Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

Re the radios... what type are those modeld after and is it early or late for them?

Otherwise the attitude of these marines to the whole "end of the world" thing... I would have expected them to raid a bar...
Re the radios... what type are those modeled after and is it early or late for them?
That is a rather slippery concept that I have had trouble nailing down from OTL. In the US, individual radios like this were not officially adopted until the late-80's while there are numerous accounts of bulky Vietnam era backpack radios being used throughout the 90's and into the 00's. So, while the technology would have been available from the late 60's to early 70's, it wasn't widespread as a concept for whatever reason until very recently.
Otherwise the attitude of these marines to the whole "end of the world" thing... I would have expected them to raid a bar...
That wouldn't have been any different from what they would have done anyway.
Reading the opening paragraphs of the next post, I was thinking of ACDC's If You want Blood (You've Got It) or Thunderstruck.
That has a somewhat ominous tone to that...

One of the first questions that any American president has is at the daily National Security briefings is, "Where are the German SLBMs located, and are they moving from their usual patrol stations?".
Germany, from what I gathered, has SLBM submarines as their primary nuclear weapons delivery system, with a smaller long-range bomber force as the secondary delivery system.
Hopefully, the radio intercepts recordings and transcripts has been thoroughly analyzed, and the correct conclusion has been reached that this was an unfortunate accident that could have been prevented by more open communications between all parties concerned.
The German aircrew that was rescued by the USN, should be on their way back to their unit after a quick but through medical exam, followed by hot food and and hot showers all around, and interviews and NOT INTERRORGATIONS.
Afterwards, the German aircrew should be piled with gifts from the ship such as ballcaps with the ship's name on it, along with ashtrays, lighters, and other things that can be thought of.
Part 149, Chapter 2698
Chapter Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-Eight

15th July 1978

Mitte, Berlin

This was the exciting part with the Rock & Roll soundtrack was always shown in movies and on television shows. The exciting climax that came after months and even years of painstaking investigation that was mostly glossed over at best. This was where justice got served and they got the bad guy. Sven Werth was thinking about this as he was in the lead car of a dozen sedans and cargo vans that were taking his men across town as well that the Federal Police’s Counter Terrorism Team. Sven watched as his Deputy, Markus Wolf, removed his pistol from the holster and chambered a round. It was Sven’s hope that it wouldn’t come to that.

This was Sven’s operation and the location they would be operating in was highly public, one everyone in Germany would instantly recognize. So, he knew that he could leave nothing to chance. The instant the car pulled up to the Reichstag building on Karl-Weise-Alle he knew that there was going to be absolutely no going back. The confused reaction that his men got as they got out of their cars by passersby, then they saw the GSG men unloading and rushed to get clear. The building’s security was shocked as they entered. As they had planned, the GSG men moved to take over the building’s security and phone system. They didn’t want their quarry to learn that they were coming.

“What is the meaning of this” The security guard with the most impressive looking uniform demanded.

“I have a warrant that grants me access to the offices of the Chancelor” Werth said pulling the envelope that had the warrant from his coat pocket. When the security guard saw the number of signatures by the Judges who were involved he went pale. That showed just how seriously Berlin’s Higher Regional Court, the Kammergericht, was taking this matter. “Your job is to facilitate that.”

The security guard gulped. Sven had not placed an “Or else” at the end of that. For a high-ranking Officer of the BII to come after the Chancellor himself like this meant that Sven had made certain that there were absolutely no loose ends before applying for the warrant. So, Sven didn’t need to.

Sven noticed during the walk from the security checkpoint to the elevators and into the Offices of the Chancelor that they had everyone scrambling to get out of their way. These were the political elite of Germany. Sven knew that either this would be one of the greatest moments of his career or else he was about to take one of the most epic falls. There was no middle ground here.

Sven ignored the Chancelor’s Personal Secretary as he strode down the hallway as the details of the warrant were served. Every bit of documentation was to be secured, the man they were looking for was here somewhere and they needed to find him.

“What is the meaning of this?” Heinz Kissinger demanded.

“You know that you are the second man to ask men that in the last ten minutes” Sven said.

The Chancelor stared at Sven like if he was some sort of sample of alien life that had been brought back from outer space. Kissinger was infamous for stonewalling when confronted and Sven had planned for exactly that. Stone walls were great and all, right up until someone drove a lorry into them.

“Unless you want to find out about how no man is above the Law when I arrest you for the Perversion of Justice you will tell me where your personal aide is this instant” Sven said.

“Friedhelm!” Kissinger yelled over his shoulder and was nearly bowled over by Sven and his men as they pushed him out of the way.

Sven had known all along that this day would come. Friedhelm Busse was man with no business being in a position of authority. That much was validated by the piece of information that had come from Tatiana von Mischner-Blackwood about how Busse had been the one who had ordered the leaking of her description to the American FBI. Further investigation and a search of Busse’s residence had caused all the pieces to fall into place regarding the events of the last several months and years. They had discovered that he had information in his possession that he had no business having even as an Aide of the Chancellor. They also found evidence that he had been using his various employer’s credentials to gain that access for years.

Stepping out of a doorway, Busse was looking down the barrels of a dozen rifles and pistols. Where most men would have frozen in fear he turned on his heel and ran back into the office. Sven stopped Markus from following Busse through the door as three bullets ripped through the air hitting the opposite wall in quick succession.

“It’s over Herre Busse!” Sven yelled as he peeked around the doorframe. “You are only making this worse.”

Busse had the look of a cornered animal as he was sheltering behind the desk. The pistol in his hand was an old Luger. The Heer had phased those out decades ago, but they still turned up from time to time on the black market just because of how they had been made by the thousands during both World Wars.

“Worse?” Busse said with a laugh, “How could it get any worse? I mean, look around you. Jews, Poles, and Russians everywhere you look. Who won the fucking war? I can’t tell anymore.”

“Be that as it may” Sven replied, “We need to…”

“Shut up!” Busse yelled before he fired another shot causing Sven to duck back. “You think you know all the answers Inspector? I got news for you! You are just as much a tool as any of us!”

Sven had a sickening feeling about what was going to happen next before it did but couldn’t do anything to stop it. He heard the shot and the thud as a body hit the floor. Rushing into the office, Sven saw that Busse had shot himself in the head. Cursing to himself as he stared at the mess that had made all over the wall, he knew that this was the outcome that many would be happy with though it was one that he had wanted to avoid. Dead men couldn’t be interrogated or be put on trial.
Letting Busse run into his office strikes me as odd, but I've never seen an arrest. Fairly or not, it isn't going to make Sven look good.
Part 149, Chapter 2699
Chapter Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-Nine

16th July 1978

Falkensee, Brandenburg

Admittedly, it was a nice neighborhood. Mostly a bedroom community with people commuting into Berlin. There was one exception though and that was the reason why Ed had decided to ruin her day by insisting that they meet in a park near the apartment she shared with the head of the nearby BND Academy and her young son. Asia Lawniczak, also known as Lady Winter, the Mistress of the Keys. She was a close advisor to the German Kaiser and was considered the keeper of all the great secrets of the Realm as it were. Ed didn’t care about her living openly as a Lesbian, that was not in any way germane to why he was here.

“Sven Werth tried to warn me about situations like these” Ed said as soon as Asia sat down on the bench next to him. “I didn’t understand what he was getting at.”

A look of revulsion crossed Asia’s face. She clearly knew who Sven Werth was and the role he had played the day before with the attempted arrest and suicide of Friedhelm Busse. While it would have been impossible for her to have made things play out the way they had, it had all worked out rather well for her.

“What do you want Agent O’Neill?” Asia asked.

“The truth” Ed replied as he pulled a copy of the front page of the Boston Globe from a couple weeks earlier out of the pocket of his coat. “Know anything about the headline?”

Asia’s face became unreadable. The headline was about how Kelsey Stafford, a retired Deputy Director of the FBI and the former Head of the Boston Field Office had been brutally killed in his house sometime during the 4th of July weekend.

“While the FBI and local Police were chasing Tatiana von Mischner-Blackwood around Boston this happened” Ed said, “The man who put you in Danvers State Hospital, apparently electrocuted until his heart gave out. Strangely in a case this messy, not one bit of physical evidence was left behind so whoever did it knew exactly what they were doing.”

Ed watched Asia’s face, with the exception of when he mentioned Danvers he got no reaction. He understood that what had happened in that place had left her prematurely grey.

“Everything that has happened over the last few years” Ed continued, “None of it making sense because everyone was thinking in terms of spy versus spy. Once I realized that it was all about revenge, suddenly it all made sense.”

Asia said nothing.

“The BND operation in America, the same people who left you swinging in the wind, being electrocuted and nearly getting lobotomized, they all got exposed because of leaks to the CIA” Ed said, “If I look into what happened to the members of the Boston Police and the Hospital Staff at Danvers, what am I going to find?”

“That is quite an interesting theory Mr. O’Neill” Asia replied.

“I am not through” Ed said, “The one thing that didn’t make sense is what happened to Greyson. He was going to bust Tatiana von Mischner-Blackwood and Margret Anne Morgan for Tax and Immigration Fraud, so you needed him not only out of the picture but completely discredited. How better than to have him thrown into a mental hospital. You certainly know first-hand how that looks. Having Tatiana get busted in Ireland would have blown up your entire plan, you trained her yourself, so you knew what she was capable of. Having her never get back to Boston to provide a nice distraction…”

Ed just shrugged.

“Enough” Asia said sharply, “Last I looked, there are men in Berlin busy crowing about how they finally caught the mole they have been looking for. Notice that I had nothing to do with that?”

“Catching the mole was your job” Ed said, “And you did exactly that, serving one up neatly gift wrapped. Your patsy even had the decency to off himself before you had to do it for him. What was the plan, having him being found hung in his cell last night?”

Asia didn’t answer.

Of course, Ed knew that she would never see the inside of a Courtroom. Too many powerful men on both sides of the Atlantic would have egg on their face if the full truth ever came to light. None of this would have happened if Kelsey Stafford had not played cute and thrown had her thrown into Danvers. Would justice actually be served by putting someone like Asia in prison? It was noticeable that throughout this entire conversation she had not confirmed anything that Ed had told her. Until she did that, or he found that she had slipped up in some other manner it was all just speculation and conjecture on his part. He knew in his bones that she was guilty, but proving it was an entirely different matter.

“At the end of the day Miss Lawniczak we have to live with ourselves” Ed said, “I would suggest that you never set foot in the United States again.”

“I have no desire to ever go back to that wretched country” Asia said as she got up. “Have a good day Agent O’Neal.”

Ed supposed that went about as well as it could have as he watched Asia walk away. Supposedly, Sven Werth had told Heinz Kissinger that no one was above the Law and threatened to arrest him making Werth the hero of the hour. The Chancellor was currently an unpopular figure who had been considered to be on his way out anyway. This incident had sped up the process of Kissinger being forced to resign, so now Germany was about to have a General Election. If by then Ed was in a position to ignore all of it, then he would be perfectly happy.
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Well, that's all a perfectly fine mess, isn't it?

ETA: Also, Friedhelm Busse was a real charming fellow, wasn't he?
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For Heinz Kissinger, his political career is over and more importantly, his reputation is shot all to hell in Germany, so what's next for him.
For years he was the leading "Americanologist" in Germany and Europe, and his opinion was sought from all sides of the political spectrum.
He can maybe point out that his aide, Fiedhelm Busse was imposed on him by the bureaucracy and/or party leadership, but that is not going to help him now.
Any investigations of him are not going to find that he had any role or knowledge of his aide passing sensitive information to the Americans, and his Loyalty is beyond questioning, but he should have been more aware of his aide activities and taking "Proactive Measures" to safeguard information.
His next move is to write his self-serving memoirs, in order to rehabilitate himself and to start looking for academic posts outside of Germany.
I could see places like Oxford, Cambridge, and the Sorbonne making offers to him, but I could see him most likely for the irony at Harvard or Stanford.
Still, Kat was worried about the read that people had on Marie. There were disquieting aspects of Marie that she kept well hidden, and the day would come when people realized that she was not at all what they were expecting.
Marie is truly her mother's daughter, far more so than Tatiana. There may well come a time when people look back and think that the Tigress was more... merciful than her youngest cub.
Sven had known all along that this day would come. Friedhelm Busse was man with no business being in a position of authority. That much was validated by the piece of information that had come from Tatiana von Mischner-Blackwood about how Busse had been the one who had ordered the leaking of her description to the American FBI. Further investigation and a search of Busse’s residence had caused all the pieces to fall into place regarding the events of the last several months and years. They had discovered that he had information in his possession that he had no business having even as an Aide of the Chancellor. They also found evidence that he had been using his various employer’s credentials to gain that access for years.
Tatiana has enough of her mother's temper and ability to hold a grudge that Asia may well come to regret using her this way. Not to mention what Kat would do to her if she ever finds out. That said, I understand her reasoning, she felt betrayed by her people, and had been, when there had been no need for them to do so since she had been an accredited and documented diplomatic courier, and wanted payback. Involving Tatiana was her way of getting back at Kat for not intervening personally, even though Kat had passed her location to Gia and broken with Kira over the flawed decision to abandon her.
I get the reasoning from Agent O'Neal and it also fits well together. Maybe a bit too well.

Would she realy compromise the whole North American part of the BND? I get the revange against the Americans that did it. Even against the decision makers in Germany. But would she personaly condem people to the potential same horror she experienced?

We will have to see what comes of this and if Mr. O'Neal was right or swallowed something hook line and sinker.
. .
Would she really compromise the whole North American part of the BND? I get the revenge against the Americans that did it. Even against the decision makers in Germany. But would she personally condemn people to the potential same horror she experienced?
Would she do that to whole North American Division of the BND? Or would she do to the people associated with Johann Schultz?

Ed is basing his version of events on what the evidence that he had seen points him to and he doesn't know everything. Needless to say it would become very inconvenient for everyone if that story got out. Only Asia knows the whole truth and like at any time since she lost her family the first time, she isn't talking.