Let Them Talk: A TLIAW

To answer the band related questions, the "Rain" the late Tony Blair professed to be a huge fan of were called "The Rain" until Liam's brother Noel joined. In otl, they became Oasis, but this tl, they merely lost the article.

Think of it as akin to Brown being a supposed Arctic Monkeys fan, or whatever the focus groups have told Cameron are a good band at various points. By contrast, Laurie likes what he likes, and is unapologetic. I'm not a huge fan of jazz myself, but I'd prefer somebody to stick to their guns than pretend to be a fan of whichever group is de rigeur that particular week.
I'm returning to kill this off.

The muse has well and truly left me on this little project, so I'm going to finish it off with a list. If I could be bothered to work out how to use the wikipedia editor, I'd do you a wikibox, but I'm lazy, so a list will have to do.

1997-2003: Tony Blair (lab)
1997 def. John Major (con)
2001 def. Michael Portillo (con)
2003-2005: Gordon Brown (lab)
2005 def. William Hague (con)
2005-2012: Jim Laurie (lab)
2009 def. William Hague (con)

Blair crushes the Tories in 1997, but there is no Portillo moment, so he takes over at the head of the Conservative party. Four years later, he fails to make any progress, but then hangs on for another six months, with an increasingly fractious party stabbing at his back. At this point, there might be an ill fated old guarder for a short stetch, much like Howard, but they don't fight the next general election. As detailed in the thread, Brown takes over after Blair's untimely death, wins an election in the May, then walks away in the October, later going on to run the IMF. The beaten LotO, Hague, was considered a two election project, but comes up short against Laurie in 2009, leaving the stage open for David Davis.

And then there's the Olympic Games:

1984: Los Angeles - as OTL, but Jim Laurie wins gold alongside Steve Redgrave
1988: Seoul - as above. Laurie retires immediately afterwards, and doesn't go back like his partner.
1992: Barcelona - to be honest, I want to keep the song
1996: Beijing
2000: Chicago
2008: Sydney
2012: London

Athens misses out. Let's hope they get the 200th Olympiad.

That's it for this one. I'm sorry it took so long, and then petered out into nothing.

It was fun to attempt writing something a bit longer than a vignette, and I at least tried a few different writing styles, what with the diary entries and the newspaper articles. It has shown me that if I want to do a longer form TL, the best thing is to stick to a rigid update schedule. Hopefully, there'll be something along those lines before the summer. Hopefully.

Thanks again to all those who stayed with me!
Oh, and if anybody has any questions about anything - either because I mentioned it, or failed to do so - then please ask.

Bonus point for anybody who works out why the name Annie was the one that popped into my head when I needed to make up a wife for Mr Laurie in this tale...
Sad that you lost the muse, but it was fun while it lasted and glad that Gordon Brown's reputation is better than OTL.
It was wrapping up towards a conclusion, and then I left it far too long to do one which fit with the mindset I has at the time.

Glad you enjoyed it while it lasted! :)
Oh, and if anybody has any questions about anything - either because I mentioned it, or failed to do so - then please ask.

Bonus point for anybody who works out why the name Annie was the one that popped into my head when I needed to make up a wife for Mr Laurie in this tale...
Yes Minister?
Got it in one!

Well spotted, that man. In hindsight, I don't think I realised where I'd robbed it from originally. It just felt right. Then a later update, I typed the words "Jim and Annie", and the penny dropped.

That happens to me all the time - in one of my unfinished stories there's a character named for a game developer who worked on Fallout: New Vegas and one named for a side character from The Guild.