Pepsiman ('40s comic book)

In late 1943, Pepsi-Cola teamed up with Timely Comics to create Pepsiman, an obscure superhero who deserves to be so. Pepsiman starred in a comic book that lasted one issue, where he goes around fighting crime and serving Pepsi. His archnemesis was one Sir Red, representing Pepsi’s main competitor, Coca-Cola. More about him later.

Pepsiman’s costume was an armor-like suit with the then-current Pepsi-Cola logo as an emblem. He also had brown hair and the same hairstyle as James Bond (the book one).

The comic book itself revolved around Sir Red stealing all the Pepsi-Colas in the world and replacing them with bottles of Red-Cola (an expy of Coca-Cola). Pepsiman then decides to solve the case and find out who did this “heinous crime.” He soon deduces the subjects to Sir Red, who did it for reasons the comic never told us. And so, the two fight each other, and, unsurprisingly, Pepsiman wins. He gives a bottle of Pepsi to a woman and wishes her safe travels.

It was a pretty damn lame commercial for Pepsi-Cola, which is what the comic was, to begin with. What are your thoughts on the book?