Photos from World War Z


Fishing for tuna in the Pacific Continent.

Concept art of the former People's Liberation Army - Navy's second aircraft carrier 002 (Shandong). It was supposed to be constructed in November 2013 but the outbreak of the Solanum Virus and the Second Chinese Civil War meant the project was delayed. Instead, the democratic Chinese Federation has began constructing it in 2026, whereas she is expected enter service to the CFN in 2031.

The posthumous legacy of the former 37th president of the United States has reached a new level of condemnation, particularly as the U.S. grapples with the aftermath of the Z-War.

Richard Nixon was already a controversial figure during his presidency, chiefly due to the Watergate Scandal that led to his resignation, marking one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history. However, in the wake of the Z-War, his legacy has plummeted even further. One of Nixon’s decisions, universally acknowledged by experts and historians, stands out as a colossal blunder in human history—his diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China for global engagement. While Nixon's decision to counter the USSR after the Sino-Soviet split contributed to the rise of the PRC, it has now become a monumental error by initiating diplomatic ties with a later soon pseudo-Maoist authoritarian capitalist government on the global stage. This happened the recent horrific consequences of the Z-War, during which the now-defunct PRC was responsible for creating the Solanum Virus, unleashing a global zombie outbreak, and causing the deaths of billions.

This cynical act not only overshadowed the Watergate Scandal in the post Z-War world but also earned Nixon the dubious distinction of being one of the worst U.S. presidents in history, even surpassing James Buchanan. Nixon is now remembered with the infamous nickname "The Crook President Who Made a Single Blunder Decision" for an inadvertent action that nearly doomed humanity. Despite Nixon's presidency having redeeming qualities such as desegregating southern schools, the U.S. government whitewashed Nixon’s achievements by erasing any reference to his name, attributing them to the government instead. At a new extreme, despite his tarnished fundamental legacy, historical revisionism has led the U.S government to erase any honors related to Nixon. Some of these honors were destroyed by zombies during the Z-War, and a new law was enacted, stating that any citizens glorifying or sympathizing with Nixon would be imprisoned, ironically branding them as communist sympathizers despite Nixon's anti-communist stance. This adds a layer of irony to making Nixon appear as a hypocrite in the eyes of history.
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The Emblem of Falun Gong, a new religious movement that was heavily persecuted by the pre-World War Z Chinese government with it being viewed by many as a cult, especially with their reactionary viewpoints. In the aftermath of the collapse of the People's Republic of China, Falun Gong has seen a resurgence in China, with how they were amongst the few open opposition groups to the Communist government while "official" religion was controlled by the Chinese state being something that has led to Falun Gong, despite their highly controversial views, becoming a sizable movement in China with the latest census by the Chinese United Federation estimating 13% of the population adheres to Falun Gong with the rise of Falun Gong being viewed by many as one of the major threats to the post-war order and China's nascent democracy, especially with the aforementioned reactionary perspectives and links to right-wing politicians in the United States.


Grand Duke George Mikhailovich, viewed by many as the legitimate heir to the Romanov throne after the death of his mother Maria Vladimirovna, even with other competing lines of succession complicating things and contributing to the current situation in which Putin remains Regent indefinitely. While the Holy Russian Empire under Vladimir Putin may have officially brought back the Romanov monarchy, in practice, Russia operates as a "Empire without an Emperor", a political situation akin to the interwar Kingdom of Hungary under the regency of Miklos Horthy or Spain under Franco, with speculation that Maria Vorontsova is being groomed to succeed Putin as Regent similar to Istvan Horthy was meant to succeed his father before he died or Putin would formally restore the Romanovs on his deathbed being quite common in political circles.


The Twelve Symbols national emblem, adopted by the United Federation of China after World War Z along with the "Five Races Flag" and the Song of the Auspicious Cloud as national symbols of the post-Communist Chinese government.

The posthumous legacy of the former 37th president of the United States has reached a new level of condemnation, particularly as the U.S. grapples with the aftermath of the Z-War.

Richard Nixon was already a controversial figure during his presidency, chiefly due to the Watergate Scandal that led to his resignation, marking one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history. However, in the wake of the Z-War, his legacy has plummeted even further. One of Nixon’s decisions, universally acknowledged by experts and historians, stands out as a colossal blunder in human history—his diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China for global engagement. While Nixon's decision to counter the USSR after the Sino-Soviet split contributed to the rise of the PRC, it has now become a monumental error by initiating diplomatic ties with a later soon pseudo-Maoist authoritarian capitalist government on the global stage. This happened the recent horrific consequences of the Z-War, during which the now-defunct PRC was responsible for creating the Solanum Virus, unleashing a global zombie outbreak, and causing the deaths of billions.

This cynical act not only overshadowed the Watergate Scandal in the post-Z War world but also earned Nixon the dubious distinction of being one of the worst U.S. presidents in history, even surpassing James Buchanan. Nixon is now remembered with the infamous nickname "The Croaked President Who Made a Single Blunder Decision" for an inadvertent action that nearly doomed humanity. Despite Nixon's presidency having redeeming qualities such as desegregating southern schools, the U.S. government whitewashed Nixon’s achievements by erasing any reference to his name, attributing them to the government instead. At a new extreme, despite his tarnished fundamental legacy, historical revisionism has led the U.S government to erase any honors related to Nixon. Some of these honors were destroyed by zombies during the Z-War, and a new law was enacted, stating that any citizens glorifying or sympathizing with Nixon would be imprisoned, ironically branding them as communist sympathizers despite Nixon's anti-communist stance. This adds a layer of irony to making Nixon appear as a hypocrite in the eyes of history.
It's not fair to blame Nixon though. Plus the Solanum Virus isn't created by China, the Chinese just got it from Soviet samples, who got it themselves from the Japanese.

Consider that the USSR was the greater threat at that time and the PRC was seen as an effective counterweight.

Of course, Nixon would not have known the PRC would experiment on the Solanum Virus. Whether he knew the existence of zombies is possible, since the U.S. may have had prior knowledge of the Solanum Virus.
It's not fair to blame Nixon though. Plus the Solanum Virus isn't created by China, the Chinese just got it from Soviet samples, who got it themselves from the Japanese.

Consider that the USSR was the greater threat at that time and the PRC was seen as an effective counterweight.

Of course, Nixon would not have known the PRC would experiment on the Solanum Virus. Whether he knew the existence of zombies is possible, since the U.S. may have had prior knowledge of the Solanum Virus.
Well, such a reputation here could be brought about by Watergate and the Southern Strategy combined with this and Kissinger being well, Kissinger, as opposed to simply this.
It's not fair to blame Nixon though. Plus the Solanum Virus isn't created by China, the Chinese just got it from Soviet samples, who got it themselves from the Japanese.

Consider that the USSR was the greater threat at that time and the PRC was seen as an effective counterweight.

Of course, Nixon would not have known the PRC would experiment on the Solanum Virus. Whether he knew the existence of zombies is possible, since the U.S. may have had prior knowledge of the Solanum Virus.
The issue with this lies in the fact that, even if the information is objectively accurate, the decision-making process leading to unforeseen consequences is often held responsible by a single individual like Nixon. Even to the post-Z-War world, it navigating the morally gray landscape of the world, shapes its history—whether for good, bad, or worse. It's not as if the post-Z-War world is indifferent; rather, it chooses to place blame on the now defunct PRC for creating the Solanum Virus.

This is despite you implied information progenitor pointing to the Japanese and Soviets, which is overshadowed by the role of the PRC, making previous information seem like mere myth. At least, the nuclear submarine led by the defected Chinese captain decided to nuke the bunker of the remaining PRC government in Inner Mongolia, serves as 'Asshole Victim' moment for zombie survivors mourning the loss of their people they loved.
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The issue with this lies in the fact that, even if the information is objectively accurate, the decision-making process leading to unforeseen consequences is often held responsible by a single individual like Nixon. Even to the post-Z-War world, it navigating the morally gray landscape of the world, shapes its history—whether for good, bad, or worse. It's not as if the post-Z-War world is indifferent; rather, it chooses to place blame on the now defunct PRC for creating the Solanum Virus.

This is despite you implied information progenitor pointing to the Japanese and Soviets, which is overshadowed by the role of the PRC, making previous information seem like mere myth. At least, the nuclear submarine led by the defected Chinese captain decided to nuke the bunker of the remaining PRC government in Mongolia, serves as 'Asshole Victim' moment for zombie survivors mourning the loss of their people they loved.
OTOH, it would be akin to blaming Otto von Bismarck for the World Wars or Nazism.
For World War Z Russia, does my idea of it being a Hungary-style "Empire without an Emperor" as opposed to Putin either crowning himself Tsar or naming a puppet Romanov monarch work?
For World War Z Russia, does my idea of it being a Hungary-style "Empire without an Emperor" as opposed to Putin either crowning himself Tsar or naming a puppet Romanov monarch work?
Holy Russian Empire so it means the the Russian Federation got reformed. Or maybe the HRE is all but in name and Russia is still the mafia oligarch state. Putin is only implied to the self-proclaimed Tsar.
Holy Russian Empire so it means the the Russian Federation got reformed. Or maybe the HRE is all but in name and Russia is still the mafia oligarch state. Putin is only implied to the self-proclaimed Tsar.
And of course, just because Russia is officially an Empire doesn't mean there's an actual Tsar, with the historic Kingdom of Hungary during the period between the two world wars (and the utter mess of determining who should head the Romanovs after the main bunch was wiped out by the Bolsheviks) in mind.

The infamous building of Unit 731, the Imperial Japanese Army's biowarfare division. Unit 731 was where the Japanese researched the Solanum Virus as a last ditch effort to make the U.S. and allies seek peace with favorable terms for Japan in the Pacific Front as mentioned in The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks by renowned author Max Brooks. Most of it was dismissed as hoax. However, recent theories have made Unit 731 as the possible origin for zombie outbreaks in China since it is possible the Soviets obtained the data for Operation Cherry Blossom during the invasion of Manchuria and Korea. Prior to the Sino-Soviet split, the CIA and the DIA believes that the Soviets shared data with the Chinese for their own bioweapons program. It is evident that what ever China planned to do with the Solanum Virus spun out of control as bodies of infected were merely dumped in the ruins of Old Dachang. It is heavily likely that the first infected people were those fishermen and heirloom hunters that were bitten by underwater zombies dumped by the PLA. From there, all these pieces would start small outbreaks in China, in which the CCP tried to cover up once more.

During World War Z, Unit 731 was reclaimed by the Manchurian forces and used as a staging ground. It is now a museum just as it originally intended to be, but this time with information about the Solanum Virus.

ROC Armed Forces military parade during Taiwan's official independence from the Chinese United Federation, October 1, 2027. During World War Z, the new Chinese nation was too underpopulated and severely damaged to claim what the former People's Republic of China dubbed as the Rebel Province. Lacking the military forces to mount an offensive, as well as the exhaustion of the Chinese people from both the Second Civil War and the zombies, the newly democratic Chinese leadership decided that Taiwan is better off as an independent nation. Officials from both the CUF and the ROC met in Beijing on June 15, 2026, where the Cross-Strait Accord was signed wherein the CUF would finally recognize Taiwan's independence by October 1, 2027. The date chosen was symbolic, as October 1 would have marked the 78th founding anniversary of the former PRC while the year chosen was where most military analysts suggested that China would use force on Taiwan for eventual reunification. The move was congratulated by the United Nations. On midnight, October 1, 2027, Taiwan officially became an independent nation. The CUF was the first country to establish an embassy while neighboring countries followed suit.

Zagros Mountains of Iran. The mountain range served as refugee camps for Iranian survivors of both World War Z and the Iran-Pakistan nuclear war.

Maria Vorontsova, de facto Deputy Regent of Russia (even if no such office has been created of Russia) with how she is the oldest daughter of Vladimir Putin, Regent of Russia. While the Holy Russian Empire is notable for how it is an "Empire without an Emperor", particularly with the competing claims of the Romanovs and Putin's own desire to remain the actual ruler of the country, speculation remains on what would happen to the Empire after Putin's death, especially with Maria's increasing activity in Russian politics and Regent Putin allowing Romanov pretenders who had survived the war to move to Russia, with some talking about Russia restoring the Romanovs after Putin's death, possibly via a convening of a Zemsky Sobor, while others see the potential for the Regency to become a de facto monarchy with Maria as the new Regent of Russia.