Map Thread XIII

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I haven't ever seen or heard another human being use the term "hard-on", except for hentai.

Young and inexperienced you are I see. Hrrrmmm!

Would anyone be up for a "speed-mapmaking" contest? It'd maybe be every few months. I pick a randomized contest idea from a list, and then the people who want to compete have something like 8 hours to make their map. It'd be like the MotF, except more sparse and more intense. Sound like a cool idea to anyone? :)

I think that'd be awesome, i'd like to see the results, but I can't say my own entries wouldn't be indigestible masses of neon and ASB :D
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I assume this thread is for just any kind of alternate history map?
How can I upload my map?

Click on the paperclip icon when you're making a post, then click "Browse...", find the file on your computer, and then click "Upload." Then post a little message and the map will automatically show up as an attached image.

Welcome to the forum!


Gone Fishin'
I assume this thread is for just any kind of alternate history map?
How can I upload my map?

If you click on the paper clip in the message writing section, it'll bring up a pop-up that will let you upload an image. Just hit Choose File, and once you've chosen, hit Upload. Then, either click on the paperclip again and select the file to imbed it directly into the message, or just post and it'll attach separately.
I assume this thread is for just any kind of alternate history map?
How can I upload my map?

Welcome! Yes, this is thread for everything from a highly realistic map with a big storyline to an utterly ASB map wanking or screwing the states you want to wank or screw.

And you can either use, or upload the map directly onto over the "Manage Attachments" button.
Finally something where Germany isn't involved! :D

The basic premise is a more successful Bled Agreement.

The Bled Agreement is signed in 1947, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia join to create the Balkan Federation in late 1948 (Dimitrov sided with Tito in the Tito-Stalin split). Albania joins the federation in 1949. After supporting the communists in the Greek Civil War for several years, the Federation actively engages in the conflict on the communist side. Together with the NLF and the Greek Communists they manage to win the war and join both Greece and Macedonia to the Federation.

The Federation is communist but more West friendly than the Soviet faction (basically just a large Yugoslavia), so the West sees this state as a counterweight to the Soviet Union and their satellites.

The current year is 1964 and there has just been an administrative reform to streamline the internal divisions of each Republic. Modelled on the French départements, special care was put into avoiding any regional nationalism when drawing the borders of each district. To solve the problem of where to place the capital for the Federation, a completely new city named Balkania (other names suggested were Balkanograd and Balkanopel, Balkania was chosen as it was neither Greek nor Slavic) was built in the Nišava valley on the Serbian side of the border with Bulgaria. Tito is serving as President of the Federation, and has been since the office's inception.

Europe in 1815 after Napoleon

This map shows Europe in 1815 right after the Congress of Vienna. Instead of a German Confederation, Germany was restored as a nation state with Prague as capital (Vienna would have been too close to the border and Berlin didnt seem adequate as a capital, so Prague, which once had already been the seat of a German emperor, was considered most appropriate). Prussian dynasty died out and so the parts that lay beyond the borders of the former Holy Roman Empire were given back to Poland, which also reacquired Galicia-Lodomeria by the dissolution of Austria when its German parts fell to the new founded Germany. Hungary also became independent (with borders as they were after the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867). Italy was reunited as a nation state and Romania got independent from Turkey and got Moldavia back from Russia. Last but not least: the Netherlands got Belgium, but only the northern Flemish part with a connection to Luxembourg, that stayed independent. The rest of these former Austrian Netherlands were given to France.

(@ PiratePartyist, shiftygiant, Hominid and Locheil: Thank you for telling me how to upload a map)

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This map shows Europe in 1815 right after the Congress of Vienna.

Wait, wait.

Wait a second.

Did you make that map by hand?

If you did it by computer, it would be an amazing piece of work by itself. If you did it by hand... well, I don't know what you say, except that I wait with baited breath for further contributions. Welcome to the forum. Please, don't go.
Thank you :)
I used drawing ink and pastel.

Yes, it is hand drawn. And yes, I drew further maps. It is one of my hobbies. I would like to draw more of them, but each map takes a lot of time...


Gone Fishin'
This map shows Europe in 1815 right after the Congress of Vienna. Instead of a German Confederation, Germany was restored as a nation state with Prague as capital (Vienna would have been too close to the border and Berlin didnt seem adequate as a capital, so Prague, which once had already been the seat of a German emperor, was considered most appropriate). Prussian dynasty died out and so the parts that lay beyond the borders of the former Holy Roman Empire were given back to Poland, which also reacquired Galicia-Lodomeria by the dissolution of Austria when its German parts fell to the new founded Germany. Hungary also became independent (with borders as they were after the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867). Italy was reunited as a nation state and Romania got independent from Turkey and got Moldavia back from Russia. Last but not least: the Netherlands got Belgium, but only the northern Flemish part with a connection to Luxembourg, that stayed independent. The rest of these former Austrian Netherlands were given to France.

*pretty damn cool map*
(@ PiratePartyist, shiftygiant, Hominid and Locheil: Thank you for telling me how to upload a map)

Oh wow, that's just great. Really, I look forward to more :)
Thank you :)
I used drawing ink and pastel.

Yes, it is hand drawn. And yes, I drew further maps. It is one of my hobbies. I would like to draw more of them, but each map takes a lot of time...

You've just stolen Blomma's thunder. This is no mean feat for someone's first map.
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