Putting Flamethrowers on Things. Everything Really.

flame throwers as car anti theft systems (these actually exist in real life in south africa)

flame throwers on B-52's and C-130's

flame throwers as point defense weapons on carriers

on zeppelins of course

flamethrower strykers are sorely needed

flamethrower satellites (why did reagan overlook that shit)

flame thrower waterfalls

flame thrower grenades

flame thrower "x-men's" wolverine claws

flame thrower chuck norris, preferrably mounted under his beard


So long as you mix some baccy in with the napalm, I'll happily just inhale flames straight from the 'thrower:cool:

I was thinking of putting the flamethrower to ward off those people who rudely cough and pretend to be seriously offended and life-threatened when I light up. They won't bother you then comrade! :D
Flamethrowers on shovels. So you don't have to shovel snow, you simply melt it.

Flametrowers on saddles for bear cavalry.

Flametrowers on Bruce Campbell's chin

Flamethrowers as Christmas decorations, both on houses and trees

Flamethrowers on snowmen

Flamethrowers for Air Marshalls to fight ebil terrorists (and snakes) on planes

Flametrowers instead of body scanners

Flamethrowers in ovens, for that extra well done effect

Flamethrowers as anti-handling device on bombs

Flamethrowers as earrings

Flamethrowers for riot police
Nobody seems to have addressed the fuel type for these very useful gadgets. Are we talking about something like diesel fuel / kerosene forced under pressure through an atomizing nozzle, or are we perhaps talking about liquefied propane under pressure? In the latter event, if it fails to ignite, then you'd pass gas.

Which suggests an parallel thread: how could we make stink bombs--say, grenades loaded with a volatile mercaptan (skunk-like odor), selenide (rotten radish odor) or telluride (rotten garlic odor)--as standard weapons to flush out personnel/criminals?
a flamethrower in front of an icebreaker boat?
heck, that almost made sense

so I rise the stakes with ...
a flamethrower-armed submarine!
Flamethrowers on lawn mowers. You won't need to spend an hour cutting grass if there is no grass to cut!

Flamethrowers on pizza delivery bags. Keeps 'em hot and fresh!

Flamethrowers on slippers, to keep your feet toasty warm.
I was thinking of putting the flamethrower to ward off those people who rudely cough and pretend to be seriously offended and life-threatened when I light up. They won't bother you then comrade! :D

but how would you tell the difference between them, and people like me who honestly can't help it, and can't control their bodies instant reflex to cough when they even catch a whiff of burning tobacco?

Instead lets mount giant flamethrowers on hats like beacons that light up when the wearer does. Won't have any of those rude people anywhere near you then, the'll see your beacon and stay clear.

Flamethrowers on rings, sunglasses, and watches..... and any other small accessory you can think of.... especially key chains.
Flamethrowers on Rescue Helicopters (Actually, they can use flaming buoys, so...)

Flamethrowers for 4th of July/an alternative to those wimpy sparklers!
Flamethrowers on rings, sunglasses, and watches..... and any other small accessory you can think of.... especially key chains.

Prince Albert piercing? (Don't google it if you don't know what this is! Seriously, I'm warning you! Fine, google it since you are determined to do it but don't go crying to mommy after! :rolleyes: )
Prince Albert piercing? (Don't google it if you don't know what this is! Seriously, I'm warning you! Fine, google it since you are determined to do it but don't go crying to mommy after! :rolleyes: )

Dear god.

Any who...

Flamethrowers on bullets.

Flamethrowers on vacuums.

Fire knives.