Keynes' Cruisers

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I think this is plausible on a few levels.

1) better logistics due to no aggressive Afrika Korps

2) earlier defeats and/or gambles that did not quite work (Norway, Eban Emal) where Hitler could not point out that extreme audacity worked over the advice of his generals. The professionals can redirect his rages and his no retreat orders better.

While the end result will likely still be the same, this could make the German defeat, especially on the Russian Front, much more costly ITTL. If Hitler, either voluntarily or otherwise is being somewhat more rational, to me it's not impossible that one or two lower level officers that might have bought into the bad ideas in OTL might not here, or in a couple of odd cases may no longer be in command. Likewise it's also not impossible that a few of the better officers might be somewhat higher in position ITTL.

That isn't going to defeat the Soviets or save Germany, but it could make things somewhat more protracted and bloodier.

Likewise, if the Soviets are still having some difficulties and defeats, Stalin or the NKVD might decide to be somewhat harsher on various military commanders.
Why do you keep doing this? I genuinely don't understand the point of it.

Because while it may be a repeat, fact of the matter is that and several others have raised numerous valid points. Not saying I agree or disagree, but just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't valid or real.
Because while it may be a repeat, fact of the matter is that and several others have raised numerous valid points. Not saying I agree or disagree, but just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't valid or real.
@MageOhki has been posting like that from the start, and I don't understand what it is they meant by the "period, dot."
Because while it may be a repeat, fact of the matter is that and several others have raised numerous valid points. Not saying I agree or disagree, but just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't valid or real.
There are issues with Bathhouse, and in TTL version of AH.Com as well as far more serious scholarship, there will be long debates about Bathhouse.

My fundamental precept is that Germany First is still official American policy, and running Bathhouse allows the USN to say "We did Germany first, and now 90% of our major units are heading to the Pacific along with significant RN reinforcements that can now head east...."

I completely undertand where Mage Ohki is coming from, I disagree with him and I may have failed as an author to show my entire line of thought, but I don't think I am snorting mothballs and eating lead paint chips on this. I think it is an honest disagreement with validity on both sides.
No idea about the period dot part. His multiple points however are backed up consistently, and he is not wrong either.
I don't care if you think he is right or not. I don't care if he thinks he is right or not. I'm just slightly confused by his posting style, and wanted clarification from him. So can you just leave it here? Either he'll reply to me, or not, and I don't want to derail the thread further.
There are issues with Bathhouse, and in TTL version of AH.Com as well as far more serious scholarship, there will be long debates about Bathhouse.

My fundamental precept is that Germany First is still official American policy, and running Bathhouse allows the USN to say "We did Germany first, and now 90% of our major units are heading to the Pacific along with significant RN reinforcements that can now head east...."

I completely undertand where Mage Ohki is coming from, I disagree with him and I may have failed as an author to show my entire line of thought, but I don't think I am snorting mothballs and eating lead paint chips on this. I think it is an honest disagreement with validity on both sides.

Fair enough.

Stuff like the Free French doing better then OTL to various extents is a common theme. The Britush/Commonwealth doing better then OTL, as we've seen here, is also a common AH theme.

With the exception of this one operation, I find no real overall fault in this timeline otherwise.

To be honest, I guess the best way I could describe it would be that I'm getting vibes similar to Operation Blazer from Calbear's Pacific War Redux as a comparison.

I think a lot of the problem is that compared to so many other events, we do have a degree of OTL information and events to study and base opinions, feedback, or suggestions on.

Here, nothing. No information on the defenses of Brest, no ORBAT, nothing. At this stage of the war it's not even known how well or poorly the US and Royal Navy can or can not coordinate with each other for example. That and from the reading, it's assuming or hoping that the Allies essentially have everything go 100% perfect. Sink or cripple both targets, suffer no or minimal casualties, escape unharmed. Compared to Pearl Harbor or Taranto, which ITTL and OTL had plans many, many months in advance, the more spur of the moment nature of the plan doesn't help.

You've also indicated in a recent post that due to a number of earlier setbacks, the Germans ITTL are being somewhat more rational. That in my eye suggests that after witnessing Taranto and Pearl Harbor, and knowing where three of their major warships are, it would not be unrealistic for them to consider the idea of an attack on Brest.
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