Map Thread XX

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@Gokbay well, there were actually "armoured trains" in ww1 period, weren´t they?
not to mention those huuge "rail" canons (Schwerer Gustav and co.)

but some sort of steampunk-ish troian war featuring trains as main weapon... heh, that could be cool!
maybe let sea dry-out and leave trains and rails as main way of transportion? bit like Railsea of Mieville, just greek-themed?
@Gokbay well, there were actually "armoured trains" in ww1 period, weren´t they?
not to mention those huuge "rail" canons (Schwerer Gustav and co.)

but some sort of steampunk-ish troian war featuring trains as main weapon... heh, that could be cool!
maybe let sea dry-out and leave trains and rails as main way of transportion? bit like Railsea of Mieville, just greek-themed?
Well, a Steampunk-ish scenario doesn't have to be the actual Troian war, maybe something more in the vein of Dune... or a greek-style Western where Sioux-like bronze age Troians fight the Mycenaean IRON-HORSE OF TROY?
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Byzantine Empires.png

The POD is that stuff happens in the past that does not happen in OTL, probably relating to imperial consolidation and wars. Whoooo!

So yeah, the world is dominated by 17 powers with overcomplicated governments. So here is a poorly written summary of them I guess (yeah this was more of a small thing).

The Confederation of Cartieran nations is the fastest growing power in the world, with a large immigrant population pouring in from all around the world (mainly their old colonial masters in the Holy Roman Empire). It is made up of 8 or 9 nations, the Kingdom of Vinland (not the original colony), the Republic of Canada (basically the leader), the Republic of New England, the Republic of Lenapia (Dutch, named after the native group), the Confederacy of Williamsland (good old English south), the Duchy of New Gaelea (Welsh, Scots and Irishman slave owning Lloridians), the Kingdom of Louisiana (recognises the Holy Roman Emperor as their leader, but is pretty much a republic) the Kingdom of Neuhannover (Germans owning a small abomination in OTL southern Texas) and the Caribbean Zone (ran entirely by plantation owners). All these places hate each other, and have wildly different political structures.

The Capital of Cartiera is located in the city of Lamberville, located at the junction of the OTL Mississippi and Ohio rivers. The nations of Cartiera are self governing, but they have to send representatives to Lamberville too steer the nation, even though they really don’t do much. Most nations of the confederation simply follow their own politics, which there is a pretty big variation of. The official languages of the confederation depend on nation to nation, but French is usually the most widely spoken. Pretty much the entire confederation is Catholic.

The United Realms of the Far East are a group of Asian nations which settled on the west coast of North America (yeah, it’s east from an Asian perspective). There are four nations part of the United Realms, each having their own ethnic group in charge. The Han Chinese founded Huangou, the Japanese created Yamanokaiga, the Koreans settled in Samangug and Hui Chinese (a large minority in Huangou) travelled even farther East and founded the Eastern Caliphate.

The United Realms are a very loose confederation, with generally having Huanghou as the nominal leading power. Recently, some ‘political issues’ in Huangou have resulted in Yamanokaiga taking charge of foreign affairs, and it is currently in the task of sweeping up Huangou’s immense bureaucracy. Samagug mainly just tries to survive in the terrible desert it ended up in, and the Caliphate does its own thing, slowly converting natives and even some settlers from Louisiana to their version of Islam.

There are a couple ‘free cities’ which the United Realms were forced to turn over to Lord Kuang in exchange for immunity from raids, which are under joint control from the entire United Realms and Lord Kuang, which have resulted in the cities facing immensely high taxes yet weirdly libertarian laws. What sucks for the United Realms is that these cities are some of their largest, but not having their entire nation burn under a pirate stronger than most nations would be nice.

Several Native Americans have unified into another loose confederation, as they see themselves under siege from the Asians and the Europeans, known as the United Empires of the Daybreaker Lands. The states of the confederation DO NOT get along with themselves though, and even fight wars against one another. The strongest powers of the United Empires are the Great Incan Empire, the Federation of Nahuan Nations, the Free Kingdom of the Aymara, the Pan-Mayan Union and the Chaco Kingdom.

The Incas (or really the Quechua, as the Aymara have broken off) kinda boss around the rest of the United Empires, so the rest of the powers team up on them and try to break their control over the Daybreaker lands. They formed the Grand Council, which was meant to be a sort of parliament regulating the actions of the United Empires, and then proceeded to beat up the Incas when they decided not to join. The Grand Council is now gaining hold over the nation's politics, and has already began preventing conflicts in OTL Central America.

The Daybreaker lands are of course very diverse, with each kingdom having its own language and culture. The empires have abandoned their old religions due to their old gods being powerless to stop the great plagues of the first contact with the rest of the world (there were no conquistadors) as well as their brutality. Most of the United Empires are Catholic Christian, with some kingdoms, like the Comanche converting to the Hui’s Eastern Islam and the Yaghan converting to Hinduism (the Nusantaran trade forts helped).

The Empire of Nova Leon is another former colony of the HRE, although it was the result of a single nation, Leon. Nova Leon is a rather convoluted mess, with the king residing in Nova Asturias, Pachecora holding down the empire to the best of its ability, the Kingdom of Leon being tossed around by France and the Empire and a bunch of warlord states that decided to do their own thing. Nova Leon is very Catholic and speaks Leonese as an official language, which is basically Portuguese mixed in with French. The Empire is becoming unstable, with the warlord states amassing a large amount of power and France taking greater rule over the Leonese possession in the Americas.

Western Europe is mainly under the Holy Roman Empire, which is firmly under French dominance. France has expanded to include Southern Italy, Rome, the Netherlands and Catalonia, which all have been fancified to a certain extent. France maintains a plethora of subservient states, which are all integrated into the Holy Roman Empire. Due to the absence of the black death, Europe is much more populated than OTL, with France having a population in the hundreds of millions.

The Holy Roman Empire is just as complex as OTL, with most of the Empire being home to thousands of minor kingdoms and duchies jousting for influence, save for a couple large kingdoms including Saxony, Leon, Aragon, Bohemia, the Kalmar Union and of course France. The HRE is entirely Catholic, with the French trying hard to snuff out the last of the protestants in Scandinavia (and often failing). France is also the seat of power for SBCI, which enjoys a special relationship with the HRE.

The Rus is a minor power, but still a bit of a mess. It is a confederation of Russian duchies united under a ‘crown’ which has been empty for a few centuries. The duchies often fight among one another, trying to place their duke on the crown, which does not work out considering that every single dutchy must pledge their allegiance to the king. The Rus fields a large number of vassal states, some of which (such as the Bulghars) do often declare war and take out large swaths of Russia. They are generally kept down by vassalage and forces from all over the kingdom. Russian is of course the dominant language of the Rus, and they are mainly Orthodox Christians, though they are drifting away from Byzantium.

The Roman Empire (really just the Byzantines) is another smaller power, although it does have a lot of political legitimacy. It is ruled by the Greeks, which as usual have a lot of subservient kingdoms under their rule. The Byzantines are mainly concerned with consolidating their own power, and dealing with the mess they created in former Turkish Anatolia.

The Arabian Caliphate is one of the stronger world powers, made up of a ruling council of three Caliphs, one from Baghdad (a descendant of the ruling Abbasids, who are STILL going strong), one from Medina (usually a top scholar voted by a council of sheikhs) and one from Cairo (the sultan of Egypt, who is actually descended from a French convert to Islam who took over the place). There are a lot more Emirates, Sultans and Tribes that declare loyalty to the three Caliphs (and often send representatives), who are based out of a new city next to the newly dug Suez Canal. The Arabs are Sunni Muslim (Shi’ism kinda lost traction early into its history) and speak many different varieties of Arabic.

Great Wagadou is another Islamic caliphate, although these guys do not declare loyalty to the ones in Arsdafsir, rather they have their own guy in Sokoto. The Caliph of Sokoto is part of a confederation of Hausa monarchies, which is in turn part of a loosely held together nation, dominated by the Empire of the Niger (which swears loyalty to Sokoto). There are many smaller kingdoms part of Wagadou, which run several nasty slaving empires and ethnocentric policies. One of these kingdoms is the Kingdom of Guinea, which is run by Europeans who falsely converted to Sokoto’s branch of Islam in order to do business with the West Africans (who are on the cusp of finding out about this heresy).

The Confederation of Somalia is another minor power, and it markets itself as a staunchly anti-slavery nation, which goes to great lengths to stop the practice (even having to cut ties with the SBCI). Somalia is mainly Muslim (although Ethiopia is rather stubbornly Christian) and they speak a variety of languages. Somalia is currently funding a massive slave rebellion in the Jannubian Congo.

Jannubia is an odd nation. It was originally a former Arab colony in Zanzibar, but then moved its hearth into South Africa, and then basically the entire southern part of the continent. Jannubia is almost entirely based on slavery, and it is home to slaves and slavers from all over the world. Europeans settled in OTL Namibia and Angola, black kingdoms kept their sovereignty under Jannubian rule and plantation states conquered much of Africa.

The nation is essentially a confederation, with the states all being autonomous with various different government systems. Slavery is one thing that is common throughout the confederation, and there are white slaves, black slaves, arab slaves and even asian slaves all around the nation. The capital of the confederation is in OTL Cape Town.

The Sublime State of Jakharan is a loosely held together Empire centered around the Indus, Afghanistan and Oudh. Jakharan is run by a former Afghan dynasty, although its vassal kingdoms have their own dynasties, which are obliged to have their rulers married to a child of the current Jakharani Emperor (these guys have GIANT harems and even crazier harem politics). Therefore, the entire empire is basically a bungled mess of dynasties and power struggles, but it is still a fairly strong nation.

Jakharan’s main rival is the much more centralized Empire of Madurai, which is a Tamilian Empire with a tight hold over its lands. Madurai has a massive bureaucracy, which is slowly going corrupt and decadent, which causes instability in Madurai. Still, it is better organised than Jakharan, and is looking forward to challenging them to a new fight.

The Two Burmas are pretty much the smallest nation (even the SBCI company towns combined have a higher population) but they are still a mess like everyone else. The two kingdoms sometimes even fight wars with each other, which leaves the Great King to separate the two.

The largest nation in the world, and a would be world superpower if not for its bureaucracy and Lord Kuang, the Central Kingdom is a massive Juggernaut stretching from Hainan to the Caucasus. Due to a lack of Mongol Invasions and an earlier adoption of gunpowder, the Chinese devastated the Manchus and Mongols and spread across Asia. Colonies were then set up, which now see large amounts of Chinese immigrants.

The Central Kingdom has a few vassal states, the most notable of which probably being the Cumanian Kingdom, which terrorizes Byzantium and Russia. The kingdom is pretty religiously tolerant, although it does favor Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism over other religions greatly. The worst thing about the Central Kingdom would be its immense bureaucracy, which slows down the nation greatly, and sometimes even messes it up. The bureaucracy is definitely inhibiting China’s response to its rather crazy neighbor…

Lord Kuang was once a Chinese slave working in the docks, stuff happens and fifty years later he is a pirate king ruling over Taiwan with the Emperor of Japan kneeling before him. Lord Kuang runs a massive pan-pacific empire, with several kingdoms paying tribute to him. He is a military mastermind on both land and water, and often raids the Chinese coast, making his realm fabulously wealthy.

Life under Lord Kuang is fair, and he is tolerant of cultural differences and religion, as long as they pay him tribute. Lord Kuang has been opening up diplomatic ties with other nations. After being tired of his raids, the United Realms gave up their best port cities to him, and he is secretly working out a plan to attack China all the way in the black sea with the help of the Byzantines. However, he is really just one guy, and when he dies his empire is certainly going to fall apart.

One of Lord Kuang’s new enemies, and another pacific ocean powerhouse, the Realm of Great Nusantara is a powerful Hindu-Buddist kingdom centered around Java. Nusantara has a large chunk of Indochina under its thumb, and an even bigger domain over the Pacific islanders. The realm is a confusing bundle of absolute monarchies which all pledge themselves to a sort of constitutional monarch who is descended from the founder of the Empire. Nusantara is currently colonizing Australia, and is currently waging wars of conquest against the wildlife.

The SCBI is a French Megacorporation which basically is a world power in its own right. It is mainly a banking and shipping (they almost have a monopoly on that) company, which is using its vast power to go control the world economy. They have several company towns scattered around the world, and they trade with nearly every nation. SCBI company town mayors are as rich and powerful as provincial governors in other countries, and the Director is probably the most powerful person in the world.

So yeah, Byzantine Empires.
Until its late, declining days wasn't the Byzantine empire rather more centralized than your average dark age/early medieval Christian kingdom?
Oh yeah, I meant 'byzantine' as in overcomplicated, which is its other defenition. Which most countries there are.

A Balkanized Indonesia, drawn up for what was basically a shared world that turned into a worldbuilding collective. There are a bunch of PODs, the big one in this area being that Siam pulls a Meiji in the mid-1800s and hacks its way through the various colonial possessions in Southeast Asia during the Unnamed Big 1940s War (yeah, I know, the selective butterfly omnicide is real). A lot of stuff spins off from that POD in this region. I'd have done it differently were the world not built around contributions from about a dozen people with PODs at a million different places in the timeline, but for the butterfly-butchering patchwork world this collective dreamed up, at least mapping stuff out is a fun diversion.

There's some stuff on this one that I'm still working on, but I'm exhausted and wanted to share.

Same world that my Pacific-oriented pseudo-Canada and independent New Caledonia maps came from, incidentally. Good times.
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Amazingly ... realistic. .

Is that a sarcastic realistic? :)

Shouldn’t it be the FBU?

You're almost certainly correct.

How cruel/weird were the Amazonian heretics in the Papua-wank map?

A little bit Deep Greens, a little bit Wicker Man (old school)

Wasn't Hitler in the Draka series blond? I don't remember if he had a patch

I thought he did, but my brain may be embellishing my memories.

A Balkanized Indonesia, drawn up for what was basically a shared world that turned into a worldbuilding collective. There are a bunch of PODs, the big one in this area being that Siam pulls a Meiji in the mid-1800s and hacks its way through the various colonial possessions in Southeast Asia during the Unnamed Big 1940s War (yeah, I know, the selective butterfly omnicide is real). A lot of stuff spins off from that POD in this region. I'd have done it differently were the world not built around contributions from about a dozen people with PODs at a million different places in the timeline, but for the butterfly-butchering patchwork world this collective dreamed up, at least mapping stuff out is a fun diversion.

There's some stuff on this one that I'm still working on, but I'm exhausted and wanted to share.

Same world that my Pacific-oriented pseudo-Canada and independent New Caledonia maps came from, incidentally. Good times.
A shame it is on Imgur. Never can seem to zoom in on stuff with that, as I am curious to see the text and the story behind the border with Malaysia. I figure the Thai might have kept one or more of the Unfederated Malay States they gave up claims to sovereignty or hegemony there. Ahh never mind, got it to work on here. Let’s see... Nice to see someone work with the Andaman and Nicobarese Island idea for Anglo-Indians here. The thing about natives referring to trying to colonize or put power over the Sentinelese people, or is it more general, like with the Nationalists in Taiwan? Any importance for Burma not changing to Myanmar? Thailand kept enough of the Shan states up north for the remainder of Burma to have an even greater Burmese majority over the rest that they felt no need to change? And while I know it is out of the scope of this map, Bangladesh and Pakistan one country or separate? I almost funny if, in this world, India ends up as the country with the highest Muslim population. And I have to say, great idea adding military bases to the map. Certainly adds to it.
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A shame it is on Imgur. Never can seem to zoom in on stuff with that, as I am curious to see the text and the story behind the border with Malaysia. I figure the Thai might have kept one or more of the Unfederated Malay States they gave up claims to sovereignty or hegemony there. Ahh never mind, got it to work on here. Let’s see... Nice to see someone work with the Andaman and Nicobarese Island idea for Anglo-Indians here. The thing about natives referring to trying to colonize or put power over the Sentinelese people, or is it more general, like with the Nationalists in Taiwan? Any importance for Burma not changing to Myanmar? Thailand kept enough of the Shan states up north for the remainder of Burma to have an even greater Burmese majority over the rest that they felt no need to change? And while I know it is out of the scope of this map, Bangladesh and Pakistan one country or separate? I almost funny if, in this world, India ends up as the country with the highest Muslim population. And I have to say, great idea adding military bases to the map. Certainly adds to it.
Oh, the Thais absolutely wanted a lot of those unfederated states. The end of the war was pretty merciless to them, though. They kept most of Cambodia mainly because they had it for a long time, and they may have held on to part of the Shan region, but the Allies otherwise dismantled Thailand's holdings in the region wholesale en route to pushing the Khana Ratsadon out and reinstalling the monarchy.

The bit concerning the Andamans is more general: They haven't tried to colonize the Sentinelese, but there are still other Andamanese and Nicobarese groups remaining that are somewhat less isolated, and the Dominion's record with them is spotty: They say the right things concerning treatment of Indigenous tribes but don't usually live up to their ideals, a la Canada.

The gang's undecided on India at this point.
A shame it is on Imgur. Never can seem to zoom in on stuff with that
Right click/Open Image in New Tab

I abhor image hosting websites that try to force you to view their “page” for an image when you link to the image directly, but there’s usually a way around that built into any browser.
Right click/Open Image in New Tab

I abhor image hosting websites that try to force you to view their “page” for an image when you link to the image directly, but there’s usually a way around that built into any browser.
I use an iPad, which means I am unable to do some things. I suppose I assumed the site was like Pinterest, in which they lower the resolution of all the pics put on it.

Oh, the Thais absolutely wanted a lot of those unfederated states. The end of the war was pretty merciless to them, though. They kept most of Cambodia mainly because they had it for a long time, and they may have held on to part of the Shan region, but the Allies otherwise dismantled Thailand's holdings in the region wholesale en route to pushing the Khana Ratsadon out and reinstalling the monarchy.

The bit concerning the Andamans is more general: They haven't tried to colonize the Sentinelese, but there are still other Andamanese and Nicobarese groups remaining that are somewhat less isolated, and the Dominion's record with them is spotty: They say the right things concerning treatment of Indigenous tribes but don't usually live up to their ideals, a la Canada.

The gang's undecided on India at this point.
For the area in Malaysia, I was thinking less about WWII, and more when they originally accepted the British controlling them. If it was a Meiji comparison, I would have thought they have gained one, like how the Japanese seized the Volcano, Bonin, and Ryukyunislands while falsely claiming them to have been Japanese prior to that. I suppose even if they had one before the WWII, the British would take it to shorten their border.
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I use an iPad
Hold down on the image (on the Imgur page) and choose copy. Then paste your clipboard into your URL bar. It’ll load the raw image.


EDIT 2: You can see it full size (well, close enough to read the text) by zooming in using AH’s image, uh… modal popup. Whatever you want to call it. The magnifying glass button will do it for me on my iPad.
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Is that a sarcastic realistic? :)

You're almost certainly correct.

A little bit Deep Greens, a little bit Wicker Man (old school)

I thought he did, but my brain may be embellishing my memories.
What exactly is the Papuan religion comparable to? The weirder bits of Aztec religion certainly, pantheism idk. I ask out of a Rationalist Principle of Charity (Scott Alexander Siskind) -not assuming the worst intentions of others: “_why can’t we be friends, we’re all Human after all”
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The Federal German Empire c.1950
Germany after WW2 during the Cold War where the German monarchy was restored in place of otl's West Germany. This map is part of my larger map where I focus on the outcome of a Third French Empire victory in WW2 where France manages to fight on from North Africa under the leadership of Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon VI) who emerges as the face of French Resistance where he goes on to form a new Third French Empire. In ttl, Petain dies during the battle of France and thus is remembered as a national hero and martyr against the forces of Nazism (ironic don't you think compared to his otl self). In ttl Italy mostly sits out the war consolidating its empire and eventually joins in 1943 on behalf of the allies which ends the war much earlier. Here in ttl, the war ends much faster for Germany, and as a result, the Holocaust and the vile Nazi regime is ended two years earlier than in otl. In ttl, Germany whose population becomes increasingly discontent with Nazi leadership manages to turn against Hitler. Hitler ends up assassinated by a group of conspirators who try to stage a coup, which fails as Himmler manages to rally some of the more fervent Nazi supporters starting a Civil War within Germany as it faces enemies from three fronts. However several monarchists and discontented high ranking officials such as the Imperial Pretender Kronprinz Wilhelm III, Kronprinz of Bavaria Ruprecht of Bavaria, Erwin Rommel, are implicated in the plot. Wilhelm III is captured and tried in a kangaroo court after being tortured by the increasingly unhinged Himmler and executed as a traitor to the Reich Himmler also embarks on a massive purge against German royalty and aristocracy in additition to members of the Church whom he sees as Fifth Column against his regime. This sparks massive outrage within Germany and sees large parts of the army and population defecting to Rommel and von Manstein who had formed an opposition government against Himmler.

France in ttl, is liberated by Napoleon VI and new Grand-Armee from Nazi occupation and is welcomed triumphantly as heroes. In ttl there was no Vichy France with Hitler instead choosing to place France directly under Axis control. France also more strongly resists the Nazis with Napoleon VI and his supporters mounting an effective propaganda apparatus turning French opinion against the Germans. This results in German retaliation against the civilian population which only makes the situation worse. In retribution for France's humiliation, Napoleon VI seizes back Alsace-Lorraine, and some of the 1792 borders in regards to the Rhineland as per the old 1814 Treaty of Paris in addition to annexing the Saarland. He also creates a puppet Rhenish Kingdom under French occupation tying it to the French economy. Within Germany itself, the nation is divided into two with the East being made into a Soviet Satellite while in the West a new Federal German Empire is proclaimed. As a clean break against the Nazi regime, the idea of restoring the German monarchy becomes popular especially after the execution of Wilhelm III which boosts public sympathy for Royal Family. Louis-Ferdnand uses the popularity to thus push for a restoration of the German Empire. Though unlike the Empire of old, its of a more Federal and Parliamentary structure. This plan is supported by Churchill and Britain whom are also more sympathetic to the Monarchist plan. The German nobility and royalty are thus restored to their original titles in the West, while Stalin in response creates a Soviet aligned state. East Germany in ttl is larger because of the war ending much faster and because the Soviets have a smaller iron curtain in ttl.

In keeping with the spirit of a more liberal and federalized Germany, in ttl Kaiser Louis-Ferdinand was offered the Imperial Crown by a new Congress assembled at Frankfurt which became the new seat of government. A new Constitution was created where the Emperor shared more power with the other German royals and nobles with the Chancellor also being answerable to the Reichstag. However while on a cursory glance the monarchy may be seen to be relegated into more ceremonial position as it was in Britain, Kaiser Louis-Ferdinand using the newfound popularity of the Hohenzollern family, manages to assert his role as an executive monarch quite successfully establishing the precedent for the role and authority of the monarch in government and politics. In addition to this, thanks to the support of the army, the Kaiser also enjoys significant behind the scenes influence in legislation as well. In that regard it functions somewhat similarly to Third French Empire under Napoleon VI.


A map of the Federal German Empire itself featuring a picture of Kaiser Louis-Ferdinand, and the new flag.


Province map of the Federal German Empire. The Prussian Kings are labeled as Kings of Westphalia to avoid tensions with the Soviets. Napoleon VI during the allied occupation of Germany also installed a puppet government in the French occupation zone installing Louis-Ferdinand as King of Westphalia. In order to appease the British while also diluting the power of the Hohenzollerns, the old Kingdom of Hanover is also restored as well.
What do you guys think of these maps and this mini tl? I have most of the main map finished, so that will be released sometime soon.
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