The Eagle that lurks in the shadow: a Napoleonic Alternate History

This is my first real Alternate History on this site. Please feel free to critique this, let me know what I could fix, and if you like this novel.
POD: Napoleon and Tsar Alexander work together to defeat England in India and the British sue for Peace, and Russia is defeated, all in 1812.

Chapter 1​
When the smoke cleared from the Napoleonic wars, it seemed as if the world had literally turned upside down. Millions of mourning women wept, and millions of graves scattered the European continent. Many around Europe were also glad to see their loved ones back from this war, with medals and talks of glory that would inspire the next generation to fight. Many in Europe believed that England, not France, was the great puppet master leading blind mice to die for a cause that they believed was not worthy. How could England do such a thing? Why does England do such things? France was no better, but at the time, it was a jubilant celebration for France and Europe, which seemed in favor of the short man from Corsica, Napoleon. He was practically dictator of the continent, and like all victors, he wrote the history book. People in Europe were fed stories of how they were saved from Evil, and many were brainwashed. But the war was over, and Napoleon had had his wish, and now he would make Europe his.

With his victorious march back to Paris, Napoleon was planning on what was next for his nation, and what he would do to keep it in his grasp. He sat down for the next years from 1812-1815 solidifying his rule, building new structures, and putting his empire into place. Many in Europe would begin to welcome the French, and the pro-french leaders put into power across the continent as a chance for prosperity. We see the destruction of old Monarchies, that refused to work with Napoleon, and new ones in place. We see dissidents destroyed, and the in statement of French police offices across the continent. France has the tightest grip on Europe except in England, which sued for peace due to the fact she lost most of her colonies and was dealt a severe blow by Andrew Jackson, who many called the "american Bonaparte" in the war of 1812.

In Britain, the wars loss left many angered, frustrated, and some began to consider rebellion. By 1820 , Britain was beginning to look like a third world country; its people lived in slums, and many were sick and ragged. In Ireland and Scotland, Rebellions had taken place, in which pro-Bonaparte monarchists take power. England is left in a stranglehold, and many predict it wont be long until a revolution takes place. Just like in France during their revolution, the king, who was regent at one time, is not a man of the people, and he is letting the people starve. It is only a matter of time before the people march into the kings office and guillotine him. The Parliament decides to enact some reforms to keep the people from rebelling at the time, but this will only prevent a revolution from happening for another few years.

In America, we see the United States in Control of Canada, British colonies in the Caribbean, but America is not a democracy anymore. The war of 1812 was a war inside of the Napoleonic wars, and Andrew Jackson was given the head of the army after a few victories, and he is able to reverse a catastrophe into a victory for America. His reckless fighting, and string of victories earns him the nickname "the american Bonaparte", and like Napoleon, he is loved by the people, who desire him to be President. in 1814, he silently coups the American government, installing himself in a triumvirate with William Henry Harrison, and Martin Van Buren. in 1815, he rids himself of both men, Harrison becomes a close friend, and second in command, and van buren dies in 1814 of mysterious causes, giving Jackson dictatorial powers. He instills the manifest destiny doctorine, along with a Jacksonian dictatorship, with a mix of Bonapartism. He allies America with France, and they both work together in joint Naval, and trade alliances. Jackson and Bonaparte, seize various colonies from Spain in north America, and Spain at this time is in a whole different mess of itself.

The peninsular war seems to continue, but without British aid, and with resistance that is thinning out. The guerrillas fighters wage a war of attrition, but Spainish civillians themselves are growing tired of this war; their homes get burned down, they cannot drive the French out, and with no assistance from Britain, the Spanish resistance starts to crumble.The resistance, and French sit down to talks about ending the war, with the peace in a French favor. Will 1820 see the end of this damned war?

To Be continued.
Tsar Alexander work together to defeat England in India and the British sue for Peace, and Russia is defeated, all in 1812.
Russia doesn't have the logistics to invade India

By 1820 , Britain was beginning to look like a third world country; its people lived in slums, and many were sick and ragged
How this different then otl
In Ireland and Scotland, Rebellions had taken place, in which pro-Bonaparte monarchists take power.
There was no separatist movements in Scotland
British colonies in the Caribbean, but America is not a democracy anymore.
With what navy ?
A few stretches to the imagination here, however they make for an interesting alternate reality. Please keep going!