The Flag of Our Union: The Story of the Second Republic


The atheist in me likes the immediate suspicion of an openly religious person.

Sometimes I wish humankind could commit to tolerance on some basis other than 'tolerance for me but not for thee'.

This TL is both ASB and also a wank in the true sense, but its at least inventive.

Typical? So I suppose that you are just going to ignore this?

But perhaps these free practice zones are going too far. Religion is responsible for a huge amount war, destruction and evil but freedom of religion is a founding principle of America.

This is just a story after all and Scipio has the right to enjoy a part of it that from your comment I will assume that you do not. I don't think that Scipio spends his/her free time stalking religious people and making them feel really uncomfortable, so I don't think that his/her comment (and in all honesty just one part of one comment that was made) deserved being smacked with a platitude. Really though, I don't want this thread to turn into a flamefest like most other threads that have anything to do with atheism and religion. That was one of my concerns and the reason why I almost didn't start this thread in the first place. I hope you don't take offense, but I really really don't want this story/thread to devolve into something horrible.

On another note, what kind of wank would you describe this as?
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Very interesting! However, as a Christian, I'd probably join the terrorists in trying to cause as much damage to the world outside the FPZ,s as possible. Scary to imagine people quarantined because of religion.
Thanks for defending me, Mathuen (by the way, I'm a guy). It is obviously wrong to quarantine people because of their religion (even though it happens all the time in our world). I'm an atheist but that doesn't mean I hate religious people, just radicals. I guess I phrased that poorly, sorry for any confusion.


Thanks for defending me, Mathuen (by the way, I'm a guy). It is obviously wrong to quarantine people because of their religion (even though it happens all the time in our world). I'm an atheist but that doesn't mean I hate religious people, just radicals. I guess I phrased that poorly, sorry for any confusion.

No problem, I understand.

Very interesting! However, as a Christian, I'd probably join the terrorists in trying to cause as much damage to the world outside the FPZ,s as possible. Scary to imagine people quarantined because of religion.

You know what? That was almost exactly what my girlfriend said when she read this thread!

Now here is a continuation of the story...


Gibson, Indiana

United States of America

5/22/74 A.N.P

Princeton was the most populated settlement in Gibson and the busiest as a result. However, compared to other places in the union, the "city" of Princeton was actually quite laughable. With just over nine thousand people Princeton wasn't a city in the minds of anyone who had seen New York, Boston, or any place where a population of several million was a conservative estimate. Still, for the people of the FPZ 4, Princeton was a city all the same.

Guardsman Jason Marx was in the gunner seat of a laser-point humvee* that was driving down Princeton's main street. Looking around he couldn't help but be captivated by the "city" around him. Princeton was quaint, peaceful, and beautiful; it was hard if not impossible to think that such a place could breed a terrorist. Albeit a failure of a terrorist, but a terrorist none the less.

Something was wrong, something just didn't fit. The people here were friendly and happy. This wasn't a place where terrorists came from, if anything community activists, comedians and all around nice people came from places like Princeton. For a moment Jason thought that maybe command had made a mistake. Maybe they were in the wrong place and this was all a big misunderstanding. This wasn't a time to question the command though, especially not when lives could be at stake. So the humvee kept moving Jason kept himself at the ready, waiting to reach his destination.

Jason heard a bell ring throughout the town as people started pulling into a large white building. The building was distinguished from the other buildings in Princeton for two reasons. One it had a large spiral-like structure pointing upward from its white form and two, there was a cross planted in front of the building. It took as second for Jason to realize what was happening; it was a Sunday and that building was a church of some sort. People were going there to do whatever it was that mythologists do. This disturbed Jason; The very thought of a church existing, let alone having people go into it turned his stomach. His love for Princeton was quickly replaced with disgust.

The humvee kept moving down main street and towards the outskirts of Princeton. After the church was far behind him Jason focused on the reason why he was here in a Free Practice Zone in the first place. He and the DOD's 5th Guardsman Squad** had been informed of the exact location where Alex J. Stevenson had lived. He had lived with his Wife Amanda and his daughter Joyce at 150 Sarmaset Dr, Princeton. The plan was to take Amanda and Joyce back to Mead and find out if they had any connection to the attempted terrorist attack.

What would happen to the two of them afterwords? Well, it wasn't Jason's job to ask questions.

As the humvee neared its destination the air began to take on a grayish hue. It became harder to breath and there was a weak yet noticeable scent in the air. Neither Jason nor anyone else in the humvee could tell what the smell was. The closest thing that the smell resembled was that of cooked pork. The crew was unnerved yet completely silent until their Staff Sergeant Ross voiced what everyone was thinking.

"We've orange-lighted, watch out for any hostiles. Ready weapons men!" The Staff Sergeant said. This was followed by the sound of everyone loading their rifles and of Jason readying his laser-point.

When the humvee finally reached its destination Jason was left with his mouth wide open and the rest of the crew wide-eyed. The house at 150 Sarmaset drive as no longer there; all that existed was a charred mess and the smell of burned flesh, human flesh.

The crew exited the humvee and moved towards the charred remains of the house they had come to. Inside, one of the guardsmen located where the flesh smell was coming from. There were two bodies on the ground, burned beyond all recognition. One of the bodies was smaller than the other and appeared to have been holding some kind of toy, now turned black and fused to the charred corpse by the immense fire that destroyed the house.

"Fuck" a guardsman behind Jason muttered.

Jason paid no attention as he was transfixed on the two lifeless forms in front of him. He knew that these two were Amanda and Joyce even though a part of him didn't want to admit it. He wanted to turn away, but he couldn't. Jason then noticed a shimmer coming from one of the bodies. He moved the bodies aside to discover a strip of soft blue fabric. Somehow it had managed to survive to fire, but that wasn't what concerned Jason. He knew he had seen this fabric, this color before. He turned around with the fabric in his hand and approached the Staff Sergeant.

"look" Jason said as he showed the Staff Sergeant the fabric. At that moment Jason saw an expression on the Staff Sergeant's face; an expression that showed that they of them were thinking the same thing. The two of them just stood there until Jason broke the silence.

"Something isn't right here" He said.

* Directed energy weapons are extremely common and have started to replace conventional weapons on Humvees, FAVs, IFVs and ATVs.

** The Department of Defense is one of the most powerful organizations in America and is often considered a branch of the military. Think the regular DOD mixed with the CIA, FBI, NSA, Department of Homeland Security and the National Guard and you'll get an idea as to what this America's DOD is like.
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I'm a devout Catholic-studying for the Priesthood in fact-but that doesn't stop me from enjoying this thread immensely. Thanks Mathuen for a very interesting story. As a man working on my first novel (hence my shoddy update record here and many failed AH projects) I really enjoy your writing. Press on! I can't wait to see more. :D


I'm a devout Catholic-studying for the Priesthood in fact-but that doesn't stop me from enjoying this thread immensely. Thanks Mathuen for a very interesting story. As a man working on my first novel (hence my shoddy update record here and many failed AH projects) I really enjoy your writing. Press on! I can't wait to see more. :D


Joining the priesthood? Interesting, good for you then! To be honest, I was actually pretty concerned as to what religious people would think of this story, but knowing that people (including a future member of the priesthood) like it is a real boost! I've actually put together about three stories (not complete of course) that either have in them or are centered around atheism and religion. This is the only one I've posted though, you know... no one wants to be seen as the guy who only writes about X. :D:eek::D

As for your novel, what is it about? I'd be glad to read it; judging by the sheer creativity of your TL I'm sure that whatever you are working on will be really good.
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Joining the priesthood? Interesting, good for you then! To be honest, I was actually pretty concerned as to what religious people would think of this story, but knowing that people (including a future member of the priesthood) like it is a real boost! I've actually put together about three stories (not complete of course) that either have in them or are centered around atheism and religion. This is the only one I've posted though, you know... no one wants to be seen as the guy who only writes about X. :D:eek::D

As for your novel, what is it about? I'd be glad to read it; judging by the sheer creativity of your TL I'm sure that whatever you are working on will be really good.

Anytime. Keep writing well and I'll keep enjoying it :)
As for my novel, it's a kind of fusion between the Low Fantasy and Western genres...I like it but it's very young still. I could send you my first chapter if you'd like; I always love to hear a fresh opinion.

P.S. Thanks for the compliment! I try to stay original to as strong a degree as I can. Keep up the good work and God Bless!


This is just a little fluff update for right now. The Alexander is one of the U.S' greatest secrets and is a hypersonic, laserpoint, stealth UAV (currently used by the DOD Air Corps) which is nowhere near Israel right now. ;)

It will be very important to the story.

Long Live America.

Ah yes! Askelion, I would be delighted to read the first chapter of your novel! :D

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I assume this is the new motto of the USA or something to that extent. Cool plane makes me wonder though if laser technology is so far advanced what about space travel?

"Long Live America!" is the kind of thing that you'd hear the Director say after a speech or that you'd say while giving a salute (which is a raised right fist that makes an L).

Regarding space, man has not yet been to Mars (But has sent a ton of probes there) but has several bases on the moon and a multitude of orbital stations. Various swaths of the moon have been divided down "National Use Regions" by the powers of the world, with America and its allies controlling the largest chunk of the lunar surface. This includes a base on the dark side of the moon that constantly searches the skies for signs of habitable planets and extraterrestrial life. Several possible habitable planets have been found so far, but no life. In fact, the the only sings of extraterrestrial life found have been in the solar system from Mars (microscopic extremophile organisms that live on the martian equator which feed off of hematite) and Europa (unicellular and multicellular aquatic organisms that live close to the heat vents on Europa's ocean floor as well as the larger multicellular organisms that feed on them). The life found on Europa is actually quite unique and that little blurb doesn't do them justice; so I think I'll do a future update on them sometime.

The farthest that people have gone is in orbit of Venus back in 70 A.N.P. Chemical rockets are only used to transport supplies and small satellites into orbit nowadays. Spacecraft that have a crew are assembled in orbit and generally use VASMIR engines. Long range spacecraft (unmanned of course) using ion drives, have been sweeping the solar system for decades. There is a booming space tourism industry with the wealthy being able to go into sub-orbit or even orbit and the upper middle class being able to do the same (If they also plan to do nothing but work for the next several years).

However, do not be fooled by crazy conspiracy theorists! There are no weapons in space and the American Airforce, Marines and DOD do not have Trans-Orbital crafts. ;)
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This is just a little side story update while I continue to work on the main story. I hope you enjoy it!


Wong Tai Sin, Hong Kong

Anglophone Union*

5/28/74 A.N.P

Rain was falling heavily on the streets and rooftops of Hong Kong and nowhere was the downpour more burdensome than in Wong Tai Sin. Maria Hoi ran down a soaked and crowded street with a parasol trailing behind her, just barely being held to by her right hand. It was night and the dark and almost ominous clouds above prevented any light from the heavens from reaching the city below. This was of no consequence however, as the brilliant lights of the city itself with its neon signs and flat screen advertisements illuminated all but the most shaded walkways and corridors.

Maria neared an apartment building, one that looked like all of the others next to and around it. What separated this towering building from all of the others was that this was where Maria lived. She entered the front door and went to the building lobby. In the center of the lobby was a horseshoe shaped table with a boy who looked to be about 17, just a little older than Maria was, sitting in a chair right behind the table. He was the customs agent for today? Maria thought as she sighed. This boy was obviously as new as he was disinterested in his job. He wore his maroon uniform loosely with the front unbuttoned and the uniform cap nowhere to be seen. The boy was engrossed in a small tablet that was in front of him; fiddling with the holographic projector and forcing it to make annoying beeping noises. Maria approached.

"Maria Hoi, Room E12" She said.

The boy looked up at her and sighed. "Right, here you go" he said as he took a small plastic card out from under the desk and handed it to Maria.

"Thanks..." She said. All this elicited was a grunt from the boy as he went back to fiddling with his tablet.

Maria moved toward the nearest elevator to bring her to the fifth floor only to see an "Out of service" sign in front of it. reluctantly she moved toward the stair case opposite of the elevator and walked to the fifth floor. Eventually she reached fifth floor hallway and turned into the eighth door on her left. E12 said the sign that was to the door. She swiped her plastic key card in front of the door's key reader and heard a click confirming that she could now enter.

She entered the apartment to find her grandmother sitting on a couch in the middle of the "living room" watching the television in front of her. She looked up and smiled at Maria "máahn ōn" she said.

Maria just stood there, she didn't know any Chinese**, nor did any of her friends or even her mother for that matter. The only people she knew that spoke it were her father and grandmother. Unluckily for her, father wasn't home and Maria's grandmother knew just as much English as Maria knew Chinese.

"Uh..." Maria uttered only to be cut off my her grandmother. "gàanfóng yáuhdī mahntàih, móuh yihtséui!" she said whilst pointing to the faucet in the nearby kitchen. Maria understood at least that she should go to the kitchen. Maria checked the faucet and found that there was no hot water so she reached for the nearest phone and dialed regional service to come and check out the kitchen. After putting down to phone she moved over to her grandmother and gave her a thumbs up, hoping that she would understand.

"m̀hgòi" her grandmother said. Maria hoped that was good.

Maria walked over to and into her room to rest. It had been a long day and she needed to relax. She plopped herself on her bed and just stared up at the ceiling until a though crossed her mind. It's been a long week and I've had enough of just lying around. With that she sat up and pulled a box out from under her bed. The box had a small lock on it with a very strange key hole. Maria pulled out a rod from her hair which had been previously holding it up into a bun. As her hair fell down behind and in front of her she put the rod into the keyhole undoing the lock on the box. She opened up the box to reveal a half-ounce of Papa Docker***, a vaporizer and a lighter.

Maria grinned and then felt a little uneasy. If she lived in America she wouldn't have to hide stuff like this from her family and the authorities, but then again from what she heard the taxes on marijuana over there were atrocious. Not wanting to keep thinking about the subject she readied her vaporizer.

It was time to have some fun.

* Hong Kong has been a member of the Anglophone Union for almost a decade with over 80% of its population speaking English as a first or only language.

** In this case Cantonese

*** OTL Jack Herrer, if you don't know what that is then you need to learn your types of marijuana. ;)

BTW: I will post an updated map of the world soon with some of the less important countries marked. Well, by less important I mean that they won't show up in the story or that they will play a lesser role to the superpowers.
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In one of my previous maps I mentioned the Ulsan Pact and felt that while I was at it I might as well explain what the Ulsan Pact is right now... so here you go! :D

Understanding the Ulsan Pact

The Ulsan Pact (Named after the Korean city where the Ulsan Charter was signed) Is an economic and militaristic union of the Freemontist* powers of the world, most notably the United States. The Ulsan Pact was formed on April 7th 58 A.N.P by the United States, the United Kingdom, Iberia, Germany, Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Mexico, Canada, Morocco and the then participating states of the Anglophone Union. Otherwise known colloquially as the Freethought Coalition, the Ulsan Pact was established to bind together Freemontist powers in the world in opposition to the theocratic nations which had emerged both prior to and after the great revolution**.

The Ulsan Pact is headed by the twin committees of defense and prosperity. The committee of defense is comprised of military heads from all of the respective Ulsan nations who vote on decisions regarding militaristic intervention in countries, spending of the joint defense budget, joint exercises, war plans, strategic defense and some less serious things like parades and television ads. The committee of prosperity is comprised of political representatives from all of the countries. They pass economic resolutions, pass sanctions, chose representatives to non-Ulsan counties, and overall act as a forum for the allied nations.

There are currently 22 members of the Ulsan Pact with varying sizes and strengths from the expansive Canadian Confederation to Hong Kong. There is no racial trend in the Ulsan Pact with each populated continent having at least one nation that is a member. The Ulsan pact currently has 4 nations applying for membership (République Populaire de France,
Zhōnghuá Mínguó, Repúblika Demokrátika Timór and Singapore) and two observer states (Borneo and Denmark). However, the status of Borneo as and observer state has been called into question ever since it opened itself up to trade with the Pan-Islamic Union.

Although the members of the Ulsan pact are all Freemontist states they do not all abide by the same political system. The Ulsan Pact is a mix of socialist states, republics, constitutional monarchies and corporate bordellos. This has caused trouble between the nations before and has made the Ulsan pact more of a military alliance mixed with a country club than an actual economic/militaristic union.

The militaristic interconnectedness of the Ulsan pact is stronger now than it ever was due to the constant threat of war by the Ad Hoc Abrahamic Pact. While not an actual union the Abrahamic powers are the monotheistic theocracies of the world that while opposed to each other are collectively opposed to the atheistic Ulsan pact. It basically boils down to a "we'll all nuke them before we nuke each other" kind of partnership. This has forced massive integration on the part of the Ulsan militaries and the funneling billions of dollars, pounds, marks, what have you, into defense spending and R&D.

As of today the Ulsan Pact is the largest and longest lived alliance in all of history spanning six continents and lasting 16 years. It has a lions share of the global economy, the most active space program in existence, highest standard of living in its states (however this is due more to the states themselves than the pact) and perhaps most frighteningly to the rest of the world, the most advanced and largest military in history (with over 40 million strong).

That is enough to gain you more enemies than just the Abrahamic powers...

* Freemontism is the term for a government type which revolves around revolutionary and atheistic thinking.

** The Second American Civil War and the atheist revolutions and wars that followed it.

Here is a map of the Ulsan Pact for everyone.
Edit: Stray colors were taken out and the city of Ulsan has now been marked on the map!

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Great update! I look forward to more information on the other countries in the world. I assume this means that the Second American War is part of a larger unrest in the world.


Great update! I look forward to more information on the other countries in the world. I assume this means that the Second American War is part of a larger unrest in the world.

Thank you, and you are Correct!

The years prior to the Second American Civil War (which went on from 51-54 A.N.P or 1988-1991 C.E) was called the "dark decade" for a reason.

Basically it went like this...

Note: This was a response I gave to someone during an "ask me about my world thread" that they started. It's actually where I got the inspiration to start this story/timeline.

In 36 A.N.P (1973) Israel and several Arab counties got into a land war which bogged down for about 2 years. During the Holt administration, America tired to distance itself from Israel and maintain some neutrality in the conflict. In 38 A.N.P a series of chemical bombs launched from Pan-Arab states destroyed Tel Avid. Israel responded by wiping the Hejaz and the capitals of all of the Arab states off the Earth. Israel then walled itself up and no-one heard of it again. Missiles and planes were shot down... soldiers and tanks destroyed by minefields stretching for miles and miles. This lead in kind to the formation of a caliphate... a very anti-US caliphate. See, they blamed the US for the existence of the state of Israel and therefore as the cause of the war.

This lead to the War of Muslim Aggression and the Dark Decade.

The civil war actually started with a rigged election. You see, O'Donald obviously won the election but a massive web of voter fraud lead to North winning the election. Once this was discovered O'Donald was made the President. The reason why many would go out of their way to make sure that O'Donald lost was because he was a former Catholic turned Unitarian Universalist. After the Israeli-Arab war all of America's Presidents had been Baptist and quite fundamentalist at that. North was a baptist, but not a fundamentalist... in fact he wasn't behind the fraud. His VP who had connections to a group of radical end-times churches (which had sprung up after the War of Muslim Aggression) was. The plan was to kill North after he won and his VP would take over.

When O'Donald became president the flash* happened. The heads of the government were killed except for Secretary of State George Freemont. George Freemont WAS an atheist... and a social darwinist (his rather crazy political views were what made him dangerous). He took command of the government and declared martial law (like Lincoln before him) as an end-times-army-attempted-coup-turned-civil-war engulfed the nation.

At the end of the war Freemont did not lift martial law. Instead he formed a General Assembly to lead the U.S, comprised of military commanders and those loyal to him. Rather than explain to the people that the cause of the war was an end times fringe group turned army he played into the growing feeling that religion (monotheism in particular) had almost destroyed the nation. By 56 A.N.P the practice of monotheism had been declared illegal. Freemont's group known as the Darwinianists controlled the United States.

Freemont was later replaced by Morris in 61 A.N.P...

Around this time Sagan's philosophy of compassionate and secular humanism caught on with many Americans. However the Darwinianists still controlled the nation with an Iron fist.

in 63 A.N.P Christopher Hitchens assassinated Director Morris and staged a coup. His group the Hitchensians (who were like the Darwinianists but had felt that the Darwinianists had created a society wherein no one could better themselves and had unjustly demonized the religious) took control. The Hitchensians later formed a Coalition Government with the Saganites wherein Sagan was offered to share the office of Director with Hitchens. He chose however to instead continue his career as a scientist, philosopher and artist. The U.S under Director Hitchens has tried to mend relations with the world outside of the Freemontist nations, but so far monotheists have stayed far away from the "Grand Secular Republic". Those that haven't left America... well they live in the FPZs.

That and the rather piss poor relations turned cold war between the Ulsan and Abrahamic Pacts prevented much progress from being made.

* The Flash is the term used for the nuking of Washington D.C.

I'll get into the different presidents later...
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Thank you, and you are Correct!

The years prior to the Second American Civil War (which went on from 51-54 A.N.P or 1988-1991 C.E) was called the "dark decade" for a reason.

Basically it went like this...

Note: This was a response I gave to someone during an "ask me about my world thread" that they started. It's actually where I got the inspiration to start this story/timeline.

In 36 A.N.P (1973) Israel and several Arab counties got into a land war which bogged down for about 2 years. During the Holt administration, America tired to distance itself from Israel and maintain some neutrality in the conflict. In 38 A.N.P a series of chemical bombs launched from Pan-Arab states destroyed Tel Avid. Israel responded by wiping the Hejaz and the capitals of all of the Arab states off the Earth. Israel then walled itself up and no-one heard of it again. Missiles and planes were shot down... soldiers and tanks destroyed by minefields stretching for miles and miles. This lead in kind to the formation of a caliphate... a very anti-US caliphate. See, they blamed the US for the existence of the state of Israel and therefore as the cause of the war.

This lead to the War of Muslim Aggression and the Dark Decade.

The civil war actually started with a rigged election. You see, O'Donald obviously won the election but a massive web of voter fraud lead to North winning the election. Once this was discovered O'Donald was made the President. The reason why many would go out of their way to make sure that O'Donald lost was because he was a former Catholic turned Unitarian Universalist. After the Israeli-Arab war all of America's Presidents had been Baptist and quite fundamentalist at that. North was a baptist, but not a fundamentalist... in fact he wasn't behind the fraud. His VP who had connections to a group of radical end-times churches (which had sprung up after the War of Muslim Aggression) was. The plan was to kill North after he won and his VP would take over.

When O'Donald became president the flash* happened. The heads of the government were killed except for Secretary of State George Freemont. George Freemont WAS an atheist... and a social darwinist (his rather crazy political views were what made him dangerous). He took command of the government and declared martial law (like Lincoln before him) as an end-times-army-attempted-coup-turned-civil-war engulfed the nation.

At the end of the war Freemont did not lift martial law. Instead he formed a General Assembly to lead the U.S, comprised of military commanders and those loyal to him. Rather than explain to the people that the cause of the war was an end times fringe group turned army he played into the growing feeling that religion (monotheism in particular) had almost destroyed the nation. By 56 A.N.P the practice of monotheism had been declared illegal. Freemont's group known as the Darwinianists controlled the United States.

Freemont was later replaced by Morris in 61 A.N.P...

Around this time Sagan's philosophy of compassionate and secular humanism caught on with many Americans. However the Darwinianists still controlled the nation with an Iron fist.

in 63 A.N.P Christopher Hitchens assassinated Director Morris and staged a coup. His group the Hitchensians (who were like the Darwinianists but had felt that the Darwinianists had created a society wherein no one could better themselves and had unjustly demonized the religious) took control. The Hitchensians later formed a Coalition Government with the Saganites wherein Sagan was offered to share the office of Director with Hitchens. He chose however to instead continue his career as a scientist, philosopher and artist. The U.S under Director Hitchens has tried to mend relations with the world outside of the Freemontist nations, but so far monotheists have stayed far away from the "Grand Secular Republic". Those that haven't left America... well they live in the FPZs.

That and the rather piss poor relations turned cold war between the Ulsan and Abrahamic Pacts prevented much progress from being made.

* The Flash is the term used for the nuking of Washington D.C.

I'll get into the different presidents later...

Why is British HItchens involved in American Politics? It doesn't seem realistic to have America turn so violently against religion so that religious people are considered lepers since according to your timeline several fundamentalists had been elected president so that up to the 1980's most Americans would have been at least somewhat religious. That guy is disgusted at a town having a church? Did they tear down the cathedrals and other historic churches like Trinity church in New York City? Did the French destroy Notre Dame?


Why is British HItchens involved in American Politics? It doesn't seem realistic to have America turn so violently against religion so that religious people are considered lepers since according to your timeline several fundamentalists had been elected president so that up to the 1980's most Americans would have been at least somewhat religious. That guy is disgusted at a town having a church? Did they tear down the cathedrals and other historic churches like Trinity church in New York City? Did the French destroy Notre Dame?

Thank you for the questions! I'd be glad to answer them.

Why is British Hitchens involved in American Politics?

There are two reasons why Hitchens is in politics actually. One is an actual timeline reason and the other is personal...

ITTL Hitchens came to the U.S at about the same time as he did in ours (1981) and went on with his career as an Orwell scholar and political commentator. Not at all beloved by the now extremely religious right Hitchens found himself shifting over to the center faster than he did in OTL.

During the Civil War he supported the Federal Government and was later on appointed as governor of Delaware by the First Director Freemont for two reasons. One as a reward for being one of the most avid supporters of the Feds and two in order to keep him happy so as to not have him become a symbol for the secularists that did not agree with the government. For you see, although Hitchens initially supported the government he later on began to detest the ironfistedness of Freemont and his successor Morris.

Morris didn't care all that much for Hitchens and later dissolved his governorship as he enacted reforms to make the federal government and his power as director greater.

Hitchens became the symbol that Freemont feared he would become...

(The personal reason was that I wanted to make him the head of the US! :D)

In case you are wondering, ITTL Hitchens does not have cancer.

It doesn't seem realistic to have America turn so violently against religion so that religious people are considered lepers since according to your timeline several fundamentalists had been elected president so that up to the 1980's most Americans would have been at least somewhat religious.

I know that the hard swing of the US is a bit unbelievable, but I'm trying to make it more believable for people as the story goes on.

In America at least atheistic thinking has been enforced in a multitude of ways...

1) Many Americans came to believe that monotheists were responsible for the war and the deaths of millions.
2) The government reinforced this view.
3) Atheists were put into positions of power.
4) Religious demonstrations were banned.
5) Children read atheistic literature from grades 4-12... and in college.
6) Massive amounts of freemontist propaganda can be found.
7) Monotheism is taught only in Mythology Classes. Along with all other religion types, but animism, polytheism, ancestor worship, etc, are taught in Mythology 101. Monotheism is taught in Mythology 102. Ancient Mythology is taught in Mythology 103.
8) Churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, etc, have been torn down.
9) The only examples that people have of religious states are the militant theocracies of the world.

As for the late 70's and 80' America was not as religious as you might think. Many people didn't like the rather fundamentalist presidents but every 4 years their base came out to vote in huge numbers. O'Donald only won because people realized that moderates and secularists would actually have to come out and vote in order to prevent another "traditionalist" from coming to power. In response the fundamentalists tried two things.

1. Put a non-fundamentalist on the ballot. (North, who the plan was to assassinate shortly after he took office)
2. Rig the Election

However, people found out and O'Donald was made the President. Then the flash happened and that didn't turn out so well...

In fact the wars between theocratic powers during the dark decade caused the second wave atheists to come out of the woodwork about three decades earlier than OTL. Kind of like how 9/11 and the recent unpleasantness with the some members of Catholic Church did only much stronger and well... earlier.

That guy is disgusted at a town having a church?

Yes he is disgusted at the town having a church.

Did they tear down the cathedrals and other historic churches like Trinity church in New York City? Did the French destroy Notre Dame?

Regarding Trinity Church, it is a museum... same thing with the Notre Dame de Paris. Your regular town church no longer exists but places deemed "marvelous pieces of architecture and culture" have been preserved. Albeit no longer serving the same purpose that they used to.


Subscribing to this.

I just wanted to say it looks very interesting, I like the "Atheist Theocracy" you've turned the US into.

Thank you, that was basically what I was aiming for. I know that I haven't updated in a while but that changes... now! Here is a continuation of the main story for everyone!

Enjoy! :D

Indianapolis, Indiana

United States of America

6/1/74 A.N.P

"Romans" Was all that Investigations Officer Pierce said; normally a man of many words especially in front of his regional council Pierce was surprisingly short and to the point. It was rrue that most people tended to get choked up when approaching the Michigan council with their long black robes and their awe inspiring positions around the solid marble round table that every state council had, but Pierce wasn't most people.

"Romans?" Said a grey haired man sitting in chair directly across from Pierce. "You aren't serious, are you?" These were the words of Council Head Maxson, his out of character skepticism matched Pierce's bluntness.

"Yes, I'm saying that it was the Romans who did this, that is to say the failed terrorist attack and the murders of Amanda and Joyce Stevenson" Pierce paused noticing the unamused faces of the council. "the DOD's investigation following the arrival at Princeston supports this" Pierce said as he placed his hands on the marble table before him. This caused it to glow a dim green and emit brilliant blue light right in front of him.

"Let me show you" Pierce said, swiping his hands over the brilliant blue light. Beams of light come out from the table and into the eyes of the council members projecting images taken at Princeton, Mead and information gathered from the Car Bomb, the burn victims, the autopsy and the mysterious blue fabric. All of this information flooded in as quickly as their brains could process it.

"The fabric is Roman in origin and is from a Papal Guard Uniform. These are banned in all of the nations of the Ulsan pact so no person living in FPZ 4 could have been in possession of such an article of clothing. We have concluded that the burn victims had a struggle with the Roman, most likely trying to prevent them from burning down the house. We found the remains of rope and braces suggesting that the Roman or Romans who burned down the house obviously knew that of Amanda and Joyce Stevenson were in the house at the time and were actively plotting to kill them." Pierce swiped his hand over the blue light again sending another torrent of information rushing into the council members' minds.

"We also have reason to believe that Alex Stevenson was forced to drive the car bomb to Mead" Pierce waited for the council to react.

"What? why would that be?" asked Councilwoman Ambrose.

"During the autopsy of Alex Stevenson it was found that he had an artificial memory storage unit (AMSU*)
implanted in the back of his head from at least five years ago. In it are audio files regarding the Romans that killed his wife and daughter, he knew them. Due to the damage done to his body when he was shot and what appears to be self inflicted trauma some of the files are corrupted and others are missing pieces. We believe what we have is enough to paint a picture as to what happened though."

"Play the audio files" The council said in unison.

"Of course" Pierce replied. Pierce placed his hands on the table again causing a small yellow light to appear, when he swept his hands over it the audio files began to play."

Audio Files Beginning

Log 1: I know I should have started this long ago, but they seemed like such nice people at the time. There were these men, they said that they were from Rome and wanted to talk to me. Why? I'm not Catholic, why should I care? They're starting to freak me out, showing up unannounced... I even saw one of them outside my daughters school! I've tried reasoning with them but they keep saying that they won't leave until I talk to them about the "mission". I'm giving them until tomorrow and then I'm calling the authorities.

Warning! Logs 2-7 are corrupted. Moving to Log 8.

Log 8: *Sobbing* there is no going back now. Fuck! I should have gotten rid of those *static* with the authorities! *starts speaking rapidly* can't trust anyone now! Bam! they'll kill anyone if I say anything! What is going on! *static* I *static* really need to go and *static* with *static* I need to do what they ask... *speech becomes slurred* *Sobbing* Why?

Warning! Logs 9 is corrupted. Moving to Log 10.

Log 10: *Sobbing* If anyone gets this, please *static* sorry. *static* good person, really. *Sobbing**static**Sobbing* Please *static* Me.

Moving to Log 11.

Log 11: I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine.
So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven.

What? *Opens Car Door*

“On the ground!”

“Show me your FRID!”
“What’s going on? Did I do something wrong?”
Please help me...
“I said on the fucking ground! Show me your FRID or I will shoot!”
“Damn you!"

Audio Files Concluded

The audio files ceased and the eyes of the council rested upon Pierce. "We don't know why the Romans would suddenly act this way, using a third party, holding a family hostage, attacking a civilian reactor. Frankly though that doesn't matter, there is an obvious threat to our national security and we can't even be sure if this is just the Romans or the entire Abrahamic Pact! We don't even know how Romans got into our county let alone an FPZ! Let alone in full Guard Dress!" Pierce roared, his face a contortion of anger, fear, and confusion. "All I know is that something needs to be done!"

"What are you suggesting?" Council Head Maxson asked.

"I have many suggestions, but I know that they mean nothing If I don't get authorization from the director" Pierce said with a rather devious grin forming.

"This is correct, we will send this information to Washington** immediately, expect a response within the week." Council Head Maxson replied. "This meeting has concluded."

"Yes, I suppose it has" was all that Pierce said. As the council left Pierce found himself alone with time to think about everything that had just happened. The failed attack, the slowly unraveling plot from Rome, the brutal burning alive of a woman and her daughter, the manipulation of a good man, and most of all, his own desire to find who did this and place them in front of a firing squad. It was then that an idea popped into Pierce's mind, while he waited for a response from Washington there were still more personal things he could do...

It was time to call an old friend.

* It's not all that uncommon these days for people to upload memories into neural implants in case they start developing Alzheimer's or keeping logs in their implants to act as the ultimate private journal.

** Since the blast Washington D.C has been reconstructed, its not the same place though, new monuments, more cherry trees and a larger white house.
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