Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

WI Henry IV wed Isabella of Valois instead of her sister Catherine. I'd assume Isabella won't shack up with Owain Tudor meaning no Tudor dynasty, no union of the crowns, etc.
Alternate husbands for Isabella of Portugal, IOTL the wife of Charles V?
@isabella could she possibly wed into France as the wife of Francis I after death of Claude?
Francis is possible, but I could see some protestation from Catherine of Austria on that marriage. Isabella could marry the Duke of Savoy in place of her sister Beatrice or King Henry VIIII if Catherine of Aragon dies in the 1520s. Ferdinand of Austria is also possible if he inherits Spain in ALT.
Francis is possible, but I could see some protestation from Catherine of Austria on that marriage. Isabella could marry the Duke of Savoy in place of her sister Beatrice or King Henry VIIII if Catherine of Aragon dies in the 1520s. Ferdinand of Austria is also possible if he inherits Spain in ALT.
Why would Catherine of Austria protest that match...?
OK but Isabella as queen of England would be interesting...also by Ferdinand of Austria do you mean the brother of Charles?
Alternate husbands for Isabella of Portugal, IOTL the wife of Charles V?
@isabella could she possibly wed into France as the wife of Francis I after death of Claude?
I doubt she would be interested, at that point she was already decided to marry “Charles or God“
Francis is possible, but I could see some protestation from Catherine of Austria on that marriage. Isabella could marry the Duke of Savoy in place of her sister Beatrice or King Henry VIIII if Catherine of Aragon dies in the 1520s. Ferdinand of Austria is also possible if he inherits Spain in ALT.
No way Isabella would marry the Duke of Savoy, as her mother’s last wish was Isabella’s wedding to a King or his heir and then Isabella was quite fixated with Charles at the point to decide who she would either marry him or become a nun, meaning who a match to Henry VIII or Francis I is extremely unlikely.

Catherine’s wedding to John of Portugal happened together to the one of Isabella and Charles, meaning who she would not be in he place for saying anything if John choose to marry his sister in France (but such match would be likely seen as useless as Francis had already three sons and Isabella was against marrying anyone but Charles). Charles‘ elder sister Eleanor was the Dowager Queen of Portugal but she was already long returned in her brother’s realms at this point meaning who she also would not be able to persuade John to do anything (but I doubt who John would force Isabella to marry or who she would change idea on marrying)
So a Ferdinand who inherited the Spanish realms instead of his older brother is the likeliest alternative match for her
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I doubt she would be interested, at that point she was already decided to marry “Charles or God“

No way Isabella would marry the Duke of Savoy, as her mother’s last wish was Isabella’s wedding to a King or his heir and then Isabella was quite fixated with Charles at the point to decide who she would either marry him or become a nun, meaning who a match to Henry VIII or Francis I is extremely unlikely.

Catherine’s wedding to John of Portugal happened together to the one of Isabella and Charles, meaning who she would not be in he place for saying anything if John choose to marry his sister in France (but such match would be likely seen as useless as Francis had already three sons and Isabella was against marrying anyone but Charles). Charles‘ elder sister Eleanor was the Dowager Queen of Portugal but she was already long returned in her brother’s realms at this point meaning who she also would not be able to persuade John to do anything (but I doubt who John would force Isabella to marry or who she would change idea on marrying)
So a Ferdinand who inherited the Spanish realms instead of his older brother is the likeliest alternative match for her
Isabella could be forced to wed if her father was still alive and if he decided she could NOT marry Charles, then she is powerless to stop him...though I agree that she won't wed the duke of Savoy if a younger sister can do that...also I doubt Ferdinand will inherit Spanish realms in the first place, but if Ferdinand of Aragon Sr decides he's the heir, then sure he could work for Isabella. Anna Jagiellon weds, idk, ITTL
Isabella could be forced to wed if her father was still alive and if he decided she could NOT marry Charles, then she is powerless to stop him...though I agree that she won't wed the duke of Savoy if a younger sister can do that...also I doubt Ferdinand will inherit Spanish realms in the first place, but if Ferdinand of Aragon Sr decides he's the heir, then sure he could work for Isabella. Anna Jagiellon weds, idk, ITTL
Not true. Portugal was NOT used to force unwilling princesses to marry, plus Manuel absolutely wanted marry Isabella to Charles at the point to refute the proposed match between John and Eleanor of Austria unless Charles married Isabella, and was deeply offended when Charles refuted as he liked better marry Francis I’s baby daughter, at the point who Charles had to offer Eleanor as bride to Manuel for recovering the friendship with Portugal without marrying Isabella.

The only reason for which Charles inherited Spain was who Ferdinand of Aragon was unable to persuade the Castillean Cortes to name Ferdinand jr as heir instead of Charles (as he was quite unpopular there after his remarriage to Germaine) and was persuaded to not break the union between Castile and Aragon.

Anna of Hungary will wed Emperor Maximilian here…
Not true. Portugal was NOT used to force unwilling princesses to marry, plus Manuel absolutely wanted marry Isabella to Charles at the point to refute the proposed match between John and Eleanor of Austria unless Charles married Isabella, and was deeply offended when Charles refuted as he liked better marry Francis I’s baby daughter, at the point who Charles had to offer Eleanor as bride to Manuel for recovering the friendship with Portugal without marrying Isabella.

The only reason for which Charles inherited Spain was who Ferdinand of Aragon was unable to persuade the Castillean Cortes to name Ferdinand jr as heir instead of Charles (as he was quite unpopular there after his remarriage to Germaine) and was persuaded to not break the union between Castile and Aragon.

Anna of Hungary will wed Emperor Maximilian here…
While Manuel WANTED to marry Isabella to Charles, if Charles is already married, then he HAS to find another husband for Isabella. And Isabella won't be able to do ANYTHING about it. Although I do agree that Charles preferring to wed a daughter of Francis I is ridiculously stupid because he needed sons. (IOTL he only had ONE son and we all know how well that son's reproduction history was...) Also of course Ferdinand of Aragon cannot persuade Castilian Cortes to appoint Ferdinand Jr as heir, we all know how well bypassing senior heirs go...


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While Manuel WANTED to marry Isabella to Charles, if Charles is already married, then he HAS to find another husband for Isabella. And Isabella won't be able to do ANYTHING about it. Although I do agree that Charles preferring to wed a daughter of Francis I is ridiculously stupid because he needed sons. (IOTL he only had ONE son and we all know how well that son's reproduction history was...)
If Charles had married Mary Tudor the elder as was originally planned, is likely who Ferdinand sr would be able to get his namesake nephew as heir at least of Aragon meaning who Isabella will marry him.

Charles was still young and he had no worry for the future, as he had a younger brother and many sisters (who would be able to inherit most of the family lands of both brothers died childless)

If Isabella is unwilling to marry NOBODY will force her to the altar, specially when Portugal had a tradition to let princesses unwilling to marry to remain unmarried (also when their marriage would be useful to the country or the king, like the Joanna of Portugal daughter of Alfonso V)

Also of course Ferdinand of Aragon cannot persuade Castilian Cortes to appoint Ferdinand Jr as heir, we all know how well bypassing senior heirs go...
Ferdinand of Aragon can very well do it as Charles was a foreigner with many other lands, while Ferdinand jr was born and was raised in Spain, meaning who he would be an attractive candidate, if either Ferdinand sr had not become unpopular in Castile since his remarriage (who was seen as a great betrayal toward the late Isabella) or the younger Ferdinand had spent time also in Castile (instead of being raised exclusively in Aragon) as Philip and his Burgundian followers had not left a great impression in Castile
What if the rebellion of Asen and Peter never happened and Second Bulgarian Empire never formed? What would it's effects on the 4th crusade and the politics of the balkans in the ensuing years? POD can be anything.
What's the earliest you could see a lot of use of beryllium copper? Beryllium has a melting point lower than iron, but I don't believe smelting an ore with beryl would leach much (if any) of the beryllium into the copper so this would have to wait until the discovery of beryllium proper in the early 19th century. Beryllium copper appears to have been in decent use by WWII however. It's not as strong as steel, but it's the strongest of all copper alloys. The main use of this alloy is because it's non-sparking, meaning it's a LOT safer to use in an environment with explosive hazards like a coal mine.

It's probably not a consequential POD outside of saving some lives in the coal mines/getting more research into other interesting beryllium alloys, but the substance seems interesting to me in a fantasy sense given it can be described as a mix of emeralds and copper and reminds me of fantasy metals like orichalcum or mithril.
Does anyone have any books/other sources to propose on the subject of the Austrian war aims in 1866 (both in Germany and Italy)? Because I haven't managed to find anything on the subject (sorry if it's wrong forum)
Well, the son of Elisabeth and Philip II will certainly be less inbred. That will DEFINITELY help Spain in the future. Joan or Victoria could perhaps wed Rudolf II? Feodor I of Russia, for a fun but ASB butterfly? Matthias, also Holy Roman Emperor? Charles Stuart (son of Margaret Douglas)? As the TENTH child, there's barely any dowry, so a lower match could be possible.
Yeah. I guess the Austrian Habsburgs are good candidates.
Feodor I is a little surprising idea but maybe not that ASB. If one of the Valois brothers is king of Poland, a Russian diplomatic marriage would make sense. However, there is the difference of religion.
I am not sure to see the interest of a marriage with Charles Stuart. In order to gain the support of the Lennox branch for Mary QoS's claim to England? And why Charles and not his older brother Henry?
By having a non-christian religion probably. Maybe it reverts to Hellenism, though it's difficult to see how it could survive such a thing surrounded by Christian and Muslim states on all sides. Or maybe it could go Manichean or something like that... or some new Abrahamic religion like maybe they have a new Prophet of their own. That could be a pretty interesting scenario. Imagine a Mohammed like Character that unites the divided peninsula against all odds and they somehow manages to survive any Crusades or Jihads thrown their way.
I mean, Sicily was under Musilm rule for some time, so this shouldn't be too hard.