Seven Years war without Russia

Most Seven years war pods focus on Prussia not being so incredibly lucky or the French winning but I have recently become curious as to what would happen if the Russians stayed out of the conflict entirely, perhaps tsarina Elizabeth dies earlier, Bestuzhev is taken out of the picture or which ever pod suits your fancy but at any rate Russia will not be entering the war on either side, how does the war unfold without them?
This in part depends on how Prussia's ambitions in Poland are accounted for; if Russia is holding back, I do also wonder if Sweden will be as quick to jump in and try to regain Pomerania. And if Austria is down two allies like this, leaving only France (who are distracted by overseas wars with Britain) and the Germanies (who aren't eager to be a shield for the Hapsburgs), that could leave Frederick with a lot of room to effectively dominate the battlefield.