Rank Insignia and Uniforms Thread

What he said. What's the explanation? Nazis experimenting with magic, thus causing a magical arms race?

World with a publicly known but low level of ambient magick. As mentioned, the US until the Wyrd War limited itself to a Militant Chaplain Corps (non-denominational) who practiced a form of theurgy.

I'll post the images of other countries sorcery services eventualy including the NS-ZaubernKorps (National-Socialist spellcasting corps).

Also, what's with the Christian Fundamentalists? In OTL, the fundamentalist movement wasn't that influential (and roundly mocked after the Scope "Monkey Trial" of 1925) until the 'sixties, when the Moral Majority and Billy Graham took off in reaction to Communism and the counterculture [waits breathlessly for someone to correct his surmise].

I did not mean big "F" fundamentalists (in the sense of an organised movement) just the types that take quite litteraly Exodus 22:18 about "not suffering a witche to live" and other parts about "proper christian behaviour". Seemed to be a fair bit of those back in the days

If you prefer, replace that bit with "realy, realy conservative christians from our modern point of view".
Hey guys I can use some help designing patches for two of my TLs.

The First is for United American Flight 817.

This will be the unoffical patch of Project Phoenix and will become the seal for it.

Its a round design with a Boeing triple seven at the bottom of it, with the Phoenix rising from the trip seven. in the back ground is flames.

The second is for Project Fail Safe.

In the middle is a human figure with a shield and a rifle. On the outer edge is the words, "TO SAVE MANKIND".

Can you guys help out, because I would be thankful.
Rank sheet based loosely on the unified HRE I played in a very enjoyable game of EU2, back in the day (Yes, EU2. Not EU3) if it had made it into the future. The Marshal ranks are distinct from the General ranks in that the lowest two are usually commanding army groups, while the next two would ordinarily be no less than a position analagous to SHAEF/SACEUR. The Erzmarschall is the equivalent of the chairman of the joint chiefs in role. Hopefully my German is more or less correct.

Rank Insignia.png
I used this picture to make this one:


It supposed to be an Andalusian arquebusier but I'm not that sure if the turban is appropriate.

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It supposed to be an Andalusian arquebusier but I'm not that sure if the turban is appropriate.

If he's on an open battlefield, you could give him a snazzy helmet of some local sort. Gunners frequently wore helmets and lighter armour until the last third of the 17th century or so. I don't see a problem with him wearing a helmet. It would be logical. I guess this picture shows a more ceremonial version of his dress.
If he's on an open battlefield, you could give him a snazzy helmet of some local sort. Gunners frequently wore helmets and lighter armour until the last third of the 17th century or so. I don't see a problem with him wearing a helmet. It would be logical. I guess this picture shows a more ceremonial version of his dress.

How about this:


How does having all those 5+ star ranks work?!:confused:
Are they unique ranks and honours like Marshal of France?
Sinecures for the other royal houses within the empire?

Concept art for a short story of mine. Dieselpunk. They're pseudonazis, and yes, that is an electric sword being held by the Valkyrie. :D
How does having all those 5+ star ranks work?!:confused:
Are they unique ranks and honours like Marshal of France?
Sinecures for the other royal houses within the empire?

Sorry, I forgot to subscribe to the thread.

Personnaly I had assumed that was because the armed forces were much, much larger.

Yes. These'd be for a multi-planetary scale military.

Futuristic Rank insignias of the USAF

Those look damn good.
What, the templates I made? Yes, I did them in paint. I don't have photoshop, so I have to use paint, which I've more or less mastered. It's actually versatile when you know what each thing does.

Wait....so you just took the templates, went to paint, and changed the colors around?? :confused:
This stuff is awesome!!! I'd like to post, however, are any blank templates available? I'd like to use them as the basis for my own color schemes. (Yes, I am lazy...)

Good luck...I've been trying to weasel that from these guys for months, with no success. I could use the templates to design troops for my NS nation, my Nations nation, and just to doodle