Photos from Alternate Worlds

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P.G.T Beauregard, President of the Confederate States of America 1876-1882, and famed general and war hero during the Confederate War of Independence.

He is notable for signing legislation that gave white women, Indian males and free black men the right to vote in 1879, and re-classifying slaves as "serfs", giving them certain rights and relieving them of being property of another person in 1879. It was an important first step towards social integration within the CSA, although it was opposed by many senators and state legislatures, leading to a short, but important political crisis during Beauregard's administration, which was resolved before 1880. However, total freedom for the slaves would not come until 1892, in the midst of the industrialization of the Confederacy and the administration of John S. Patterson.



One of the many A6M Zero fighters supplied by Imperial Japan to the U.S. as part of the Lend-Lease programme during America's desperate total war against the British Empire in the 1940s.

One of the many A6M Zero fighters supplied by Imperial Japan to the U.S. as part of the Lend-Lease programme during America's desperate total war against the British Empire in the 1940s.
Heh, great one, Thande. :D I would actually like to see a TL based on that- All-out combat between the US and Britain in the 40's, other powers getting involved through arms shipments, though of course the Brits would have to win in the end. ;)
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