Odyssey of Fritz, the Turncoat Prince

Chapter 1: Flight from Mannheim
  • Ok, all, I decided to take a few months off from my TL's. I started and didn't bother to finish two over the past couple years due to fatigue. Thought I'd recharge my batteries.

    I've had this idea recently. Over the years, I've had Frederick II's escapades as a key subplot in my various TL's, often with his aggressive actions in the 7 Years' War proving disastrous.

    This time, I'm going to make him more central to the plot at a remarkable POD, his attempted flight at Mannheim when he was 18 years old to escape his abusive father and arrive at the London court.

    Chapter 1: Escape into the night

    August 1730, Electorate of the Palatinate

    King Frederick William's royal procession through the western principalities of the Holy Roman Empire had numerous goals: showing his own subjects in his scattered western provinces he still existed, making friends with the independent Dukes and Princes (like the Palatinate) and some quiet diplomacy on the side with greater powers than the Palatinate.

    The King "IN" Prussia (the "in" was important rather than "of") had the misfortune of governing a lightly populated state without geographic defenses in the middle of Europe. Surrounded by demographically superior powers, only the efficient Prussian Army protected his scattered domains from ravenous powers, though at a high price in taxation yolked to the backs of his subjects. Prussia had suffered greatly in the 30 Years war. Only now, a century later, was the nation recovered.

    For the past several decades, the King and his ancestors had fought, scraped, bribed, schemed and every other verb that would improve the lot of his nation. For his services to the Emperor, the House of Hohenzollern was allowed to crown themselves King "in" Prussia as the actual Prussian duchy was outside of the HRE's borders. The subsequent rise in prestige mattered much in the eyes of Europe. Unfortunately, his ancestors' attempts to aggregate their domains usually fell short no matter how many times they switched sides in the middle of wars whenever the winds changed.

    Usually Prussia sought out an ally or two, most often France. The two nations had no mutually exclusive ambitions and, on paper at least, a mutual enemy in Britain. Ever since the House of Hanover's accession to the British throne, the Kings "in" Prussia desired to acquire Hanover as they were predominantly Protestants whose territory separated Brandenburg from the scattered territories of the Hohenzollerns in the west. France desired to conquer the Austrian Netherlands and threaten Britain by sea.

    The pair of powers made logical allies, as did Britain and Austria. However, those alliances had frayed since the War of Spanish Succession. It was increasingly difficult for the Ministers in any of the four great courts to see how these alliances were still relevant and supported their own ambitions.

    Frederick William was willing to consider alternate options. Indeed, with the alliance with France nearly up, he was willing to negotiate with both Austria (his rival to the south) and Britain (his rival to the west via Hanover). Both had their benefits and would leave Prussia in the next war with only one front, granting the German nation a greater chance at physical acquisition in the next war.

    There was always a next war.

    Thus Frederick wrote to his English cousins and asked them to send a quiet delegation to Mannheim. The English liked to bargain. By granting his alliance, the German-born King of England would see his beloved Hanover protected from Prussia in the east and have additional protection from the west (France). Britain and Austria may have been natural allies due to their nigh complete lack of similar objectives (thus no conflicts) but there were also few reasons for either to support the other in times of need. Britain was a naval nation intent on their colonies. All they wanted was France off the Channel (thus protecting the Netherlands was a British priority) and away from Hanover (only the King cared about that). George II had been on the throne three years and continued to allow himself to be pushed around by Parliament. Well, this may be the deal both King and Parliament could agree upon.

    Frederick William was willing to grant them any guarantee they wanted. It was not like he had any more intention of following through his agreements any more than his ancestors did. Indeed, Prussian perfidiousness was almost axiomatic. He could always change his mind.

    However, at the moment, Frederic William was more interested in the east than the west. The King of Poland was old and the Sejm would soon select another. An utterly dysfunctional Commonwealth, Poland-Lithuania had been under Russian, Austrian and Prussian domination for decades. Their arms would determine the election, not the dynastic claims of Saxony's Prince-Elector (whom claimed Poland). Still, the three powers were undetermined as to who to "suggest" the Sejm select as the new King of the failed state. Frederick William would agree to anyone provided he got "Royal Prussia", the north-eastern slice of the Commonwealth that separated his Kingdom of Prussia from his core domain in Brandenburg. Perhaps a swipe of a pen would gain his family more than all the recent wars put together.

    If he could forge an alliance with Britain, that would put Austria in a weaker position and perhaps force the Holy Roman Emperor to grant him Royal Prussia as part of any deal in Poland.

    If Britain was not interested, he could always renew his alliance with France, with nothing lost.

    At the moment, King Frederick William was just tired of riding around Germany, his spineless welp of a son endlessly whining about the hardship. He should never have brought Fritz. The boy was a waste. He'd actually brought the boy to tears the previous night when he mocked him in front of several Mannheim nobles. The weakling ran out crying, his junior officers trailing behind.

    Frederick William blamed himself. He had tried to install an austerity in the boy. He commanded a strict Protestant education and a limited curriculum. But the boy's tutor had quietly allowed him access to art and music and poetry and god-knows-what-else. He should have had that tutor hanged.

    With disgust, he thought of his effete dwarf of a son ruling Prussia.

    God help the Kingdom.

    It was at that point that one of the King's aides burst in exclaiming that the prince was nowhere to be found.
    Chapter 2: Flight North...then South
  • Chapter 2: Flight North....then South.

    Late August, 1730 Lorraine

    Lieutenant Hans Von Katte cursed himself for listening to his friend. It was absolute suicide to defy the King in Prussia. Yet somehow he had allowed the Prince's charisma and bleating to whip him into obedience. A few years older than the Prince, Von Katte was handsome, gregarious and cultured...the very type of person Fritz loved to be surrounded by. Yes...there may have been a few lingering kisses or caresses but the rumors of sodomy were baseless. Still, Von Katte knew that the King was dissatisfied with his relationship with the prince and would likely be exiled to some outpost sooner rather than later...much as Peter Von Keith had been a couple of years prior.

    Despite his martial family's fortunes depending upon the good will of the King, Von Katte felt he needed to help his friend before Fritz endured a full nervous breakdown. After years of bullying and verbal abuse, Fritz had finally reached the breaking point. He threatened suicide on occasion and openly offered to give up his rights to the throne if only King Frederick William were to allow him to depart Berlin. However the King found such a request humiliating, a poor reflection upon himself, and refused. In a drunken rage, the King beat his own son with a cane without mercy.

    This was the moment, Von Katte knew he must help the eighteen year old boy. Fritz' scheme to escape north to Britain suddenly did not seem so farfetched. The young officers (including several trusted aides in the Prince's circle) would ride north in the middle of the night from Mannheim for Hanover where the young men would make their way from the Continent.

    Unfortunately, the conspirators did not know of King Frederick William's negotiations with the House of Hanover for an alliance. Only by the faintest of luck was Peter Von Keith present when the British emissaries arrived at his base to rest for the night. The commander was shocked at being informed that the Prince may be escaping his father's clutches and heading this way. Prince Frederick's entreaties to the British had been received and summarily rejected by local officials, the latter intending to capture the Prince and hand him back to his father, no doubt an attempt to curry favor in the ensuing negotiations. Von Keith, whom had received a letter to flee with them upon arrival, snuck off to the stables and rode southward along the open road. By happenstance, he found the exhausted party five miles south of his regimental barracks. Horrified, the Prince realized his father would soon know of his escape and easily imagined his reaction to the defection of the son and heir to the Prussian throne.

    No knowing what else to do, several of the party attempted to convince the Prince to return to Mannheim and throw himself at his father's mercy. But Fritz, feeling the first stirrings of freedom, rejected this.

    Instead, he ordered his party to double back southward, towards Lorraine, a state of the Holy Roman Empire closely allied with Austria. France and Prussia's alliance held, no matter how weak and the King of France would not likely wish to alienate the Prussians. Austria, on the other hand, was ruled by the Holy Roman Emperor. If anyone could get the King of Prussia to stay his hand, it was the Emperor. Maybe he could even negotiate a truce between father and son.

    There seemed to be no other options. Thus, the small party approached the Duke of Lorraine, asking for passage to Habsburg territories. As it so happened, the heir of Lorraine was under negotiation for marriage to the Emperor's daughter, Maria Theresa, and Francis was preparing to travel to Vienna himself. The Duke was happy to be rid of the problem without delay. The party departed for Vienna by early September.
    Chapter 3: Kings and Princes
  • Chapter 3: Kings and Princes

    October, 1730, Berlin

    King Frederick William's rage had not abated. So irate was he that even the Queen refused to allow the King in the presence of their daughter for fear he may take out his frustration on her. Though their marriage was faithful, the King's temper could not be trusted and the Queen often sided with her children over her husband. Centuries later, it would be speculated that Frederick William's mood swings may be related to a hereditary malady known as polypheria. Now obese and in poor health, the King's mood swings became ever more severe. The defection of his son did little to aid this.

    The entire situation humiliated the King. Within days of Fritz' unapproved departure, the King ordered his entourage home from Mannheim, cutting short the embassy from Britain to discuss alliance. Had he acted with any tact, the summary dismissal of King George II of Britain and Hanover's (his wife's brother and Fritz' uncle) emissaries may have been received with amused understanding. However, Frederick William first accused the British and German diplomats (whom had informed him of Frederick's intentions) of betraying him, insulting the negotiators. He wrote an intemperate letter to his brother-in-law George II (only a few years on the throne) of assisting Fritz (an utterly untrue statement), effectively destroying any hope of an alliance. Indeed, George II was even more happy he had been talked out of the double wedding his children to his Prussian nephew and niece.

    Then Frederick William (finally realizing that Britain and Hanover were not involved in the crime), put his sights on Louis XV of France. In his mid-twenties, Louis had learned of the developments with great amusement. The Prussian King was not popular anywhere, even among his nominal ally. While Louis did not take Frederick William's letter accusing HIM of wrongdoing particularly seriously or personally, the open nature of the missive led to something of a scandal in the French court, forcing the King to fire back a tepid reply. In truth, Prussia needed France more than France needed Prussia and Versailles cared only so much about what was happening in Poland and Germany. By intemperate diplomacy, the Prussian had alienated two great powers and still had no idea as to the whereabouts of his son.

    Finally, Frederick William learned that the Prince made for Vienna. Even in his rage, the King found this hilarious. The Holy Roman Emperor had just spent years attempting to gain Prussian support for his "Pragmatic Solution" to the inheritance of the Habsburg domains. The Prussian hoped to parlay this into some modest territorial gains. While allied with France, it was not strictly the case of inherit rivalry with Austria. Prussian Kings had long played one against the other for their own benefit. Prussia's population was tiny, even secondary "Great Power" status for the nation relied on her fine army. If Austria offered a better deal that France, the Prussians were more than happy to accept.

    Recently, the matter of the Polish Succession roiled about. Frederick William had tepidly signed off on Emperor Charles' Pragmatic Solution and was willing to follow Austria (and Russian) lead for whoever they wanted on the Polish throne...as long as Prussia got her cut, namely lands in Poland (and possibly the Rhineland) to connect the House of Hohenzollern's scattered possessions. At the moment, there was little reason for acrimony between Austria and Prussia.

    But the arrival of Prince Frederick in the court of Vienna shocked the Prussian King, having never expected his idiot son to approach the Emperor for help. For his part, Emperor Charles VI had no desire to offend the Prussian King. As many expected, the Emperor assumed he would be called upon to negotiate a truce between father and son and put the matter to rest. However, Frederick William's actions after Fritz' defection bordered on the insane. So irate over his son's flight, he ordered the immediate and summary execution of the lad's long-time tutor, Jacques Duhan de Jandun, a Huguenot soldier in Prussian employ. For years, Jandun had quietly supplanted the King's commanded curriculum of religion and modern history in favor of art, music and philosophy. Deeming the man a traitor, Jandun's decapitated head was sent to the Prince in the halls of the Emperor's court by an embarrassed emissary. All of Vienna was scandalized by this action, including the insulted Emperor whom reproached the King in no uncertain terms.

    By Christmas, all of Europe knew of the affair from Madrid to Moscow. The King was condemned roundly for his actions and the Emperor was forced to announce that he would not bend to Frederick William's demands of the summary return of his son for "punishment". It was widely know that the King ordered a court martial for his son in absentia, in which he was duly found guilty of desertion. The court deemed itself unfit to sentence, throwing that back upon the King. Indeed, it was widely assumed that the King of Prussia would execute his son should he be returned. In January, the negotiations had broken down between Berlin and Vienna. Frederick William would (against all advice) pronounce his earlier support of the Pragmatic Solution null and void and would "deeply and independently consider" any support for a candidate for the Polish throne, ending the short term détente between the two German powers.

    The war of words continued through the winter and spring, culminating in two utterly shocking events, both of which highlighted what the whole of Europe was already thinking of the House of Hohenzollern.

    In February, Frederick William formally removed his eldest surviving son from the succession and placed he next surviving son, the eight-year-old Augustus, as his heir. Since most of the Hohenzollern estates were within the Holy Roman Empire, this was patently illegal in HRE law and considered null and void by the courts (though the Province of Prussia itself, outside of the HRE, might have allowed for this).

    In April, in what history was consider a remarkable act of childish spite, the young Prince fired back. Under the advice of his new friend, the Arch-Duchess Maria Theresa (whom took to the Prussian quickly after her near-fiancée, Francis, was called back to Lorraine to assume the throne after a few weeks together), the utterly religiously apathetic Fritz would strike back at his father in the worst manner he could find.

    He got drunk, wandered into a chapel, and converted to Roman Catholicism.
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    Chapter 4: Princes and Duchesses
  • Chapter 4: Princes and Duchesses

    July, 1731 - Vienna

    Archduchess Maria Theresa took "Her Prussian" by the arm and walked through the gardens of Blauer Hof (Blue Court), the Summer Palace of the Habsburgs, enjoying his company. Having just turned fourteen, the Archduchess adored the diminutive Prussian for his wide knowledge of Culture and Music. Her father, the Emperor, rarely had much time for her and the negotiations for her hand in marriage to Francis, now Duke of Lorraine, went slowly.

    For his part, the exiled Prince did not mind the attention. To his mind, the girl replaced his beloved sister in his life. Her large blue eyes, auburn hair and strong body did little for the Prussian though. For years, many questioned why the nineteen-year-old Frederick never bothered with a mistress. By the time most Princes were in their teens, they'd bedded a slew of kitchen wenches. But sex was rarely on the Prince's mind. Some wondered if he was some kind of sodomite but the Prince knew his relationships with other men, while perhaps a bit inappropriate, never reached biblical levels of sin. If anything, he viewed himself as a mix of the ancient Spartans, with their brotherhood of war, and the cultured Athenians.

    Exiled in Vienna with his adjutants, the Prince had little to do. He rarely gambled and spent most of his time in study: music, art (in abundance here) and even war. Had either the King in Prussia or the Prince stopped to think about it, the two were not terribly different in that matter. King Frederick William thought his son effete for his tastes in music but Fritz was fascinated equally by the science of war. Had his father realized this, perhaps the King may have been a bit more lenient.

    Maria Theresa was exultant. Here was the male companionship she had been missing throughout her childhood. Lacking brothers, her father paid little attention to her. With Francis, her pseudo-fiancée still in Lorraine, the Archduchess doted on her guest. Being of similar rank, she may do so with less social snickering among the court.

    Oddly, the pair got along. Fritz enjoyed the attention and Maria Theresa's willingness to review martial history in tedious detail. Indeed, he openly stated that the fourteen year old girl was as fine a tactical mind as most experienced soldiers. Often the girl would challenge the Prussian with incisive questions on battle strategy, a tact she took in relation to other subjects: art, music, philosophy.

    Today, the subject was war and Fritz would regal his young admirer with the logistical and organizational shortcomings of the Austrian Army. Compared to the centralized Prussians, the haphazard collection of ethnicities and their local Diets proved almost inconceivably inefficient. Slow to organize, the Austrian Army seldom took advantage of their power. Indeed, he wrote a dissertation that spring regarding Austria's failures to push the Turks from the Balkans was as much a logistical problem as a tactical one. He pointedly discussed with the young girl the lack of supply depots, poor planning in transportation and lack of centralization had hindered the Austrian advances southwards in the past.

    Indeed, the Archduchess petitioned her father to discuss the matter with the Prince. The Emperor was impressed and referred him to the General Staff. Of suitable rank that he could not be ignored, several of the Generals (also hoping to catch the ear of the heiress to the Empire by treating her friend with respect) quietly admitted the veracity of the recommendations. Maria Theresa would recommend to her father than the Prince be given a commission but this was rejected as the Emperor believed that, despite the war of words between Berlin and Vienna, that the situation would resolve itself soon enough when the aging King Frederick William realized that continuing the absurd situation would not do any good. But the Prussian remained stubborn and the Prince continued on as an honored but uninvited "guest".

    While Frederick's affection for the girl was sincere, he nevertheless repeatedly wrote to Francis in Lorraine to claim his bride sooner rather than later. The last thing he needed was the girl's attentions proving amorous. Frederick was not a man of the flesh.

    Eventually, the conversation turned to Poland. The Emperor rarely discussed official matters with his heiress but the recognition that Augustus the Strong of Poland and Saxony was getting quite old and the Polish estates were not fond of his son as a replacement. Already Austria and Russia, the two greatest influences on what passed for government in Poland, were considering their options.
    Chapter 5: Old Alliances, Broken Pacts
  • Chapter 5: Old Alliances, Broken Pacts

    Summer 1732


    Prince Frederick of Prussia admired his new uniform in the mirror. After nearly three years, the Emperor begrudgingly made the youthful Frederick an Austrian General. Though such honors were common (half the crowned heads of Europe were "Austrian Generals"), Frederick, now in his twenties, was determined to make his career in the Austrian Army. For years, the Emperor had attempted to placate King Frederick William and encourage his nominal vassal to reconcile with his son. However, in his infantile (and utterly insincere) conversion to Catholicism, Frederick ensured his father's actions with a clarity the Emperor could not comprehend.

    There was simply no way that the strict Calvinist King could allow a Catholic to ascend to the throne of one of Europe's most dedicatedly Protestant countries. While there was precedent of a Catholic monarch reigning peacefully over a Protestant state, the Elector of Saxony was also King of Poland (though he ensured that Lutherans controlled the former), this could not possibly be tolerated in Prussia. Frederick William disowned his son and removed him from the succession. Though many believed the Emperor and the Courts of the Holy Roman Empire held sway over such matters, it was also known that no great power was interested in launching what would be a new Holy War. Prussia (well, Brandenburg and the other HRE portions of the Hohenzollern domains were predominantly so) would not accept a Catholic King. At least the Elector of Saxony brought prestige to Saxony by also ruling a nominal "Kingdom" in the Polish Commonwealth.

    The Prince (as Frederick continued to style himself despite happily removing himself from his future throne) was content to leave his pre-pubescent brother as the heir for now. Maybe later he may stake a claim but doubted that it would be while his father lived. For the time being, he was happy in the cultured city of Vienna, second only to Paris in sophistication.

    Frederick was placed upon the staff of Prince Eugene, the esteemed aging General and veteran of a thousand battles. Though aging and slow, Eugene remained a virtual encyclopedia of martial knowledge. To his surprise, Frederick spent even more time in martial studies than cultural pursuits (though he still played the lute with aplomb). Now "Fritz" only to close friends, Frederick was given the command of a Regiment, usually only an honorary post but the young Prussian instead chose to live with his officers and common soldiers, learning even the most medial matters of organization.

    Eugene, still the most powerful voice in the chaotic Habsburg collection of armies (all largely based upon the individual kingdoms) had been impressed with his recommendations on topics from pre-planning to march order to privy inspection and made every attempt to enforce them against the inheritance negative inertia of the entrenched General Staff. As the most energetic and daring General of his day (well, maybe Berwick), Eugene knew his own armies had been let down by their supply line more often that defeated by enemies.

    With a gentle knock on the door, his aide and junior officer, Peter Von Keith, ushered in the Archduchess, Maria Theresa. Moderately pretty, the Archduchess was the only female companion Frederick would tolerate and not just because she had been his champion to the Emperor. Maria Theresa maintained a practical and concise mind, if not a brilliant one. Though he loathed the idea of marriage, she may have been acceptable...provided he seldom to never had fulfill his marital duties.

    "Fritz!" she exclaimed in delight. "That Austrian uniform just clings to you!"

    In truth, Frederick had to agree. Several of his companions had eyed him for an extended period, appreciating the cut along his bottom.

    "Yes, my dear Maria," Frederick replied with atypical gentleness. He seldom spoke to women since both his mother and beloved sister sent letters condemning his actions in no uncertain terms. Wilhelmine had been particularly verbose. Mother simply stated she regretted his birth and pronounced her support for the change in succession. "My gratitude for your tireless campaign on my behalf."

    The Emperor's support came at high cost. Prussia withdrew from their informal alliance with Russia and Austria the previous year. Once assuming the three bordering powers may pick and choose their candidate for the King of Poland, Prussia gravitated back to France and were already campaigning for Stanislaus I to return to the Polish crown when Augustus died. The King of France's father-in-law was an ethnic Pole from a powerful family which had briefly overthrown Augustus a decade or two back. Louis XV probably wanted to be rid of him and was pressing his new ally King Frederick William to support this. King Louis XV no doubt long harbored ambitions in that area but, lacking a local ally, could hardly dictate from across the continent. Now, with Prussia at its side...?

    The Russian Empress preferred to simply let Augustus the Strong's languid son take the throne. Prince Augustus would hardly be a threat to anyone. The Holy Roman Emperor preferred Infante Manual of Portugal. No one knew or cared what the Poles wanted.

    It was obvious that central Europe was threatening to boil over.

    "Did you hear, Fritz?" Maria Theresa's blue eyes widened. "The Duke of Parma is sending an emissary to speak with father!"

    Carlos, the half-brother of the King of Spain, Louis I, had inherited the Duchy of Parma as that branch of the family went extinct. It was a political agreement between France, Spain and Austria that kept the small but strategic northern Italian state nominally neutral.

    In the War of Spanish Succession, the old Spanish Habsburg domains in Italy (including Milan, Naples and Sicily) were given to the Austrian branch in order to ensure the succession of King Philip V of Bourbon. Eventually, the two branches of the Bourbon family were divided when Philip foolishly attempted to reconquer these lands on his own. The other great powers of Europe, France included, joined forced against him and defeated Spain easily. Now reconciled, both France and Spain had ambitions along the Italian Peninsula just as Austria was intent on keeping the Bourbons out. Only Parma's independence under King Carlos (as a new Bourbon branch) prevented a return to war.

    But Louis XV of France and Louis I of Spain would dearly love to evict the Habsburgs from Italy.

    That Carlos I of Parma, still unmarried, would seek the hand of Maria Theresa...well, the idea of unifying Parma with the Habsburg lands must be mortifying to both France and Spain. Even worse, the international conclave that determined Carlos would inherit Parma and deemed he would similarly inherit the Grand Duchy of Tuscany when the last d'Medici died out (Gian Gastone, the Grand Duke, was old and childless. This would make Carlos the most power man in northern Italy.

    Over the previous two years, Francis of Lorraine had been the primary candidate for Maria Theresa's hand (and potentially, become Holy Roman Emperor). However, King Louis XV of France quietly assured the Duke that any such marriage must result in the voluntary accession of Lorraine to France...or by conquest. France would not allow an allegiance with the Habsburgs so close to its borders. Parma was bad. Lorraine was utterly unacceptable. Finally, Duke Francis backed away from the marriage and promptly sought the hand of the youngest daughter of the Duke of Orleans instead (ironically, the Princess du Sang had once been engaged to Prince Carlos of Spain, now Duke of Parma).

    With marriages tightening the alliance between Bourbon France and Spain (and now Lorraine), Bourbon Hegemony in western Europe was assured.

    Louis I of Spain was reportedly livid that his half-brother was seeking the hand of an Austrian Archduchess. Still, Carlos plodded ahead. Frederick thought him mad. Like Lorraine, one only need look at a map and realize that French and Spanish armies are closer to his Duchy than his Austrian allies. Far better to seek a wife elsewhere.

    Maria Theresa was positively glowing. At least she was until the Duke of Parma arrived and she looked into the bulbous nose. Apparently young girls preferred handsome men to remarkably ugly ones.

    It was at that point that Maria Theresa would start casting about for her own match. Eventually, she took another look at "her Prussian", whom gazed back with undisguised horror at the prospect. The Duke of Parma departed Vienna without a wife. Mainly this was due to the Emperor's fear of war with Spain and France and the potential repudiation of his "Pragmatic Solution".
    Chapter 6: The Balance of Europe
  • Chapter 6: the Balance of Europe

    Spring 1733

    Despite the Archduchess' strident requests to her father, Emperor Charles VI did not, even for a single moment, entertain the prospect of marrying his daughter to the exiled Prussian prince. There were several reasons for this:

    1. No one in Vienna actually believed that Frederick's conversion to Catholicism was sincere, including Maria Theresa. The Prussian couldn't give a damn about any form of religion. Given that Maria Theresa's husband would almost certainly be elected Emperor, this was a bit of a problem.
    2. A union between the House of Hohenzollern and Habsburg would almost certainly spell war with much of Europe. The Prussians, heavily Protestant, would fight back, joined by all of the Protestant Duchies of the Empire. Even the Catholic states would find a House of Hohenzollern-Habsburg outrageously powerful, thrusting them ever further into the camp of the French. No doubt other powers like Spain, Russia and the Ottoman may take advantage of this as well. If a union with Lorraine or Parma was considered unacceptable by the western powers, absorbing Prussia's territories would spell disaster.
    3. Even without political consequences, the personal rage of King Frederick William would last until his dying day. Charles VI had enough problems ensuring his daughter ascended to the throne to create even more enmity in the Holy Roman Empire.
    4. Charles VI did not believe that Frederick would make much of a husband. The Emperor rarely encountered a man of Frederick's rank whom had been so disinterested in sex. Rumors of the man's sinful lusts may, in fact, be rumors but the Emperor would feel better about his odds of gaining grandchildren if Frederick was caught at least once diddling a scullery maid.

    No, there was no rational reason to select the intelligent young prince as his heir. That being said, the Emperor did accede to Prince Eugene's recommendation that Frederick lead the reforms in various military fields (including marching orders, supply and recruitment). Naturally, the various Kingdoms and Diets would resist greatly against any perceived centralization and infringement upon their privileges. But progress was slowly being made.

    Indeed, the Prussian had even captured the ear of the Emperor. It helped that Prince Frederick was more than happy to discuss and even propose marriage options for the Archduchess, Frederick rattling off a number of candidates of "good character". Perhaps more importantly, he pointed out that the "Pragmatic Solution" so cherished by the Emperor rested entirely upon the good will of people whom felt no good will towards Vienna. He recommended that strengthening the army was more useful than getting signatures on pieces of paper. As the Prussians had not kept a treaty in good faith over the past century, Charles VI conceded the youth may have a point.

    There would be no shortfall of vultures circling, hoping for Austrian weakness. France and Spain wanted Habsburg possessions in Italy, Prussia wanted a piece of Poland, god knew what Russia and the Ottoman would do if the Habsburg domains were split apart. No doubt Prince Augustus of Saxony was livid that the Emperor did not support his candidacy. The Emperor's niece, Maria Josepha of Saxony (wife of the heir to Saxony and, he believed, to Poland), believe her claim stronger than Maria Theresa's. The daughter of Emperor Joseph I, the elder brother of Charles VI, Maria Josepha was pushed aside in the succession as Charles was the sole male Habsburg, as was her sister, Maria Amelia, wife of the Elector of Bavaria. But if Charles failed to provide a male heir, should not Maria Josepha, as the eldest granddaughter of Emperor Leopold (by his eldest son), assume the throne if, indeed, Salic Law was to be pushed aside?

    Even old allies like Saxony and Bavaria were not to be trusted.

    Weak financially and surrounded by enemies, the aging Emperor feared for his daughter. Charles VI hoped that he may continue his political maneuvering to avoid war.

    Then, in February, August II (the Strong), finally died and the concert of Europe was thrown into upheaval. The Emperor had long prayed that his daughter would be staunchly ensconced on the throne by the time a completely separate succession crisis erupted.

    But that was not meant to be.
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    Chapter 7: Free for All
  • Chapter 7: Free for All

    Summer, 1733


    The contenders for the throne of Poland were many but it still devolved down to three.

    Augustus III of Saxony (and his wife Maria Josepha) immediately claimed the throne of Poland despite having tepid support among the nobility which would "officially" determine the matter. A predominantly Lutheran state, the conversion of their Elector to Catholicism had shaken Saxony to the core. However, against all odds and expectations, a bargain had been struck. The mid-sized German state would remain entirely in the hands of a Protestant government while Augustus II ruled Poland directly and fought his many wars, internal and external. Yes, the Elector and King had often bled his Saxon homeland dry of funds and men to maintain his hold on Poland but he also increased the nation's prestige and his Catholicism ensured that their old rival, the powerful Habsburgs, would not continue their age-old aggression. Most years, that seemed like a compromise the Saxons could live with.

    However, Augustus III was a more languid ruler and less active soldier than his late father. He lacked a work ethic and overly much ambition, or so the historians would claims. Still, on THIS OCCASION, Augustus III acted with uncommon alacrity. Hearing of his father's illness in Poland, Augustus prepared the good-for-its-size Saxon army to march the moment he heard of his father's death. As such, he stole a march on his opponents.

    The bad news was....Augustus had to march through Habsburg or Hohenzollern territory to GET to Poland.

    Most would consider this a poor idea. Augustus agreed but could not countenance just giving up his claims without a fight. Lacking allies abroad, he ordered his father's loyal retainers to prepare the scattered Polish forces to receive him...and marched across Silesia for Poland. As Silesia's Habsburg forces were only nominal strength, scattered and taken by surprise, the march was remarkably blood free. Augustus would make every attempt to prevent the rapine and plunder normally associated with such movements of large armies. With 15,000 well-trained Saxons, he reached southwestern Poland where 15,000 Wittelsbach loyalists awaited.


    "Where the hell is the King?!" Frederick William of Prussia demanded of the French soldier.

    The Prussian King, in a fit of pique over his treatment at the hands of the Emperor over the desertion of his son and heir, agreed to renew his French alliance. Naturally, this came at a cost. The young Louis XV would demand that Prussia follow suite in proposing the King of France's father-in-law, Stanislaus I, as King of Poland. The local noble had, decades before, momentarily launched a coup against Augustus the Strong and claimed the throne for a year or two.

    Expecting Stanislaus to march on Poland at the head of a French army, instead Frederick William found 2000 French soldiers and no Stanislaus. Between the lines, the Prussian realized that the Pole was dithering in Paris and began to suspect that the French had no intention of sending a "vast army" as promised. If Stanislaus were to take the throne, it would be Prussia that would have to do the heavy lifting. Indeed, Frederick William learned that more French troops were poised to invade ITALY than Poland.

    Realizing that he may have been duped, Frederick saw that he would expend his blood and treasure to put Stanislaus on the throne...which was something he didn't care overly much about...while France used Austria's distraction to acquire territories.

    It was a mistake the Prussian vowed never to make again. As his "allies", Louis XV and Stanislaus, had never truly agreed to his territorial demands in "Royal Prussia", the northern Polish enclave that separated his Holy Roman Empire realms from his "Kingdom of Prussia" in the Northeast, Frederick William determined to take them by force.

    He may have waylaid the French forces but opted to let them through. No doubt both Saxon and Austrian troops were marching into Poland now and Stanislaus, as an ethnic Pole, would not doubt possess a certain popularity and patriotism. This may slow the encroachment of stronger armies...and give Frederick William leisure to take what he wanted.


    Emperor Charles VI offered Infante Manuel, the runaway Prince of Portugal whom had served in his armies, the throne of Poland. Supported by the Russians as well, Manuel agreed. Like Frederick, he had arrived in Austria without permission of his father and sought to serve abroad. Both Austria and Russia (and one Prussia) had been satisfied he'd be controllable, more so than any other candidate.

    The Emperor had been outraged...and embarrassed...that Augustus III managed to march through his territory virtually unopposed with half the Saxon Army. More and more he realized that the warnings of that renegade Prussian Prince regarding the readiness and fitness of his armies should have been heeded. He ordered his General staff, which had been dragging its collective feet over the reforms recommended by Eugene and Frederick, to expedite the changes.

    This never would have happened to Prussia.

    St. Petersburg, Russia

    Anna of Russia, daughter of Peter the Great, played cards with her three female cousins (via her uncle, Ivan IV) and her sister, Elizabeth. As the children of the elder brother, her cousins had a stronger claim to the throne than she. However, the "co-Czar" to Peter the Great was Ivan IV, his mentally challenged brother. When Ivan died, Peter ensured that his own children would inherit the throne. It turned out that the Habsburgs like to pull the same fast one, causing their own Succession crisis.

    In 1730, after Peter's death, his eldest daughter, Anna, whom had returned to Russia five years earlier with her infant son, ascended to the throne.

    Married to the Duke of Holstein, the fellow died before the birth of their first child. Now heir to the German state, little Peter would also be heir to the Russian throne after the death of Peter the Great's last natural son. Seeing Holstein as a tiny German state, Anna left overseers in charge and returned to Russia.

    Eight year old Peter learned to love his country, Russia, under his widowed mother's guidance.

    Three years into her reign, the attractive young woman would prove a low-key ruler, making few changes unless something threatened her rule or her son's eventual succession.

    Little Peter ran into the room into his mother's waiting arms. Unlike most rulers, she tried to spend as much time with her son as possible and he loved her with abandon. Dressed in a miniature Russian uniform, the boy was popular at military revues.

    "Mama! Mama! The Generals say we are to invade Poland!"

    "Yes, dear heart," she laughed. "The rightful King's authority is challenged and we must see that right."

    In truth, her advisors told her who the best fit for "rightful King" was and she accepted without demur. Better to cooperate with the Habsburgs than fight them over the matter. No one anticipated resistance from Prussia, France or Saxony. The army's march was to be a matter of form.

    As it was, they were wrong, as they found out when the first Russians would cross into Poland the following spring.


    King Louis XV signed the treaty with a deft swish of the pen.

    He vowed not to attack the neighboring Austrian Netherlands unless attacked himself. For this, he got an easy peace with the Dutch Republic and Great Britain-Hanover. For many decades, the huge, expansionist France had tried to conquer the largely Catholic, partially French-speaking Austrian Netherlands. Not wishing to have France as a neighbor, the Dutch Republic and Great Britain-Hanover sided with Austria to maintain the status quo.

    Louis XV did not want the Protestant powers involved in the war. They did not care about the Polish Succession and saw no reason to support their old ally, Austria, over such matters.

    It seemed a reasonable compromise.

    Louis XV also promised not to invade Lorraine provided the young Duke Francis did not declare war upon him. Despite coveting Lorraine for generations, the French King knew that such an open invasion of a neutral Holy Roman Empire state would turn not only the Dutch and British against him but even other neutral Holy Roman Empire states.

    That was acceptable as well.

    Louis' real objective was further south. Tens of thousands of French soldiers massed near the border of Northern Italy with the intention of evicting the House of Habsburg from the Duchy of Milan.


    Though well liked by the Emperor and more so by the increasingly frustrated Maria Theresa, the exiled Prussian prince would not be trusted to serve in Poland if there was a chance he may conflict with his own father on the battlefield.

    Serving under Eugene, the twenty-something Prussian "General" in Austria service was ushered off to Milan to augment the 20,000 Milanese, Austrian and mercenary soldiers guarding the strategic Italian principality.

    It was expected to be an eventful posting.


    The young King Louis I of Spain ordered his army and naval commanders into motion. His father had lost much in the War of Spanish Succession: Naples, Sicily, Milan and what was once the "Spanish" Netherlands.

    It was time to take them back. With France as her ally and Austria's attention divided in Poland, Louis would never get a better opportunity. Indeed, these advantageous circumstances may never come again.
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    Map: 1713
  • Map of Europe at the time of Frederick's birth:

    Chapter 8: Chaos
  • Chapter 8: Chaos

    Fall - 1733

    Duchy of Milan

    The Duchy was little more than a modest slice of land ensconced into the mountains of Northern Italy but the economic and strategic influence vastly outweighed its size. Milan was a cross-point of France, Germany and Italy. As multiple powers had ambitions in Italy, there was no more vital strip than Milan. With Carlos of Parma also set to inherit the Grand Duchy of Tuscany sooner rather than later, the Bourbon Powers were eager to wipe out Habsburg influences once and for all on the Peninsula.

    Louis XV, young and aggressive, twisted his distant cousin Carlos of Parma's arm to gain his alliance. There was some suggestion that Carlos wanted revenge for failing to gain Maria Theresa's hand in marriage. In reality, he simply looked at the available resources on hand in northern Italy and picked a winner. With France and their ally, the King of Sardinia (Savoy-Piedmont), were much closer than the Habsburgs and had fewer distractions. The assorted Habsburg domains were also in poor financial shape due to numerous wars and general dysfunction. Charles VI also was far more concerned with his "Pragmatic Solution" and starting a war would not help either his internal or external struggles to put his daughter upon the throne(s) of his ancestors.

    As such, the preponderance of local forces were huge as Parma, Sardinia, France and Spain poised to invade Italy.

    But Milan held great natural defenses and her border fortresses in the mountains were formidable. Prince Eugene, largely a spent force by now in his dotage, was nevertheless a keen tactical mind. It would be a tough fight.

    Unfortunately for the allies, the year was too late to campaign much in Northern Italy. Though the first snows had yet to fall in the valleys, the mountains were already cold. Even the modest garrisons of Milan could hold out long enough for the weather to stymy any sieges.

    But, in the south, that was a different matter.

    Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily

    Louis I of Spain, now a father of two healthy sons, was perhaps the most strong-willed of the Bourbons. His distant cousin Louis XV of France had never particularly impressed him. His brother, Carlos, on the other hand, was perhaps the most pragmatic of his family. Carlos was already destined to inherit Tuscany and no doubt a sliver of Milan.

    Louis I of Spain, however, wanted a hell of a lot more than divided a piss-ant little Duchy like Milan in pieces with his allies. His father's ascension to the throne of Spain cost the Bourbons the Spanish Netherlands (now "Austrian), Milan, Naples and Sicily. Realistically, he was never going to get the Spanish Netherlands back nor even Milan. He could live with that. Louis honestly did not want to deal with the endless wars that came with owning those wealthy but troublesome border territories. He would be satisfied with Sicily and Naples.

    And he intended to get them.

    With a warmer winter in southern Italy, Louis saw no reason to wait for his allies.

    Twenty thousand Spanish soldiers embarked upon Spanish ships from various ports and sailed east for Sicily.

    "Royal Prussia", Poland

    In Poland, the war had already begun. Stanislaus I, finally, had gotten off his ass in Paris and bothered to ride to his country. Naturally, he brought no French forces of import with him. This largely proved King Frederick William's theory that Louis XV was using this conflict as a distraction for his REAL objective: Milan and, perhaps, if rumor had it right, Lorraine.

    In a way, that suited the Prussian King fine. There was more than one way to skin a cat. Largely ignoring his "ally", Frederick William's army seized much of the province of Royal Prussia, until this point a largely uneventful backwater to the Polish civil war. Infante Manuel and his Austrian backers were in the far south, the Russians would no doubt cross the eastern border in the spring, Augustus III of Saxony was in Warsaw and Stanislaus...well, no one knew where he was. Mostly the only ethnic Pole in the race was drumming up support in the countryside among factions of the Polish nobility as the "native" candidate.

    While the factions waged war, Frederick William seized what he wanted all along.

    It was a ruthlessly pragmatic decision. But the Hohenzollerns were a pragmatic people. Turning a third rate European state into something approaching a challenger to the "Great" states of Russia, Austria, Spain, France, etc required all of the talents of Frederick Williams family and people: the Protestant work ethic, a well-drilled army capable of fighting above its weight and the moral flexibility of the Hohenzollern monarchs.

    Frederick William and his ancestors had alternately waged furious war...then groveled before their betters. Negotiated treaties...and broke them. Anything that advanced the power, wealth, population and prestige of their nation was acceptable.

    The latest King was no different. Realizing that his allies had betrayed him, Frederick William simply adjusted course. He took what he wanted and would wait to see which way the winds blew. If necessary, he would treat with the Austrian Emperor again to ensure he kept his prize after the fighting was over and to hell with the French.

    He wondered what happened to his idiot effeminate son. Last he heard, Fritz was in Milan.

    Frederick William prayed his damn son froze his dick off.


    George II had yet to really learn to speak conversational English. His ministers managed to explain that, while the peace treaty protecting Hanover from French aggression appeared to be in place, the rumored intent of the Spanish to expand in the Mediterranean brought more than a little heartburn to the British government. The Mediterranean was a key trading link for British merchants and vital to the British economy. While much was made of India and America, few places were as consistently profitable as Italy, Greece, the Levant and Anatolia for the trading nation. The loss of Gibraltar, Sicily and Naples years before by the Spanish helped open these links and Britain would loathe to give them up.

    With Britain's fading Protestant ally, the once-powerful Dutch Republic, more concerned with keeping the French out of the Austrian Netherlands and King George II demanding that no actions be taken that may risk Hanover, Robert Walpole began to suspect that Britain may be dragged into this dismal war. Given that Britain had nothing to be gained by doing so and much to lose, he knew that any such conflict would reflect poorly on his administration.

    St. Petersburg

    Czarina Anna Petrovna wondered why her advisors were carrying on about the Ottoman. Were these raids by Tatars in the Crimea not irrelevant?

    Apparently not.

    Now her ministers were recommending a separate course of action. It had been assumed that the Russian Army would cross into Poland in the spring to put down this civil war and install the Infante Manuel as the King. In reality, this was hardly a great objective for Russia.

    Now, apparently her ministers thought the Ottoman was a greater opportunity for gain than in Poland. Any attempt for Russia to annex Commonwealth lands would result in war with Austria, Prussia and the Poles. There was little to gain there.

    But Anna's father had been adamant in expanding south. Given the dismal record of the Ottoman army in recent wars (they had been crushed by the Austrians only a few years prior and showed no discernable improvement in recent years), the opportunities to gain were enormous.

    Her ministers explained that an army was required to stand guard the border against Persia (which had lost a war recently to Russia), to fight the Ottomans and to fight in Poland.

    In reality, Russia had the resources to do two of these, not all three. Her ministers recommended eliminating the conflict from which they had the least to gain...and that was Poland.

    The Czarina penned a note to her "ally" Charles VI that her forces were "required" closer to home to repel the Tartars.

    The Russian Army, if consigned to a single adjective, may be referred to as "ponderous". Powerful once in motion but very difficult to control. The "ponderous" army started marching south in the spring.
    Chapter 9: Shifting Alliances
  • Chapter 9: Shifting Alliances

    Spring 1735

    Duchy of Milan

    Prince Frederick of Prussia was pleased to have been given a command in the Austrian Army, though only a small "irregular" corps surrounding his regiment. Von Katte, his old friend, as the Colonel and the Prussian
    barely into his twenties had 2500 men under his command.

    While many Princes held commissions, few actually were given martial power. It was a tribute to Prince Eugene's faith in him that Frederick acted as more than a mere staff officer for the aging and experienced General. Indeed, Eugene had not been impressed by the quality of the Austrian or Milanese officers under his command. Given that he was outnumbered at least 3 to one by the French-Savoy-Parma armies, that was not a good thing.

    It would probably be early summer before the mountain passes started to swarm with French soldiers. Eugene and his officers must be ready.


    Despite adequate warning of impending invasion, the Habsburg forces in Sicily were woefully unprepared. The February invasion was virtually unopposed and by the end of spring, the entirety of the island beyond a few bastions in the larger cities had been conquered. Even the modest fleet dispatched by Spain was more than a match for the negligible Habsburg navy.

    The Spanish government had reformed enormously in the past three decades since the War of Spanish Succession. Revenues collected internally by the once-dysfunctional and ineffective Spanish state had risen exponentially. The peace had allowed Spain to gain additional silver from the new world. For the first time in generations, Spain was casting their own cannon, building their own ships, etc.

    For now, the decline of Spain had been suspended. With no one to stop him from regaining at least SOME of his ancestral lands stripped from the family in the War of Spanish Succession, Louis I of Spain (Bourbon) sought to push his Habsburg cousins out of southern Italy.


    The Pope's power over the secular states had been waning for years. He could no longer threaten Kings with excommunication in order to bend them to his will. Where once the Papacy held sway over Italy, the Pope was now largely a non-entity surrounded by warring Catholic Kingdoms.


    The Sultan realized now was the time. The Austrians had crushed his forces in the Balkans only a decade before, leading to the deal of the Grand Vizier. With their attention spread across many fronts, now was the best time to challenge the Austrians and push them back to Hungary.

    Encouraged by France, the Ottoman declared war upon the assorted domains of the Habsburg Monarchy (often simply called the Austrian Empire, no matter how incorrect that term may be) utilizing minor failures in meeting the terms of the last treaty as a pretext.

    What the Sultan did not realize was that the Russians were not "entirely occupied in Poland and intent upon holding the line against Persia". In reality, the largest of the Russian armies were marching against the Ottoman Empire even as he wrote the terms of the Declaration of War.


    "Where the hell are all the armies?" Stanislaus I, the declared Polish King, wondered.

    By now, there were supposed to be supportive armies of French and Prussians, not to mention opposing armies of Russia (nominally declaring for "Manuel 1"). But only less-then-expected Austrian forces and the smallish Saxon army actively fought in the vast Commonwealth.

    Given that the Polish Succession had been the nominal cause of war now spreading across the Continent...well, not many people actually seemed to care about it.

    As it was, the aging Pole managed to rally his supporters against the Saxon Pretender, Augustus III, and the Portuguese Infante, Manuel. The three sides appeared fairly well matched.

    Stanislaus assumed that armies were on the way to aid one side or the other.

    Weren't they?
    Chapter 10: Chaos
  • Chapter 10: Chaos

    Fall, 1735


    The German King muttered in his ancestral tongue as he wandered away from his bowing ministers. He hadn't wanted to keep Walpole on after his father's death. But George II's wife encouraged him not to relieve the man of his duties and cause upset among the political establishment. After all, Walpole had Parliament under control and the House of Hanover was hardly secure on the throne. With Walpole's support, George II's ascension was smooth and the man even ensured a favorable civil list for the King. That was enough for George II.

    Now, Walpole was suggesting that someday, not today, that Great Britain may have to intervene against the Spanish in the Mediterranean. This made the King cringe as wars were expensive and monarchs often blamed for losses. More so, Spain was the ally of France and, tangently, Prussia. One threatened Britain at sea and the other Hanover by land.

    George II would not encourage such a strategy though he feared he may be pushed into it. The Dutch were already preparing to defend the Austrian Netherlands as well should France decide to strike.

    Northern Poland, "Royal Prussia"

    The Prussian King's primary forces had invaded northern Poland with quiet efficiency. Rather than move to support his "ally" Stanislaus in the south, he seized most of Royal Prussia, the Poland enclave which separated his Holy Roman Empire domains from his non-contiguous Kingdom of Prussia in the east.

    Then...he did nothing, ignoring increasing pleadings from Stanislaus to aid him near Warsaw.

    Frederick William had already gotten what he wanted. Why bother doing more?

    Eventually, the winds would blow and the Prussian would fly with it. No need to do more right now.


    Over 30,000 French, Savoy and Parmese troops invaded Milan through the valleys. They found what they expected: an assortment of fortresses guarding the passes. One by one, the fortresses were besieged as Eugene of Savoy was ensconced in his central base, like a spider in his web.

    His subordinate, Frederick of Prussia, begged him to grant a small contingent of forces to counterattack the enemy supply lines before it was too late.

    Finally, Eugene gave in.

    Russia/Ottoman Frontier

    The Sultan was shocked when he learned that the Russian armies had crossed the borders against his forces in the Caucasus, Azar and the Crimea. He had yet any idea of what to do with the situation. He demanded that the Grand Vizier act.

    Did not the man demand that the Sultan declare war upon the Austrians?

    How could he fight on four fronts (the Balkans, Azar, the Caucasus and Crimea) at once?

    Then the Grand Vizier recommended seeking an alliance with Persia, whom also had lost a war to Russia recently and itched for a payback.

    The Sultan was horrified, then relented. The two Muslim states had long been rivals, both politically and theologically, but war was war. If an alliance could be gained, then so be it.

    Persia could always be crushed later.
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    Chapter 11: Spiraling
  • Chapter 11: Spiraling

    "Royal Prussia" (i.e. Northwest Polish Commonwealth)

    By the Spring of 1736, the entirety of the European concert was in discordant chaos. While the age-old alliance systems were faltering, the temporary (and, in some cases, unnatural) new alliances were proving chimerical at best.

    The King of Prussia, nominally an ally of France, had effectively conquered his ally's realm in northwestern Poland while giving no pretense of aid to "King" Stanislaus, especially given the minor fact that Stanislaus' son-in-law, the King of France, seeming to care more about conquering Milan than fighting in Poland. While Frederick William sat happily in the corner of Poland that separated his two realms (the Kingdom of Prussia and his main realms in the Holy Roman Empire), Stanislaus, Emmanuel of Portugal and Frederick Augustus of Saxony's forces proved relatively evenly matched. With France, Prussia, Russia and, to an extent, Austria, apparently somehow indifferent to the nominal cause of the war expanding the length of the continent, the Commonwealth became of a battleground for a dozen different foes. Several local dignitaries even made their own claims to the throne as the "native candidate". The Sejm was called in a dozen cities and isolated members voted for one candidate or another. In the meantime, peasant rebellions generally reacting to the violence sprung up and defeated several armies.


    Emperor Charles of Austria found his bankrupt assortment of nations fighting in Milan, Naples, the Balkans, Poland and having to garrison the Austrian Netherlands. In truth, the Imperial forces found few allies. Both Bavaria and Saxony were at odds with the Emperor. The King of England and Elector of Hanover only cared for his ancestral home and that meant peace with Prussia and France. Russia had effectively deemed the war in the Caucasus and the Ukraine more of a priority.

    Austria was without effective allies and spread too thine across multiple fronts.

    It was a very bad time for Emperor Charles to have a heart attack.

    However, later historians would point out that it may have proven a very fortunate time to have a heart attack. With the continent at war, many with the Habsburg domains, the feared internal opposition to the inevitable succession would be unlikely to side with those with whom they were at least nominally at war (Prussia, Saxony and France were busy elsewhere anyway) or nominally allied (Russia could not give a damn). While Emperor Charles lay senseless and his daughter the Archduchess feared for his life, the Hungarian, Illyrian and other Diets would, almost without hesitation, pronounced in favor of the Succession of Maria Theresa.


    King George II's fears were growing by the day. Not for an immediate invasion of Hanover. Oddly, that did not happen as both France and Prussia were less interested in invading Hanover than their other priorities.

    Rather it was the King's Ministers whom were agitating to bring the nation into the general conflict. As best the King could see, there was little to gain and much to lose in doing so. If France was not threatening the Low Countries and Prussia keeping clear of the Hanover frontier, George II was happy to remain aloof from the fray.

    Yet the political classes of the nation were up in arms over the Spanish conquest of Habsburg Sicily and threats against Naples (assumed to be under attack shortly) as they feared the Mediterranean turning into a Bourbon lake. British trade apparently trumped all. War against Spain implied war with France...and Prussia. No doubt the Austrian Netherlands, the Dutch Republic and, of course, Hanover would come under attack.

    With limited resources in the Mediterranean (was Britain supposed to carry on the war from Gibraltar?), Parliament was already debating how they would prosecute any involvement in the war. Generally, the consensus was to attack Spanish possessions in the New World. Would taking one or two of the little slaving islands in the West Indies force Spain to surrender Sicily and, maybe, Naples back to the Habsburgs? Would taking Martinique force France to give up Milan?

    George II doubted it.

    Certainly, the British public were not enthused with the idea of sending tens of thousands of soldiers to fight to defend Hanover.

    George II was adamant that he would put off war to the final moment.


    The summer of 1736 continued at a breathless pace for Prince Fritz of Prussia. Serving under the aged Prince Eugene as French, Sardinian-Piedmontese and Parmese troops surrounded the Habsburg Duchy of Milan, Fritz sprung into action leading large spoiling attacks of cavalry and light infantry against the supply lines of the besieging enemies.

    Much to Eugene's surprise, the Prussian prince would prove quite adept at wiping out the supply depots, bridges and other necessary support forces of the enemy. One by one, the frustrated attackers would break off and retreat back into the valleys approaching the Habsburg fortresses. Having believed that his positions would fall to siege one by one, Eugene was euphoric and gave enormous credit to the Prussian in his reports to the Emperor.

    Sadly, it was not Charles but Maria Theresa whom was reading them. Still an invalid, the Archduchess assumed defacto control of the nation in spite of her lack of training by her father.

    Charles lived, so the question of the title of Emperor was pushed off, but the Habsburg monarchy remained powerful indeed.

    Pleased with her friend's progress, the Archduchess would promote Frederick to Major General and order him to return to Vienna by winter.

    Prince Frederick was to assume command of a small army bound for Naples in the 1737 campaign, where the poorly trained local Habsburg armies were in dire straights against the Spanish invaders.


    Having already see Sicily fall in 1735, the initial reaction of the Neapolitans was bemused indifference. The Habsburgs had only been in power for a couple of decades in southern Italy and the locals didn't like them any more than the Bourbons. Indeed, the invading armies of Louis I of Spain found many supporters at the beaches of Naples. The nation had been aligned with Spain for over two centuries before being stripped in the War of Spanish Succession and handed to the Habsburgs (like Sicily, Milan and the "Spanish" Netherlands).

    15,000 Spanish and allied troops made shore against little resistance. Landing was the easy part. Effectively an impassible pile of mountains rising out of the sea, the key to controlling Naples was the navy, something the Habsburg barely possessed. With control of the seas, the Bourbons were able to land forces anywhere, leaving the Habsburgs to hole up in fortifications and hoping the natives rose up in a peasant's revolt.

    They were disappointed. The Habsburg's greatest ally was the expanses of Naples and near impossibility of inland travel. This bought time for the beleaguered Archduchess to put together a relief column and sail it down the following spring.

    The young Prince Fritz would be ready.
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    Chapter 12: New Allies, New Enemies
  • Chapter 12: New Allies, New Enemies

    Late Spring, 1737

    Though still a youth, the Prussian Prince now bore the rank of Major General. Having impressed his commander in Milan and befriended the Archduchess whom continued to rule Vienna while her father drooled and groaned, Fritz was able to select 12,000 elite Hungarian and Illyrian light troops for his daring counterattack in southern Italy.

    Having expected to be forced to brave the Adriatic Sea and the Spanish Navy, Fritz was relieved to find out that the Venetians, long a fading power in the Mediterranean, would allow his army to march through their territory.

    During the recent Ottoman-Austrian War, the Venetian Republic had largely sided with Austria against the Ottoman. This had cost Venice their colony in southern Greece, the Morea.

    For years, new challengers had risen up to steal Venice's trade: Genoa, Austria via Trieste, Britain, etc. Their once mighty merchantman fleet was a mere shell of her past self while her navy was similarly truncated. By 1737, Venice was better known for being a prosperous and quiet corner of Italy reaching the Po Valley, oddly more of a land power than a sea power by this junction.

    Few believed Venice would enter the war given their lack of resources. But two reasons prompted the Republic's actions:

    1. The fact that BOTH Austria and Russia were at war with the Ottoman led the Venetian Republic to believe they may easily reconquer the Morea and reverse the century long decline in fortunes.

    2. The aggressive expansion of the Bourbons Powers (France, Spain and Parma) throughout Italy led the Venetians to believe that they may be next...if the Bourbons didn't try to conquer Rome first. Both Venice and the Papal States were nervous of this expansion and desired the Habsburgs to stall it. But with the Habsburg Monarchy broke and facing wars on multiple fronts, this seemed unlikely.

    Thus Venice threw caution to the wind and allowed the Habsburg forces to cross their soil even as they Italians prepared their meager forces to invade the Morea once more.

    Prince Fritz was just happy to be out of Vienna. Maria Theresa was getting far too handsy with him and even intimated that he may make an excellent Holy Roman Emperor some day. Nothing got the Prussian back to the battlefield with more fervor than his unwanted suitor.

    The light army made record time through the rugged countryside. With little baggage (most made it to southern Italy by ship. It turned out the Spanish weren't even in the Adriatic) to carry, the small army moved fast and crossed the mountain passes with little resistance by "Bourbon" loyalists. Most villages were just happy to see the army pass in peace.

    Upon arrival through the passes towards Naples, Fritz found the capital city under occupation by the Spanish, only the great fortress still flying the Habsburg flag.

    He wasted no time whatsoever in ordering an immediate assault on the apparently surprised Bourbon forces. Though he lacked heavy artillery or much in the way of food (or powder), Fritz' initial cavalry and light infantry (he was rewriting the military manual as he went) and crashed into the unprotected Spanish flank. Evidently, the Spaniards hadn't bothered to augment the city defenses either.

    Surprise was total as was the victory. While the Spanish fleet witnessed from their anchorage, 5000 Spanish soldiers and "Bourbonists" surrendered and the rest were scattered north and south, leaving their artillery and baggage to Fritz.

    Within a few days, the Prussian had relieved the fortress and position his new artillery on the heights of Naples. Prudently, the Spanish fleet retired out of range.

    Raiders sent north and south continued to scatter the Spanish and Bourbon Italian forces further, bringing in thousands of other prisoners. The Spanish navy attempted to collect the rest at various fishing villages and small ports.

    The expected easy Spanish conquest of Naples would fail to materialize in the way that Louis I of Spain envisioned. Certainly, it would take more than that of Sicily.

    Missing "Her Prussian", Maria Theresa demanded that Frederick return immediately for greater honors. The Habsburg Empire remained under assault and her most victorious warrior would have a new assignment.

    The Crimea

    The Russian steamroller continued into the Crimea, where the Ottoman-loyal tribesmen were driven before the Cossack horsemen by 1738, the northern shore of the Black Sea was almost entirely in Russian hands.

    The tribesmen, long hated for their raids into Slavic territory, were slaughtered whenever encountered by the 50,000 man Russian army.


    The Sultan demanded his Grand Vizier "do something". The attempt to reconquer Belgrade from the Habsburgs had come to nothing. Indeed, the Ottoman army in the Balkans fell apart under the weight of rebellions by the Greeks, Albanians and Bulgarians before it even reached Belgrade.

    Now, his northern forces were being destroyed as well. The tribesmen had been key for generations in keeping the Russians from the Black Sea.

    Though he had loathed the idea of an alliance with Persia, also smarting from a loss to Russia, the Sultan was suddenly enthusiastic to making a pact with the Ottoman's age old eastern enemy.

    Having expected the Habsburg and Russian Empires to be busy in Poland, instead the Ottoman was facing even greater threats than ever before.


    By the end of 1737, Prince Eugene was barely hanging on. Half of Milan's mighty fortresses had fallen. He regretted allowing young Fritz to return to Vienna. He could use him now.

    Besieged by French, Sardinian and Parmese forces, the old General was ready to crack along with his small army.


    Not even the combatants knew who was winning in Poland.


    On New Year's Eve, Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, died.

    His death was bring an even more fiercely contested war in Europe as new challengers would arise to the young Archduchess.
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    Chapter 13: Reassessment
  • Chapter 13: Reassessment


    The now expected death of Charles VI, whom had been an invalid for a year, could not have come at a better time for the Archduchess. After years of war, the Habsburg forces were FINALLY starting to return to form and the constituent peoples of the Empire now generally on board with the "Pragmatic Solution" of a woman inheriting the throne. Indeed, the fact that France, Prussia, Russia and other great powers being militarily invested in other theaters (Russia in Asia, Prussia in "Royal Prussia" and France in Italy) assured that no great armies would march upon the Habsburg domains and it was unlikely than any national Diet under the Crown of St. Stephen or one of her other realms would seek to support a foreign candidate for their individual thrones (Charles VI had feared a division of the Habsburg Empire much as the "Spanish Habsburg" Empire had been broken up in the war of Spanish Succession by being stripped of her Italian and Low Country domains). One did not seek alliance with people whom have been trying to kill you for years.

    Oddly, Maria Theresa's ascension was looking quite secure even if the overall Habsburg war effort was still looking bad: Milan was crumbling, Sicily had been taken, Naples was still under invasion, the French had far more forces along the Austrian Netherlands frontier than the Habsburgs (even accounting for Dutch and English assistance). Indeed, even the wars in Poland and the Balkans seemed stagnant as the Archduchess could not summon large enough forces to reach a critical mass on either front.

    But then, against expectations, her cousins the Electress' of Saxony (Maria Josepha) and Bavaria (Maria Amalia), Emperor Joseph I's daughters, staked their branch's claim to the Habsburg thrones.

    Charles VI inherited the Habsburg domains from his elder brother, Emperor Joseph I, whom died without a living son. As the only living male Habsburg, it was understood (By Joseph) that, should Charles die without a male heir, Joseph's daughters and their heirs would inherit. Instead, once in power, Charles spent years seeking foreign recognition for his own daughter's ascent despite his nieces' stronger claim.

    Normally, neither Saxony nor Bavaria would dare challenge the great Habsburg Empire (or collection of pseudo-independent Kingdoms), at least not without A LOT of help from powerful allies. But with the general war ongoing throughout the continent, the already bankrupt Maria Theresa didn't need any more enemies.

    Thus the Elector and Electress of Bavaria started negotiating with Maria Josepha, whom was governing Saxony while her husband Augustus III of Saxony (and claimant to the Polish throne) was fighting in Poland.

    If the remnants of the Saxon Army would combine with the Bavarian Army (both 2nd tier in Europe), they might march upon Vienna through the weakened forces of their cousin Maria Theresa.

    The Saxon House of Wettin and Bavarian House of Wittelsbach marched in the summer upon Vienna.


    "They dare! THEY DARE!" Archduchess Maria Theresa shrieked.

    She turned to her "Dear Prussian" and commanded, "CRUSH THEM!!!! CRUSH THEM NOW!!!!!"

    For once, Prince Fritz was happy to obey. While fighting the Saxons and Bavarians at least he would get a break from Maria Theresa's exhortations to marry her.

    The Habsburg forces were, to choose a word, beleaguered. On the defensive in Milan, Naples and the Balkans (and having to garrison the Austrian Netherlands), the war effort in Poland was going poorly. Indeed, the three contenders were basically evenly matched and not much progress was being made by anyone save King Frederick William whom happily sat in "Royal Prussia" waiting for the winds to blow.

    The Elector of Saxony was completely cut off from his Electorate by Habsburg Silesia and learned the news that his wife was invading Vienna from a captured Austrian soldier in late summer. He wasn't sure if he was proud or outraged.

    Little did the Elector know that his wife had promised Saxon support for the Elector of Bavaria to be elected the first Holy Roman Emperor in centuries not of the Habsburg line (though, of course, virtually every Royal Family in Europe was related in some way).

    Though Maria Theresa appeared to have her inheritance in her domains largely in hand, there was no way the Electors were going to stretch the legality of the Empire to select a female monarch. As she was unmarried, she could not even plant a husband on the (largely ceremonial) throne.

    Prince Fritz spent much of the summer suggesting that Maria Theresa find another husband. Francis of Lorraine had finally married a French princess but the woman died in childbirth along with the infant.

    Maybe Francis could be encouraged to make another try when the war ended.


    Exhausted, Prince Eugene was forced to cede yet another border fortress in the Duchy of Milan. Outnumbered and nearly cut off from Austria, the Prince simply lacked the resources or energy to defend the Duchy. By the end of 1738, most of the Duchy was in foreign hands.


    After Spain's humiliating defeat in Naples, King Louis I of Spain had commanded his forces to renew their efforts and funneled another 15,000 soldiers and mercenaries into Naples. With command of the sea, the Spanish King didn't care overly much as to the cost. Louis I was determined to reconquer as much of his ancestral patrimony as possible. It was bad enough his French cousin and his Parmese brother were cutting up Milan but the tension between France and the Austrian Netherlands may well end in that territory annexed to France as well.

    While the Habsburgs controlled what was once the "Spanish Netherlands", Louis I could dream of regaining the valuable territory someday. If his French cousin Louis seized it...well, that would likely be the end of the matter.

    Still, regaining Sicily was a good start for Louis I. Taking Naples would be a better second act.

    He just prayed his forced didn't screw it up a second time.


    King George II was getting increasingly worried as his government became ever more agitated at the prospect of the Mediterranean becoming a Bourbon lake. Many desired to prevent the conquest of Naples (or even roll back the Spanish seizure of Sicily, though many doubted the small army of Britain could possibly retake the island from afar). Naples, still unconquered, appeared the more reasonable goal. If the Royal Navy could prevent the Spanish from landing, then few to no British forces would be necessary in Italy.

    The British public, though widely concerned with the direction of the general war in Europe, were divided as to how to proceed. There was not a major "War Party" but rather a disjointed series of concerns.

    While his First Lord, Walpole, wished to avoid an expensive war which promised few tangible benefits to go with many detriments (the cost, the loss of Gibraltar and...Hanover, alienation of allies like the Dutch Republic), the probability of avoiding involvement was getting low. In the end, great powers can not stand aside and let others determine the fate of Europe.

    Eventually, Britain would be pulled into the war. By now everyone knew this.

    It was just a matter of time.
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    Chapter 14: Consequences of Audacity
  • Chapter 14: Consequences of Audacity

    Summer, 1738


    The Austrian reserves smashed through the lightly held mountain passes of eastern Saxony with ease. With the bulk of the Saxon Army fighting under Augustus III in Poland, the Elector-King left his Electorate largely undefended on the assumption (hope) that the Habsburgs would be too pressed to add yet another front to their war (Austrian Netherlands, Milan, Naples, Poland and the Balkans to name a few).

    But the half-hearted Austrian war effort so far allowed Maria Theresa to hoard her resources for a single attack. It was only a matter of which direction. Deeming Poland and the Balkans a priority, she had assumed that her gathering armies would attack in one of those directions, probably Poland while holding the line in the mountainous Balkans (where the Turk wasn't exactly doing well).

    However, the arrogant posturing of her cousins in Saxony and Bavaria was too much to stand. The Electress of Saxony demanded the Habsburg thrones and the Electress of Bavaria demanded her husband be made Holy Roman Emperor, there apparently being some sort of agreement between the two. Evidently, Augustus III was too busy in Poland to be Emperor and take over all the Habsburg Kingdoms and Duchies.

    Maria Theresa, tired of her old "fuddy-duddy" generals whom spent more time complaining about the Archduchess giving Fritz too much authority, granted the Prussian full command of a 60,000 strong army. Barely slowing down, the Prussian bypassed several mountain fortresses (manned by Saxons and borrowed Bavarian troops) and smashed forward into largely undefended Dresden, capturing the capital in no time, forcing Maria Josepha to flee for her life.

    Leaving a modest force to keep the Saxon forces in the fortresses bottled up, Fritz used the supplies of Dresden to rearm his forces and march south, towards the relief column of 20,000 Bavarians. While a well-trained and respected army, a series of rapid maneuvers completely outflanked the Elector and would be Emperor's army, sending the Bavarians scurrying back across the border. By fall, all of eastern Saxony was in Austrian hands.


    King Frederick William could not believe the reports. Though he loathed his exiled son for his musical and artistic tastes, Fritz had been a good student of war as well. More than once, he'd regretted belittling the boy. But could the King have foreseen his son's rapid ascent up the continental martial peak?

    Perhaps it would not have bothered Frederick William as much if his second son, and now heir, had not just been caught in a compromising position with one of his adjutants. Only a teenager, Frederick William took mercy and only beat his son HALF to death than fully and then ordered the boy's paramour executed...quietly.

    How the hell did Frederick William continue to breed these perverts?

    He may as well have stuck with Fritz.

    It was a real slap in the face to see his exiled son outperforming the father in battle. After spending the better part of two years occupying northwestern Poland and watching as the vying combatants maneuver about Poland like idiots, Frederick William started to cast his eyes about for new conquests. Taking more land in Poland seemed pointless. They were all Catholics and it would put him permanently at odds with both Russia and Austria. He may be willing to challenge one but not both. That also crossed Saxony off the list.

    Then he realized he hadn't looked west in a while. Hanover, the largest polity in northwest Germany (Holy Roman Empire) continued to sit on the sidelines with Denmark, Sweden, the Dutch Republic and Portugal. It seemed unlikely all these forces would remain aloof forever. Perhaps it would be best to put his stake in now, when the backs of the other great powers were turned?

    It was too late in the year for a new campaign.

    But 1739 may be pivotal for the old King.


    The "Cap" Faction had fallen to the "Hat" Faction in the Riksdag. With the King aging and without an heir, the Swedish Diet would now control the succession.

    The Hats were pro-French and anti-Russian and desperately sought to regain the continental possessions in the Baltic lost to Russia in the "Great Northern War". The Caps had largely let the matter rest for the past few decades as victory seemed unlikely.

    Selecting the right King may yet return Sweden to greatness. But who?

    There were many candidates, even if they were restricted to Protestants, probably Germans. The Russian Czarina recommended a relative of her son, Adolf Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp. But no one cared what Russians wanted until the Czarina intended to hand back the Balkans if the Swedes cooperated.

    Unlikely. So the net was caste ever further for a Protestant Prince. Oddly, few of the first rank (i.e. younger sons of great powers) were available. The younger sons of the Prussian and Hanoverian kings were minors. Denmark had been at odds with Sweden for years.

    Who was left?


    Now effectively surrounded and cut off from supply, the last of the Milan garrisons fell one by one to siege. More eager for a swift victory than gathering prisoners, the allied forces of France, Parma and Piedmont-Sardinia would grant generous terms including free passage back to Habsburg soil.

    By New Years, the three allies were dividing up the little Duchy.


    Using the extended campaign season in the south, the Spanish forces were able to make greater gains along the western coast of the Kingdom of Naples. All the larger cities fell, including the great bastions. Louis I's forces would not make the same mistakes as before. They rallied the loyal peasants and seized control over the mountain passes.

    There would be no repeat to the humiliations of the previous year.

    Persian-Ottoman Frontier (Mesopotamia)

    For three years, the Sultan's minions had sought out an alliance with the Persians. Having thought he had finally received one, the Persians suddenly attacked the eastern frontier in Mesopotamia.

    Persia deemed the Ottoman an easier nut to crack than Russia.

    In the meantime, the Russian colossus cleaned out the remnant of Ottoman supremacy from the northern shores of the Black Sea to the Transcaucasus. Indeed, it seemed unlikely that the Russian army could be stopped at all.

    With their campaign against the Austrians already moribund, the Sultan ordered his Grand Vizier to make peace with...someone. He didn't really care which enemy: Persia, Austria or Russia.

    The continued decline of the Ottoman became even more pronounced as Venice invaded the Morea in southern Greece.
    Chapter 16: Machiavellian Rules
  • Chapter 16: Machiavellian Rules

    Fall, 1739


    By the fall of 1739, the supporters of the House of Wettin vanished at the abandonment of the war by Augustus III. This allowed most of his supporters to shift their loyalty to Emmanuel I, whose forces were now casting aside those of Stanislaus. Of greater import was the fact that King Frederick William of Prussia remained comfortably ensconced in northwest Poland with his powerful and fresh army ready to resist any challengers.

    The Austrian and Russian armies supporting Emmanuel were spread out and unsure if they desired to pick a fight with Prussia, so the summer and fall were spent consolidating.

    Eventually, Stanislaus gave up and decided to flee for France, leaving his supporters in the lurch. He was forced to flee through Prussian territory and the King of Prussia didn't even bother pretending to be an ally by this point. Frederick William could have imprisoned the Pole but didn't bother.

    What would be the point? Stanislaus no longer mattered.


    In summer of 1739, the Archduchess dispatched her most trusted friend, Prince Fritz to Hanover to meet with the Elector (and King of Britain though he was loathe to style himself as such given the lack of support from his British subjects). George II had spent months shoring up his Electorate's defenses against an expected assault.

    Indeed, most assumed Frederick William would attack Hanover during the 1739 campaign season but the sudden collapse of the House of Wettin and that of Stanislaus left his southern flank far too insecure to leave unprotected. His gains in "Royal Prussia" would be defenseless.

    Thus George II had additional time to rally his local allies (renting their regiments, really) and preparing for a fight to the death. France had yet to seriously attack the Austrian Netherlands but most believed that was inevitable.

    With perhaps a unique point of view due to his exile from Prussia, Prince Fritz was able to see the situation from the eyes of all sides.

    He knew what his father wanted: a bridge between his domains in the Kingdom of Prussia and Brandenburg, more access to the sea (both these goals were represented by Royal Prussia, which he now held) as well as some wealthy Protestant domains (Saxony, Hanover and parts of Silesia were always coveted by the Prussian Kings).

    He knew what his patron wanted (besides Fritz to marry her): to fully assume control over her domains without challenge (only partially), control over the election of Holy Roman Emperor, to punish Saxony and Bavaria, to return the other states of the Holy Roman Empire to subservience, to crush the Ottomans.

    The loss of the Italian domains of Milan, Sicily and Naples hurt, as would potentially losing the Austrian Netherlands. But those territories were only recently added to the Habsburg crown and Maria Theresa only cared so much.

    There was also the little problem that Maria Theresa was broke and unlikely to be able to carry on a war much longer. As Prussia had barely been blooded and a campaign against the French and Spanish in Italy virtually doomed to fail...well, something had to be done.

    With all of Europe at war, it seemed impossible to think of a way to make peace, even in a portion of it.

    But Fritz, like all Hohenzollerns, was flexible. He wasn't sure how a war in the Low Countries could be avoided but perhaps the war may be ended in the west. It helped that Prussia had already gotten what his father wanted and Russia did not seem overly interested in the west. Emmanuel was now assuming control over most of Poland while Austria occupied Saxony and Bavaria shivered at a potential Austrian invasion.

    There was something to work with here.

    Fritz developed a complex plan and started with the weakest link: George II.

    Beyond all, the Elector desired safety for his homeland and was thunderstruck at the proposal of the Prince that promised a chance of getting out of this situation.

    The "War" in Europe was, in fact, a series of completely separate wars occurring concurrently. Fritz would deal with the issues one by one, making the next peace even easier. First, Fritz would work on the peace between Prussia and Hanover.

    1. Austria and Russia would "allow" King Frederick William title to "Royal" Prussia in the name of their puppet, Emmanuel I of Poland. It wasn't as if the Portuguese Infante was under any illusions that he had a choice in such matters. If a tenth of the Commonwealth's territory was sheared off for the convenience of Russia and Austria...so be it. Emmanuel was still left with more a kingdom that he had before.

    2. Further, a slice of Saxony (roughly 1/3rd) would be offered to Frederick William in exchange for his western territories in the Rhineland, namely Kleves, Mark, Minden, Ravensburg, etc. While these scattered little possessions were densely populated and prosperous, they were impossible to defend. This reason, as much as a desire to possess Hanover itself, fed Frederick Williams desire to conquer George II's domain. With those territories handed over to George II, he would be more able to defend his realms and Frederick William less interested in war (at least having one less reason for it).

    3. Duke Peter of Holstein-Gottorp, the child heir to Russia, would give up his ancestral home. The larger Holstein (self-governing fief of Denmark) portion would go to the King of Denmark, hereto uninterested in the war while the smaller, non-contiguous portion of Schleswig (in the Holy Roman Empire) would go to George II. George II would also "buy" Oldenburg, a non-contiguous Duchy ruled by Denmark, from the King of Denmark. This was a more than reasonable trade that any Denmark King would make. As the prince of East Frisia was without an heir, all parties would agree that it would be inherited by George II.

    4. In exchange for giving up Holstein-Gottorp, the boy Duke Peter would be named Duke of Courland. The little Duchy was nominally a fief of Poland but the future Czar would add it permanently to his dominions. As the Czarina couldn't care less about Holstein-Gottorp, she would prefer a contiguous land she could control. Besides, the remove Germany Duchy would likely encouraged aggression from the King of Denmark eventually and it was a theater in which Russia had little to no interest. Peter did not remember his German homeland anyway and was hardly going to care in the future. From the Russian standpoint, they also received the bonus that a stronger and less German-focused Denmark-Norway would likely act as a bulwark against Swedish aggression. With the rise of the "Hat" Party (anti-Russian) in the Riksdag, war between Russia and Sweden was becoming more likely. Already invested in the war against the Ottoman, this was not a distraction Russia needed.

    5. While the Elector of Saxony would find his Electorate truncated as punishment for his and his wife's ambitions, the Elector of Bavaria would be bought off. As there was no other contender for the office of Holy Roman Emperor among the Habsburgs, the Elector of Bavaria, with the Archduchess' support would be granted the ceremonial position. An older man in poor health, he would not last long anyway. By the time the future Charles VII of the Holy Roman Empire (and Elector of Bavaria) died, Maria Theresa would have a husband or even a son to put on the throne. Naturally, the Electors of Saxony (Augustus), Hanover (George II) and Brandenburg (Frederick William) would cast their votes alongside the Queen of Bohemia and Archduchess of Austria (both Maria Theresa). If one could not select a Habsburg Emperor, then a weak puppet was fine.

    This overall peace would not end all the wars in Europe but would at least settle the matter in Germany and Poland.

    Naturally, George II was ecstatic over the proposal. He would prevent an attack on Hanover from Prussia and even augment his territories by over a third. He agreed in a heartbeat.

    Next, the pair rode to Vienna to meet with Maria Theresa and the Russian Ambassador to make their proposal. Maria Theresa was taken aback. Mostly, she was surprised that Hanover and Denmark, two nations barely invested in the war if at all, somehow made gains along with her enemy, Frederick William, while Austria and Russia, at best, got nothing or traded territories.

    The proposed peace also did not resolve the war with France and Spain or with the Ottoman or guarantee the return of her Italian domains. But Fritz convinced her that she must make peace eventually (as did her beleaguered financial advisors) somewhere. She lacked the money to fight on four or five fronts anymore. George II promised to find a way to subsidize the war in the Austrian Netherlands to a greater extent even if he had to arrest all of Parliament. Peace with Prussia also meant he may turn his German resources west to aid in the war in that theater as well.

    Many jealous advisors sought to discredit Fritz by pointing out he was helping his father to easy gains, insinuating he was still loyal to Prussia. This was the wrong tact to take as no one knew better than Maria Theresa of Fritz's relationship with his father.

    In the end, Maria Theresa agreed to the proposal and lent her support in convincing the King of Denmark, King of Prussia and Czarina of Russia. Not surprisingly, the former two did not need much convincing. Frederick William was happy to assume title to Royal Prussia and deemed a straight up swap of a large chunk of Saxony for his non-contiguous western duchies to be more than adequate. Five years of "War" resulted in very little fighting for the Prussians and gaining valuable prizes.

    The King of Denmark, disinterested in the general war, was happy to trade Oldenburg for the Holstein portions of Holstein-Gottorp.

    The Czarina, it turned out, was happy enough for the trade of Holstein-Gottorp for Courland (if the people of the German Duchy were unhappy with now being subjects to the King of Denmark and Elector of Hanover, that was their problem, not hers), especially as a peace in Germany and Poland ensured her ally Austria would have more resources to attack the Ottoman Turk.

    By spring of 1740, the war in Central Europe was over. There was now only war in the west and the east.

    And America.
    Chapter 17: Old Order and The New
  • Chapter 17: Old Order and the New

    Spring, 1740

    Louisbourg, Ile Royale, New France

    The New Englanders had prepared all winter for the formal declaration of war. It was considered almost inevitable thus they gathered supplies and ships for the spring. By April, the colonials were ready and received the news of a declaration of war with enthusiasm. For too many years, French raiders had sailed form Louisbourg upon their coastlines and used the naval base to protect the St. Lawrence.

    Enough was enough. Not even bothering to ask for help from the Mother Country, the expedition sailed in May with 4000 volunteers carried by merchants and escorted by a few small British warships.

    The French, surprisingly, hadn't bothered reinforcing the naval base with a garrison larger than 900 ill-paid and ill-fed conscripts on punishment duty. Few French ships were at anchor when the Americans arrived and the inept French commander didn't even think to impress the French sailors available. Instead, they gathered up a few hundred militia and hunkered down hoping to wait out the British.

    By the end of June, the ill-prepared French garrison surrendered to siege and were deported to the mainland along with all French civilians.

    Louisbourg had fallen with little to no assistance from the Mother Country. In the future, this campaign would be considered a primary building point of "colonial nationalism".

    Antigua - British West Indies

    The British colonials were not the only denizens of the New World to act.

    The governor of Martinique and commander of the French West Indies (Lesser Antilles) gathered resources to invade one of the British possessions in the West Indies.

    For the most part, there were only three British possessions of note:

    1. Jamaica
    2. Barbados
    3. Antigua

    Ideally, he would attempt to conquer one of the former two. Jamaica and Barbados were the primary sugar producers for Great Britain. Antigua was respectable but not in their league. In reality, Antigua's true value was in her fine naval harbor.

    The French governor opted against Barbados. Often the prevailing winds in the summer blew from east to west at that latitude and entire fleets may find themselves becalmed without reaching the southeastern-most island in the Caribbean (some even wondered if Barbados should be considered part of the West Indies at all).

    Jamaica was rejected also due to distance and the fact that French resources were scarce. It was uncertain if the few thousand troops he could summon would be enough to take the populated island.

    Thus for proximity and probability of success, the governor attacked Antigua.

    Having received word before his English counterpart, the governor rolled the dice in hopes of a quick victory.

    He received it. With only a few hundred sickly defenders and no major warships at port, the British retreated to a citadel above the city to wait out the siege. Lacking any particular supplies, they were outlasted by the French.

    British deaths were 200 souls and French 500. Virtually all were to disease.


    King Frederick William, only weeks after yielding control over the western provinces to Hanover and assuming command (rightful) over Royal Prussia and parts of Saxony, died suddenly. Though only 51, he was a worn-out man. Still, the King's death nevertheless came as a shock to the Prussian Establishment.

    At only 17 years old, Prince Augustus William ascended to the throne. While some pointed out that Prince Frederick's removal from the line of succession was not in any way legal by Holy Roman Empire Law, this only mattered if a nation of note (Austria, Russia, etc) determined to make an issue of it or if the resident political class of Prussia were to object.

    There proved to be little support for Prince Frederick among the Prussians. Having served the enemy for so many years, even though not on the Polish front, Prince Fritz' service to the Austrians bled away most support.

    If that didn't do it, then the fact that he so publicly converted to Catholicism was more than enough to kill his chances of regaining his own throne in Prussia.

    Fritz had mixed feelings. He was never against the idea of being King. He merely wanted to tweak his father's nose in a way surely to irritate him. But Fritz's actions utterly destroyed any sympathy among the Prussian establishment. Even his beloved mother and sister condemned him and actively supported Augustus William. If nothing else, that eliminated any hope Fritz had of being called home in triumph.

    As it turned out, the Prussian prince was a little busy anyway when he learned of his father's death.

    He was busy leading an army through Bosnia.

    Austrian Netherlands

    Though no one would have believed it, the general war along the Austrian Netherlands front had yet to really break out. For years, the French had threatened to invade as Austrian Netherland, Dutch and assorted supporters (Hanover, mercenaries hired by the British) waited anxiously.

    With the other fronts of the war in central Germany and Italy now quiet, it was assumed that a full French offensive was imminent. Oddly, by summer of 1740, the French had yet to do much more than probe with their 60,000 man army along the border.

    At this point, everyone involved wondered when the hell the real war in the west would begin.

    Indeed, the French public had been paying taxes for years with the intent that the real prize would be part or all of the Austrian Netherlands. A piece of Milan didn't justify this waste of money, especially after splitting the Duchy with Parma and Piedmont-Sardinia. Only Spain appeared to be gaining anything with the reconquest of Sicily and Naples.

    Many a Frenchman wondered what the hell Louis XV was doing.

    In truth, the French King and his Ministers had something special planned to knock the British out of the war, though the French forces would not be ready until 1741. Without British money, it was believed that both the Austrian Netherlands and the Dutch Republic would fall.

    Also, the unexpected withdrawal of Prussia from the war surprised all involved. Granted, it had been years since the Prussians had even pretended to be an ally (or the French for that matter). But Louis XV assumed that Prussia would be there to stop much in the way of Austrian or Hanoverian reinforcements to the low countries.
    Chapter 18: Reversing History
  • Chapter 18: Reversing History


    The Spanish Fleet welcomed several dozen French ships of the Mediterranean squadron to Cadiz. The nervous garrison of the local British bastion of Gibraltar assumed they Catholic powers were massing to blockade the little peninsula. With only 2000 troops, no one was certain if the impregnable fortress would last a minute longer than when the food ran out. Many attempts since the English captured Gibraltar had been made to strengthen the fortifications. Hopefully, it would be enough.


    Unencumbered by a campaign in Poland, Saxony or Italy, the Habsburg forces marched inexorably southwards through the Balkans.

    For centuries, the Balkans were a quagmire, a mountain hell from which whole armies were swallowed. Hundreds of years ago, the constant infighting among the Christian natives had allowed the Ottoman Empire a foothold in Europe, eventually reaching nearly to the gates of Vienna before being pushed back by an alliance of Christian nations.

    Still, most of the Balkans remained under Ottoman rule for centuries, long enough for the majority of the Bosnian and Albanian peoples to convert to Islam along with substantial minorities of Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Romanians, etc. This population allowed the Sultan to impress huge armies to sustain the once-inexorable onslaught.

    But all things come to an end. The Ottoman had fallen behind the Europeans in organization, tactics and technologies and was in a spiraling decline. Most of the North African colonies maintained only nominal tributary status, rebellions among the Levant and European peoples common. Russia had seized the northern shore of the Black Sea and the Trans-Caucasus. Persia encroached upon Mesopotamia.

    As Russian armies marched south through the Romanian populated regions (to the elation of the partially self-governing Romanians whom loathed their Ottoman oppressors or their appointed governors), the Austrians marched south through Bosnia. Even the Muslim peoples of the Balkans agitated for more self-government and many were happy to see the Austrians (though this would prove short-lived as time would tell).

    The Ottomans, bankrupt and beset by rebellions and invasions in the East, proved almost comical in their attempts to form a resistance. Both the 50,000 strong Russian army in the eastern Balkans and the 45,000 Austrians in the west would meet little resistance. Attempts at mass impressment of the local "Rumelian" peoples (the term the Ottoman used for the Balkans minus Greece) led only to riots and rebellions that caused more problems than they solved. Even the Bosnians and Albanians proved less than loyal.

    Eventually, the only soldiers the Sultan could trust were the Turkish Anatolians and most of the best units were already arrayed to the east in Georgia and Mesopotamia. Perhaps worst was the fact that the once mighty Turkish army (even the elite units) was reputed to be the least capable in all of the civilized world. The Turkish infantry had the reputation as cowards who would flee at the first occasion. The artillery was a generation behind Europe's both in tactics and technology. Only the cavalry was respected and even then it was axiomatic that, should a European Army survived the initial Ottoman Cavalry attack, then the battle was won as the infantry would collapse at the first volley.

    Throughout the six month campaign (which ended in November), the Russians and Austrian conquered territory that it took the Ottoman nearly 150 years to conquer from Christianity. Only about three or so set piece battles with the Ottoman occurred and all ended with complete routes. Thousands of Ottoman soldiers were killed, captured or deserted (the latter most often by local levies). By the end of 1740, more Balkan Christians were enlisted in the swelling Austrian/Russian Armies than in the Ottoman. Worse were the irregulars whom swiftly began seeking retribution for centuries of humiliation upon the resident Turks and local converts to Islam.

    By November, Sarajevo was in Austrian hands while the Russians had reached Adrianople. The lands of the Romanians, Serbs and Bosnians were all in allied hands while the Greeks, Bulgars and, to a lesser extent, Albanians, were under rebellion.

    Worse for the Sultan, the Morea had been captured by Venice and the Italians were encouraging and arming the rest of Greece against the Ottoman.

    The Turkish Navy, arguably in even worse shape than the Army, was defeated in a set battle by a motley collection of Austrian, Russian, Venecian and Greek ships and forced back into the Bosporus.

    The Sultan begged France and Spain, nominal allies though the relationship was entirely financial, for help. Both utterly ignored him. They had their own goals.

    Below is a map of the Ottoman Empire prior to the War.

    Note that Wallachia, Moldavia, the Crimean Khanate and Georgia were all nominal vassals but effectively self-governing. By 1740, the Russians had conquered the Crimean Khanate, Georgia and the coastal regions of the Black Sea all the way to the lands of the Bulgars. Rebellions among the nominal tribute states of Moldavia and Wallachia expelled the Greek Puppet Rulers whom were hated by the general populace.

    The Austrians had reached the borders of the Albanian/Macedonia regions.

    By the fall of 1740, the Ottoman had lost half of their European territories and the Russian eastern forces were reaching the borders of Armenia.

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    Chapter 19: Rolling the Dice
  • Chapter 19: Rolling the Dice

    Spring, 1741


    Despite the victory over the Habsburg Duchy of Milan (which the French kept 60% of the territory, the other 40% split between Piedmont-Sardinia and Parma), the situation in France was not exactly ideal nor did the war, as a whole, go to plan.

    Louis XV had predicated his aggression against the Habsburgs on multiple assumptions:

    1. The Habsburgs would be too entrenched in the war in Poland to defend their western domains of Sicily, Naples, Milan and the Austrian Netherlands. While the former three campaigns had gone fairly well for the Bourbons, the latter had yet to commence.

    2. There would be no effective resistance in the northeastern front (Austrian Netherlands) as Austria would be too exhausted by war (partially true) and the British-Hanoverians would be exhausted following an invasion of Hanover by Prussia if not totally conquered by Frederick William. The latter never occurred. Instead of attacking Hanover and reducing the allies' ability to resist a Netherlands Campaign, Frederick William invaded Poland himself and promptly made a deal with the Austrians, Poles and Russians to retain “Royal Prussia”. Then he made a deal to trade his western territories in the Rhineland for part of Saxony. Then the Prussian died and left his Kingdom to a boy disinclined to fight. The new King promptly stepped down his forces and released several regiments hired from smaller German duchies (Hesse, Lippe, Waldeck, etc) from his service…which were promptly hired by the British to fight for them in the Netherlands.

    3. Instead of a weak Habsburg and Dutch force to confront the bulk of his armies in the Austrian Netherlands, he now faced a stronger Austrian, Dutch, Hanoverian and mercenary force which may at any day be supplemented by British regiments (and already paid for by British money). The easy victory in the northeast no longer looked so easy.

    4. The shockingly facile fall of Louisbourg to a bunch of British colonials had badly shaken the French colonial office. Having believed the war would be a matter of endless conquests, the very real possibility of the British conquering Canada and the French West Indies….
    The French King already spent years funding a ruinous war and had yet to receive any benefit beyond 60% of Milan. Granted, this was a strategic decision as much as acquisitive one. He wanted the Habsburgs away from the frontier of France and seizing the stronghold of Milan accomplished that.

    As his army sat before the border of the Austrian Netherlands, draining his pockets by the day and no guarantees that victory was nigh.

    Great Britain was getting peevish and demanding that Spain withdraw from Sicily and Naples before any peace would be made…and Louis XV was quite certain his cousin would never give up the old Italian Bourbon possessions without a fight.

    Indeed, Louis I of Spain was already besieging Gibraltar. With a steady flow of gold from the new world (now prey to pirates), Spain was still capable of carrying on the war in a way neither France nor Austria could.

    Louis XV knew his treasury could not hold out much longer. The Milan campaign had been ruinous. He was already facing default on his debts or devaluing the currency. With Britain’s navy so strong, conquering the rest of the British West Indies seemed unlikely. If anything, the French and possibly Spanish West Indies were at threat.

    With victory in Europe unlikely and peace impossible unless Britain or Spain softened their demands, Louis XV found himself in a trap.

    In the end, he decided to move forward with the secret plan developed between himself and his cousin, Louis I of Spain. In the spring of 1741, the Bourbon powers sought to knock Britain out of the war with their most audacious gamble yet.

    From Marseille, Cadiz, Nice, Bordeaux and other ports, hundreds of transport ships gathered under the protection of dozens of warships.

    While the French had intimated that England was the target, the powerful British Home Fleet made this a risky proposition to even land upon, much less successfully invade the isle of Britain.

    Instead, the fleet sailed far to the west, caught the easterly trade winds…and land in June along the west coast of Ireland.

    First to set foot upon the undefended soil was the scion of the exiled House of Stuart.