Jose de San Martin, King of La Plata.

The title says it all.

I know it is borderline ASB at best, but I want to know how any of you think this could be possible (if it is possible)? I was thinking that San Martin would be much a much better general than IRL (btw he was quite good IRL) and crush Royalist army after royalist army and eventually get proclaimed as such by the soldiers themselves, like the roman emperors of old. Maybe also having Peru behind him and managing something with Chile (either an alliance or for everyone to join into the same government, but the former seems like the most realistic) Buenos Aires is brought to heel and the Souther cone becomes veeery different place.

What do you guys think, is it feasible? How do you think things would change from there? (and yes, this is really unrealistic but I think not enough for ASB).