Tribes on the Vistula River never unite ... What happens then? Will there be any other states on the Vistula, or will these lands germanize?
IMO Little Poland and Silesia would have remained part of Bohemia (they were conquered by Poland at the end of the 10th century). Pomerania would eventually be conquered by Germany, just like Polabian Slavs were, especially western Pomerania controlling the Oder estuary - it was too profitable to leave them alone. It is possible that there would be a group of Slavic little states in Greater Poland and Masovia for quite some time, since Germany would need some time to deal with Polabians. Eventually the best they could count on would be becoming German vassals, assuming they christanize - unless Bohemia becomes THE western Slavic state and marches north. Eastern parts of Poland would become part of some Ruthenian duchy.