Map Thread XV

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>Aboriginal win world
>reverse disease-based die-off
>interdimensional Aboriginals

Yes, all of my money, you get the tens, you get the tens.

This is brilliant.
Oh wow! Thanks y'all!

You should post the map for the world they came from.

Maybe eventually. I have another plan for this, but maybe eventually.

But, in the meantime, here's a lil somethin to pique your interest.

First post! Feel free to criticize, though.

So, here's a scenario:

I am thinking if the southern part of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut & Rhode Island seceded (with some legality) from the Union in the near future. However, still my prime consideration here is geography, especially for New York.
In a universe with a northern succession and where Britain gets involved, you could probably see this happening.
Technically what Belgium did in the Congo wasn't Belgium; it was King Leopold alone. So really, the 'Congo Free State' was the evil country.
Yep. a German monarch who had been married to the English Queen, and declining the offer to the Greek king, all so he could go to Belgium and make the Flemings and Walloons speak Parisian French.
One more map

I am pleased to see that the territorial integrty of Switzerland is intact. Unless they expanded a bit around Lake Geneva. Can't be sure.

EDIT: And I juuuust noticed where all the Swiss went. Such fun.
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Maybe eventually. I have another plan for this, but maybe eventually.

But, in the meantime, here's a lil somethin to pique your interest.

Is that Aborigine world's map of our universe? I like the Roman Numeral-esque numbering system.

One more map

Oh, this is a work of beauty. I love countries in exile, and this has them all. Looks like the USSR moved down into Turkey, is the NUSSR just Dengist Ethiopia getting too big for its britches and taking in a lot of refugees? Also the new homelands for European groups around Chad and the Congo Sea. Oh- is Italy based out of its Central African territories. Also American Liberia. And Lemuria, hey! And an exilic Chinese state in Madagascar. Ooh- Brazilian Angola! That's one of my favorite AH tropes.

The more I look at this map, the more I find.:biggrin:

New Silk Road? What?:)
Over representation? If we just count the U.S. and Mexico at today's population, you get 318 million people from the U.S. with 50 states. Mexico has 31 states and 122 million people. Though you do mention how the former US had, I am presuming from these numbers, a minimum of 200 million people glassed, I don't see those areas of the US that might not be hit as badly from WWIII giving up their independence, at the time when things are decentralizing, nor that the Mexicans would want to join in with them. Also, I am presuming that Israel dumped their Arab population in Jordan and gave Gaza to the Egyptians in some sort of deal? Also, I look forward to the implosion of Persia when they foolishly decided to let Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan form into an unholy alliance bound to strip half their country from them. Yes yes, a bad joke. I feel taking Southern Iraq and then renaming yourself Persoa some decades later will just embolden Khuzestan to join with them in trying to get out. Not that they have much of a chance if the Europeans like them and they have the rest of Arabia.
The former USA and Eurasia tore each other apart in WWIII, so the areas of the country that used to hold loads of nuclear weapons were hit real hard. The attitudes that enabled the UAR came from a deep sense of practicality and a healthy dose of desperation. Only after the 2060s did the UAR really take off in development and return to power.

Persia learned that sitting out two world wars while neighbours annihilate each other is a pretty solid strategy. They've mostly accepted that their ambitions lie further south, and it's better to keep the Turkestanis happy all together.

You are correct, Israel has turned Jordan into a reservation puppet state Bantustan-sort-of-thing. Oddly enough, it's probably the best place to be an Arab nowadays outside of Egypt, which says a lot about how utterly awful the Arabian peninsula is post-Exchange. The Europeans can only do so much, and the map's depiction of effective control is generous.
Make a world map please? I dont think there is any QBAM that show the sea level drop.

I can try, but it's a bad idea. I sketched the coastline is very roughly.

I am pleased to see that the territorial integrty of Switzerland is intact. Unless they expanded a bit around Lake Geneva. Can't be sure.

EDIT: And I juuuust noticed where all the Swiss went. Such fun.


Is that Aborigine world's map of our universe? I like the Roman Numeral-esque numbering system.
Oh, this is a work of beauty. I love countries in exile, and this has them all. Looks like the USSR moved down into Turkey, is the NUSSR just Dengist Ethiopia getting too big for its britches and taking in a lot of refugees? Also the new homelands for European groups around Chad and the Congo Sea. Oh- is Italy based out of its Central African territories. Also American Liberia. And Lemuria, hey! And an exilic Chinese state in Madagascar. Ooh- Brazilian Angola! That's one of my favorite AH tropes.
The more I look at this map, the more I find.:biggrin:
New Silk Road? What?:)

You are welcome!

USSR moved to Turkey in mid-1980. But a cold climate is reached Anatolia in the early 2000s. The Soviet people had to migrate to alied Ethiopia.
Now, Russian is the official language in the NUSR. In Ethiopia and Yugorossiya moved 4/5 of the Soviet population.

The New Silk Road - a major traffic artery connecting all civilization centers of the New World Africa. This is especially important because the port cities are losing access to the sea. As the sea level falls each year.
You are welcome!
His thing on New Hainan was correct? Huh, I thought it was just an overseas territory. Speaking of which, who owns the island's between Mozambique and New Hainan? And what is the Populatoin of Africa like these days? Ever increasingly paler as the locals horror grows? I can only guess what the Israelis would have to do to get Uganda. Though I suppose bringing large amounts of military hardwear as well as some claims to Ethiopia might help buy their way into the good books of the local leadership. Then again, lot of white Jewish people coming down there, and they are bound to have expanded their borders with those men and weapons. Leading to some unpleasant conclusions. And what happened to the British and Irish? They all head to Australia, South Africa, etc or are they basically extinct after WWIII? No other explanation for the Spaniars being in Gibraltar.
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Here's a map of a Third Gulf War between PATO and Islamist Iran in a world where the Soviet Union collapsed violently, Yugoslavia-style, in the 90's and a Sino-American Cold War of sorts spawned from it. And in case you ask, Turkey went rogue after annexing Armenia and got itself kicked out of NATO during the whole fall of the USSR, though it has been turning more towards China as of lately, thus prompting Cyrus and Georgia to join NATO (which later became PATO after a Second Korean War broke out in the mid-90's). And yes the white flag shown here is of PATO's or rather a redesign of mine.


Any input on this?

EDIT: Reuploaded the map from my DA profile and had some errors fixed.
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Here's a map of a Third Gulf War between PATO and Islamist Iran in a world where the Soviet Union collapsed violently, Yugoslavia-style, in the 90's and a Sino-American Cold War of sorts spawned from it. And in case you ask, Turkey went rogue after annexing Armenia and got itself kicked out of NATO during the whole fall of the USSR, though it has been turning more towards China as of lately, thus prompting Cyrus and Georgia to join NATO (which later became PATO after a Second Korean War broke out in the mid-90's). And yes the white flag shown here is of PATO's or rather a redesign of mine.

Any input on this?

What is PATO?

What does the former USSR looks like now?

How is the US holding up?

How is Israel?
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