Name Changes to US States


the idea is that he's Elizabeth I's son, born out of wedlock but raised to become king one day, and his father would be Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester. ITTL, both Charleses are butterflied away but their roles are occupied by fictional kings Robert I and Robert II

though again, i want to focus on state naming rather than the history of the British royals for the purposes of this discussion.

incidentally, i decided to look into New Jersey and decided on renaming it New Stratton after one of the founder's homes, but i'm not too sure about it. i may default back to "New Bernicia"

Bernicia's a fairly obscure archaic name so you can probably use it without the "new" part.
that hadn't occurred to me :) what do you think would be best for each of the two provinces? (aside from the Channel Island mentions)

Why didn't it? We have New Hampshire and New Jersey (there's your Channel Islands namesake), which were pre-revolution era creations. New York was named that in honor of the guy who captured it from the Netherlands, James Duke of York.
Why didn't it? We have New Hampshire and New Jersey (there's your Channel Islands namesake), which were pre-revolution era creations. New York was named that in honor of the guy who captured it from the Netherlands, James Duke of York.
i guess i had been thinking of it in terms of naming them after people in particular, and merely assumed that the "New ~X~" colonies had been named specifically after the places rather than the leading nobles of them