Man in the High Castle Sans Heussman

Based on the TV show not the book.

Basically, how would things play out if Heussman didn't exist to engage his plot? Hitler would probably be alive for at least a year or two longer, which would be about the length of the remainder of the series, which begs the question of how MitHC Hitler would react to events such as the Japanese withdrawal from the Pacific States (if that happens).

Now it is important to remember that the hitler of MitHC isn't very war-hungry against Japan, most likely due to the high castle films telling him all possible scenario. While still a genocidal lunatic, he's probably not gonna do anything too radical compared to OTL Hitler.
Hitler surviving would mean war with the Japanese Empire is averted. Now he needs to appoint a successor that would ensure there won't be a Reich-Japan War.

Should Hitler still be alive by October 1964 - which is the chaotic evacuation of the JPS from the West Coast - he would probably be surprised on how quick the Japanese folded to black nationalist rebels. Of course, knowing Hitler, he would order the Reich to crush the BCR ethnostate and unify North America as one country taking orders from Berlin.

I actually kind of liked how Hitler was portrayed as an Anti-Villain, an evil person but has standards. He is rather portrayed more sympathetically here.