Libertà, Uguaglianza, Fratellanza:Italian Revolution TL

Rome,17 April 1788

The atmosphere that had taken over Italy this morning was one of sorrow and hostility. Both sides had hastily erected barricades in the streets that were littered with bodies. Even though cries could be heard from all parts of the city, еverything was rather quiet, except for the area around the Apostolic Palace, where the sound of gunshots still embellished the air.

Gian Rinaldo Carli was slowly walking past a fierce row of Roman soldiers,lost in his thoughts,reflecting on the last few months-the foundation of the Roman Movement,the start of the Uprising and his involvement with both events.Carli was an old man,with no military training,but people look up to him,as he is the only one who could unite the people to resist the oppressive rule of the Pope.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a familiar voice.Melchiorre Gioja,a young and enthusiastic man,had approached him.

"Do you think our revolution will be successful?"-Melchiorre asked with a shivering tone.
"With our firm conviction ,we will defeat these religious fanatics."-Assuredly replied Gian.
"Let's hope that you are right."

Pope Pius is quietly standing in his room,overlooking the scarce few remaining Papal Guards that were giving their lives to save his.

Romualdo Braschi-Onesti,the cardinal-nephew, burst into his room with a worried face.
"You have to leave,Your Excellency,those godless rebels will stop at nothing to see you dead!"
"No,my place is here,with my people''-categorically yelled the Pope.
"They have forsaken you''
"But I have not forsaken them''
"Then I am sorry''
The cardinal hurriedly left the room and the Pope calmly returned to his previous position.

A few hours later,the streets had gone suspiciously quiet.The Pope once again looked at the window to see what was happening,when a young man rudely entered the room.
"Count Giovanni Angelo Braschi,by the orders of the Roman Consul,you are under arrest!''
The calm smile vanished from the Pope's face.
"Count!''-He angrily thought to himself-"I am the Pope,boy!''
Milan,3 November 1786
Gian was calmly sitting in his pompous cabinet,checking his paperwork,his eyelids were growing heavier and heavier from all the work he had done in the evening.Just as he was preparing to leave,someone knocked on the heavy wooden door.
"Come in!"
The housekeeper entered the room,followed by a man who observed the cabinet with pure curiosity.
"Hello,I am Francesco Melzi d'Eril.I believe we have a lot of things to discuss.
"Very well.Will you leave us alone?"-Gian turned to his housekeeper.
She obediently abandoned them without saying a word.
"Now,what's on your mind?"-Carli inquired with an irritated voice.

The man stood silently for a few seconds before he started speaking,trying to pick the right words in order to convince Gian to help with his endeavour.When he began his speech,his voice was loud and confident.
"So,as you know,the pope has ordered the death of a cardinal..."
"For corruption."-Gian added.
"That's how he justifies his tyrannical actions,but we can use this to our advantage!"
"Our advantage?Why are you so interested in the Pope anyway?"
Francesco stopped,and after a deep sigh,he looked Gian straight in the eyes."
"Look,the Papal State is in decline and the nations of the world no longer see him as a strong religious leader."
"So what do you propose?"
"Aren't you tired of the other European nations viewing us as the backwater of Europe?They are colonizing the world,while our nation consists of a bunch of bickering nobles!Our homeland will be united!"
Francesco was starting to lose his temper so Gian had to calm him down.
"Of course I agree with you,but such bellicosity won't get us anywhere.Why did you even come to me ,I am afraid I can not help you."
You are an influential man,Gian.A national movement can easily be initiated,the people just need a leader!
Gian smirked at the thought of leading a national movement.
"It is getting rather late now,let us talk about this tommorow."

"The "Appeal to the Italian People"("Appello al popolo italiano"),written by the two most renowned Italian patriots,Gian Rinaldo Carli and Francesco Melzi d'Eril,was what truly began the Revolutionary in all of Europe caused an immediate outcry among all Italian nobles,who desired to keep their power in the divided political scene of 18th century Italy.The document was banned almost everyhwere in Italy,which in turn made it far more popular with the people.The Pope established the Papal Guard to combat dissent,which itself was a sign of the growing sentiments for Italian Unification,while in Venice the document was accepted at first,but after the Doge was pressured by the nobles to act against it,a lot of intellectuals were forced to seek refuge abroad.The declaration found a lot of support from foreign intellectual circles for it's egalitarian ideas.A common misconception exists about the appeal that it was anti-religious in nature,when in fact it was only aimed at the Pope.The unrest in Italy culminated in the occupation of the Trevi Fountain by a mob,led by Melchiorre Gioja,who later formed the Roman national army and began the Revolution."-History of the Revolutionary Age.