
Which of these would you make a gift of to Caesar Augustus?

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Tynnin said:
However, I wouldn’t agree with the Germanic/Celt comment. They were actually a very civilized people (over all – as could be said about Rome, over all it had great potential). Unfortunately The only thing most people equate to the Germaics/Celts is there ferocity on the battlefield. If not for the invasions, migrations, and enslavements they would have made a fine empire (see Gallic League :) ).

No, the Celts were quite civilized, possessing several oppida that could be classed as cities.

The Germans were barbarians.

In that respect, little has changed.
I think the migrations mark much of the distinction. Both Germanic and Celtic peoples were sufficiently loosely organized that the Gothic peoples could move from north of the Danube to south of the Pyrenees, and still be Goths. The Roman Empire changed fundamentally when its seat moved from Italy to Byzantium, because it was deeply rooted in the land and societies.

What really did the empire in was the plagues which killed most of its manpower and lead to the incorporation of barbarians in the armies.

Steam engine would not be accepted as more than a curios, as slave labor is cheaper.

Information is anecdotal, as it doesn't change the undelying causes.

Gunpower may have effects, but may also lead to fragmentation of the empire, calling in barbarian mercenary...etc. Too chancy.