Post-1900 Alternate History Tropes/Cliches:

  • There's a Second Korean War with the Americans still allied with the south.
  • Said Second Korean War tends not to happen when the Americans or southerners are at a lower point. Rather, it happens in the 90s-2000s, at their absolute height.
  • The casus belli is often the (more reasonable in strict "plausibility" terms) Americans hitting the north's nuclear facilities in the 1990s. Instead of just trying to hide, recover, and blame the strikes/sanctions for every famine death, the North then launches a suicidal invasion against its on-guard, already alerted, already watching opponents.
Could you explain what this means exactly? Like, what does a scaled up Taiwan look like?

A scaled up Taiwan means just as much economic progress and internal order as Taiwan achieved by the 1960s, 70s and 80s, with full democracy by the 90s, only with all Chinese provinces and all billion plus Chinese enjoying it.

Basically it is the fallacy of ignoring the different liabilities and challenges of governing the mainland versus just Taiwan.
A scaled up Taiwan means just as much economic progress and internal order as Taiwan achieved by the 1960s, 70s and 80s, with full democracy by the 90s, only with all Chinese provinces and all billion plus Chinese enjoying it.

Basically it is the fallacy of ignoring the different liabilities and challenges of governing the mainland versus just Taiwan.
So, if there's no democracy, or at least it's a sham and China is really ruled by a secret few, then that doesn't count as a scaled up Taiwan, right?
So, if there's no democracy, or at least it's a sham and China is really ruled by a secret few, then that doesn't count as a scaled up Taiwan, right?

Pretty much. But to really differentiate it from scaled up Taiwan you need to also not have China’s economy marked by broad-based, fairly egalitarian capitalism like Taiwan is. I am a skeptic about being able to plausibly have a China wide economy without either a lot of inequality on the one hand or state economic regimentation on the other.
Western dominance still prevalent even if Africa and Asia gained independence, with those respective nations still being weak and passive. Like seriously there’s so many opportunities for Latin American, African, and Asian nations to do much greater if they’re not gonna be on the same footing of the West at least.
Any Post-War American politics focused TL will either be (a) a Democrat wank, (b) a hyper-racist dystopia or (c) a spirted defence of Nixon.

There's a lot of overlap between B and C, and I wouldn't be shocked to see all three intersect somewhere.
Any Post-War American politics focused TL will either be (a) a Democrat wank, (b) a hyper-racist dystopia or (c) a spirted defence of Nixon.

Wasn't A) kind of OTL? Every presidential election from 1932 to 1948 was a Democratic victory, and only one of those wasn't a landslide.
All nationalists and nationalist movements are militaristic, expansionist, anti-democratic and more or less fascist.
I myself have engaged in a couple of tropes that, in retrospect, are annoying. They include: John Hinckley Jr always trying to shoot someone, and Obama always must become President. Admittedly, the second one is due to the fact that I really admire Obama and I'm loathe to think of what might've happened if someone else had been in charge during the economic crisis.
-Throwing around tactical nukes can be done without consequences, or at the very least, not provoke devastating retaliation

-Stalin will always rise to power somehow, no matter the POD.

-Ditto Richard Nixon