Retrospective US Presidential Election: 1876

ote in the 1876 Retrospective US Presidential Election!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I voted for Tilden, I kind of want to set right what once went wrong. I'll be voting Garfield next go around, though I like Hancock, and then....I'll need to sit and think about 1884 for a long time.
Is prohibition seriously worse than hyper-inflation? :rolleyes:

Come on everyone, if you're not going to vote for Hayes or Tilden at least vote Smith! :)


I am currently torn between Cooper and Hayes. I shall watch closely and see where my vote can do the most good...
I am currently torn between Cooper and Hayes. I shall watch closely and see where my vote can do the most good...
Cooper supports an alliance of poor Southern whites and poor Southern blacks because that's the best, if slim, shot to avoid Jim Crow. Hayes, on the other hand sold out to what would become Jim Crow, and the only people who are thankful he was elected were the robber barons and the Paraguayans.

Cooper also won't cause hyperinflation because Congress won't allow that. Some inflation will occur, which will stimulate the economy, especially the farmers.
Cooper also won't cause hyperinflation because Congress won't allow that. Some inflation will occur, which will stimulate the economy, especially the farmers.

I really don't care for the "Congress will prevent the bad parts of the platform while leaving the good parts alone!" school of thought, but if we're playing that game the Prohibition Party would need to pass a full-on Constitutional amendment.
I voted for Tilden, I kind of want to set right what once went wrong. I'll be voting Garfield next go around, though I like Hancock, and then....I'll need to sit and think about 1884 for a long time.

Just remember, a vote for Garfield is a vote for Arthur.
I don't know about any of you, but I honestly prefer Prohibition to hyperinflation. Let's try not to break the United States, please.
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The current order in this election is:

1st -- A candidate who might break the dollar and turn the U.S. into a failed state

2nd -- A candidate who is wobbly on Reconstruction and will order troops to attack striking workers

3rd -- A candidate supported by the Democratic Party, which at this time is still positively pro-Jim Crow, and

4th -- A fairly decent progressive territorial governor who will try to take away your beer.

Just as long as we have our priorities straight, then. :rolleyes:
The current order in this election is:

1st -- A candidate who might break the dollar and turn the U.S. into a failed state

2nd -- A candidate who is wobbly on Reconstruction and will order troops to attack striking workers

3rd -- A candidate supported by the Democratic Party, which at this time is still positively pro-Jim Crow, and

4th -- A fairly decent progressive territorial governor who will try to take away your beer.

Just as long as we have our priorities straight, then. :rolleyes:

If only it weren't for the beer thing...