Proposed flags that were never adopted thread

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I am very surprised that the plebiscite held in your country has kept (forgive me for what I am going to say) that horrible flag with the "Union Jack" that represents only colonialism and is also horrible. What a pity, friend. This flag, which is black white and blue with the red and white stars, is just wonderful, and it saddens me to know that they gave it up to have an outdated flag. I am Brazilian and I do not think the flag of Brazil is very beautiful, but at least we chose it.
That Transnistria flag #2 is...odd, even by post-Soviet vexillogical standards. I don't think I've ever seen a flag with two thin bars at the top. It almost looks like the flag is wearing a headband.

Flag displayed by revolutionaries in the Egyptian Revolution of 1919. The presence of the cross showed the solidarity of the movement with Coptic Christians against British rule.