the Gallic League decides not to fully withdraw from the Byzantine Dominion. Although elections are held for new tribal council members for the Tribal Assembly High Queen Blair appoints her own Gallic counterparts to rule along side the council members.

1860AD: A Ghanaese inventor by the name of Kashka Ndulu develops the first repeating magazine rifle using metallic cartridges. The use of standard gunpowder though keeps fouling the machine gun (even with regular cleaning) and so the weapon is notorious for jamming.

China builds the first fully functioning nuclear reactor for the use of producing electrical power.

1861AD: Gallic technicians add the modem to the realm of computers. Over the next few years computers around the League will be networked together. Within 10 years university computers in China and Egypt will also be linked forming for the first time the “universal libraryâ€.

1865AD: The Gallic League’s first nuclear reactor goes on line on Eanair 1st (January). Over the next 2 decades Ghana, Incan Empire, Scanza, Egypt, and several Chiefdoms will build their own reactors.

1880AD: Working in secret Egypt builds and detonates the world’s first atomic bomb. Several months later they invite their closest allies (the Gallic League and China) to witness a demonstration. The delegates have two reactions to the explosive power: the Chinese ambassadors are amazed and return home to advocate for their own nuclear weapons program. The Gallic contingent, though equally amazed, heeds the words of the High Council members that were present – “Which of us would be safe from such devastation?†When they returned home their voices would go a long way to advocating the League halt their research into this area (serious consideration was even given to discontinuing the construction of any new nuclear power plants – and in fact construction on the first new power plant after this would not begin until 1892).

1882AD: China detonates their first atomic bomb. Though an attempt was made to keep this a secret Mongol spies still were able to learn a great deal.

1883AD: The Mongol Empire officially protests China’s actions and warns that any further nuclear tests would be seen as an act of war.

1884AD: China detonates a second bomb. Two days later the Mongol Empire declares war (1884-1890).

The Mongols declared war on China by opening up their Great Wall artillery. 150 cannons fired at once, for the first time in centuries, breaching the Great Wall and opening up China’s northern border. 100,000 soldiers charged through the hole.

The fighting would be devastating for both sides as each employed Shivas – though the Mongol initiative to fire several at once with several more in reserve when one would jam proved to be tactically advantageous.

1886AD: Tegus Qorchi, a Mongolian scientist and inventor, develops the first gas operated machine gun utilizing smokeless powder. Jams are reduced to a minimum. The exposure these weapons receive during the Mongol war with China gains them instant popularity throughout the globe and other nations soon begin outfitting their militaries.

1887AD: Although much of northern China had been overrun the war had bogged down as trench after trench was dug – by Meitheamh (June) advances, if victorious, were made at great cost of men and machines.

By Mean Fomhair (September) Khan Baatar and the High Command decide that they should take advantage of their success in China and turn their attention to another enemy. This time their declaration of war would not be signaled by a cannon barrage but with a massive land assault into Novgorod territory.

1888AD: High Queen Blair, in ailing health, steps down in favor of her daughter Morna (1888-1913).

Patriarch Christopher II orders Khan Baatar to withdraw from Novgorod or face excommunication (a threat that has worked in the past to force a Mongol retreat from Novgorod lands). Khan Baatar had expected this and banked on his own popularity as well as the popularity of the war to carry him through his next decision.

Khan Baatar in a 2 hour speech to his people laid out his proposal on why the Mongol Empire should split from the Holy Church. Though meeting some opposition Baatar’s wishes were enthusiastically accepted and the Eastern Church (or the Mongol Church) was established (similar to OTL Anglican Church – though the religious philosophy keeps the Catholic traditions the head of the church becomes the Khan who is advised by an archbishop appointed by the Khan). Khan Baatar immediately orders the confiscation of church lands and holdings – helping to pay for the ongoing war.

1889AD: The Chinese Houses launch a massive attack – preceded by the first nuclear bomb used in combat. The device was flown into Mongolia and dropped on Neguder (a major Mongolian port along the upper portion of the Sea of Nihon). Along with the plane that carried the bomb, the city, dozens of ships, and thousands of lives were lost in a blinding flash of light.

A shockwave was sent through the international community. The High Council of the Gallic League immediately issued a letter to the Oghma, the High Monarch, and the Chinese government restating their stance on the issue of nuclear development and asking for a halt to any further attack of this nature.

With the war still going strong a month later China launches another nuclear attack on the Mongol Empire – this time the target was Dadu, the Mongolian capital (founded by Khublai Khan along the shores of the same Sea that bears his name).

With communications severely disrupted, and although the march was bloody, the Chinese and Novgorod assaults would roll up the Mongolian front over the next 8 months.

The Mongols would have one final devastating attack before the end. Armed with their own nuclear bomb and high altitude airplane to fly it into China the Mongol commence with their own nuclear attack. However, the plane was shot down over the front lines along the Great Wall – the pilots had managed to arm the device before death, thankfully, for China at least, the bomb went off in a remote desert area.

1890AD: Probably the main result of the Siberian War was the enactment of the International War Conduct Treaty (which chiefly lays out weapons of war that were A) strictly forbidden to be used, and B) those that were not to be used on civilian targets – falling into both category A and B was the use of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological weapons…all of which were used to devastating degrees by all sides during the war).

1891AD: The Incan Empire detonates their first nuclear bomb.

1893AD: The Gallic League begins directing large sums of money and supplies to the discovery of new and better fuels. The nuclear conflict between China and the Mongol Empire renewed the efforts of the High Council to ban nuclear power plants and research in the Gallic League (though the population was split on the nuclear issue what was fully agreed on was that the Gallic League had been at the mercy of importing its fuel for long enough).

Coddoan detonates their own nuclear bomb.

1895AD: Though micro-processors and memory chips continued to be improved allowing for computers to be built that now fit on a desktop education and military facilities are the only places benefiting from these devices. This is mainly because in order to operate these instruments one had to be able to read and write computer code. In this year however an Egyptian programmer by the name of Darius Oba Tau develops an operating system for the common user.

1896AD: The first domestic computers are sold to the populous in Egypt, China, and the Gallic League.

Tension and disputes over territory in North Alrikia between Mongolia and Kamiharou erupt into war (1896-1897). The war would be brief and fought mainly in North Alrikia.

1898AD: The first computer games come to market – though crude by modern standards they were a breakthrough in the area of home entertainment for the time.

1899AD: Though the world’s computers had been “talking†to one another since the 1850’s this year marks the grand opening of the first digitally publiforums in the Gallic League. These “internet†chat rooms will soon be developed in nations around the world and spiral into any number of “sites†from online auctions and adult themes to teaching your child ABC and 123.
The world c.1900

Thanks for the compliment. :D

The Christian Kingdoms…well, let’s see.

Neos Syracuse: which is basically just the city of Neos Syracuse – with only a small Guard and some political influence.

Dacia: which has opted for internal reflection over international entanglements.

Khazar: their theocratic society has swung into a full autocratic regime bent on bringing order through poverty and suffering to the world.

Novgorod: a theocratic society though harsh in maintaining the Laws of Christ is generally more interested spreading the word of God via missionaries (though they have just fought a rather exhausting war with the Mongols) – if you’re looking for a kind face of Christianity in my world this is probably the best you’re going to find.

Mongol Empire: exhausted by war (nuked twice, that would take the wind out of anyone’s sails) but typically interested in conquest by force.

So, I’d say Khazar is going to be making a mess of things in this last century – though I wouldn’t rule out Novgorod making a cameo.
Geez. Already up to the 1900's and the U.K. is ruled by Scandinavia (or an = to it) with much of N. America lumped in it as well....

Congratuations for a very well written TL.
Hm.. Is there any talk in the Dominion about restoring the Commitee/Chairman system of government? How has Byzantine Society changed after the Gallo-Egyptian Occupation?
Sorry for the delay in posting – the next segment should be up a few days.

As for the Byzantine Dominion, the Gallic administration favored the decentralized less militant version of what I dubbed “Byzantine Anarchyâ€. However, what the League wants and what the League gets are two different things. They get a decentralized Dominion with a Tribal Assembly that is basically just a glorified circuit court (no real power to do anything but hear and settle grievances between the tribes). In the wake of the occupation and withdraw the League also spurs a string of militia groups that the Assembly is neither equipped nor inclined to stop.
The 20th and 21st centuries bring us into the present and mark some very exciting developments in our international society.

The simplest things can sometimes spark the most ingenious of innovations. From the need to be first we see a century’s old knowledge bring to light the possibility of touching the stars. The great fear voiced by many around the world, but none as loudly as the druids, was that we were ruining the Earth by pumping pollutants and nuclear fallout into the atmosphere – by the end of the century however we are saved from ourselves by successful treaties, the development of Space Defense Platforms, and the pursuit of alternate power sources. In the case of the Gallic League this is brought about by exploiting the oceans currents and heat vents not to mention the development of hybrid engines. The early devices used an electric/gasoline combination but by the end of the century hydrogen based engines are out pacing all other models. Of course no story is without hardship, and thanks to The Great War millions would partake.

1900AD: The Chiefdoms of North Alrikia founded “The Races” in 1877AD (as the name indicates the festival is a gathering of athletes from the Chiefdoms to compete in a variety of races – the most heavily attended are automobile races). The races though very popular in N. Alrikia never gained a large international following due mainly to the lack of rules involved in the competition – thus injuries and occasional deaths are part of the risks (in the 128 years of the competition only 34 contestants have been from outside the Chiefdoms – 21 of those have been from the Gallic League). This penchant for speed and danger that has led many would-be victors to seek new and interesting ways to cross the finish line as quickly as possible. This year is marked in history because it is the year that the Akecheta family develops a liquid fueled rocket which they incorporate into the engine of their racer (incidentally, registries for The Races going back to 1877 show that the Akecheta’s had never ranked higher than 5th in all the years of the race prior to this year). The rocket and its fuel (based on findings made by a Gallic scientist during the 1730’s) did carry the Akecheta family into first place but also into the bandstands of the audience. The fiery mess of the aftermath was spectacular but thankfully only 2 were killed. Even without the attention grabbing explosion the eyes of the world were eagerly drawn to the new rocket and many nations will now begin developing their own versions.

1903AD: After much trial and error and many prototypes Gallic scientists invents the first reliable hybrid engine (electric/gasoline). This is the first of its kind and many more will follow though the most popular of which will be the hydrogen based engines (which grants a boom to the hydrogen industry which sprang up in the years after the first hot air balloons were developed but never fully took off as an immensely popular mode of transportation – though has seen an increase in interest since Akecheta rocket car). This technology will continue to be improved upon over the century and will greatly diminish our need on importing fuel and power sources.

1905AD: Caddoan test detonates their second nuclear bomb. This rouses an instant response from the neighboring Chiefdoms but not much is done excepting the exchange of heated remarks via ambassadors. This also gains the attention of the international watchdog commission known as the War Conduct Council (created by the War Conduct Treaty of 1890). Though with little funding and no means of enforcing the treaty (especially since none of the Chiefdoms had signed it) the W.C.C. can only bluster and suggest sanctions.

1906AD: Caddoan begins construction on several new bombs which again gains the attention of the other Chiefdoms only this time they threaten war if Caddoan doesn’t halt their development of nuclear warheads. After a few tense months Caddoan bows to the international pressure and begins to disarm their nuclear arsenal. The collective front brought forth by the Chiefdoms over the Caddoan issue sparks whispers of unification among the North Alrikian tribes.

1908AD: Byzantine rebels succeed in bombing several Gallic military outposts and bases. This sparks debate in the Oghma and the High Council as many wonder if a continued presence in the Byzantine Dominion was worth the effort. Though the final decision would fall to High Queen Morna she does side with the interests of the Oghma and High Council and within 2 years the League fully withdraws from the Byzantine Dominion. The Tribal Assembly, though exuberant over finally being able to govern without a shadow, fears that they will be unable to stem the anger and hatred that fueled the rebels - especially since they took the Gallic withdraw as a great victory and were now even more determined to continue using their method. To that end, the leader of the Dominion rebels send a message to the world threatening to use nuclear force against any enemies (for the time being it is an idle threat as the rebel forces have no access to nuclear material).

Byzantine saber rattling and continued pressure from Khazar opens up talks between the Tabibid Caliphate and the Farees Sultanate – on the table is the idea to reform the Mehrdadian Caliphate. The issue of unification is mostly the idea of Sultan Muhammad Iben Zameel Al-Wathik, who is using the notion of peace to exploit and bloodlessly take over a greatly weakened foe.

Ogedii computer techs invent the Compact Disk – though initially intended to replace floppy disks and tapes the CD finds almost instant popularity in the music industry (in the near future a version of the CD is developed that records movies which virtually overnight replaces the bulky video tapes of home entertainment).

1910AD: The Incan Empire and Amazonia go to war (1910-1915). The war is most noteworthy for the first use of liquid fueled rockets that enabled both sides to strike deep into each others lands.

It is agreed that Prince Wajeeh (the son of Sultan Al-Wathik) will marry Princess Leila (the daughter of Caliph Sohrab IV), their first born son will be crowned the new Mehrdad Caliph. Until that time the nations will begin to act as one (some initial overtures were made to the only other chiefly Mehrdadian population of Kanem but that nation’s seemingly endless parade of political leaders made it impossible to have them join the Mehrdadian House).

1912AD: The Caliphate and Sultanate go to war with the Byzantine Dominion (1912-1914). 4 years of listening to rebel threats of nuclear strikes if their demands were not met finally carried over into actual conflict. The Byzantine rebels were too disorganized to put up much of a fight (especially since their greatest weapon was currently a bluff) and the Tribal Assemble was by no means equipped to deal with an invasion of this magnitude so the Byzantine Dominion once again found themselves occupied.

1913AD: High Queen Morna dies. The throne passes to her youngest son Heuan (II) (1913-1938).

1914AD: By this time the Byzantine Dominion was thoroughly occupied but by no means secured. However, the Mehrdadian military leaders had little time to worry about insurgency as over the last 2 years the regime in Khazar took it upon themselves to begin annexing larger and larger sections of border territory by Lunasa (August) the attempts to reclaim Caliph land escalates into a full war (1914-1919).

1918AD: Amazonia erupts into another series of civil wars (1918-1934).

1919AD: The Mehrdadian military is able to win back much of the lands confiscated by Khazar (though they are unable to inflict any serious defeats on the regime). A truce is declared, in the shadow of which Khazar conducts the first social and cultural purges in 500 years (the purges are directed against the Mehrdadians and Jews that unfortunately live in areas conquered by Khazar over the last century). Khazar also begins to fund and supply Byzantine rebels – though this seems contradictory when set against their theological policies it was justified by the Bishop as setting evil against evil.

1920AD: The Gallic League Launch their first nuclear submarine, the Brewyn.

The first undersea modules begin their descent to the construction zone. Work will being within the year on the first undersea geothermal power plant. This is primarily a test site, the hope is to set up the station and begin producing power for several coastal towns – if all goes well full development of this energy source will commence.

1921AD: The Tabibid Calipate and the Farees Sultanate celebrate the crowning of King Xerxes of the Mehrdadian Empire – (although a very popular youth, not only was he seen as the keystone in unifying the Mehrdadian House, but he was also handsome, charismatic, and had gained some notoriety as a calm, tactically minded leader during the last year of the Mehrdadian-Khazar war).

1926AD: Khazar signs a non-aggression treaty with Novgorod and Mongol Empire.

The undersea geothermal plant goes online (dubbed New Vesuvius).

1927AD: Khazar breaks the 8 year truce with the Mehrdadian Empire and invades (1927-1940) – though this is merely the opening scene in a much larger production.

With the success of New Vesuvius plans are set in motion to build other stations as well as to create supplemental industries to help with costs. Over the next 2 decades mining plants will also be completed as well as sea current turbine. Although popular for scientist and engineers the colony never becomes greatly popular among the citizens of the League though eventually places like New Vesuvius begin to grow their own food and support permanent residence.

1930AD: A joint effort by the Etan University and the Athenian Medical University celebrates successful trials using various stem cells to regenerate skin, hair, and organs of mice (over the coming years equally impressive trials will be conducted on a variety of animals).

The Byzantine Dominion revolts against the Mehrdadian Empire – gaining their independence once again.

1931AD: Emboldened by the successes against the Mehrdadian Empire Khazar continues south into the wealthy Ogedii Khanate.

Despite the most recent amicable exchanges between Khazar and Byzantium Byzantine rebels decide to strike out against the most immediate autocratic threat. Their first attack comes in the port city of Oghuz where an oil tanker is bombed (an oil tanker supplied from captured Mehrdadian wells). The Bishop (though more of a title by this point in time rather than an indication of religious rank) and High Command of Khazar decide to slow their advance into Ogedii Khanate and face the Dominion. Though they make a landing by sea they have no qualms about annexing Dacian territory along the Caspian Sea (claiming eminent domain) to create a land bridge to the rebels. This of course brings Dacia into the war.

1932AD: The Great War (1932-1940).

It is hard to say just how far Khazar would have gone if not for the fatal mistake of invading China. During Lughnasadh China had moved 3 divisions to the Khazar border with the only concern being to secure the region incase Khazar decided to annex any of their territory. Bishop Askar, going against the High Command, orders a halt put on the Dacian front to confront the Chinese threat.

Egypt declares war on Khazar.

With no end to the veracious conquests of Khazar and with 2 divisions located in Anatolia (easy striking distance into the Gallic League) High King Heuan II issues his own declaration of war 10 days after Egypt on the 15th of Deireadh Fomhair (October). As it turns out those 2 divisions in Anatolia were under orders to invade the Gallic League if Egypt or the League declared war on Khazar (the assumption being that if one went to war the other would follow suit).

In the first few months of 1932 Khazar is able to enlist the aid of the Mongol Empire and Ghana (the Incan Empire will round out the Khazar Alliance in 1933). For the Allied Coalition it was Mehrdadian Empire (what remained of it), China, Egypt, Gallic League, and strangely enough Dacia (in 1935 New Lusitania, Scanza, Kamiharou, and several North Alrikian Chiefdoms will join the Coalition – this happened after the Incan Empire launched and detonated a nuclear warhead over the Kamiharou shipyards in Hawaii, this of course was done to dissuade Kamiharou from entering the war after the Mongol Empire began to advance in North Alrikia).

For the purposes of this condensed account of history it would be difficult to minimize the epic greatness of the Great War (for further reading there are number of histories and novels dedicated to this period). I think it is easier to state that there was hardly a field or sea on Earth that was left untouched by the violence of this war.

By 1940 The Khazar Alliance crumbled as each faction signed separate peaces with the Coalition. Khazar however was not deterred by this and, as the saying goes, pulled up the drawbridge. Taking into consideration the exhaustion of the military and the number of lives it would take to breach the Khazar border the nations of the world were happy to let Khazar fester behind fortification (sanctions and unrest would ensure that Khazar never left those fortifications). Of course this lays the ground work for a series of undisclosed events. Stories of humanitarian atrocities filtering out of Khazar lead to a number of subversive attempts to insight a revolution and smuggle people out of that land (this becomes a favorite topic for movie writers in Cartagena – the genera made famous by the ongoing feats of Aidan Flynn in such movies as A Dagger at Midnight and The Lover who Spied).

1938AD: High King Heuan II dies during the defense of Damascus. He led a relief column coming to the aid of Egyptian forces that had just suffered a defeat. Heuan’s arrival with the 103rd MAC brigade blunted the Khazar breakthrough and allowed for Egyptian forces to regroup (Gallic MAC’s tended to be smaller, quicker, and fired armor piercing rather than explosive rounds as compared to the Khazar fleet of Treads which were better armored but slower). His daughter Mebd IV will take the throne (1938-1951).

1940AD: In the wake of The Great War an international peacekeeping mission is developed to help reform the Byzantine Dominion and the Mehrdadian Empire. The royal Mehrdad family returns from exile in Egypt and the Byzantine Tribal Assembly is reconstituted.

Cell regeneration research begins trials on human volunteers (with the war just over there is a great wealth of volunteers looking for a chance that they may be able to regrow limbs, organs, and chard skin).

1945AD: After years of talking about it the subject of a Chiefdom Union is finally realized. The Chiefdoms of Sarsi, Ute, and Shoshone found the United Chiefdoms of North Alrikia – though more often called the Chiefdom Union. Over the next 10 years the list will grow to include the Cree, Algonquian, Sioux, Ojibwa, Oneida, and the Pawnee.

The Byzantine Tribal Assembly is allowed to form their own police force to combat the extremists still running rampant in the Dominion. As before the Tribal Assembly is unable to handle the radicals but through a series of truces and bribes is able to maintain a modicum of peace (this proved to be satisfactory for most of the world as the Byzantine extremists seemed preoccupied with conducting terror strikes against rival radical groups in Khazar and Mehrdadian Empire).

1947AD: The Chiefdom Union launches the first high altitude rocket. This amazes nations around the world as the notion of actually visiting the stars begins to actually look possible (since previously any idea of flight was considered either a novelty or commercial). From here on we see a continuing development of high altitude and upper atmospheric rockets (the birth of ICBMs). As with any great leap in military technology this caused an arms race as nations around the world carried on heedlessly in the attempt to create a method to single-handedly attacking an enemy on the other side of the globe.

1950AD: Egypt stands above other nations of the world as the first to launch an artificial satellite (Toth I – a communications satellite).

1951AD: The Gallic League and China follow in Egypt’s footsteps and launch their own satellites (other nations will do the same in the coming years). High Queen Mebd IV watches from her sick bed and dies a few days after the launch. Mebd’s daughter Bebinn (IX) (1951-Present) takes up the throne and proclaims that she plans on following her mother’s lead and take the League to the stars.

1960AD: Egypt is the fist to launch a living being into low orbit – a cat by the name of Sphinx.

1961AD: China is the first to send a human into low Earth orbit, Chang Liwei returns as an instant international figure. The League and Egypt send their own astronauts into space in the coming months.

1962AD: Athenian Medical University successfully regenerates the skin of a burn victim.

1963AD: Kamiharou launch the first geosynchronous satellite into orbit – this GPS greatly increase the ability to navigate on land, sea, and air.

Farouk Baz becomes the first Egyptian and human to be launched into full Earth orbit. He circles 36 times before falling back to Earth and splashing into the Tangaroa Ocean (both the pilot and craft were lost on impact when the parachutes failed to deploy).

1965AD: The Gallic League sends Casy Erin into full Earth orbit and is able to recover both craft and pilot safely. High Queen Bebinn IX is quoted as saying, “Next stop, the Moon.”

1969AD: The Athenian Medical University begins looking into the regeneration of brain cells (the initial research is promising).

1971AD: The Gallic League beats Egypt and China to the Moon by 1 week. Glyn Maddox upon stepping from the Lander exclaims, “Surely these are the eyes of the Gods,” when faced with the clear beauty of the sky above the Moon. Debate begins in the corridors of the High Council on getting funding to build an observatory on the Moon – their first efforts are met with skepticism. The druids are not deterred and continue to seek not only Oghma approval but international help.

1976AD: High Queen Bebinn IX supports the High Council in their efforts to build an observatory on the Moon. After some debate the Oghma also agrees but on two conditions, 1) the expense of the project is shared by other nations (Egypt and China join the effort) and 2) that instead of a Lunar base they offer the idea of an orbital station. The compromise is agreed upon.

1977AD: The first materials meant for the observatory are sent into orbit and construction begins on the Space Station.

Khazar issues an edict stating that any attempt to populate the heavens with pagan ideals would be seen as an act of aggression towards God – and so, an act of aggression towards Khazar.

Byzantine radicals send word to the space faring nations of the world that any attempt to pollute space with their oppressive autocratic values would be seen as an act of war (as always they threaten nuclear strikes against the offending parties but by this time it is no longer a bluff).

These ultimatums send the international community scrambling to find ways to defend their efforts to explore space. This slows construction of the space station as material and funds go to detecting these radical groups before they can strike and finding a blanket defense system (the space program’s loss is the WCCs gain as international funds and materials shifts into their pockets).

1979AD: After dozens of international conventions the idea is hit upon to use lasers to knock down any missiles. Lasers are useful tools that are used in a number of fields from medicine to military to entertainment although for decades there has been steady research to make the instruments more powerful, safer, and sturdier, at the moment the devices are hard to power and easily damaged. Nonetheless, the idea is accepted by the League, Egypt, and China and plans are started in earnest to create a laser to serve as a defense against conventional or nuclear missiles.

1982AD: Gallic druids and scientists at the Etan University develop the free-electron laser (I’ll spare you the techno babble but essentially it is a highly powerful and focused laser that is capable to cutting through the atmospheric mess a conventional laser can not).

1984AD: After further testing it is decided to begin work on creating land and space based platforms that utilize the free-electron laser technology. Funding and construction of these platforms are halted several times due to argument within the Oghma – a small but vocal group feel that the conventional measures taken to prevent Radicals from fulfilling their threats has worked so why should the nation help foot the bill for such an expensive effort as laser. Bebinn IX and the High Council were resolute in their conviction to see this through to the end and so were able to squash any opposition to the defense projects.

1986AD: Though many support buildings still need to be started and completed the first Ground Defense Platform goes online in the Gallic League.

1987AD: The first Space Defense Platform goes operational. Although meant as a defensive weapon the potential use as an offensive weapon brings many angry voices from the international community. It is decided that control of these devises will be turned over to a broader range of nations. Operational control of the SDP is given over to an international committee already in place, the War Conduct Council – which creates its own committee to administer the lasers, the International Space Defense Agency.

1992AD: There are enough SDP and LDP (space and land defense platforms) to warrant a full return to the Space Station construction.

1995AD: Space station Chimera goes operational – the first of many residents are Angus Hayden of the Gallic League, Fariel Sadat of the Egyptian Empire, and Mao Qin of China.

1998AD: With demand for space exploration and colonization out pacing undersea enthusiasts High Queen Bebinn IX puts to the High Council and the Oghma the task of colonizing the Moon (a subject that is already under serious consideration in the Egyptian Civil Council and the Chinese parliament). Bebinn and the people of the Gallic League accept the notion based on wide eyed wonderment (what’s out there?), the High Council on the quest for knowledge (what can we learn?), and the Oghma for financial stability and self sufficiency (tourists ingots and mining rights – specifically the mining of Helium-3, a valued substance found in great quantities on the Moon that may at last be the answer to creating an efficient and reliable fusion reactor).

2000AD: The Gallic League sends their first survey team to the Moon (the first mapping expedition since 1971 is conducted). The initial findings look good for fulfilling the interests of everyone back on Earth.

2001AD: Within weeks of each other Egypt and China begin shipping material into Lunar orbit for use in constructing their own bases. Before the end of the year the Gallic League begins shipping their own material.

2005AD: The expense of trying to be the first nation to colonize the moon is weighing on the Gallic League, Egypt, and China (not to mention several other smaller nations trying to catch up with the big 3). It is proposed by the High Council that a joint effort would be far easier – they sited the immense undertaking of building and setting up the SDPs and LDPs and how much easier and cost effective it was to work with other nations to get the job done.

After a month of negotiations the Treaty of Alesia is signed, creating the International Space Exploration Agency, a division of what had been called the War Conduct Council and what is now called the World Conduct Council. Cosigners are Egypt, China, Chiefdom Union, Ghana, and the Incan Empire.
The Gallic League at a glance.

Current date: 12th of Eanair 2380AF (12th of January 2005AD – founded 375BC)
Area: 10,763,536 km2
Population: 612,350,610
Average life expectancy: 90 years
Government: Limited Monarchy
Capital: Alesia
Closest ally: Egyptian Empire

The Gallic League is a monarchical society. Though ruled by a single individual the authority of the High King or Queen is checked by two other branches of government. The Oghma; a body of elected officials called Vates (4 from each region) that theoretically serve for life terms or until a given region issues a vote. Each Vate sits in council at Alesia for one term during the year before being rotated back to his/her region to deal with regional issues (one term is designated as one season, three month period, during the year). The New Year gathering of the Oghma is the only time of year that all officials are in session (the New Year gathering is held for the first two weeks of Samhna [November]). The Oghma as a general rule applies themselves with dealing with domestic issues. The High Council is the second governmental body that helps to limit the monarchy. A body of nine druids elected or appointed by the druid order for life. The High Council typically deals with the legal matters of the League as well as acting as an advisory board for both the High Monarch and the Oghma.

In the 2380 years of the Gallic League there have been 118 leaders and 17 different Houses have ruled. Of that 118, 5 have been war chiefs, 67 High Kings, and 47 High Queens. Furthermore, 5 of these leaders have been appointed, 8 elected, 6 assassinated, 16 died in combat, 4 to duels, 2 have been forced to abdicate, and there has been 10 self abdications. Also during this time there have been 8 Regencies of the High Council (periods when there was no clear successor to the throne).

The League is comprised of 8 regions; Gaul, Italia, Greekland, Rhineland, Celtiberia, Greater Carthage, Lesser Carthage, and Teutonica. Between the Founding (375BC) and 238AF (137BC) the basis for the Gallic government were established; the Oghma was established at the Founding (375BC), the High Monarch in 65AF (310BC), the High Council in 215AF (160BC), and the office of the Vates in 238AF (137BC).

The Gallic League is largely an agrarian society living in small to medium sized urban settlements (generally about 150,000 residents or less). The industrial base is scattered about a few dozen larger cities of the League (chief among these are Alesia, Kelheim, Mezek, Cartagena, Massallia, Carthage, and Cadiz). Although generally egalitarian there are certain aspects of the society that tend to favor one gender over another. For example, the druid order is 83% male yet nearly 70% of all scientists in the League are female. Within the ranks of the military men and women serve side by side as they always have except the navy where crews are 64% male (the submarine service is even more lopsided as 90% serving are male). Getting around the League is still mainly done via horseback as generally speaking your average citizen will not travel more than 50 miles from his/her place of birth. Automobiles are popular among the wealthy though more often seen as either a public, commercial, or military form of transportation. Cities are laid out in a circular pattern with a radial street system (public areas like gardens, forums, and markets tend to occupy the center of settlements with more domestic structures out towards the exterior – the only exception of a public building are temples, which over the centuries have moved from the fridges of the settlements to the interior, but still tend to be out of public sight). Though there are any number of forms of employment open to the person of the right qualifications any job in the league is derived from one of three, Druid, Bard, Warrior (the very best of our society have always been those that incorporate aspects of all three – an intelligent fighter who can sing).

Religion is pantheistic encompassing a variety of spirit and ancestor worship though by far the most popular gods are Esos, Dogda, Brigit, and Teutates. There are two other religions practiced within the League, Christianity and Judaism. The largest contingent of Christians are the Fadeyrianists though they are geographically limited, the majority of them living in Greekland (though the religion has found a great deal of popularity in the Chiefdom Union). On the island of Sicily there is a self isolated group of Catholics – remains of the once mighty Kingdom of Syracuse. Finally there are the Cult of Amon-Re followers who have their majority in Greater and Lesser Carthage.

The Gallic League has a relatively small standing army given the size of the nation (approximately 200,000 active soldiers). The 3 chief reasons for this is 1) that all active soldiers are paid a stipend to their families (if that family is actively farming) to help defer the loss of aid during the harvest season, 2) the fierce Gallic ideal to live independent and free, 3) the educational system essentially makes every able bodied citizen a soldier (generally there is a 2 year military service mandatory for all citizens not going on to Secondary or Tertiary school [military education is part of Primary school education]). Even though our military history has given the nation a reputation as a feared, fierce, and blood-thirsty your average citizen is more interested in living well and living comfortably (as the famous quote goes, “War is good for the soul but only when fighting for hearth or heart.” As written in the Brehon Codex). This mentality has led to 50 major foreign wars, 3 civil wars, and 12 major rebellions (not mentioned are the countless skirmishes and raids fought both domestically and internationally).

Gallic Houses

Brennus I: war chief 400BC-374BC
Brennus II: war chief 374BC-360BC

Eogan (grandson of Brawyn): war chief 360BC-336BC
Breoga: war chief 336BC-323BC

Bebinn I: war chief 323BC-310BC/High Queen 310BC-287BC (elected)
Glaistig: High Queen 287BC-285BC
Lirinn: High King 284BC-222BC
Fenrir I: High King 221BC-209BC (killed in a duel)

Hygelac: High King 209BC-175BC
Bebinn II: High Queen 175BC-164BC

(Nori – by way of Greater Carthage)
Fenrir II: High King 163BC-149BC
Bowdyn: High King 149BC-120BC
Brennus III: High King 120BC-80BC
Epona: High Queen 80BC-53BC
Medb: High Queen 53BC-13BC
Bebinn III: High Queen 13BC-37AD

Caratacus: High King 37AD-54AD (elected)
Tethra: High King 54AD-69AD
Creoiys: High King 69AD-115AD (after trial by sword)
Caratacus II: High King 115AD-125AD
Bebinn IV: High Queen 125AD-138AD
Bran: High King 138AD-164AD
Geayveeley: High Queen 165AD-172AD (by blood she is considered a Lagin)

The First Regency of the High Council (and Billey Darrgh): 172AD-186AD

Medb II: High Queen 186AD-241AD
Aalid: High Queen 241AD-249AD
Darragh: High King 249AD-268AD (abdicates)

The Second Regency of the High Council: 268AD-276AD

Rhiannon: High Queen 276AD-307AD (elected)
Bebinn V: High Queen 307AD-323AD

Iden Keir: High King 323AD-326AD
Morgan: High King 326AD-333AD (refuses to abdicate, killed by brother)
Neal: High King 333AD-334AD
Doane: High King 334AD
Cedric: High King 334AD-335AD
Brenna: High Queen 335AD-342AD

Ceallach: High King 342AD-360AD
Rhiannon II: High Queen 360AD-385AD
Neal II: High King 385AD-408AD
Ambrose: High King 408AD-425AD
Alerio: High King 425AD-444AD

Bebinn VI: High Queen 444AD-460AD
Danus: High King 460AD-479AD
Morgan II: High King 479AD-485AD

Considered to be the Third Regency of the High Council: 485AD-500AD

Bowdyn II: High King 495AD-500AD (never formally granted the title)
Rhiannon III: High Queen 500AD-520AD
Dorian: High King 520AD-527AD
Aidan: High King 527AD-545AD
Piaras: High King 545AD-557AD
Eilionoir: High Queen 557AD-580AD
Olwyn: High Queen 580AD-593AD
Bebinn VII: High Queen 593AD-610AD
Cocidius: High King 610AD-622AD
Fiona: High Queen 623AD-632AD
Iona: High Queen 632AD-652AD
Brennus IV: High King 652AD-669AD
Keelia: High Queen 669AD-678AD (forced to abdicate)
Dasos: High Queen 678AD-691AD (elected – Brennus IV daughter)
Rhiannon IV: High Queen 691AD-714AD

Rasmus: High King 714AD-718AD
Baruch: High King 718AD-724AD (killed in a duel)

The Fourth Regency of the High Council: 724AD-735AD

Gaiar: High King 735AD-747AD (elected)
Ailis: High Queen 747AD-772AD
Vosegus: High King 772AD-795AD
Esus: High King 795AD-813AD
Ailin: High King 813AD-835AD
Caolabhuinn: High King 835AD-850AD
Beitris: High Queen 850AD-876AD
Aladair: High King 876AD-888AD

Seorus: High King 892AD-899AD
Baran: High King 899AD-920AD
Arlan: High King 920AD-925AD

Guennola: High Queen 926AD-952AD
Maureen: High Queen 952AD-972AD
Flynn: High King 972AD-987AD
Mebd III: High Queen 987AD-1012AD
Trevor: High King 1012AD-1027AD
Eloise: High Queen 1027AD-1030AD

The Fifth Regency of the High Council: 1030AD-1035AD

Friedhelm: High King 1036AD-1052AD
Holden: High King 1052AD-1079AD
Torquil: High King 1079AD-1097AD
Hagan: High King 1097AD-1121AD
Ellard: High King 1121AD-1131AD

Harold: High King 1131AD-1149AD
Thorbert: High King 1146AD-1176AD
Aylmer: High King 1176AD-1201AD
Harold II: High King 1201AD-1222AD
Everard (The Christian): High King 1222AD-1231AD (dies in a duel)

Boamawny: High King 1231AD-1246AD (High King by Right of Kelge)
Davia: High Queen 1246AD-1271AD
Kemen: High King 1271AD-1282AD
Tara: High Queen 1282AD-1312AD

The Sixth Regency of the High Council: 1312AD-1317AD

Athdar: High King 1317AD-1330AD (elected)
Carling: High Queen 1330AD-1341AD
Onora: High Queen 1341AD-1345AD

The Seventh Regency of the High Council: 1345AD-1347AD

Bebinn VIII: High Queen 1347AD-1374AD (elected)
Hefeydd: High King 1374AD-1403AD
Bowdyn III: High King 1403AD-1423AD
Olwyn II: High Queen 1423AD-1459AD
Mavis: High Queen 1459AD-1486AD
Rhiannon V: High Queen 1486AD-1518AD
Epona II: High Queen 1518AD-1529AD
Maccus: High King 1529AD-1554AD
Malvin: High King 1554AD-1560AD

Raibert: High King 1561AD-1577AD (elected)
Arienh: High Queen 1577AD-1611AD
Daryn: High King 1611AD-1631AD
Ann: High Queen 1631AD-1653AD

Arion: High King 1653AD-1680AD
Ambrose II: High King 1680AD-1716AD
Orin: High King 1716AD-1727AD

The Eighth Regency of the High Council: 1727AD-1739AD

Heuan: High King 1739AD-1782AD (the son of H/K Orin but raised by his mother Medb Maonaigh)
Alanna: High Queen 1782AD-1797AD
Micheil: High King 1797AD-1835AD
Ryan: High King 1835AD-1856AD
Blair: High Queen 1856AD-1888AD
Morna: High Queen 1888AD-1913AD
Heuan II: High King 1913AD-1938AD
Mebd IV: High Queen 1938AD-1951AD
Bebinn IX: High Queen 1951AD-Present

Gallic Events

400BC: Expansion into Po Valley.
390BC-374BC: Brennus’ War (conquest of Italia).
376BC: The first weigh stations are built (connecting Italia to Alesia).
375BC: Formation of the Oghma and the Gallic League.
368BC-361BC: Pacifying of the Rhine region.
323BC-312BC: Macedonian War (conquest of Illyria/Greek lands/Anatolia).
310BC: Oghma elects the First High Monarch (Bebinn I).
297BC: First war academy built (at Kelheim).
295BC-290BC: The Dacian War.
294BC-279BC: The First Punic War.
282BC: First Gallic war galleons built.
264BC-259BC: The Second Punic War.
259BC: Celtaberia incorporated into the Gallic Leauge.
240BC-238BC: The Third Punic War (conquest of North Africa).
220BC: First stone/marble temple completed (at Mezek, dedicated to Teutates).
209BC: Fenrir I killed in a duel by Hygelac (formal creation of the High Monarchs protectors – the Algiz).
179BC: Kelge founds the Order of Teutates.
174BC-164BC: The First Seleucid War.
172BC-164BC: The Pseudo-Civil War.
170BC-164BC: The Greek Revolt.
160BC: Creation of the High Council, Italia and North Africa allowed membership into the Oghma.
159BC: Kelge writes The Way of the Sword.
137BC: Creation of the position of Vates.
115BC-113BC: The Second Seleucid War.
78BC-76BC: The Reclamation War.
78BC: Invention of the mechanical reaper.
70BC: Forum Brennus built (at Alesia).
51BC-46BC: Boefus’ War.
50BC: First use of the water wheel for agriculture.
45BC: Southern Breton incorporated into the Gallic League.
5AD: First Gallic census completed.
7AD: Greek lands allowed membership into the Oghma.
35AD: Fadeyrianists (Followers of the Prophet) arrive in Alesia, the catapult makes its first appearance.
39AD-43AD: The Romani War.
50AD: Christians from Alexandria visit Alesia.
79AD: Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
84AD: Etan University built (at Vesuvius).
96AD: Hero (a Greek studying at the Etan University) draws his design for the “Vesuvian Engine”.
120AD-135AD: The Gallic Wars (conquest of the Lagin and Erainn).
135AD: Caledonia inducted into the Gallic League.
159AD-168AD: Pandemic Plague.
170AD: Iron plough invented by Cato the Greek.
172AD-186AD: The First Regency of the High Council (and Billey Darrgh).
198AD: The Lagin and Erainn lands allowed membership into the Oghma.
246AD: Battle of the Teutonic Coast (brings the Goths to Alesia asking for support against Dacia).
249AD: The first groups of warriors are sent to the Northlands to help the Goths fight the Dacians.
260AD-277AD: The Second Dacian War.
268AD: Abdication of High King Darragh.
268AD-276AD: The Second Regency of the High Council.
278AD: Creation of the Gothic Protectorate.
303AD: Conclusion of Gothic Protectorate, formation of Scanza under King Alaric I.
306AD-309AD: The Gothic War (war to protect Scanza).
315AD: Hippolysusr builds the first working Vesuvian Engine.
323AD-336AD: The Third Dacian War.
333AD: High King Morgan refuses to abdicate.
337AD-340AD: The Sarmatian War.
340AD: Sardinia, Corsica, and the Balearics made part of the League.
415AD: The horseshoe is invented in the Gallic League.
425AD: The stirrup reaches the Gallic League (from Chi Empire).
440AD: The Brehon Codex is compiled.
459AD-463AD: The Fourth Dacian War.
462AD: Sicily annexed.
463AD: Conquest of Dacia.
474AD-495AD: The Gallic Civil Wars.
485AD: Dacia lost to Hun and Dacian resurgence. High King Morgan II is killed in battle (the League will effectively operate without a High Monarch until 500AD – considered to be the Third Regency of the High Council 485-500).
486AD: Breton breaks from the Gallic League.
495AD: End of the civil wars.
498AD: First convening of the Oghma since 474.
500AD: Major steps are taken to restrict the influence of the Order of Teutates. Also in this year the Breast-strap harness comes into use in the League.
508AD-516AD: Tautor’s War.
523A-525AD: The Teutates Rebellion.
538AD: Vanko Xanthus writes Mental and Physical Medicine; a compilation of all medical knowledge to date and the basis for all further studies.
544AD: Plague (small pox) appears in Byzantium and Rome (continues for the next few years with another major outbreak in Celtaberia in 580).
558AD: Suppression of the Cult of Zeus.
560AD: Block printing comes into use in the League (from Chi Empire).
580AD: Windmills come into use in Celtaberia. Outbreak of plague in several Celtaberian cities.
620AD: Ghana Expels all foreign traders, including League merchants.
621AD-623AD: The Trade War.
625AD: Celebration of 1000 years of the Gallic League.
626AD: Double ended boats built (T-shaped Keel, starboard rudder).
634AD: High Queen Iona attempts to mediate between the 4 kingdoms of the Breton Republic.
640AD: Dana Inney Burgess writes “Scientific Speculation”.
658AD-664AD: The First Pagan War, Thrace and Pannonia lost.
667AD-677AD: Anatolian War, Anatolia and Byzantium lost.
678AD: High Queen Keelia is forced to abdicate, Dasos is elected (High King Brennus IV daughter).
679AD-686AD: The Second Pagan War.
680AD: Compound microscope invented.
713AD-714AD: The Third Pagan War.
724AD: High King Baruch challenged to a duel by Tormod a member of the Oghma from the Nervii – though Baruch has a second fight for him he is also killed by Tormod, who in turn is murdered by other members of the Ogham.
724AD-735AD: The Fourth Regency of the High Council.
726AD-734AD: Attempts by the High Council to outlaw dueling.
737AD-741AD: The Fourth Pagan War, Thrace and Pannonia taken back from Dacia.
743AD-747AD: The First Mehrdadian War.
756AD-761AD: The Second Mehrdadian War, portions of Byzantium retaken – Anatolia lost forever.
760AD: The Defeat and burning of Pessinus.
761AD: Renaming of Byzantium (the portion of the city that was reclaimed) – now called Shiar Cashtal (The Eastern Citadel).
807AD: Angus Og writes his first play.
828AD: The Keyl (a new dueling sword: OTL rapier) is invented.
834AD: Heliocentric theory proposed.
842AD-847AD: The Fifth Pagan War.
850AD-851AD: The Second Sarmatian War.
852AD-864AD: The Social Wars.
860AD: The mechanical clock appears in the Gallic League.
888AD-891AD: Gallic Civil War.
900AD-910AD: Many of the restrictions placed on Gallic Society during the previous 300 years of turbulence are removed.
912AD: The cliwe (OTL epee) replaces the Keyle as the popular dueling sword in the League.
928AD: High Queen Guennola allows the Order of Teutates to take charge of the fight schools. She will also spend much of her time rebuilding the Gallic fleet and restructuring the Gallic army (in part to do this she embraces the practice of allowing the Gallic army to fight for foreign empires).
930AD: A number of strange goods appear in Gallic markets (odd animals, sugar, and chocolate). Rumors begin to circulate about lands beyond the Atlantic.
938AD-940AD: The Byzantine War.
945AD-949AD: The Vistula River War.
1017AD: High King Trevor becomes the first monarch in almost 500 years to become a member of the Order of Teutates.
1030AD: The Audei and Nervii houses are charged in the plot and murder of High King Trevor, High Queen Eloise, and her sister Elda. Within two generations both houses fade into history.
1030AD-1035AD: The Fifth Regency of the High Council.
1042AD-1046AD: The First Mercenary War.
1044AD: The Construction of the Massallii Arsenal.
1058AD-1062AD: The Second Mercenary War.
1062AD: High King Holden ends the use of Gallic soldiers as mercenaries. The League loses contact with 2500 warriors in the New World.
1070AD: 1000 of the lost Gallic warriors (under the command of Hagan and Theodoric Ell – High King Holden’s sons) seize Mixtlan, renaming it Teutates.
1080AD: Gallic trade vessels find and establish regular communications with the city of Teutates.
1100AD: The First double masted ships are put to sea.
1115AD-1145AD: The Border Wars (fighting with Ghana and along the Fenrir Desert).
1126AD: High King Ellard becomes the first monarch to visit the King of Teutates.
1128AD: High King Ellard sends an army and a new war chief to the Kingdom of Teutates.
1145AD: The first wave of non military Gallic colonists travel to Teutates.
1152AD: Several Gallic citizens are caught and sacrificed by rival city-states in the New World. Several more are “voluntarily sacrificed” by the Toltecs in rituals following the capture of the Gallic families. The action is condemned by the High Council.
1155AD: High King Thorbert trades out the armies in the New World (Alrikia) with new soldiers in an attempt to halt the spread of the revival of the ancient practice of blood sacrifices.
1179AD: The Kingdom of Teutates officially brought into the Gallic League as a conquered territory.
1190AD: Arrests are made to punish the spread of blood sacrifices in the Gallic League among the Order of Teutates – forcing the barbaric rituals underground.
1220AD: An reemergence of the “Darker Arts” of the Order of Teutates.
1222AD-1231AD: The reign of High King Everard (The Christian). During his tenure he will actively promote the Christian faith in the League (taking such drastic steps as to forbid the ritualistic couplings of ceremonies, drinking or trading on Sunday, and arresting prominent druids).
1231AD: High King Everard is killed in a duel by Oghma representative Boamawny (from Greater Carthage). Within the next year all of Everard’s edicts are reversed.
1241AD-1247AD: The Fenrir Desert Wars.
1259AD-1273AD: The Mongol Wars.
1297AD: The Toltecs kill war chief Iain forcing King Baran of the Kingdom of Teutates to appoint his own war chief and declare war on the Toltecs (the appointment and declaration of war are done without notifying the High Monarch, who, as the Kingdom of Teutates is a conquered territory, was the ultimate authority in the region).
1300AD: High Queen Tara sends a new war chief and soldiers to the Kingdom of Teutates.
1303AD: The Kingdom of Teutates settles on a truce with the Toltec Empire.
1305AD-1311AD: King Baran of Teutates faces a rebellion in his armies between those loyal to him and those loyal to the High Monarch.
1311AD: King Baran’s forces emerge victorious.
1312AD-1317AD: The Sixth Regency of the High Council.
1313AD-1320AD: King Baran renews his war with the Toltec Empire (eventually conquering the Toltecs).
1315AD-1320AD: The Great Famine.
1341AD-1346: The Great Plague reaches the Gallic League.
1345AD-1347AD: The Seventh Regency of the High Council.
1347AD-1351AD: The Lusitanian War (the islands of the Mayan Sea are added to the League as protectorates).
1353AD: The Kingdom of Teutates faces rebellion by the former Toltec cities.
1356AD: Contact between the Kingdom of Teutates and the Gallic League is almost completely lost.
1366AD-1374AD: The Kingdom of Teutates goes to war with Mexica.
1374AD: The Mechanical Pump is first used in the Gallic League (developed in the Egyptian Empire).
1382AD-1387AD: Several attempts are made to reestablish contact with the Kingdom of Teutates.
1387AD: The Gallic League learns that the Kingdom of Teutates has proclaimed their independence.
1390AD-1396AD: The Teution War for Independence (The Kingdom of Teutates is victorious).
1400AD-1406AD: The Second Teution War for Independence (though some consider it to still be the first).
1400AD: Beginning of private banks in the Gallic League.
1405AD: The first steam engine is built in the Gallic League (based on the Egyptian design).
1406AD: The Kingdom of Teutates and Mayan Empire are conquered.
1407AD: The first steam ship is built (propulsion is via two side paddle wheels). The islands of the Mayan Sea are officially annexed.
1412AD: Flash powder arrives in the Gallic League (there is no immediate impact on society).
1414AD: Bruce Kelvin creates the first small pox inoculation.
1420AD-1422AD: The Cheusthie Muir War.
1420AD: The printing press arrives in the Gallic League (it is a further 10 years before it is fully accepted).
1423AD: The mechanical thresher arrives in the Gallic League (from Egypt).
1425AD: The mechanical loom is invented.
1430AD: The Gallic League begins sending Fadeyrianist missionaries and druids into North Alrikia – making contact with many tribes and helping to stabilize the Anasazi and create the Cherokee Confederation.
1435AD: The Rail Wagon is invented (also known as the Iron Horse and later called the Train).
1437AD: The Cherokee Confederation is established with the help of the Gallic League. The first rail line is built between Alesia and Massallia.
1440AD: The Gallic League (within months of Lusitania and Scanza) develops the steam ships propelled by screw propellers.
1447AD: Edana Y Grorsal publishes her studies of plant genes.
1450AD-1456AD: The Byzantine Trading War.
1499AD-1506AD: The Great Atlantic War.
1500AD: Beginning of major breakthroughs in disease vaccinations.
1512AD: Hot air balloons arrive in the Gallic League.
1515AD: The Gallic League begins developing their own cannons.
1518AD: The first cannon ship is launched, the Gods of the Ancestors.
1522AD: “Hand Cannons” are developed in the Gallic League (not very popular).
1532AD-1534AD: The Great Plague reappears in the Gallic League.
1532AD-1597AD: The North Alrikian Wars (periodically involved).
1565AD-1572AD: The Pan-Oceanic Naval War.
1575AD: The Gallic League learns to plate their hulls from the Kamiharou.
1585AD: The Kerosene lamp arrives in the Gallic League (supply is limited). The Matchlock rifle appears in the Gallic League (developed by Egypt), like the hand cannons these never become very popular.
1597AD: High Queen Arienh helps to write the North Alrikian Accords – establishing tribal borders.
1600AD: The electric motor and magnet are stolen from Byzantium.
1601AD-1603AD: The Incan/Ghana War.
1608AD: Teutonica granted full membership.
1609AD: The first elected Vates from Teutonica arrive in Alesia.
1612AD: The launching of the first ship of the line, War Chief Brennus (200ft, 40 guns).
1616AD: The Devlin Studies are published (the most comprehensive book on astronomy to date).
1619AD-1624AD: The Australian Colonial War (the first war where matchlock rifles are primarily used – though not by the League).
1620AD: Druid Gaius Macnair builds the first submarine (he and his craft are lost at sea).
1622AD: Xanthos Nike invents the Telegraph.
1623AD: A potential war between Scanza and the League is obverted after successful negotiations (the war was brewing over Scandinavian advancement in North Alrikia).
1625AD: The Gallic League celebrates 2000 years.
1626AD: The Olympic Games are reopened (after closing in 164BC).
1628AD: Penicillin is discovered.
1630AD: Telegraph lines begin being built, linking towns and cities of the Gallic League.
1632AD: Weigh Stations begin closing.
1638AD: The thermostat is learned from Scanza.
1640AD: The last Weigh Station is closed. Sparking a 10 day revolt by the Riders.
1646AD: The Gallic League begins importing “spark motors” from Scanza (self starting motors).
1648AD: Druid Ervin Gayor publishes The Path to Perfection (his theory of Evolution).
1652AD-1654AD: The Abequa War.
1654AD: The Thor Battery is imported from Scanza (the first storage battery).
1680AD: Dorian Haden invents the telephone.
1685AD: Flintlock rifles make their way into the League (invented in Egypt). The popularity of this weapon is hampered when during the test firing the rifle backfires and injures the soldier using it.
1691AD: The first horseless carriages make their way into the Gallic League. They’re slow, noisy, and unreliable so make little impact in the League.
1700AD: Photography is invented. The Belenus Lamp is invented (first lightbulb).
1718AD: The Ancient Way (road between the palace and the Forum Brennus) is illuminated by Belenus Lamps.
1722AD: The first power company is built in the Gallic League.
1727AD-1730AD: The Chiefdom Wars.
1727AD-1739AD: 8th Regency of the High Council.
1729AD: The Hansel Engine arrives in the Gallic League (diesel engine). The Gallic League launches the Poseidon, the first viable submersible. The first torpedoes are invented a few months later.
1731AD: The pneumatic tire arrives in the Gallic League. Artificial refrigeration is developed (the theories for extracting liquid oxygen and hydrogen is also developed).
1735AD: The High Council ends the occupation of the N.A. Chiefdoms.
1736AD: The High Council pulls out of the Protective Treaty with Egypt and the N.A. Accords.
1738AD: The High Council refuses aid to Abequa, who is at war with Ghana.
1739AD: The Ogham forces the High Council to hold elections for a new High Monarch or give Heuan his birthright (Heuan is given his birthright).
1740AD-1745AD: The Great African War.
1745AD: Plastics are discovered.
1755AD-1760AD: The 2nd Byzantine War.
1756AD: Radar and sonar are developed.
1757AD: The Gallic League launches the Wyvern, the first sub using sonar.
1763AD-1780AD: The Gallic military undergoes a major refit (planes, track carts, breech loading rifled artillery and muskets, etc.)
1763AD: The Mechanical tractor arrives in the Gallic League.
1770AD: The Moke Wireless comes to the Gallic League (soon radio shows fill the airwaves).
1777AD: The x-ray machine is invented in the Gallic League.
1779AD: Druid Seamus Ward writes his book Infinitely Small, where he outlines his Atomic Theory – and the potential as a great power source.
1782AD: Gallic engineers mount a gun turret to the track wagon creating the worlds first mobile artillery carriage (or M.A.C for short).
1800AD-1810AD: The development of poison gases for use in war.
1804AD-1808AD: The 3rd Byzantine War.
1805AD: Coire Tain develops the first motion picture camera.
1806AD: General Armilda is the first to use MACs in a mass charge (modern cavalry).
1808AD: Gallic League and the Egyptian Empire being the joint administration of the Byzantine Dominion.
1811AD: Coire Tain produces his first full length motion picture, a play by Angus Og: Teague and Kyna.
1818AD: “Talkies” begin to replace silent films.
1820AD: Gallic scientist begin to explore the oceans.
1821AD: Tain Motion Pictures moves from Paris to Cartagena (forever splitting stage and screen).
1823AD: The Etan Geothermal power plant goes online. Siusan Enzo develops the first practical display devise (Television).
1824AD: The first TV sets and studios are created.
1825AD: “Library I” is brought online – the worlds first computer.
1846AD: The Gallic League helps in the independence of the reformed Mayan Empire.
1856AD: The first color broadcast is made.
1858AD: Egypt officially withdraws from the administration of the Byzantine Dominion (the League will remain although it does allow for election into the newly formed Tribal Assembly).
1861AD: Computer advances have brought the modem into the world – within a few years the “Universal Library” is truly established.
1865AD: The Gallic League opens their first nuclear power plant. The machine gun comes to the Gallic League.
1890AD: The Gallic League (and several other nations) signs the International War Conduct Treaty, stipulating, among other things, the ban on chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.
1893AD: The Gallic League renews its efforts to find a safe renewable fuel source – to this end they begin to heavily fund undersea exploration, specifically focused on undersea vents for the use in geothermal energy.
1896AD: The first domestic computers are sold in the Gallic League.
1898AD: The first computer games are brought to market.
1899AD: The grand opening of the Digital Public Forums – the internet.
1900AD: Liquid fuel for rockets comes to the Gallic League (from the North Alrikian Chiefdoms)
1903AD: The first hybrid engines are made (these first models are electric/gasoline but hydrogen based engines soon follow).
1908AD: The Gallic League pulls out of Byzantine Dominion.
1920AD: The Gallic League launches their first nuclear submarine, the Brewyn. Construction begins on the undersea geothermal power plant.
1926AD: The undersea power plant goes online, dubbed New Vesuvius.
1927AD: Construction begins on other undersea plants and mines.
1930AD: Successful tests using stem cells to regenerate tissue in mice.
1932AD-1940AD: The Great War.
1940AD: Cell regeneration research begins human trials.
1947AD: The Gallic League begins developing ICBMs.
1951AD: The League launches their first satellite.
1961AD: The League sends a man into low earth orbit.
1962AD: Successful regeneration of skin on a burn victim.
1965AD: Casy Erin becomes the Gallic citizen to go into full Earth orbit.
1969AD: Research into brain cell regeneration begins (initial studies are very promising).
1971AD: The Gallic League lands a man on the Moon, Glyn Maddox.
1977AD: Construction begins on the orbital space station and observatory.
1984AD: Construction begins on Land and Space Defense Platforms.
1992AD: There are now enough operational LDPs and SDPs that war is almost impossible (the defense platforms are now under the control of the international organization called The World Conduct Council and its various suborginizations).
1995AD: Space Station Chimera goes online.
1998AD: Work begins to found a colony on the Moon.
2005AD: The Treaty of Alesia is signed, creating the International Space Exploration Agency (cosigners are Egyptian Empire, China, Chiefdom Union, Ghana, and the Incan Empire).
Well, there you go. The Gallic League, as I've rolled the dice. I hope it has been fun to read and at least somewhat plausible in your collective opinions. I tried to stay objective and, with OTL history as my guide, create an ATL that was honest and interesting.

Thanks for reading.


This is quite an achievement, and I liked the read very much. I do second that a few things here and there are unlikely, but compared to the majority of ATLs, this was very plausible, especially for its length.

Good job, this deserves a ressurection.
Hey, thanks – and yes, there are a few things I think I would do a little differntly if I were ever to update this TL.


Hah, Tynnin, I think I might echo some of your events in my Marcus Lives! ATL. I really don't know where I am going with it, and I am not favoring one nation over the other, but there is already an Empire of Gallia under the usurper Marcus, which will take a while to die out.

Very cool, keep it up.