Map Thread XIX

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Send me a blank template, por favor, of the maps you draw.

Here's the basemap I use:
Blank Worlda Map.png

You know, as intriguing as this scenario is, it'll only get better with time. It's been predicted that by 2024, India will surpass China as the nation with the highest population on Earth. Which means the PRC would be in the number two slot, and the ASB would graft them onto...



Oh no.

Oh, no.

(someone remind me to make that scenario as soon as that happens)

do you have a map with the original borders right after the transport? (with the colors for the nations)

Unfortunately, no. I just started with an OTL 2019 map and went from there.

Cool ASB-ness, but I think you if anything understate the resulting death tolls: Australia isn't going to support more than a fraction of the population of Pakistan, and Libya isn't going to support that many Iranians. (They're probably going to invade Egypt for its fertile, fertile soils, and screw the Tanzanians) Aside from the US and Brazil, the populations of the major food-exporting nations are generally in less favorable climes, and the populations that have replaced them often lack the advanced technological infrastructure needed for modern farming.

Also, the Brazilian and Filipino colors are close enough to be a bit confusing, suggest you go back to the old UCS color for Brazil, it's a more distinct shade of green.

All good points. I didn't remember how big the population difference between Australia and Pakistan was, so maybe I should've had them invade Cote D'Ivoire (Papua New Guinea) and/or Egypt (Indonesia) for more territory, and I also forgot the population difference between Libya and Iran. I can't believe I didn't realize how similar the Brazil and Filipino colors were, I really need to fix that. Thanks for pointing these errors out.

Edit: Fixed the errors.
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I think the map and scenario are great- I always like scenarios that consider the implications of a greater French presence in the Americas... My only real objection is that the names of a lot of cities would be different. Given the POD, I find particularly the names of cities in Texas to be improbable. About half those city names (honestly, probably more) came from during or after the Texas war of independence OTL, several of them being named after individuals (Dallas, Houston, to name a couple) that played a significant role in the war. Aside from that, an interesting scenario (though I think that there are more plausible POD's that might induce a flood of colonists to New France, such as increased religious unrest, rapid population growth in Europe, etc.- factors that contributed to the English having so many colonists).
I got pretty lazy with the names in Texas and Oregon, which I'll probably fix tomorrow. The ones elsewhere should be alright though.

(Edit) And the colony probably would have seen a lot of immigration from religious minorities, particularly the Huguenots.
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Just a world map for an old Kurdistan-wank I made.
kurdish empire world map.png


Starting in 1981, following the Iranian Revolution, the new more aggressive US government under Reagan decides to strike back with their NATO allies against the theocratic regime by funding terrorist cells in Iranian Kurdistan. The move is highly successful, leading to Iranian Kurdistan going into full revolt against the government in Tehran.

The US also pays Iraq to invade Iran earlier, supplying them with large amounts of military equipment. The Kurdish-Iraqi alliance against Iran seems successful, capturing Tehran and executing the ayatollah.

Unfortunately, the alliance crumbles almost immediately as Iraq attempts to reimpose control over Kurdish areas in both countries. Seeing this as a betrayal, the heavily nationalized Kurds revolt and expel the Iraqi troops from their territory. By 1985, Kurdistan (having used oil stability to convince NATO to turn a blind eye) has Iraq under total occupation, with Iran in the hands of a coalition of Iranian Kurds, Iranian Liberals, and NATO forces.

The blatant imperialism by western and Kurdish forces leads to hostility between Kurdistan and the neighbouring Arab states. Hoping to gain leverage, Israel aligns itself with Kurdistan and together they provoke the Arabs into open war. Kurdistan captures Kuwait quickly in the winter of 1988, overrunning it in a Blitzkrieg-Style attack identical to the one done by Real-World Iraq, and promptly proclaimed the Kurdish Empire. This aggression causes NATO to stop supporting Kurdistan, and subsequently, they begin funding the Arab states.

The young Russian Federation (better off in this timeline due to Chinese-style capitalist reforms), is eager to step in to help the Kurds. By 1991, Kurdistan, Israel, and their supporters, Russia and India are in full war with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and the Gulf. In 1992 the situation turns even more dire when Turkey joins the anti-Kurdish coalition to quell their own Kurdish minority. Pakistan subsequently joins the war to support their ally. The “The Great Gulf War” now has several new players:

The Anti-Kurdish Coalition: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey and Pakistan. Has minor NATO support,.


The Kurdish Empire and allies: Israel, Russia and India.

Kurdish client states:
  • Republic of Persia
  • Ethnic Satellites of Luristan and Mashriq
  • North Arabia (conquered by Israel/Kurds)

In 1993 the Gulf States and Oman join their armies for a massive invasion of Persia, calling on the local Arab minority for support. The resulting territory gained becomes the Gulf client of Arabistan, which fights against Persia.

In 1994 Egypt joins the Kurds, striking a deal with it and Russia for lower oil and food prices to feed their booming population. Together, Syria and Jordan are quickly knocked out of the war.

Greece joins the war against fellow NATO member Turkey over provocations, causing a fissure in the entire alliance. As NATO turns inward and also towards Yugoslavia, the Kurds and Allies secure Cyprus, finally reuniting it with Greece, and use it for a staging ground to invade Turkey.

The war in the Arab peninsula is a stalemate, while Turkey is stormed and bombed by Russian and Greek fighters. Kurds in Turkey revolt and march on Ankara, overthrowing the regime and establishing a Kurdish Ethnocratic state with the support of Greece, Russia, and India.

By 1996 Kurdistan has solidified its hold over Turkey, Iran, and Mashriq.

By 1997 a cease-fire has been reached, brokered by NATO. Much of the oil is firmly in Kurdish hands, leading to a boom in industry and population.

The truce lasts for a decade. By 2008, following the global financial crisis, Kurdish nationalists win the election and spurt anti-Arab rhetoric, gaining support from the non-Arab client states in the process.

A series of minor skirmishes result in another full-blown war, with Israel and Russia once again providing support. Mossad triggers several insurrections against Saudi rule in Saudi Arabia in the process. Kurdistan and Persia recapture Arabistan by 2009, but ultimately decide not to incorporate it into Persia to avoid alienating the local Arabs. Fundamentalists in West Arabia form the Muslim Holy State, similar to ISIS. They hold Mecca and Medina as bargaining chips and employ a Jihad against the corrupt Saudis with the backing of Mossad.

Pakistan joins in to support the Arabs and threatens the Kurds and Israelis with nuclear weapons.

Following mounting tensions, Israel nukes Pakistan in 2011 and Pakistan retaliates. Both nations are crippled, with India assaulting Pakistan in the fallout for the sake of security.

Kurdish and Russian troops move into Israel for similar purposes. The US and NATO begin bombing campaigns of Kurdish oil fields, but Greece refuses to participate making bombing runs significantly more difficult. Elsewhere, NATO is distracted by a renewed Korean War and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The anti-Kurdish oalition finally collapses in early 2012, lacking the resources to continue after Persia cuts off the strait. Kurdish client states are established in the former Arab states, with the radical Muslim Holy State being brought to submission through diplomacy.

Israel is repopulated by Arabs, as most Jews flee the fallout for Europe and North America, creating the free state of Cis-Jordan which is openly hostile to Kurdistan but not a threat because of its near wasteland environment.

India formally annexes Pakistan as the "Military Territory for the Occupied Pakistani Regions", the other stans of Central Asia unite to form the Federation of Turkestan to counter Kurdish, Indian and Russian aggression.

Kurdistan and Russia launch a new Eurasian Union, bringing in all the client states of Kurdistan and Russia as well for a new sphere rivalling NATO and dominating oil production.

In 2018 Kurdistan and Russia compose one of the four superpowers of this world (NATO, Eurasian Union, India, China) and dominate the Gulf, supplying most of the world with oil.
What happens to Armenia and Georgia ITTL ? Because it looks like Armenia is Kurdish, when it could be one of the powers interested in tearing Turkey a new one and Georgia is Russian.

My universe's WW2, with this map depicting the height of the opposition to the Allies, "Narzak" (Народный закон) Russia, Italy (Latin Federation), and the Empire of Japan. The date is July 1951.

The non aggression pact between Rome and Moscow sealed the fate for Europe. Eventually, the German line would implode and Brunswick would be the last line of defense before German surrender. The Russians and Italians have funneled Europe into a polarized political sphere with the Germans, the Iberians, the British, and the Scandinavians in between. One frontline that still remains in Eastern Europe is the ongoing Battle of Konigsberg.

The Islamic Revolution that had been brewing underneath civil conflict for years had erupted and taken the Middle East by storm. At least the Russo-Ethiopian Peace Treaty made in 1948 had given the Ethiopians breathing room for the growing revolution that is kicking them out of Mesopotamia. The Ottoman regime had taken exile in Cyprus while the front is still being fought, hoping to escape the rebels who call for the death of the monarchy.

The Japanese Navy was able to surpass the logistical challenge of invading India with the port in Rangoon. The Ethiopian Raj now in land conflict to kick the Japanese out along with the landlocked British territory. The front in Manchuria has been distracting the Japanese, as this front is the second largest and deadliest place in the world behind Europe. The cracks will begin to show as the Japanese war machine will soon spread itself too thin, with historians citing the invasion of Antipicardie as the turning point that will take this problem magnified.

North Africa fell into disarray as the Aragonese were forced out of Europe and their territory in North Africa down to the Sahel. The German Colonial Army in Africa and the Guinean Army had to take over in Aragon's place as the primary army has been captured in the Battle of Nice and in the Battle of Bordeaux in 1948. The objective being a plan to usurp Italian hegemony over the Mediterranean Sea.

The Americans would eventually get to Europe by December as they secured the captured islands in the Atlantic and aid the British Navy in the English Channel to have supremacy and send troops to Calais and Antwerp. The battle over in the Danish Archipelago may decide if the Russian Baltic Fleet will go into the North Sea to challenge Allied hegemony.

The Russian line in Eastern Europe collapsed as the Battle of Berlin was won by the Germans and soon, the Russians had to relinquish conquered gains as the Eastern Front worsened. The liberation of New Moravia and North Austronesia allowed the Americans to hold a new point where the campaign in East Asia can be won with island hopping. The African Front came to a close and soon, air raids were conducted over Iberia, the Balkans, and Southern Italy. The airbase on Harran that was saved by the Ethiopian Marines in 1950 was the primary point where Italian influence in the Balkans can be ground down. Recapturing Tyrol and Vienna gave a chance to have air superiority in the Alps.

The end of the war, however, was not decided by force by ground troops or by naval steel, but by a few bomber jets and 8 atomic warheads. The first three detonated in the Russian industrial core, and this convinced the Narnaks that the war they waged was compromised when a few planes that are of unprecedented technology, out of range of their own fighters and their anti-aircraft guns, were able to deliver unprecedented firepower to the motherland. A day after the simultaneous strikes happened, Russian generals came to the Allies to negociate surrender. The same happened with Japan with only 1 strike in Shizuoka, Japan. Unfortunately, the Latin Federation did not give up so easily. Belluno, Florence, Bologna, and Naples were bombed in respective order over the course of three weeks before surrender was even mentioned, yet the Italian regime soon saw how destructive the atomic bomb is. The war ended on January 13, 1953.


  • 1951.png
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1956 - Tsarizm.png

A companion to my WW2 post is a The New Order/Kaiserreich-ish world where the Panslavist Narzak Russians rule the world along with the Latin Federation in 1960. To explain why the Italians lost the Balkans is because the non-aggresson pact expired and after the Balkans and most of the east half of Africa was conquered, a new non-aggression pact was signed as the Panslavists found their present situation pleasing enough. The Russians also defeated the Japanese through a land invasion in Korea and the mainland archipelago, and forced the Americans their hand and dominates the Arctic Circle. A negotiation with Ethiopia granted them parts of their mainland territory for the gains they looted in Europe. The Ethiopians would find as much use as they could with it as India imploded and the Pakistani Horde rose up as part of the Islamic Revolution. The Persian Civil War had the surrounding regions take advantage of the power vacuum and even the Russians found an advantage to annex some lands and establish a new satellite state. A new Space Race between the Latin Federation and the Panslavs would occur for global favor.
What happens to Armenia and Georgia ITTL ? Because it looks like Armenia is Kurdish, when it could be one of the powers interested in tearing Turkey a new one and Georgia is Russian.
Made a Kurdish client following the collapse of the USSR in exchange for parts of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Also, the Russo-Georgian War was a bit worse.
Anyone remember that map where the US colonized a different, rotting planet because some sort of Lovecraftian threat on Earth, kind of like "A Colder War"? Must've been posted a few years ago.
Napoleon victory Trafalgar.png

I present to you... Napoleon's Triumph.

French victories in Africa and at sea during the early stages of the Napoleonic Wars set a very different stage for the conflict than OTL. A victory of the French fleet at Trafalgar, thanks to a more confident Villaneuve, and the arrival of additional French ships, put the British at a distinct disadvantage in the conflict. They embarked on an ambitious naval reconstruction and recruitment campaign, while their allies in Europe suffered defeat after defeat at the hand of Napoleon. The more aggressive British naval policy resulted in the United States pursuing friendlier relations with Napoleon, and the eventual conquest of British Canada (the French gifted Florida to the Americans in exchange for the liberation of Quebec). Napoleon continued his conquests for the better part of two decades, soundly defeating the entirety of Europe and reshaping the politics and geography of Europe forever. His death was welcomed by the rest of Europe (even his allies, who were now growing fearful that after conquering everyone else, Napoleon would soon turn on them), though it would be years to come before the might of the French Empire waned. The German unification of 1836 sparked war with France, who was supported by Denmark and the Dutch against the Germans and Russians. The war ended in a stalemate, which was ultimately a political and strategic victory for the Germans, who had proven that the French were no longer unbeatable.

This map (I'm thinking) is somewhere between 1890 and 1920, I'm not totally sure yet.

The Spanish and Portuguese were forced to flee to their overseas colonies- the Portuguese crown still rules Brazil, as well as their African colonies, though the Spanish have been forced out of their North American colonies- and the Kingdom of Mexico is extremely hostile to New Spain, which is ruled by the old Spanish king. Britain isn't the world power it became OTL after the Napoleonic Wars, however, it is still not to be trifled with, having rebuilt her navy and controlling a global empire. The Russians are one of France's greatest rivals, as they have built a network of alliances that create a formidable threat to the French dominance- though Russian authority has been challenged as of late by the Koreans, a rising power in the East. Germany is another great power, formed after the defeat of Austria and Prussia by Napoleon in 1811 (the German unification was the annexation of part of the Confederation of the Rhine, Saxony, and Pomerania by Germany, which wouldn't occur until 1836). The humiliated Germanic powers recognized that alone they had no chance of defeating the French, and now control an empire that rivals even that of the French. The Dutch and Danish are both large and powerful empires, however, they have always been staunch allies of the Bonapartes' Empire and are fully aware that any breach in said alliance would result in their rapid conquest. The French, of course, are still the mightiest nation on Earth- they control vast swathes of territory on literally every inhabited continent, and dozens of other states are their vassals. French authority is rarely, if ever, questioned. They aren't the power they once were under Napoleon I, however, the Empire has stabilized in recent years, and their possessions around the world are firmly in their grasp.

Right now, there are 3 sets of alliances- the Bonapartes and their allies (most prominently the Dutch and Danish) being one, the Anglo-German Alliance (Including, of course, the Germans and British, as well as others like the USA and Portuguese) being another, and the Eastern Confederation (led by Russia, and including the Ottomans, several of the Balkan states, and New Spain, among others). The most likely flash point for any conflict at this point appears to be in the German states under French control, though Ottoman disputes with the French over Egypt have been heating up recently as well.
Hey check this out, not sure if it's been posted yet (or if I found it here ... ; )





Basic fantasy map made in the fantasy map generator program. Took a randomized base map, changed up the height map and let the program calculate the climate zones and rivers a few times, and then added a randomized set of states, and did some editing around the edges.

It's alright, huh? You can even import height maps so the program will calculate climate for you, but I haven't got the hang of that part yet. If I figure it out, I'll try to get Middle Earth into it and see what climate the program decides it might have.
from my Heirs of Heraclius timeline , (Ie No islam timeline) this 687 AD , showing the hiegth of the empire of the romans along side its client states and vassals the ghassanids , berbers and the duchy of Spoleto

we also have the frankish kingdoms , aquatine , the kingdom of the basque (orange) , the Dabuyid empire , the tang empire , the khazar khagante , the avars , and bulgars (green) and the kingdom of axum.

(ps if some one has any better templates or map recomendations pass them)

687 AD.png
What happens to Armenia and Georgia ITTL ? Because it looks like Armenia is Kurdish, when it could be one of the powers interested in tearing Turkey a new one and Georgia is Russian.
Armenia is bigger than it is OTL. The Kurds are within their area between Armenia and Syria as well as within the new Turkish and Iranian borders similar in OTL


For your edification (or the malicious destruction of your visual cortex, take your pick) I hereby present the result of the third Most Unreadable Map Challenge. (Actually the fourth, but the other "third" one isn't for WorldA.) This one was started by @APeninSpace, and features many chaotic, stunning, detailed, insanity-inducing contributions by -- among others -- @Etruscan-enthusiast35, @Fred Guo, @Bennett, @Baconheimer, @Allan Nonymous, and yours truly. I've now filled in the last "blank spots" on the map, thereby completing this project. Fred Guo has already started the next round, and I urge you all to participate in it right here. (It's an excellent opportunity to go totally batshit crazy.)

I stress that this map was a collaborative effort, and that I'm only posting it here because I'm the one who completed the project. I had my fair share in the creation of this crime against cartography, but the credit belongs to all those who participated. It was a lot of fun, guys!

Most confusing map challenge 03.png
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