Mannerheim Government: An Alternate Finnish Civil War and Consequences

Thanks for replying! And I didn't really take that into account so I don't know, if I had made it so that the peace was signed earlier I guess I could have made it so that the Finn's could let the supplies go through Karelia, the success is also in part to the fact that I wanted it to be so that the expansion ultimately brings ruin to Finland. But thanks for reading my first TL!
Sure, glad you're taking criticism (trying to be constructive!) in stride. Having a coup, followed by peacing out is a good idea. I think if you had preceded that with a Soviet counterattack that drives the coup and quick armistice (which include a provision of opening the northern L-L route even if it stays in Finnish hands), it would be fairly believable.
Sure, glad you're taking criticism (trying to be constructive!) in stride. Having a coup, followed by peacing out is a good idea. I think if you had preceded that with a Soviet counterattack that drives the coup and quick armistice (which include a provision of opening the northern L-L route even if it stays in Finnish hands), it would be fairly believable.
I'll keep that (and other such things) in mind in the future, it's important to take criticism (that is constructive) and I enjoy it since Ill improve with it. Truly the pleasure is mine.
Part VI - 1960-64: The Enne Presidency - 1964-70: The Revolution of '64 -
1960-64: The Leino Presidency
During the reign Yrjö Emil Enne only three major things happened.
1: The rise in Inflation
2: The workers protests of 1961 and '62
3: The death of Enne in an assasination March 12th 1964
The Assasination
In 1964, Enne was assasinated by radical communist Johannes Hermanni "Vladislav" Erkkilä, who left his residence in the Soviet Union on december 31st of 1963, and from there illegally entered finland through Viipuri with a Mosin-Nagant rifle. He resided in the cabin of Matti Erkkilä, his father.
On March 12th 1964 he shot Enne in the back of the head from a building approximately 20 meters away.
Erkkilä was apprehended by the police and was sentenced to life in prison.
The Protests
The Workers Protests of 1961 and 62 were a lead-up to the Revolution of '64 with out of the total 9000 protestors around 1000 were killed and 3000 were injured.
These protests ended up causing a movement leading up to the Revolution.
The Economy
The Inflation that caused a colllapse of the economy also contributed to the protests and the revolution. The avarage family in finland with a salary of 23000 USD in todays terms could buy a few loaves of bread a month. Homelessness and Joblesness increased to 20% in 1963.

1964-67: The Revolution of '64
In 1964, with the crackle of a gunshot and the death of Enne, a revolution had begun. The so called "True Communists" marched on Helsinki, Oulu and Viipuri. Viipuri was actually taken with the aid of soviet volunteers. The Government was forced into resignation after getting takenhostage by the 10 000 militia who assaulted helsinki.
After the Revolution the Soviet Council of Finland came to power, establishing a similar relation as the constituent countries of Russia had with the Soviet Union. Finland became a part of the Eastern Bloc and essentially became a member of the Soviet Union.
Part VII - 1970-2000: The Era of Chaos - 2000-2013: Coup in Helsinki - 2013-: The Future
1970-2000: Era of Chaos
From 1970 to the year 2000 Finland was in chaos. The economy had collapsed after the revolution and the former government was dead. Many groups of counter revolutionaries icited violence against the police and such. Erik Aarre Haapala, born to a norwegian immigrant was one of the major critics of the Revolutionary government in Finland. He operated the newspaper known as The Critic (finn. Kriitikko) for a short duration between 1972-1981 before he was arrested for terrorism, and sentenced to death.
throughout the 1990s Finland largely restricted the importion of for example Game systems and computer technology, except for their own usage. In 1993, when the USSR imploded Finland briefly held the officials of the USSR in hopes of returining them to Russia once the Coup ended. The officials stayed in Finland until 2000, when the Coup excecuted them. In 1999, a riot in favor of democracy turned deadl with police firing on protestors, wounding 40 and killing 201. All members were arrested.

2000-2013: Coup in Helsinki
In 2000 a Nato-supported coup of the Government was perpetrated by the former military staff and Conservative Coalition. The Coup itself captured Helsinki while the Government fled to Oulu. All former soviet officials were executed by the Junta, and a civil war ensued. The Civil War of Finland, or the Second Finnish Civil War. It lasted from 2000-2006 and then an armistice was signed, though the war quicly continued from 2011-2013. Afterwards a Republic was established, and although still quite poor it was in a better state than then.

2013-: The Future
Since the Coup finland has seen an economic boom, making it be around its pre-coup state, as in the state in the 50s. Finland stayed on a steady course of a US-style capitalist state, and a rebuilding state in the nation. Today Finland is in a state comparable to for example many of the "-Stan" countries ,the country is not exactly well off or to the standard of most western nations. No one knows what the future will hold for Finland.
Well... shit. How are Sweden and Norway faring with this dysfunctional Finland next door?

I am actually surprised that Finland is in such bad condition even after all of that shitorm. I would had expected Finland being something like most of former Yugoslavia.

At least Sweden I would expect being bit worse since no much of trade with Finland and not Finnish migration in 1960's. In other hand there is probably somen Finnish refugees who came during 2000's and 2010's.

And intresting question is how Åland is faring. I would imaginate that being somehow better due closeness of Stockholm. Perhaps there is too much ihger separatism than in OTL.