Look to the West Volume VII: The Eye Against the Prism

Qanon opposes "secret cabals of globalists" and the Societists are secretive globalists so they could be useful idiots for Diversitarians. "Go attack the Zonal Rej"

QAnon is literally not going to be a thing considering it's intrinsically linked into very recent events in the USA and the exact structure of parts of the internet.


Will the factions in the 108 Mandators eventually evolve into parties before the fall of the Feng?

Also, Societist use of the doctrine of the ladt throw to present themselves as the Reasonable Alternative will cause nonpartisan democracy to be considered
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This differs from the form of percentage representation in which the order of candidates is set beforehand and a voter simply votes for a party (usually called Fixed Priority Percentage Representation or FPPR in the English-speaking world[7]) which is today most famously used in the Russian Soviet and the Chinese Federation.
Where it's mentioned. I remember there being something about modern China and the *Olympics, but I might be misremembering.
It is wrong to judge a country by how many Global Games laurels its athletes has won, for all countries will excel in different pursuits, and not all nations have had independent countries that could compete for the same length of time. Nonetheless the country whose athletes have won the most laurels at present is the Russian Confederation, followed by the Empire of North America and the Chinese Empire. Formerly some sources counted all Societist countries as one, in which case they would be second instead, but today this practice is frowned upon...”
So this source is from 2001 while the previous is from the '70s. So perhaps Empire is the colloquial term, or there was a reactionary shift from Federation to Empire? It would also appear that the Soviet changes into a Confederation.
It would also appear that the Soviet changes into a Confederation.

Recently, I have been under the impression that the Imperial Soviet will usurp all power in the Empire and after the Soviet regimes's fall, Russia will become the Confederation.
I think that Russia's history is starting to come together. The Imperial Soviet (What is that? A super important government committee?) coups the czar and makes him a puppet after Moscow and St. Petersburg are nuked by the Societists in the Sunrise War. It rules from Novgorod and governs Russia as an oligarchy until it is finally overthrown sometime in the 90s in a popular revolution.
This is a truly magnificent TL that I have now (finally) finished reading through.

I have a lot of things I think but ill settle on two points.
  • I am somewhat irrationally furious that Russia did so well on almost all fronts in the pandoric war. Though not really out of partisan ship for that bizarre Wettin-led abortion of a german empire. But its yet another mark of quality of the TL im so angry.
  • Even before the Biblioteka Mundial got their hands on them, Sanchez's writings seem so divorced from reality and full of unfounded assumptions, more so than Anything else I can think of with the same rigor. Not that that stops it from becoming an influential ideology. I'm sure we can all think of our own examples from OTL. But in many ways, diversitarianism scares me a lot more than original recipe societism.
Excelent story and TL. Looking forward to more.