Reagan assassinated in 1981, who does Bush Sr. choose as VP?

As it says on the tin, John Hinckley Jr. assassinates the president. Newly sworn George H.W. Bush must appoint a vice president, who does he choose?

James G

Gone Fishin'
Not Al Haig!
I would assume he'd pick a long serving Republican senator, one with a strong domestic background to balance his own of foreign affairs and national security.
"Bob Dole will accept the request from the President to serve as the vice president pending the approval of the Senate," said Bob Dole.
My prediction would be either Kemp or Baker. Kemp was a rising star in the party at the time, and his small government views could balance HW's more centrist outlook for '84.
Bush knows that there is still a lot of suspicion of him among conservatives as not being a "real" Reaganite, and appointing Kemp is an obvious way to dispel it. (Remember that even in 1988, Bush felt he had to appease right-wing skeptics in his choice of a vice-president--the selection of Quayle owes more to that than to anything else IMO.)
Bush knows that there is still a lot of suspicion of him among conservatives as not being a "real" Reaganite, and appointing Kemp is an obvious way to dispel it. (Remember that even in 1988, Bush felt he had to appease right-wing skeptics in his choice of a vice-president--the selection of Quayle owes more to that than to anything else IMO.)

And it failed given how Pat Buchanan and his followers came out of the woodwork in 1992.
And it failed given how Pat Buchanan and his followers came out of the woodwork in 1992.

True, but that was because by 1992 the Cold War was over, and a non-interventionist foreign policy had again become acceptable to a part of the Right. In the 1980's however, right-wing non-interventionism was a very isolated position, mostly held by a few libertarian disciples of Murray Rothbard. In 1981, there was a pretty strong hawkish foreign policy consensus on the American Right, and Kemp would fit into it quite comfortbly.