Map Thread XII

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Try exporting the map as a .png through the export function of Inkscape, because, otherwise, the only way to see the map is to have Inkscape and I doubt everyone does.

If you are making a fantasy world map, yeah, you probably should use a different font.

Ok, uploaded it again as a png.

I gathered most of the colours, and many I can assume, but since I haven't read your timeline I can't say for certain what any of those places in North America are, nor have I ever seen that colour used for Australia...

Not a criticism of the map itself, more of its execution. Personally I think it would be best to include a brief key or white-out some of the countries that don't need colours, if only to make it less cluttered and to draw important attention to those countries that need it. :)

Just an opinion.
Just a little something I cooked up while I'm feeling relatively blue: a world in which the American revolutionaries win drastically but the temporary alliance between the 16 colonies (East Florida, West Florida and the Bahamas included) doesn't really last, with three power blocks emerging: the United States of Columbia in the north (capital: New York City), the Commonwealth of Virginia in the centre (it absorbed Maryland after a short civil war there) and the Confederated States of America in the south (capital Augusta, Georgia) emerging. Furthermore the French managed to consilidate their control over most of the Caribbean. In the following years North America changes a lot due to the independence of Mexico and Louisiana, as well as the Lakotah Confederacy... The current year would be somewhere around 1850.


EDIT: Just one minor note, I'm pretty sure that Staten Island is part of New Jersey ITTL, for the sake of convenience.

America In Peril.png
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I will take these pieces of advice to heart, however, what I wanted to achieve is more people reading the actual TL...

All the better then - if people have a clearer idea about what your map is depicting, then they might very well have more of an inclination to find out how it happened. Good luck with it nonetheless. :)

As always, Iserlohn, I enjoy your maps. I do however wonder if you've ever considered making one with a POD before the colonisation of the New World, or one where nothing like the USA ever existed. Not that I mind, as I said, your maps are always enjoyable, but I'd be interested to see what you can do while drastically changing the world. ;)
As always, Iserlohn, I enjoy your maps. I do however wonder if you've ever considered making one with a POD before the colonisation of the New World, or one where nothing like the USA ever existed. Not that I mind, as I said, your maps are always enjoyable, but I'd be interested to see what you can do while drastically changing the world. ;)

Well, my knowledge about history prior to the Seven Year's War is rather limited and mostly based on Europa Universalis III, so I'm not that comfortable with that time period. So yeah, not much variation there, sadly.
After a few revisions (and considering it, but seeing that all the others need colours), here my new map. Please read the accompanying TL in my siggy! The date is given in the Republican Calendar valid in the United Worker's Republics, and it is March 4, 1940.

Vive La Revolution, CXLVIII.png
Yes. Here it is, fixed:

A proposal to redraw Iraq and Syria. My rationale is that Jordan is going to be severely destabilized before this is all over, so their borders will probably be up on the chopping block too. Jordan + Sunni Syria and Iraq make the yellow state which I want to call Syria but which I imagine being ruled by a Jordanian king (if not a republic). The blue state is Assad's Alawite Republic, of course. The orange state is Kurdistan, which in many ways is an appendage of Turkey. And the green state is the rump Iraq, which includes Baghdad and is in many ways dependent on Iran. If there's interest in how exactly this could happen, I'll post a rough timeline.

I've had thoughts along the same lines. For a moment I also entertained the idea that the Alewite state becomes part of Lebanon, but adding to an already unstable construct wouldn't be popular on neither side of the border.

What borders are you using for Kurdistan? I've read that Iraqi Kurdistan has made significant land grabs as the central government forces collapsed as ISIS moved in, e.g. Kirkuk is supposedly firmly in Kurdish hands now.
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Deleted member 67076

The WIP continues. No story as of yet.

Feel free to throw around suggestions. Year is mid 1500s.

Map 1500 MK 2.png
The next map for the TL in my siggy. Update is to follow, but it is Late September 1942, and Berlin has just fallen. Also, the blue in China is one particularly strong and Japan-supported warlord (group).

Vive La Revolution, CL.png
Current Date: 1949
POD: 1914
Backstory: The Great Depression is especially felt in the western world following a brief Russo-Anglo/American War over Iran (too close to India for Britain). War weariness forces the Allies to declare war on Germany during different times (USSR first, then France, then Britain, then finally the US), and allows Germany to expand without having to watch its back (to some extent, but not fully). The war ends by 1949 (officially) with an overwhelming Axis victory. However, the Axis splits between German and Japanese spheres of influence afterwards, and a Cold War fell across the world due to (primarily) racial differences. A war between Turkey and Iran threatens to bring their respective alliances, as well as Germany, into another war.

Members of Neuordnung:
Germany: The World-Capital Germania is within a decade of completion thanks to Russian slaves, and is already the world’s largest city. Developed nuclear weapons in time to flatten New York City. Hitler’s death was ‘coincidentally’ announced the same day as the absolute surrendering of the Americans.
Italy: Mussolini has established a New Roman Empire, a sidekick to Hitler’s Reich.
Finland: Joined the Axis as OTL.
Bulgaria: Gained fewer territories than they hoped for, but are happy for surviving.
Hungary: The government is under close watch by the Nazis.
Romania: One of the closest friends to Germany.
Canada: Avoided puppetization, but after the German conquest an apartheid regime is established.
America: Nazi gauleiters run the government and the persecution of minorities have begun. Resistance is, very much, futile.
England: Berlin has closely watched the Aryanization via sterilization process that is slowly turning the British Isles German.
Argentina: Despite multiple close calls, war has failed to break out between the other nations that dominate South America: Brazil.
South Africa: The collapse of the British Empire led to the establishment of a pro-German apartheid regime that quickly conquered vulnerable territories. Liberia has recently been added.

Members of the Madrid-Ankara Pact:
Spain: After joining the Axis, Franco declared war on Portugal and seized Portuguese colonial territories.
Turkey: Joined the Axis against the USSR. Arguments over Caucasian territories estranged them from the Germans. A recent war between Turkey and Iran threatens to cause nuclear warfare between Germany and Japan.

Members of GEAPS:
Japan: Japan easily won against weak enemies. However, the conquest of America (despite being much quicker than expected), bled the Japanese economy and kept them safely insuperior to German military and industrial strength. The Japanese government has begun to process of 'colonization' by forcefully emigrating millions of peasants into occupied territories. They have just recently developed nuclear weaponry.
Siam: French Indo-China was ill-prepared for war, as the British in eastern India.
Afghanistan: Britain wasn’t very prepared for a war.
Iran: Escaped communization thanks to the intervention of the United States and Britain, and was thus reluctant to join Japan in a war against them. Did so anyways.
Brazil: Blatantly, warfare has brought Brazil into a position of glory never before seen to the Brazilian people.
Mexico: Conquest of Central America angered Japan, but an alliance between the two was formed anyways.

Fascist Cold War999.png
An ASB Israelwank. The West Bank (Judea and Samaria), the Golan Heights (Aram) and Sinai are fully annexed. Transjordan and Gaza are under occupation. There are Druze and Levantine Christian pseudo-independent protectorates in Mount Lebanon and Jabal al-Druze, respectively.

As I said, it is very ASB, but was fun to draw.

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An ASB Israelwank. The West Bank (Judea and Samaria), the Golan Heights (Aram) and Sinai are fully annexed. Transjordan and Gaza are under occupation. There are Druze and Levantine Christian pseudo-independent protectorates in Mount Lebanon and Jabal al-Druze, respectively.

As I said, it is very ASB, but was fun to draw.

Very nice, I really quite like it. Although I have seen bigger Israels that weren't considered ASB, you might be able to get this one with POD around '67 or so.
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